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Everything posted by DefaultName

  1. I was the usual "kid in a candy shop" tourist, went through a lot of the local "entertainment". Got seriously wasted one night and a girl took care of me & saw that I got into a tax home. Went back the next night to say thanks, and she's still taking care of me 13 years on.
  2. Remember those surveys we used to get on the plane about the reason for our trip? We all ticked the temples and beaches. Looks like they believed us. ????
  3. By head of population, much better than Phuket (4 times more people). No excuse not to open the bars now.
  4. I'm an owner/occupier. As it stands, I can't sell and use that money to buy a different condo as I could elsewhere. Instead, I have to sell, store the contents somewhere, move the money out of the country, and back in. Then buy. It's silly. Perhaps it doesn't matter to those who have the available funds to buy before selling, but I don't. My money, what there is of it, is in places where it would cost me if I took it out. In one case, I couldn't put it back (UK ISA).
  5. No, it doesn't, I got caught out after my first retirement extension. Logically it would, but not here. No issue for me, I'm 10 minutes from immigration, but some are hours of travel away, it must be a right pain for them.
  6. Remember that any Thais on the plane do not need a negative test to fly - unless the airline itself demands it.
  7. These tests are rapid, not instant. Where are they going to stack people while they wait for the results?
  8. I've just read one thread about local foreigners being arrested for crossing the border for work. Then this one where they're wanted. I'm confused. ????
  9. I put a 2.5m filter sheet over the mesh in my bedroom Aircon. Makes a big difference, gets dirty fast, but better that than my lungs.
  10. Trouble is, this is an Islamist area. I would want armed support to go there too, they routinely kill people.
  11. That's an American; no one else is rude enough to wear hats indoors. He's a bit thin too, otherwise, that's me. Except for the T-Shirt, there should be a too-fat-to-wear-a-T-Shirt limit, and I'm well over that.
  12. I have to admit that I thought that sexy and sex was part of the job for a hostess. Just as well I've never gone to one of these parties then, though I don't think that I've ever been drunk enough to not notice a NO, in any language.
  13. Yes, more people will get Covid. But how many is the poverty caused by the closure causing? We foreigners will be ready for "normal" on day one after opening, but how long will it take the affected Thais to recover the lives they had before all this? IMO, some never will, the rest of their lives will be lived at a lower standard because of this.
  14. You are morally in the right and should be able to stay at least until the money you have paid runs out. Morally. In practice, you're boned, if the owner wants you out, you're out. The BIB will take his side, or at least won't take yours. I'd advise to be proactive and contact him, show the receipts and explain that you want to stay and need to know who you should be paying in future. I had similar last year, agent getting paid in advance but not passing it on. In my case the owner was local and the agent hadn't yet done a runner, they both came to my condo and explained the situation. I gently explained that I had paid for 2 years, had a written contract, still had 7 months to go, and that I considered that a deal and didn't want to pay it again. The owner was surprisingly OK, but said that, after then, I'd be paying her directly. That I'd been keeping it nice and had even made a couple of improvements out of my own pocket may have helped. Worked for me anyway! As it happened, this galvanised me to look around and buy. I moved out with 4 month's rent still paid, just wrote that off. Soon after, the agent finally did the expected runner. Turns out he'd been doing it for years; taking rent up front from those who would pay that way, putting it in his pocket, and paying the owners out of current rents. When Covid hit, tourists & expats stopped coming, and condos were empty. The money flow stopped and the whole house of cards fell down. In his defence, he sold absolutely everything, even gave his house back to the bank, to try and straighten this, but Covid just kept customers away and that was that.
  15. This will cause a Covid spike and cost lives. But. How many lives is the poverty costing? How many people dying early because they can't live indoors or eat right? How many livelihoods, hopes, and dreams have been destroyed? Keep vaccinating as fast as possible, but it's time to open and get things running again.
  16. I got my last shot in September, so I'll be looking for a booster in March. Hopefully there will be enough around by then that getting it won't be a problem.
  17. She might be a good choice, let's look at her record in politics. Searching, searching............ none. ????
  18. Perhaps someone who lived upriver and wanted to reduce levels there to save his house?
  19. Another thing that I would have gone to. Where are we supposed to find out about this sort of event before it happens?
  20. It shouldn't be on it in the first place. I'm British and know several people who are champing at the bit to get over here, but until the figures are much lower, I don't want them here. Governments keep saying that they're following medical advice, but they don't. Even when the real experts tell them exactly what needs to be done, they trot out some unknown who gives them the advice they wanted to.
  21. There are only 3 real, permanent, solutions for the Capital; Move it to a different city (or build a new one on higher ground). Lift the whole thing up a couple of meters (possibly just the important bits, let the rest sink). Venice; embrace the water, make a feature of it. Recent years flooding around the world has shown us that no man-made flood defences are perfect.
  22. This is why I do everything in cash if at all possible. I was "done" on 2 occasions in the UK, got my money back, not sure that would happen here. Both times were on an American Express card - which wasn't my main card, I doubt if I ever used it more than 20 times in total. I no longer have an American Express card, once could happen to any card, twice is a leaky company, bye.
  23. I use a bike, not a car, but it's the same thing. My understanding is that the dealer could get the plates as soon as you pay, but they don't want to go to the DLT until they have a few to do. Also, they don't want to pay over what they consider "their" money - you handed it to them, so it's theirs, even though that part of the payment was for your registration. ????
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