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Posts posted by Orita

  1. Thanks Steve,

    This means, Dr. Kassara Puttamapun does now work at Empress and not at Grace any longer. Is that

    right? Or does she work at both clinics?

    Incidentally, I need work on my upper premolars as well.

    From what I have checked on the internet, the best price in CM seems to be around 3,500 - 4,500 Bht

    per root canal for a premolar, but I have no feedback on the professional performance.

  2. By best I mean most professional and painless. I have made some bad experiences, where I had severe

    pain during the process in spite of being injected with Novocain, and unprofessional work, where one

    root canal was forgotten in a tooth that had two.

    By Thai prices I mean, that I do not compare how much a root canal costs in America or Europe vs. Thailand,

    but compare prices for the same kind of treatment within Chiang Mai.

    From what I have heard, but I'm not 100% sure of course, the Dr. Kassara Puttamapun you most like

    talk about, now works at empress dental clinic. Perhaps I should contact here there.

  3. Either California WOW has absolutely no budged to fix broken equipment, or its management just doesn't

    care at all.

    There is the Smith Machine out of order for one month, benches have ripped plastic covers, and cardio machines are not maintained. Rust covers the free weights.

    With all the members they sign up daily, one really wonders what is going on. Could they be going bust?

    Anyone knows something?

  4. Where in CM can I buy a Dream Multimedia chip card?

    The apartment I rent came with a Dream Multimedia DM 500-S / Infosat satellite set-up.

    Until a few weeks ago, I could receive the Dream-TV satellite that broadcasts BBC, CNN, CNBC,

    Discovery Channel, and so on, but now can not any longer.

    My guess is, the card containing a micro-chip has expired. So, where in CM can I get a new card, or

    update it, if this is possible?

    Thanks for any information.

  5. Could any of the old timers here kindly give me some tips where I can buy second magazines of any kind?

    While there are plenty of second hand book shops in Chiang Mai, it seems that non of them are selling

    second hand magazines.


  6. I'm thinking of getting a big bike in CM, but parking in the city seems a major hustle.

    I will be visiting, Central Airport, Nimanhemin and Kadsuankeaw areas regularly, but would not enjoy having to squeeze a large bike between all the scooters and pull it out again a few times a day.

    How are owners of big bikes are doing it? Any secrets or tips? Are big bikers perhaps using a little scooter for the city?

    Any input would be appreciated.

  7. Does anyone know how the new address reporting situation is for someone how has 2 addresses?

    I have a one year retirement visa, one apartment in Phuket, and from last month on a second apartment

    in Chiang Mai. I intend to stay a couple a months at each place.

    Is it required to register each time going for and back, or can I simply keep my Phuket address? This is where I am registered for the last few years?

  8. To answer the question: Yes, there are world class audiophile amps made in Thailand. Reading the above posts, it is obvious, they are all made by non-audiophiles.

    Therefore, real audiophile gear would most likely not be suitable for the original poster. It would be better to go for so called "consumer grade" amps available at department stores.

    Perhaps, an low entry point would be the local made Magnet brand of amplifiers in the Solid State direction, or T.S. Audio for tube gear. Norh sold tube gear made by T.S. Audio a while ago, but not any


    Real audiophile tube amplifiers in Thailand are made by a company called SAC, for example. This, of course, are inexpensive only in regard to the prices charged for similar gear in western countries, but

    not in relation to amplifiers sold in department stores.

    Bangkok offers an extensive selection of real audiophile gear, new and second hand, and has a large

    circle of audiphile Thais, yearly high-end shows and so on.

  9. Hi, I recently got a good land connection and will no longer be needing my Sierra 580 AirCard. If anyone is interested in buying it from me (it's only about 2 months old) let me know - reply here or PM me. If you are not sure whether you get a signal in your area, I would be happy to let you test it using my card, as long as you're genuinely interested in buying it. I figure about 10,000 baht would be a fair price.

    EDIT: Um... I should mention I'm on Phuket :o so this amazing one-time offer is only available in the area :D

    Kaker, I would be interested in your AirCard. Please email me at [email protected]

    or call me at 089-871 9152 or 076-202 670


  10. As my wife will no longer qualify due to the fact that she is not 50 yet, we are looking for alternative

    retirement locations.

    Today, we went to the Malaysian embassy, where we received a glossy brochure titled:

    "Malaysia, my second home". This program allows retirement and residency in Malaysia.

    -A visa will be granted initially for 10 years, and is renewal for further 10 years periods.

    -You need either a fixed deposit of 150,000 Ringit, or, a monthly income of 10,000 Ringit

    this includes your spouse and children.

    -You may withdraw 90,000 Ringit after one year. You need a minimum balance of 60,000 Ringit.

    -You are allowed to buy 2 (yes two) units of residential housing in your name.

    -You can bring in your personal car without paying import taxes.

    With such compelling offers elsewhere, we sincerely regret to have opted for Thailand as a retirement destination, where rules are changed at a whim without any regard to the consequences, and without a minimum on decency.

    Of course, Thai authorities can do anything that pleases them, but in an international world, this is not

    how things are done any longer. On the long run it will always get back at them, I am certain.

  11. It is understandable that immigration rules change over time, here in Thailand and elsewhere. Absolutely not acceptable however are rule changes that severely affect existing holders of retirement visas. Retires who have invested here, not only into property, but also into efforts to learn Thai and integrate into the Thai society, are forced out like criminals now, simply because they can not qualify any longer. What crime did my wife do to deserve getting kicked out like a dog? She is not 50 ears old.

    Does this government not have any decency? At least they could keep the old rules for existing retirement holders. New applicants would be presented with the new requirements and could decide, if they still feel like retiring in Thailand.

    Old retirement holders that suddenly do not qualify any longer are forced to give up everything here, sell their condo, car, furniture etc., say good buy to their friends and move out.

    This is absolutely outrages and deserves international attention. Anyone thinking of retiring here or acquiring property must be completely out his mind. We deeply regret that we ever have moved here and not somewhere else.

    Potential retires and investors should be actively discouraged by theirs embassies back home

  12. We haven't seemed to have heard as much from those farang couples who wil be directly affected - as we have from all other farang (myself included) who arent' directly affected. ....

    Well, yes, we are one of those couples directly affected.

    As I have mentioned in earlier, based on the old regulations, we have chosen Thailand as our retirement home, have invested in property and vehicles, and now will not qualify any longer, purely on age requirements of my spouse.

    We will definitely not go with any loopholes such as endlessly running the tourist visa and extension circuits. Basically it comes down to this: We will have to sell out property, vehicles and relocate, even we really like it here.

    We feel, we have been taken for a ride by the authorities. We have been issued three consecutive retirement visas and now, suddenly, the new rules forces legally married foreign retirement couples out of the country, since now both have to be over 50 years old.

    We, perhaps like others have been lured with the impression, that retires are welcome,and Investment into property was desirable. This is obviously not the so. We deeply regret that we fell for this trap.

    Local embassies should warn potential retirement and investment applicants, as to avoid any pitfalls. Who in his right mind would purchase property in Thailand, if it is in no way certain, that one is continuously given a visa to remain in Thailand to utilize ones own property. This is really outrages. Warnings should be posted on every web site offering real estate for sell in Thailand.

  13. Am I interpreting the new rules right?

    A legally married couple where both are Non-Thai and the spouse is below 50 years of age does not qualify anymore, even if the financial requirements (2 x 800K) could be fulfilled, because the spouse is below the age of 50.

    Does that mean, that after getting 3 consecutive retirement visa we have to leave the country because my legal foreign wife is not 50?

    Thanks for any clarifications in this urgent matter.

    Your wife will have to get a Non O Visa and do border runs. It Is doable but not as conveniant as before.

    Yes it stinks.

    Thanks for the quick answer. This is really bad news. To include existing visa holders in those new rule changes is outrages. I am certain we are not alone. Based on the old visa regulation, we have invested in a condominium, two cars and a bike, and are forced to give all this up now at a substantial loss. While it is always possible to adjust to new

    financial requirements, there is absolutely no way for my wife to qualify due to the minimum age of 50.

    Potential investors into real estate and foreign couples seeking retirement in Thailand can only be warned. Rules in Thailand are changed at a whim, and the fact that you get a visa today does absolutely not mean you will get a visa tomorrow.

    Shame on the government to treat retires with so little respect and courtesy.

  14. Am I interpreting the new rules right?

    A legally married couple where both are Non-Thai and the spouse is below 50 years of age does not qualify anymore, even if the financial requirements (2 x 800K) could be fulfilled, because the spouse is below the age of 50.

    Does that mean, that after getting 3 consecutive retirement visa we have to leave the country because my legal foreign wife is not 50?

    Thanks for any clarifications in this urgent matter.

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