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Posts posted by peecee

  1. Thailand has never got over the political turmoil of the 1930's when the country moved from an absolute monarchy to one ruled by a constitution. The King (Prajadhipok), 70th son of Rama V; was overthrown by facist's wilst abroad and never came back, choosing to settle in England. He was suceeded by his nephew who as a teenager stayed in europe (Switzerland) during WW2.

    The new King (Ananda) was said to want to impliment suffrage for all the country and hoped to introduce a constitution that would move the country away from the dark year's of the war; when Thailand had aligned with the Axis, declaring war on Britain & the USA.

    He was assassinated seven month's after arriving back in Thailand and the crown was passed on to his brother, the present King. Three of the King's household who may have been able to shed light on who had access to the King were arrested, tried, found not guilty; then retried by a higher court and executed.

    The country has drifted between military government & coup's ever since.

    My point?

    Well Thailand, or Prathet Thai mean's "Land of the Free", so when are the Thai's going to be free? Taksin failed, but he did try to give the plebe'ans some hope & they still love him for that!

  2. Political reform in Thailand is a dream at this point in time, it's like turkeys voting for christmas. Until the rule of law is applied equally across all of society it isn't going to happen and unrest will escalate. The military has to be neutral and the judiciary above politics, then have a transparant election. After this let the government govern, if they mess up then vote them out.

    Is it that simple?

  3. Taxin may not be a saint but the fact that he still has very strong support in the villages is down to his social policies that gave the poor hope, something that is now in very short supply since the yellow shirt coup. The country has to accept one person one vote and stop appointing unelected oligarchs!

  4. National reconciliation is a long way off wilst Thailand lives in the shadow of the military. A government should be able to govern and the ballot box is their watchdog. The fact is that the current constitution was written to make the new government appear legitimate by a mutinous military who seem to always get away with. All they have to do is say they are defending the monarchy and flood the streets with soldiers, something that was sadly missing when the country was recently held to ransom with the illegal occupation of the airports and parliament!

    I think it will get worse before it gets better as the poor are now unwilling to suffer the yoke of surfdom anymore; and the old elite cannot accept loosing their autocracy.

  5. Remember politeness is a two way thing, we were not there and some of the THAI Officials can be pretty touchy. This guy may have got pissed off knowing his passport was real and reacted in a manner that he would have got away with in the UK. Seeing his mate dissapearing into departure and feeling stranded could have distressed him and maybe a few fairwell beers were to blame. One thing I do Know is that if the Official was made to loose face in front of her superior then he would be in the brown stuff!

  6. Tailand has a judiciary that has backed the military with rulings that have outlawed the countries own electorial watchdog's because they didn't like the outcome of the election. They olso outlawed MP's of parties they don't like until the elected goverment couldn't function and now, through a thinly disguised coup; have installed thier man as prime minister! Until there is a radical overhall of the constitution to create a level playing field and the ousting of these politically motivated judges Thailand will continue from crisis to crisis.

  7. As far as I can see the red shirt's support what was a legally elected government overthrown by a movement backed by the judicery, who overturned election result after result until they could install their guy. The new government then places some of the yellow shirt's in power. Some democracy!! Now the government is are screeming foul when the red shirt's reciprecate their very own behaviour.

  8. It's funny to read some of the posts from the T camp. Before, they were crying that their puppet government was democratically elected. Now that the Dems has won Parliament vote BY THE SAME ELECTED MP's, they cry something else. Would it please you more if PTP won? A party that NEVER contended the election. Where is the one person one vote arguments now? You are arguing a lost case. Get over it...or better, move. We don't really need the Farang Thaksin camp in this country.

    Oh, you think we will miss your $? Why is it that foreign companies still pours $ into our country? Does it have to do with the fact that Thailand is one of the high potential country for investment in Asia? Undervalued price of estate, cheap skilled labor, strategically located, cheap alcohol, nice beaches, never a boring day AND you get treated like Tom Cruise here. Feel free to miss the train.

    The low wages in manufacturing will always attract gready companies, the problem is that countries poorer than Thailand are now attracting these same companies and jobs are going fast. Thaksin realised that Thailand is competing in a global market and investment from outside helps the econamy to grow thus helping the low paid. He also realised that lots of money comes from ex-pats and tourism benefiting the Thai economy.

    To think Thailand will prosper or even just survive by herself is wishful in the very least. Those days are long gone.

  9. Even if you wished it to go the other way,

    it would be in everyones best interest to wish

    the New PM, and his government Chok dee krab.

    Yes we can expect a likely violent Red Shirt negative reaction.

    They don't seem to deal with defeat too well.

    And a measured positive response fropm PAD, who will stay cloistered

    and go back to talking mode.

    The wild card is how Dr. T. takes this,

    where will he put his cash and to what end.

    He remains the 800lb gorilla in the corner....

    what IS his quotient of desperation today?

    One way or another

    Thailand abides!

    I have watched the reaction of the yellow shirted PAD supporters to a democratic government over the last few months and note that their reaction to any defeat they have suffered to government decisions were not legal. So as to not being able to take defeat very well, kettle calling the frying pan I think!

  10. I hate to be melodramatic but if the army does not get involved soon there could be a real problem country wide. There are reports filtering through that the red shirts have been to Udon Airport threatening unrest.

    A coup is looking better every day

    In any democracy the army is controlled by the government. Sorry, I should have said in any normal democracy!

    The old guard just want it all their own way and stuff democracy!! This is a centuries old problem when rich landowners find out that in a democratic system they only have one vote!!!

  11. After reading most your comments, I wonder who's fascists and whose not.

    These demands, made by a group of protesters!!!, all point in the same direction: NO MORE CORRUPTION!

    Well, tell me.. what's so fascist about that?

    This country has been, and still is, controled by a goverment-mafia; an organisation that is structurally stealing from its people.

    Thailand is not unique though, as Haliburton comes to mind! But the Thais, the PAD have the balls to close an international airport!

    Corruption is a disease and needs to be fought, no matter what the price! If not, than democracy is just a nine-letter word without meaning!

    Wake up!

    PAD are unelected who want governers and MPs appointed, sounds very sinister to me and any other fair minded person I would think. Their leaders should be arrested for the occupation of the airports (by supporters who were paid) but the rule of law appears to go out the window once you don a yellow shirt! :o

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