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Everything posted by DefaultName

  1. The OP was about insurance, I was pointing out that it doesn't work that way here.
  2. "The Mayor did not, TPN notes, give a specific timeframe or window for when residents could expect the work to continue, citing the difficult bidding process." Sorry, what bidding process, contracts were signed for this work. Just hold the contractors to them.
  3. Most, it not all, bike rentals bear their own risks. They try to recover money from the renter if there's damage. If that doesn't work for you, don't rent. Sorry, but that's how it is,
  4. Prices drop, minor really, compared to the impact the horde will have. Those coming on planes were bad enough, the numbers on trains will dwarf that. Once their masters allow them to travel of course.
  5. Yes, so you slow down where there might be sand. Well, you and I do, slowing down isn't very Thai though.
  6. Well, appealing to the stomachs is always an option here. Even those who don't care about politics like to eat.
  7. It is unfortunately normal here not to do maintenance until something triggers a need - in this case the Tongan volcano. Just as well it wasn't closer.
  8. They can call it Jeremy if they like, but the definitions of Pandemic and Epidemic are international. They can't just say "this is xxx" and make that stick.
  9. I am a foreigner here. But. I had become a foreigner in the UK. I'd rather be a foreigner in this country than in my own.
  10. Fallangs too; I've only been to a local restaurant once this year (after Covid hospital) and the stories are silly. Many seem to have been sick, or failed a test, but very few did any form of isolation - and they don't seem bothered at all about that.
  11. Well, he's learned the language and talks to us (and presumably Thai's) in plain words. We've had worse.
  12. He would do himself more good if he just admitted it and took his punishment.
  13. Halal and Kosher were very sensible principles for desert dwellers without any real way of keeping food safe. Today, they are unnecessary and cruel to animals.
  14. I use K-Bank too, but I like to see the amount before paying. Once a month, I just click the PEA link, then click to pay. So far, no issues.
  15. Unfortunately, they can call it anything they want, but the definitions of pandemic and endemic aren't subject to local interpretation. They are quite clear and internationally known. Hopefully, it won't matter anyway, I'm still hoping that Omicron is The End.
  16. Yup, avoid like the (other) plague. To many bad possibilities. If in doubt, do a test yourself and isolate at home if need be.
  17. I would have thought that an actual working garage would be more concerned over the premises and especially tools. No place, no tools, no income.
  18. I doubt if the pigs are too happy either. Bad planning for them being so delicious. ????
  19. Get him to hospital, when it gets that bad, he needs care. If it settles on the lungs, that's when it gets dangerous - I got out a week back and I'm just finishing my steroids today. They definitely helped - though I can still feel it when I breathe deeply - the air pollution isn't helping with that either!
  20. I was in hospital, they cleared me and gave me papers, didn't ask the test, but it was blood, not nose.
  21. Unless you've HAD Covid, then the dead remnants in your system can still show positive on the test. But you're safe to be around. it's dead.
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