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Everything posted by craighj

  1. <deleted>, a male Indian tourist with a 200,000 Baht gold necklace, never ever happen! Female India with a load of gold yep I believe, male never!!! Craighj
  2. Not sure this even worth reading, 7-11 is not going anywhere nor is the CP group. Family Mart tried and failed as have others. Craighj
  3. Hmmm and I saw a poster that said no corruption in Thailand, i guess you should not believe all that you read Craighj
  4. I smell a big doss of BS, A$9,500 in a wallet??? Must have been a big wallet!!! Anyway who in their right mind would carry that much cash and then leave it in a backpack in an over head locker, nice little insurnace scam no doubt Craighj
  5. Other than the Wheelies and the lack of number plate, how is this twerp different from the rest of Thai motorcycle riders.................ah, he didn't ride on the footpaths! Craighj
  6. <deleted>, Premchai cheated the system and should have been locked up for 15 years. Thaksin just has more money! if a poor rice farmer or warehouse got caught doing anything like those two did they would never see the outside again! craighj
  7. Likely his passport and all other idetification expired along with his visa, working as a street vendor and not caught before this. Hmmm highly unlikely, must not have paid his weekly contributions to the police association. Craighj
  8. ???????????????????? This guy is a joke, always has been and he is not getting any better. Clowns like this running and ruining Thailand. I know, I know TIT! Craighj
  9. Much appreciated to all of you and thanks for those forms, awesome. Thank you!!!
  10. Hi there I'm sure this question has been asked a thousand times before and I have searched it without any luck. So it would appreciated if I could get help with the answer please. My sister is visting late November and wants to stay around 6 weeks. She is Australian and gets the first 30 days visa free. What will she need to do to stay another 2 weeks? Will a simple visit to immigration and a bunch of forms be enough? Thanks Craighj
  11. RIP It's all been said before a hundred times I know. Why is it people come here jump on a motor bike when generally they do not ride them at home? Or ride without helmets??? I see it all the time and indeed I see Farangs acting and riding worse than many Thai's, is it something in the water here? Thailand is one of the most dangerous places in the world when it comes to the roads!
  12. I know TIT, still these guys are unbelievable. Do they really think that people believe them, surely not?
  13. Why is pretty much all of these type of stories are the same, dream one in the life time holiday, accident or motor bike accident, travel insurance won't pay for "some reason"? Please can everyone help as he is the best person anyone has every met! Are they copying each others scripts? Craighj
  14. The amount is not relevant, the fact that this guy is a total idiot is. Make him pay whatever the amount is plus a good additional amount for being an ignorant <deleted>, lock him up for 6 months, deport him and ban him for 5 years. What a total tosser! Craighj
  15. What is the bet that she is more involved than just a innocent bystander? Craighj
  16. I've been in Thailand for a fair while now, this must be one of the worst low points I've seen for the Police force. Yes they are a joke and yes they have been "reformed" many many times and yet this happens. Just give up, get rid of them all and bring in the army to do the job! Craighj
  17. Bye bye Mr Pumpkin ????
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