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Posts posted by Theyreallrubbish

  1. In the past week I have been contacted (on my Thai mobile phone) by a firm of UK debt collectors who claim that in 2004 I ran up a 6,000 GBP overdraft with Royal Bank of Scotland.

    Since I left the UK in 2002 and have no UK bank account, assets or credit-cards etc, I am at a loss to understand why this company has contacted me. I have advised them of these details and have denied any liability or debt to RBS.

    The company has clearly done some investigative work because they contacted my Thai ex-wife at her Phuket hotel to find out my mobile number and have located the name and address of my Thai employer. (although this information is easily to find if you Google my name etc).

    Now the company has started calling my employer and claims that although the debt cannot be legally transferred to Thailand, they can ask their partner firm in Bangkok to 'chase me for payment'.

    Let me reiterate. I have no knowledge of the reason for this debt and have lived continuously in Thailand since 2002.

    Since I have recently started new employment, (after 5 years of 'hel_l' with my mad ex-wife), I am not at all happy about their actions.

    Is there anything that I can do to stop their persistant contact? Of course I can get a new SIM for my mobile, but they can still hassle me at my employer's office.

    They state that the whole matter can be settled if I offer some repayment, but I'm not about to offer to pay for a debt for which I deny liability.

    I understand that defamation law is very strong in Thailand. But these guys are outside of Thailand...

    Naturally, this is worrying me a great deal, just at the moment when I am moving on from my failed marriage.

    Any suggestions or advice?


    Ask them for documented evidence of the debt and the details of their regulator.

    Sounds like a scam to me to try and get expats to pay for a quiet life and since expats are typically affluent and may not be able to recall all their banking details on several continents. A few tens of pounds in phone calls and if 1 in ten pay up anywhere between 500 and 4000 pounds, and it can be very profitable scam.

  2. OK thanks, I used to get a 1 year non-immigrant B multi entry without a work permit, just sponsorship from my company. Can I only get a single entry on my first application and then have to get a multi after the WP is issued?

    Depending on where you will apply and if you have a work permit you can get a multiple entry straight away. Especialy if you apply in a western country. Without a WP you will have trouble getting a non-B in Asian countries.

    I used to get the triple-entry non-immigrant B from Singapore with no work permit and only a letter from a Thai company stating they wanted to discuss business with me and copies of their accounts.

    I'm gathering its now tightened up?

  3. I was never a fan but appreciate that he had a large following.

    Too bad he'll mostly be remembered for his strangeness and questionable encounters with children.

    I'm amazed at how many people compare an "engraved memory moment" with that of JFK's death. I probably won't be able to tell you in month from now the day he died or what I was doing, but (to age myself) I can still remember many detail very clearly from the day JKF was assassinated.

    I can remember the day Diana died. I was in an apartment in Bangkok, woke up and flicked on the TV and headed through to the kitchen. When I came back the screen was on CNN and it had a picture of Diana with the year of birth and then "-1997"

    I was still a bit befuddled from having just woken up and wondered what that was about as it went to break and then when it came back found out that Diana was dead.

    I remember the day of 911 clearly as well as I was in Los Angeles at the time and a friend called me early to ask me to turn on the TV as he had heard something on his car radio. I turned it on to see smoke coming out of one tower. I was still half-asleep and wandering around the room talking to my friend on the phone when the second plane hit and instantly realised it wasn't an accident.

    I drove across LA that day and the freeways were deserted. Spooky.

    This doesn't compare to either of those days

  4. This is unbelievable news.. very sad day that will go down in history


    RIP dude.. I saw you at Aintree Racecourse, Liverpool in 1988

    I was there too!

    Spent most of the time flirting with a couple of girls from Liverpool though.

    Vividly remember the unconscious girls being carried back over the crowd.

    I wasn't that far from the front, but still couldn't see that much and watched him on the big screen most of the show, can't imagine what it was like for people at the back

  5. Hi sam,

    If legally married to Thai national cuts the 2million in half, does that apply also for the number of Thai employees requirement? Ie, 2 iso 4?

    I am not clear on this.

    I am thinking of a consultant/advisor type company.

    Sorry for thread hi-jack OP, but this could be relevant to you, too.

    No problem, but its not relevant as I'm not married.

    Always worked for a big company before in Thailand or when I set up a company before I was a small minority with Thai partners who put up all the money and took care of all the admin and govt stuff.

    So setting it up on my own is new to me.

    With a new company you will not be able to get an extension of stay from immigration, as for that you will need to show tax papers over the last 2 years. So for the first 2 years you will be on a multiple non-B and have to leave the country every 90 days.

    OK thanks, I used to get a 1 year non-immigrant B multi entry without a work permit, just sponsorship from my company. Can I only get a single entry on my first application and then have to get a multi after the WP is issued?

  6. Mine died last week and they brought a new one which isn't nearly as good!

    There's no English language menu option for the on screen menus and I can't rearrange the channels and there isn't a choice of how to display the program guide.

    Ah well, I'm moving soon so I'll cancel and won't get it at the new place

  7. Having eaten at many MK's I cannot say I find the food either tasty or inspiring.

    A few OK dishes and the rest is boiled to death in the hot pot. Add a secret sauce and bingo, all the Thais I know seem to love it.

    Is it just me being cynical and without good taste or has this company managed to convince the Thais this is good scoff.

    My family think I am treating them when we go. I just cant wait to finish and get a Swensen Ice cream down my neck.

    I love the duck and crispy pork in the special sauce, but the rest of it I just look at as good date material as the Thai girl has fun making the food for you, but yeah its bland rubbish.

  8. Hehehe....

    As much as i like Ferraris (my favourite being the Testarossa though) i am laughing about them every time i see them.... there they sit in traffic jam, 12 cylinders pottering at idle, burning 25 liters of fuel per hour while moving at the exact same speed as the bus in front of them and the old Toyota behind.

    But at least they can show off "hey i've got more money than you" respectively "i've got a really rich dad". And at the next speed-bump THEY are the ones who create the traffic jam while figuring out a way across the obstacle without causing a few 100k Baht damage.

    That sort of car is 101% useless for Bangkok.

    Best regards.....


    I love those Italians, but they are actually useless on LOS highway too. The surface isnt good enough so they drive with a cloud of sparks after them.

    Late 2006 I bought a new 2007 Camry 2,4, and my friend did too. Both white pearl . His was lowered 25 mm, and 20 inch wheels. Improved traction, but couldnt keep up with me because of all the sparks and noises under the car. :)

    Chatted to a high end car dealer years ago and he said he made as much money from his repair shop repairing undersides as he did from sales which surprised me considering the incredibly high sales prices.

    A buddy gave me the keys to his Testarossa years ago and I was to scared to take it out of golf course community where we both lived in case I damaged it and went bankrupt fixing it. Never got it above 2nd gear

  9. Hi sam,

    If legally married to Thai national cuts the 2million in half, does that apply also for the number of Thai employees requirement? Ie, 2 iso 4?

    I am not clear on this.

    I am thinking of a consultant/advisor type company.

    Sorry for thread hi-jack OP, but this could be relevant to you, too.

    No problem, but its not relevant as I'm not married.

    Always worked for a big company before in Thailand or when I set up a company before I was a small minority with Thai partners who put up all the money and took care of all the admin and govt stuff.

    So setting it up on my own is new to me.

  10. don't want to get bogged down with privacy,legal issues and all that .....

    but from HUMANTARIAN point of view, find it a bit harsh for the maid since her action albeit naive did not cause any loss of value to the OP........

    a stern warning should have suffice unless something else was going on and OP wanted her to pack things...........

    Are you out of your mind!?!

    How can you have someone who actively works against you remaining in your own home?

  11. Hi there,

    Looking to start a company and met with a number of lawyers regarding the issues. Apart from the fact that most of them hadn't even heard of Preference Shares, the one that did seem to know what he was doing told me two things that I wasn't really sure about.

    First of all he said that the 2 million Baht registered capital necessary for a work permit to be issued had to be fully paid up, rather than 25% paid which I had previously read was the minimum. Is this correct?

    The second issue is the employees. The business needs 4 employees on at least minimum wage to issue a work permit. Is there any way around this as my business will not need 4 employees for some time to come and staff that we do need will be mostly commission based.

    Can commission based contracts count towards the total?

    He also said that immigration will visit the premises to interview the staff. Is this correct/likely?

    Also, if it takes 4 employees to get the work permit issued, and I can't work until the work permit is issued, how do I hire the staff without working illegally?

    Thanks for anyone who could share their knowledge and experience

  12. I noticed the stuff at central was actually RUSTY! Really badly rusted as well, so I wouldn't recommend buying there.

    Coincidentally, just last night I noticed that the Leaders Fitness above the Tesco on Hang Dong Road had a range of gym equipment with price tags on it. I wasn't really paying attention but I saw a gym quality multigym for 28k. They have several stairmasters in the gym so they might have one for sale. As I said, I wasn't really looking

    If you're in the area might be worth popping in for a look.

  13. post-60101-1245698511_thumb.jpg

    Is this an accurate picture?

    Art: Banksy

    I've noticed us Scots seem to have a better reputation than our southern neighbours.

    I get asked by the Thais if I'm from England with a suspicious stare, and as soon as I say I'm from Scotland they light up in a huge beaming grin, "Ahh, Sakotlan. Whisky very good!"

    How do they know what you say Scotty, I can never understand scots and I am English, I too just nod and smile as if I understand, just to make you feel normal.cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Sorry about that. Sometimes we forget to only speak in words of one syllable when talking to those who had to make do without a Scottish education :)

  14. post-60101-1245698511_thumb.jpg

    Is this an accurate picture?

    Art: Banksy

    I've noticed us Scots seem to have a better reputation than our southern neighbours.

    I get asked by the Thais if I'm from England with a suspicious stare, and as soon as I say I'm from Scotland they light up in a huge beaming grin, "Ahh, Sakotlan. Whisky very good!"

  15. Hello everyone,

    I am planning to come to Bangkok from the UK to have surgery with Dr Kunachak. I am having rhino reduction, alar, eyelid revision and eyelash transplantation, does anyone know how skilled he is in these procedures? I have emailed several other surgeons (poomee, pat, preecha) and unfortunately they either will not operate on me or do not do one of the procedures i require and it seems to be that Dr Kunachak is the only one confident enough to operate on me. Has anyone got any experience or views on him? Ive already searched on the forum for past topics and just wanted a little bit more help and reassurance :)



    p.s one thing I forgot to mention is that I notice that he uses sources and pictures from other peoples website, this makes me worry or am I looking into it a bit too much?

    If you have any doubts at all do more research until you are completely confident. You're having your face and eyes operated on for God's sake!

    To be clear, I have no knowledge of the mentioned doctor, and he may be the world's leading practitioner at these procedures, but this is elective surgery, so take the time to be sure

  16. This news only adds to the belief that xenophobia is alive and well in Thailand. I could say more, but it would only get deleted, so why bother.

    I'm not sure its xenophobia so much as the large wealthy families that bankroll local and national politicians not wanting their source of income disrupted by competition.

    The lot of the Thai farmer is a rough one largely due to the exploitation by the supply and purchasing companies of their desperation and lack of education and de facto monopolies.

    Most trade protectionism comes down to the established players influencing politicians to prevent new competition that could reduce their profits. Wrapping this up in the national flag is a global practice, not unique to Thailand.

  17. There is a pecking order when it comes to being stopped while driving.

    Target 1, motorbikes and farangs on them in touristy places like samui and phuket

    Target 2, old trucks that look like they will fall apart at any moment, bonus point for having blacked out windows

    Target 3, taxi cabs, not really an issue unless you are thinking of supplementing your income while here

    Target 4, farangs driving honda city or equivelent, let's face it, if that's all u can afford, chances are you are not that connected

    Target 5, forturners, instantly says I have cash in pocket and prepared to pony up because of potentially missed t-times.

    However, all is not lost. The key to being able to drive "bribe worry free" is to get yourself a 7 series or E class, preferably with ex soldier as a driver. Guaranteed to intimidate even the most jaded traffic cop. Additionally, the best parking spots in front of hotels, restaurants, curtain motels all magically open up-even comes with free salutes from rent a cops.

    Forget the bike.

    Very good and very true.

    I had an S class for a while (company car) and drove it myself around Bangkok.

    The traffic police used to stop the traffic to wave me through junctions and salute. Presumably they thought someone REALLY important was in the back if he had a farang driver :)

    I now have a fortuner and do get stopped a lot, but I only pay a fine about 1 time in 4. 1 time in 4 they see a white face and wave at me to keep going. 2 times in 4 they chat for a bit and tell me not to do again what I'd just done wrong. (almost always speeding on a highway)

  18. You are probably right. Although, I'm pretty sure that I got this version of the story from Thai Visa. :)

    Regarding the Andy Gill murder, I know a foreigner who was staying in the guest house the night of the murder who is adamant Andy didn't do it. However, his Thai girlfriend who was staying in the room with him is adamant that he did do it!

    Who knows really?

  19. Those where the times 78-83 Golf GTi Mk1, with its 800kg and 110-112 hp. Most fun shop cart ever.

    Agreed, I just can't believe it only had a pathetic 112bhp, at the time I thought it was an intergalatic power beast! How things have moved on...250bhp is nothing nowadays (in the real world!)

    Has to be said the 300SL, beautiful car and worth a few quid as well!

    Ok, first to see a Bugatti Veyron with photo in Thailand wins the thread! I can see some nifty software coming into play here! :)

    Friend's uncle has a Veyron in Thailand.

    He has pictures of himself sitting in it on his Facebook page, but I haven't seen it yet

  20. The story of what happened to Scottish John - who bought True Blue from Morris - is another classic.

    What's the story here? I used to know some of these people 15-16 years ago then lost contact with them.

  21. Imports have fallen to a greater degree than exports, so the Thais are still ahead of the game.

    So the Thais buying even less than other countries somehow puts them ahead of the game?

    You know Russia had a huge trade surplus during the years its economy was in meltdown after the end of communism. I doubt most Russians who saw their living standards fall by 70% would have thought they were ahead of the game.

    Don't let false national competition cloud your judgement. The only purpose of an economy is to provide a higher standard of living to the majority of its people. Interpret any statistics you read through this filter.

  22. To the Op . There is nothing wrong and nothing illegal with staying in Thailand with Tourist Visas. While they keep issuing them it is perfectly ok.

    It would be appreciated if members would resist from posting otherwise. There is no reason for not staying in Thailand on Tourist Visas until the rules are changed. This may be soon , it may be never.

    Thank You.

    Hi Lite Beer - what you say would be true if staying in Thailand on s tourist visa did not entail making a false daclaration on the visa application from and TM card. Like you say, right now the authorities are not enforcing tourist visas for tourists only, but as you say this could change any time with no notice whatsoever.

    To ask members to post advice that is contrary to the Thai immigration law is in itself against TV rules.

    In what sense is the declaration false?

    What you have in your mind is your own interpretation of the word "tourist" that a tourist is someone who stays somewhere for the period of time that is within the parameters of a normal length of vacation for a western employed worker.

    That is entirely your own interpretation and not the definition of Thai law.

    To the Thai immigration department a tourist is someone who is not working in Thailand, has only a short term visa which they need to reapply for from the Thai authorities when it expires and doesn't have the rights that come with a different form of visa issued by the Thai government.

    Unless the Thai authorities themselves issue a declaration that tourist visas are to be linked to total time spent in the country (as the visa exempt stamps were for a while) then your definition of "tourist" and subsequently the illegality of it and the breaking of TV rules in discussing it is something that is factually correct only in your own mind.

  23. Ok, Thx Akorn. I might give it a try.

    Or I have sen the LeFenix on the web also, looks nice as well.

    any comments?

    I've stayed at Le Fenix and small rooms again.

    Also, the decor was chipped and it looked a bit run down.

    Room service stops at some ridiculously early hour as well

  24. I've found that I only have to pay the police about 1 times in 4.

    What I do is deny being able to speak Thai. When they tell me what I did wrong, almost always speeding, I whole heartedly agree with a big smile. They then repeat the accusation. I agree again but say I thought the speed limit was close to the speed I'm being accused of doing. I'm almost always accused of doing 126 for some reason.

    They then tell me what the speed limit. I say I didn't know and thank them for telling me.

    They usually then wave me on.

    I was stopped in Bangkok a couple of weeks ago and there was a new twist. He took out a blurred photo of a completely different car and said I'd been photographed by a speed camera and had to go to the police station. I paid him the usual amount in the end and he promised me he would "erase" the picture from the computer :)

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