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Everything posted by craighj

  1. I agree with some of the other comments, there are plenty of non Heinz bake beans that are equally as good for a much more reasonable price. However, you can get Heinz for 129 Baht, 159 Baht and or 179 Baht.
  2. Poor baby, if you can't do the time don't do the crime! What is it with these knobheads, they get caught and then whinge about the conditions in a Thai jail! Did they think they were going to the Hilton? I have no sympathy at all.
  3. TIT 13 of the 56 implemented and for Thai's rather than non Thai's. It is unfortunate that we don't have people in this organisations that can think in anyway other than politically. Get them implemented quickly, trial with the non Thai's who are more compliated (take more time manually to process) to process and are generally tourists and maintain them correctly so they keep working!!! Also, 20 seconds to process??? If it takes longer than 5 or 6 secounds then you need to tighten the rubber bands!
  4. TIT While I love this country legally and politically it is a mess and until the old guard are gone nothing’s going to change it!
  5. What goes through these Knobheads brains or do they even have a functioning brain? Do this in your own country, why come to Thailand and do it?
  6. What goes through these Knobheads brains or do they even have a functioning brian? Do this in your own country, why come to Thailand and do it?
  7. The kettle calling the pot black! This will be amusing to watch, note I did not say interesting as TIT 😄
  8. Who really cares? She was a drug trafficker. She should count herself lucky she was not executed. Now she wants to profit from a book, silly B$#@h.
  9. Two glasses of Lao Khao would have been enough to send the old fella over the edge. Life imprisonment means a couple of years by the look of him 🙂
  10. Anything bad automatically it is a foreigner who did it even though they were not identified! Though this is typical Chinese type behaviour, Thai love the Chinese 🤣🤣🤣
  11. Maybe it's just me and my doubting nature but I smell a rat or at least something "fishy" with this story. Hmmm just does not sit well.
  12. A real nice geniune guy, he will be greatly missed! RIP Craighj
  13. Silly women, she hit him twice and gave him a mouthfull. What did expect in return, flowers? TIT
  14. TIT 😀😀😀 Screaming for more tourists and doubling the amount tourists in the next 10 years, now limiting tourists TIT 😀😀😀
  15. Big brave Thai men, they always prefer to fight with mates rather than one on one! I hope the Thai media and public complain as hard about them as they do about Farang's misbehaving!!!
  16. I smell a rat, likely the farang was drunk however 2 girls going to a Wat at 0316 and our man the motorcycle taxi doing a u turn when hit. Hmmm
  17. As a general rule you are not expected to pay Sin Sot to marry a woman who has been married before, has kids and or grand kids. You might pay for a gold chain or two, total 2 or 3 baht. But rarely should you pay Sin Sot, unless you really want look after the family or feel extremely generous. By the way Sin Sot does not go to your wife it goes to the family and in many cases it is either partially or fully returned. Anyway good luck with that 😉 Craighj
  18. Absolutely, make sure this applies to all those pesky foreigners, Russians, Chinese etc 😀
  19. Aussie, really? Looks more Swiss to me and his name also. Anyway, quality guy. Though no doubt the lady's driving had something to do with his behaviour. Thai's are most probably the worse drivers I've every come across. Worse than Chinese were 20 years ago 🙃
  20. Hmmm, looks like a good solid British lad. Earning minimum wage in England and can come to Thailand and live, in a high end apartment sipping wine or bubbly. Wow the Pound goes a long way in Thailand I'm surprised more 22 year old lads don't decide to pack up their bags and live over here 😜
  21. Oh dear our man Khun Anutin is on the case now, we should get hmmm......................................zero actual action, zero actual change but loads of promises etc. This guys is dreadful!!!
  22. This Chump is a Chump, he has almost never made any sense in anything he has ever said and talks generally from a major hole in the top of his head, Thai politicans are so so at best. This guy is not good enough to be so so 🙃
  23. Stupid, stupid, stupid statement! Field, sugar cane and rice field burning happening everywhere across the coutry and this ships anchor talks about not burn incense 🤪
  24. Maybe they could enforce the do not burn off your fields law, strange how this pollutions happens every year at the same time just after wet season and just after rice and sugar cane harvesting??? Drive through the back areas of Wang Noi and you will see why Bangkok can't breath!!! Craigh
  25. Yes they should be scared of the Chinese, BYD is on a massive push across SSEA! However with the Japanese major expansion into EVs here what does it mean for the workforce. With EV porduction comes more automation, potentially leass workforce? Craighj
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