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Posts posted by Theyreallrubbish

  1. There are a number of parts of this case that seem to be undisputed facts

    She killed him

    She killed him with 16 blows to the head with a hammer

    She waited 15 hours while he slowly died

    Three months before the attack he changed his will to benefit her.

    Here's the speculative part on my part:

    There are networks of Thai women in most large towns in the UK now made up of divorced ex-bar girls who trade information on how to get the best settlement, what to say in court, how to claim abuse etc. They also teach other how to abuse the welfare system,

    She was undoubtedly part of that network in Cambridge as she'd been there a long time.

    This makes me think that the claim of abuse is false. That the attempted suicide is false.

    My speculation is that she worked really really hard to be the sweetest thing he'd ever met to manipulate him in to changing his will. Once that was done she got tired of being so nice and went back to being lazy. He got annoyed and threatened to change his will back. She reacted with fury and attacked him, probably not intending to murder him, but on an impulse. Once she realised he was dead she decided she needed a story and abuse and mental illness is what she's going for, which is why she did the various things she did. (None of which were more than superficial)

    This is entirely my speculation at this point, with the facts separated above.

    If she gets away with it, or only gets a short sentence or get psychiatric care, this will be passed in to the Thai exwives network knowledge base, you can get someone to change their will and then murder them so long as you claim abuse or that you went temporarily mad

  2. http://www.cambridge...er-02072012.htm

    A woman beat a man to death with a claw hammer in Haverhill after he changed his will in her favour, a court has heard.

    Paul Norfolk, 77, was found dead at his home in Castle Lane on December 30 when police entered the house after being contacted by his brother, prosecutor Andrew Jackson told Ipswich Crown Court.

    Bunthawee Rimmer, 49, who denies murder, is alleged to have beaten him to death as he slept and was found injured alongside him.

    Less than three months earlier, Mr Norfolk had changed his will to leave his house and most of his money to Rimmer instead of his wife, who was in a care home.

    Mr Jackson said Mr Norfolk had lain injured but alive for some 15 hours following the attack. Rimmer did nothing to seek help, he added.

    More at the link.

  3. I don't understand how so many people can confidently proclaim that Burma will take a higher road than Thailand in its development. "They won't allow a Pattaya"

    Unless I'm hideously misinformed on the political and economic situation in Burma, I don't see it.

    There is no shortage of Burmese prostitutes in Thailand, so we know the supply of willing sex workers is there.

    I know first hand that the wealthy in Thailand have been preparing for the opening of Burma for years and this has involved cosying up to the powerful there, so the corruption of local officials has already started and the people who profit from the sin industries in Thailand are going to take the same moral outlook with them.

    Poor countries put morality behind necessity, and Burma is desperately poor. The idea that desperately poor Burmese families and young women won't make the same calculation that many in Thailand have that $30 for a few hours sex in an air-conditioned hotel room is a better deal than $3 for 12 hours labor in a field or factory, doesn't seem likely.

    The central government doesn't have complete control of much of the country. We're not talking about China or even Vietnam here. The government in Bangkok has enough trouble controlling its provinces, yet people think Rangoon can impose total control on local elites throughout the country? Doesn't seem likely to me.

    So although it would be nice if Burma adopted a well developed, well thought out, sustainable and morally uplifting development of its tourist industry, I don't see it happening. I see the same chaotic mishmash as in Thailand with the same mix of target tourists, back packers, sex tourists, families and wealthy, with the easiest and cheapest and first to have facilities constructed for them being the backpackers and sex tourists.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the Burmese government will somehow become like the SIngaporean government and be able to administer and control its large country the same way the government of SIngapore can its city state, but I doubt it.

    No one is pretending their won't be any prostitution, of course there will. But the Burmese are not blind or stupid. They know the negative effect Pattaya has had on Thailand. So yes you'll get street girls, karaoke bars, knocking shops etc, but you won't get an entire coastal town built on it.

    You can gaurantee that.

    How can you guarantee it? What evidence do you have that the government is able to prevent it, or even really wants to?

    Ever gone to Techileck? One of the main entry points to Burma and the first thing you encounter are crowds of men offering you women. And its getting worse than it used to be.

    I imagine that what has been happening there is a microcosm of what will be happening everywhere in Burma when there are large numbers of wallets walking around

  4. About 450 return for a regular seat on a bus that takes about 4 hours each way. 600 or so for the VIP seats. Book your tickets the day before though as they're usually fully booked on the day

    Then at the Mae Sai Bus Station there are regular songtaews going to the Bridge and back for 15 baht a time, takes about 10-15 minutes.

    If you get the 8:30 bus there and the 3:30 bus back you can get the whole thing done in half a day for under 1000 Baht

  5. I don't understand how so many people can confidently proclaim that Burma will take a higher road than Thailand in its development. "They won't allow a Pattaya"

    Unless I'm hideously misinformed on the political and economic situation in Burma, I don't see it.

    There is no shortage of Burmese prostitutes in Thailand, so we know the supply of willing sex workers is there.

    I know first hand that the wealthy in Thailand have been preparing for the opening of Burma for years and this has involved cosying up to the powerful there, so the corruption of local officials has already started and the people who profit from the sin industries in Thailand are going to take the same moral outlook with them.

    Poor countries put morality behind necessity, and Burma is desperately poor. The idea that desperately poor Burmese families and young women won't make the same calculation that many in Thailand have that $30 for a few hours sex in an air-conditioned hotel room is a better deal than $3 for 12 hours labor in a field or factory, doesn't seem likely.

    The central government doesn't have complete control of much of the country. We're not talking about China or even Vietnam here. The government in Bangkok has enough trouble controlling its provinces, yet people think Rangoon can impose total control on local elites throughout the country? Doesn't seem likely to me.

    So although it would be nice if Burma adopted a well developed, well thought out, sustainable and morally uplifting development of its tourist industry, I don't see it happening. I see the same chaotic mishmash as in Thailand with the same mix of target tourists, back packers, sex tourists, families and wealthy, with the easiest and cheapest and first to have facilities constructed for them being the backpackers and sex tourists.

    Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the Burmese government will somehow become like the SIngaporean government and be able to administer and control its large country the same way the government of SIngapore can its city state, but I doubt it.

  6. Just a thought, but if confronted by a car full of people and you're on your own you might decide discretion is the better part of valor.

    I'm sure the OPs relatives are lovely people, but we can't know how they reacted and they did outnumber the Merc driver and shootings and other acts of violence over traffic accidents aren't exactly unknown.

    Also, the bottom line is that they hit him from behind. There has to be really clear evidence of extraordinary bad driving by the person in front for it not to be the driver behind's fault, and no evidence has been presented, in this thread at least.

  7. If you're heading up to Chiang Mai on Highway 1, Ayutthaya is an obvious one. The old capital north of Bangkok and world heritage site.

    If you're going via Sisaket then presumably Udon then you might take Highway 12, which goes through some spectacular mountain scenery and Sukhothai is a slight diversion on the way. The capital before Ayutthaya. Not as many ruins or attractions though.

    Obviously, if you're not interested in history, then ignore this.

  8. The big temple was interesting and I'm usually all "templed out", but this one had preserved a lot of orginal old materials, and it gave a real sense of what temple life used to be like.

    One worrying thing is that they have a chedi that is hollow and inside light comes through a small hole and acts as a "camera obscura" and flips the image.

    A Thai man I was with told me that this was magic and nobody knows how it works. I told him its been known how this works for 100s of years, its a camera obscura. He looked a bit crestfallen that I ruined his belief it was really magic.

    The worrying part? That he's in his final couple of years training to be an airline pilot!

  9. My experiences over several years.

    Had a 350 sq meter apartment on Sukhumvit and had a maid live in a room just outside the front door for 4000 a month. Cleaned every day and laundry. Old woman probably in her 50s. Really only working an hour or two a day, plus laundry time.

    Had a 3 bed house in the suburbs of Bangkok and had a maid come in for 5 half days a week for cleaning and laundry (She was about 19 and lived with her family nearby and went to school for half the day). Again 4000 a month.

    Had a 200 sqm condo in Chiang Mai and a team of 3 would come in twice a week for 2 hours or so to clean, plus laundry. They'd also sometimes come in for additional times at no charge to do special jobs such as clean all the windows or check and clean after a big rainstorm. They ust arrived at the door. Didn't tell me they were coming in advance, and I didn't ask them to do it, they would just decide on their own to do it. 2000 a month total. Two were in their 30s and worked seriously and there was one 18 year old younger sister who didn't seem to work but just wore very skimpy shorts and pretended to mop in front of me as I watched TV!

    All cried when I left and wanted to move with me, so they were obviously happy with the wage and conditions.

    I'd give bonuses of 500 Baht to the Bangkok staff (it was 10 years ago) or 1000 Baht to the Chiang Mai staff (just a couple of years ago, and total, not each) on the big Thai holidays, so another 2-4000 a year. Only a small amount of money and not agreed to, so I think that it came as an unexpected bonus made it really appreciated and made me look very generous for a pittance!

    They rarely took holidays, but I never said no if they wanted to go up country for a week or a few days, but as I said, they rarely asked.

    Never had a problem with theft ever. Do take a copy of the ID card on first being hired.

    None of these staff could speak any English.

    All the staff were found by GFs at the time, but stayed on after the GFs left with no problems. (Other than the one in the apartment in Bangkok who was paid by my ex-gf to give her reports on what I was doing!)

  10. Inter hotel is in the perfect location on Fa Ngum Road (Mekhong river road) not sure of the prices nowadays but should be able to get a room for around 1000 Baht. I agree with 'deserted' there isnt much near the embassy after dark except a few small bars. If you want to go downtown Inter is a good choice for walking to restaurants/bars and the last time some friends of mine came over they stayed there, nice rooms and staff were good.

    Its really showing its age now. I've been going there for years and 3 months ago I got a room for $30, but I think I'm going to move next time as its getting just too shabby in the rooms. The showers have always been awful, but they obviously spend nothing at all on maintenance or refurbishment. I like the staff and the wifi is OK and free.

    But it really is getting too shabby. The same group have other hotels at about the same price and they're a bit better.

  11. Reading this article reminds me of the children's fable concerning the King's new clothes, To just talk perception, her survey says eggs are less than 3 Baht a piece where I buy my eggs,(Tesco Lotus) eggs are 45 to 47 Baht for 10 that makes them 4.5 + per egg. Limes 7 to 10 Baht a piece???? bottled water up 60%. Last year I paid 10 Baht for 20 liters today it costs me 16 Baht.

    The everyday items are up,up,up. The P.M. just needs to face reality and quite trying to spin everything with her "Red" tinted glasses.

    Bought 30 eggs for 84 Baht at Tesco yesterday.

    One of the rare cases where buying in bulk was cheaper.

    As the more common example, a 12 pack of toilet tissue was 57 Baht, a 24 pack was 147 Baht!

  12. You can always ask some dougee looking Thai that hangs around the ATM for some helpwhistling.gif

    Quote "Now there's no warning screen there'll be a fee and they just deduct the money." /QUOTE

    The first 4 ATM withdraws per month are free.

    I know, but before when they were going to charge you a fee for the fifth onwards, they'd pop up a screen giving you a warning and asking if you wanted to proceed. That screen has gone on all bank ATMs now. Seems to have disappeared in just the last month or so.

    I only noticed because I take out money in 1000s and the final 3 digits started dropping from 150, where it had been for ages until it was at 110 when I noticed.

  13. No moral judgement on Pattaya, but it msut be a bit difficult for executives to stand up and explain at a shareholders' meeting why they held their work outing in Pattaya? Or tell all their executives they have to go and tell their wives that they're going to Pattaya for a company function.

    At least Bangkok or Phuket the stigma and associations in people's minds isn't as bad.

    • Like 1
  14. The tomboy may be acting up because she's frustrated that the wife has ended the sexual relationship and the tomboy is trying to demasculate the husband to bring her back.

    The key is to how the wife reacts. If none of this behaviour affects how often she wants to see the tomboy, then its working. If she wants to see her less and less then the behaviour is eroding their previous relationship and it will work itself out as the the tomboy is ruining the relationship by herself.

    I agree with other posters though, the OP has extraordinary calm to not explode at seeing his wife groped in public in front of him.

    • Like 1
  15. To give an added perspective, I've had a few GFs here who were never happier than when I had NO money. As they thought that since I couldn't afford to go out other women wouldn't be able to see me and steal me away.

    If your woman just wants you to stay home all the time so she can cook all day to feed you up to get you fat so other women won't want you, then its probably genuine love.

    I've had a few like this and I'm nothing special, so they're not impossible to find.

  16. Agree with the many other posters that it means she doesn't like you.

    Look at it this way, she's basically said that being with you is so unpleasant she needs all these things to compensate for the suffering and make it worthwhile.

    Find someone who likes you.

  17. Regardless of whether it was self-defense or went too far we should all remember that the man who died had a mother and a father, probably brothers and sisters and possibly a wife and children and certainly friends.

    And now he's dead.

    My commiserations to all those affected

    Regardless of whether stabbing someone five times with a foot long knife was genuinely self-defense, Gary has a wife and young child and they now will also end up on the street as any money he has will have to go to compensation to the family of the deceased and legal bills (above and below the table)

    Carrying a weapon and thinking you're a tough guy and then using it can devastate the lives of so many people through one rash act. I wish all the other "tough guys" in the world would learn from this.

  18. Anyone with up to date info on this situation? I need to go to Vientiene on Monday and get a tourist visa, will I need to show travel / accomadation bookings?

    I was there and had a double entry tourist visa issued 1st September with no request for that kind of documentation. Didn't see anyone else asked either.

    Obviously this is just one report, don't sue me if they do ask!

  19. I'm on True's 3G now. Had AIS 3G before. I've found that AIS is somewhat faster and smoother then True Move, but True Move's plans are generally cheaper. Coverage of both includes much of CM proper and it's suburbs.

    Thanks prism and the other responders, True it is. My hotel is near the CM Pantip Plaza so I will pop in there.

    True is giving out free SIM cards at the arrivals area of CM airport. They include 3G/Edge service. An hour free of wifi at 17,000 hotspots and special international calling rates of about 1.5 Baht/5 cents a minute.

    Just put in your phone and add credit at any 7-11

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