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Posts posted by winle

  1. Before it gets closed can i have one more pop at the tramp travel dick heads who are always mulling about and stinking and live on 20 b a day and think its cool to doss around and only eat rice, and then try to look down their nose at me for spending 2000 baht in a resturant, piss off its over your not cool man, your stinkers kow shit road has had its day and that day was 20 years ago, you fake arse uni drop out toss pots,

    job done close it now

  2. did you know that the euro coin weighs 8.4 grammes and a ten baht coin weighs in at 8.5 grammes, plus their the same size and colour what a head scratcher that is, dont ya think

  3. Winle, you don't know what you're talking about! I was in Walking Street and JP's bar until at least 4am last night - no sign of any bars closing to me. Unless your post was a wind-up...

    eyebee, nudge nudge, hint hint, have a rethink was you raly there till 4 or did it all get shut at one and it was really crap and not worth coming to, have a rethink and a repost yeah.....

  4. Don't know if you were out last night DaveThailand, but walking street and all other Soi's were shut at 1:30 and there was such a heavy police presence they were actually telling farang to "go back hotel" "go sleep"!

    All disco's didn't even get the chance to open, let alone close down... Groups of girls hanging around outside disco's were handcuffed and taken away by police... This seems terribly coincidental after we spent the weekend posting about Pattaya being open all night and being able to drink. Call me paranoid, but I believe that certain authorities monitor this forum, and the crack down has begun.

    NB. Spoke to a friend in Chang Rai who claims its the "New Pattaya" with disco's and Bars open all night, with 10 girls to every farang... Perhaps we should have a look there.

  5. Im an o.k cook, i can cook some thai dish's and most english one's too, problem is i cant cook a steak, i dont know why but it always comes out horrible,

    i always cut of the fat smash the shit out of it with a hammer and then fry in vegitable oil, i like to eat steak rare, but i always burn the out side and inside is totaly raw, even if i slow cook it it just goes rock hard,

    is there a secret im missing when frying steak any tips would help


  6. pattaya remains unchanged, you can get a beer 24 hrs.

    Yo dave i think we should have a re-think about advertising the fact that pattaya is open 24-7,

    1 they might clamp down

    2 all the punters will be here moving in on our fun

    3 lack of lbfm's resulting from no.2

    just a thought what do you reckon???

  7. Yes in pattaya last night very pleased to report i was still drinking,dancing and looking for something to ram at 5.am, soi happy is pretty much open till about 3.30 the arab disco under a hotel stays open till 6 and the secret place i was in normaly turns out about 6-6.30

    not pleased to report that i found nothing to ram!!

  8. Sweet mango, i bet you feel like a right dick head now every one has imformed you that it was a april fools joke, now piss off out that 1 b a minute internet shop and ###### off to india, tramp travel dicks like you give long term gangsters like me a bad name, go toss off to your yellow bible man

  9. Glad to see someone is trying to do something about doulbe pricing, it is disgracefull and should be stopped, for it to be remotly fair, the poorist person in europe, u.s etc.. would have to be richer than the wealthiest thai person, i think its an insult i hope it turns tourist away the thais have taken the piss for to long,

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