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Everything posted by DefaultName

  1. That wasn't the case in Jomtien in 2017. I got one to register a bike while still on a tourist visa, only 3 days after arriving in the country. The lack of consistency across these offices is staggering.
  2. I'm fortunate in that all my wife's close family are working and in reasonable jobs. But. Earn it, spend it. If When anything unexpected happens, there are no savings. So, the "Bank of Farrang" comes into play for loans. Thus far, all have been repaid on time - when one isn't, then I've learnt a cheap lesson. ALWAYS consider the family when marrying a Thai; if they look like the sort of people you wouldn't associate with, they probably are. If they are decent working people, like you're used to - just browner and speak a different tongue, they're probable decent people. The family is where your new wife learned her core values. Me, very happy, but this whole subservient Thai women nonsense does not apply in my home. If I put my foot down, then things happen as I want. Otherwise, she's the boss at home. It works for us anyway. But, I have to control money, "earn it, spend it" is ingrained in her and we could be poor if I allowed her full access to bank accounts.
  3. Treat and release. These dogs will still be a problem for the rest of their lives and, by example, will train the next generations of pack members to be a problem too. I love dogs, most of my life I've had dogs, but a radical cull is the only real solution for the safety of humans - especially little humans.
  4. Well, if I ever get to the stage of being unable to go a single day without a beer, things have gotten bad. Respecting a Buddhist tradition in a Buddhist country costs nothing and shows respect.
  5. I would consider an electric bike for around Pattaya. But. Condo dweller. Nowhere to charge. They need to sort out charging stations first.
  6. Buy to live in, yes. Buy to invest? Only if you can afford to walk away. Invest at home, not here, where most of the common practices and rules are against you.
  7. Well, I comply with the rules when I'm visible; walking, bike, taxi, etc. If I step into a bar restaurant though, my mask comes off. Does that make me the problem, or the solution?
  8. Thailand has many beautiful festivals. Then there's Songkran. ????
  9. Thailand still has the death penalty on the books, so I don't think Canada would extradite.
  10. I'm always amazed at the lack of knowledge, even among bargirls, about sex. They don't seem to talk between themselves about it. About how to handle a farrang and maximise their earnings yes, but the mechanics of what happens are, beyond the basics, poorly understood.
  11. When you're going the wrong way, is there a way to do a legal U-turn?
  12. So, they want bubbles with China (who are oppressing their Muslims) and Malaysia (which is mainly Muslim)? Let them all come, I'll get my camera. ????
  13. Bikes won't stay in them, leading to car drivers getting even more annoyed with the bikes. Crunch.
  14. Please will someone warn them never to give up their passports.
  15. https://carbuzz.com/news/new-bmw-boat-looks-sleeker-than-some-of-its-cars#:~:text=Designworks has now joined forces,be ordered in North America.
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