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Posts posted by JohnnyThai

  1. I think anything you can do no matter how small you help the farmers makes you a better person . i try what i can anyway. how ever small

    With many of the kids at our village school at below the recommended body weight, I'm running a plan with a Japanese contact to provide food at lunchtime for the whole school. We are also providing books and uniforms.

    We hope to adopt the school in the long term if funds can be raised and this way directly help the children and lessen the burden for their families.

    Yes, edcation gives some hope for the future and good nutrition and morale are important. I hope the idea could take off for other schools too.

    please let me know how this goes, how much you collect, how much is needed, etc.

  2. My girlfriend is Thai and works in the Medical industry. I have met several of her friends, many who are quite beautiful and intelligent. I think that many of them would make very good wives. One of them in particular is a widow, gorgeous, graduated from one of the better Universities in Bangkok, and my girlfriend mentioned that because she already has a child, Thai men are not interested in her. I have few farang friends in mind who I would like to set her up on a date with, but I am not sure if it is a good idea. I have yet to run it by my girlfriend. These guys are very professional, however I know that they all sleep with prostitutes on occasion. Should this be reason enough not to present them as possible partner with this angel of a women? I do not believe that this topic would ever come up, does she have a right to know? Should I introduce them and leave it at that? Thank you for your opinions. This girl really is very intelligent, speaks fluent English and passable French, beautiful and is open to dating a man in his thirties or forties, a perfect catch more or less.

  3. "We are fools, delusional, et al.."

    Even if you old guys are fools and are completely delusional, why does this topic get 700 replies? If I started a thread insisting that the moon was made out of cheese or that Osama Bin Laden is actually a part of the CIA people would never have responded 700 times.

    Why not just leave these poor delusional sods alone? Why is it that you feel such a strong need to clarify that the girl holding their hand doesn't love them. Why is that so important to you? Perhaps it is time to take a long hard look in the mirror.

  4. "If you listed all the reasons people have fabricated to reject the notion that old men with money with young girls are buying affection you would have the wellsprings of all human activity."

    Money and sex are the fundamentals of all male-female interaction. For some weird reason, once people are in love they seem to forget what attracted them to their partner in the first place. A guy falls for a girl and all of a sudden its not her looks that matter, but her mind. Thats great, but guess what, if she weighed 80kgs he never would have dated her in the first place unless that was the best he could do.

    Sorry, but money and sex are important. I would suggest you pick up a book on human nature or evolution or even leave your house once in awhile.

    Notes In case you are actually blind I just want to apologize. Obviously, if you are blind than it is not your fault for being so confused.

  5. If these old men are so pathetic, than shouldn't they be the object of our pity instead of ridicule? Isn't it human nature to ridicule something when you are jealous?

    Why is it so important to clarify that the way you live your life is so much better than the way other's live their life?

    Perhaps, BK hit on a fair point, those who are in stable marriages with someone their own age still have feelings toward young women no matter how much they tell themselves that they do not.

  6. Men are better at mathematics than women. Men were hunters. The hunters who survived did so because of their good hunting skills. Those with bad hunting skills died. Those successful at hunting were adept at map reading and the mental skills associated with mathematics.

    Please note that this does not mean that every man on this planet is better than every women on this planet at math, but in general, because of their evolutionary past, men are better at mathematics than women.

    If it makes you feel better, women are better at lying.

  7. Thai and white people have a different type of skin. Thai people have much smoother and nicer skin. I believe that they look more attractive with lighter skin, unless of course they have bad skin (acne) in which case dark is better as it hides these imperfections.

    Another factor is that people with dark skin in Thailand have Lao origins. Their facial features are also different than the light skinned Thais w/ northern/Chinese origins.

    The funniest thing though is Thai's love of the mixed look. You figure the majority of these kids Thai parent is from Isaan.

  8. look,

    if you do this for someone else, itd be better if you just made a space between each thai word, because it could then be cut and pasted into thai-language.com which would then allow the person to download someone speaking the word.

    right now i have to cut and paste into thai2english, and then again into thai-language.com so that i can download the audio.

  9. people everywhere want to look more attractive. white skin is more attractive than dark skin, just as the thai chinese long smooth jaw lines are more attractive than the huge round isaan faces. even people from isaan will tell you directly that thai chinese are more attractive.

    can you tell me why farang chomb pooying see dam? i was asked yesterday by a young confused girl. I gave her the excuses given in this thread about dark meaning healthy, but she knew it was a lie. farang dont choose pooying see dam, they choose the farang.

  10. i do agree that this comes down to the male ego. every person on this planet wants to view themselves in a different manner than they exist. so an old man is now young and handsome. people ask 'how could he have been so blinded?' the answer is self-delusion. the men use excuses about the culture being different to explain why young women in their new habitat adore them while others back home loathed them.

  11. who bussiness anyway people need to live their own lives . I worry about no one if they are happy with each other [/b]so be it. I could not give a flip about what someone thinks of me and my wife .

    No need for you to read this, then :o .

    Really, the point is largely about whether the younger Thai partners are quite as happy as their spouses.

    I would guess that the Thai girls are happier than the farang in these relationships. They are getting the best of both worlds. These men have lower sex drives, so they require less of her physically, which gives her more time to 'go shopping' and 'visit her parents'. of course, these guys are also probably not entirely inocent. i am sure they go 'visit friends' in patters often themselves. these relationships are based on men trading money for sex. both parties win.

  12. there are several threads on the front page of this board which request the exact same thing. You want me to put forward more effort? Ok, I will take my best guesses...

    "Where is the changing room?"

    changing-hong yuu nai krap

    "Do you have size thirty-two?"

    mee size sam-seep song mai krap?

    "Do you have those in size thirty-two?" "May I look at them?"

    Mee this in size sam-seep song mai krap? khaw hen at them krap

    "Can you please measure my waist?"

    khaw measure waist Pom mai krap?

    How do I ask "If I buy more than one, will you lower the price?"

    ja sue more than neung will khun rot hai noi dai mai krap?

  13. So you might want to stop patting yourself on the back at how envious Thai people are of your wealth and trophy wife.

    Is this reason why farang handle themselves so poorly in Thailand?

    Nice troll Johnny, maybe this time you will get a few bites. :o

    Thai men might have a history of infedility, but they also have a strong history of following a first wife policy. What old men do with young women should be kept behind closed doors, not in the public. Therefore, if it is not acceptable for Thai men to behave in this manner, then why is it acceptable for Farang? The answer is simple, Farang get a free pass in Thailand because we aren't Thai.

  14. I never tried to imply that people aren't responsible for their actions or can blame their actions on nature. Really, the thesis of my post was that

    1. There is no difference between an 18 year old marrying a 60 year old for money then a 30 year old marrying a 40 year old for money

    2. If someone is marrying for money, it'd make the most sense to choose the mate who required the least of them physically and had the most money.

    3. It is impossible (or at least very unlikely) for an eight-teen year old to be sexually/physically attracted to a sixty year old man.

    4. I find it very unlikely that either the male or female in these relationships are faithful.

    The people responding that there are differences in Thai culture which allow for a sixty year old man to walk hand in hand with an eight-teen year old girl are only slightly correct. Thai people save face and will smile in front of you and then talk behind your back. Thai men might take mistresses and cheat on their wives, but I don't recall ever seeing any of them bouncing through a shopping mall with their arm around her waist and mouth on her cheek. So you might want to stop patting yourself on the back at how envious Thai people are of your wealth and trophy wife. Is this reason why Farang handle themselves so poorly in Thailand? Because Thais are so friendly, laid back and always smile at them? If anything, Thais provide much more leeway to Farang under the assumption that we are different from them.

    True or False? If sixty year old Thai men do not walk around shopping malls with their twenty year old wife, then that means that is likely because it is deemed in appropriate in Thai Culture.

  15. "Her biggest consideration would be whether or not the older man will leave her enough money after his death to care for."

    This statement was made in the context of whether she would perfer to marry a thiry year old man for money or a 60 year old man for money. Of course, her ideal husband is both young and rich.

    I am not sure how your other statements diagree with me. I said that Thai women in these relationships seek men their own age for pleasure, just as you have said the same thing.

    "She's with the old guy for money, she's bored but getting paid and she goes off with the young guy, because - shock horror - she actually likes him."

    Of course she actually likes him, just not enough to live with him in his tiny home and small salary. She is having her cake and eating it too.

    "Nothing to do with evolution and everything to do with an old guy telling himself lies."

    What lies? I am not sure what this is in reference to?

  16. I can bet you 50-60 years+ ago that this wasn't the case - in which case the whole theory flies out of the window. I can't really see it flying in Victorian England, isn't it simply just a case of women acting more like men nowadays?

    I dont know what you are saying exactly? I think there is some general misunderstanding. I would recommend the book The Red Queen. It is about our sexual evolution written without scientific jargon. It explains some of the things I have mentioned.

    Do you disagree with the premise that women seek different men to marry then they do for recreational sex?

    to Guesthouse: here are some links about sperm competition




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