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Everything posted by DefaultName

  1. Nah, just carry a diesel generator in the boot to charge it up when needed. ????
  2. Good, Post-Covid, I quite fancy a sea trip down and a bike trip home.
  3. Thought about it, but there's a certain likeable personality that all good bar owners have. I don't.
  4. People see closed bars, say "oh, it's just bar workers", but it isn't. A bar worker gets (say) ฿100 for a couple of lady drinks. Buys food at a cart. The vendor buys it at a market. A truck brings it to the market from a wholesaler. The wholesaler buys it from a farmer. The farmer buys seed, fertiliser, equipment, etc. Similar for clothing, shoes, makeup, her transport, etc. And that's without any money being sent home to feed family. That ฿100 goes round and is spent many times. I doubt if much of it hits the official figures though.
  5. In the UK, you can rent on a 5-year Thai licence, it's considered a valid full licence. I've done it. You cannot rent on a 2-year Thai licence, it's considered as a provisional licence only.
  6. I used to like the occasional soapie, but before they all closed, every time I went in, they were packed with Indians, so I just left.
  7. He'll have a good last few years, she'll live well and have a nest egg when he goes. Win, win.
  8. Well, I must have insulted half the population by now. Almost never have coins in my pockets when I empty them at night.
  9. ^^^ This ^^^ I'm only on a lowly Non-O with retirement extension, but any time anything happens in my passport, I check it immediately, before I leave Immigration, and set calendar reminders. This stuff is too important not to.
  10. I'm Scots and proud of it. I'm British and proud of it. But. I never expect to see either again. Here I stand and here I will remain. Yes, it can be frustrating, even downright annoying at times. But it's beautiful and the people are mostly kind. It'll do for me.
  11. Historically, one thing that always stimulates an economy is a war. Let's hope he doesn't decide on that.
  12. "near impossible to sell" Drop the price enough and anything sells.
  13. Hua Hin sounds good for this. or Phuket, or........................ anywhere but Pattaya please, we have enough troubles without this!
  14. Were it me, this would have accidentally fallen over, the tank too after it sprung an accidental leak.
  15. I'm in Pattaya, no borders for a long way, we get the "haze". They can't blame other countries for here.
  16. Sitting in a bar on Hellfire Corner in Pattaya with a camera, that's your beer paid for right there.
  17. I find it amazing that they can look at a virus and make a vaccine like making a key for a lock.
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