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Posts posted by realmadrid25

  1. for awhile there, thai real estate prices were declining slightly to staying the same, this was during the recession fears. the last two months or so have seen the us economy make a nice solid rebound and most analysts are putting the likelyhood of a recession around 30%. i actually have not looked at thai real estate prices in 3 months or so... so what have they done during this time?

  2. for those with nobody back home, your best bet is to open one of those international accounts like hsbc premier, but then that bank account actually gives really lousy atm rates and charges fees on purchases made in thailand. i actually think the hsbc account is purely for people who want to feel like they are a mover and shaker. you can get a better interest rate and no fee atm's with many money markets in the us. of course, there is no way you are going to be able to open an account there without an address in the usa. also, sometimes a debit card will go from no fee atm to charging a fee, happened to me several times, or interest rate changes, so you want as many options as possible imho...

  3. i don't know how those with nobody back home do it. do banks send atm replacements to thailand? you can't use a thai address for anything financial in my experience.

    mutual funds are strictly for suckers.

    Yes, I agree stating foreign residence, particularly Thailand, can and does cause problems in many cases.

    Regarding mutual funds, its kind of off topic, a huge portion of the investment money in the US is in mutual funds including the nation's retirement accounts, so I guess everyone is stupid. Also, INDEX funds are also mutual funds.

    exchange traded index funds are not mutual funds. thats why they have a different name.

  4. they have about a million different kinds of sausage and ham except they all taste exactly the same, its called a low quality hot dog. we feed them to young kids and dogs in the usa. real sausage is supposed to have flavor. i thought the germans and english were supposed to be famous for good sausage? is it just the stuff they pass off in thailand that is absolutely horrible? is America the only place with real, delicious sausage?

    i have looked everyway in bangkok and i cannot find american breakfast sausage or REAL italian spicy sausage. its depressing. i feel bad for the english, world famous for their horrible cuisine and the one thing they think they do right, sausage, is actually complete rubbish.

  5. ^^ technology is spinning... in 10-15 years they will have moderately priced vehicles that don't run on gasoline.

    Heng is basically saying "Too many people on the road means driving sucks for everyone. Lets make it more expensive to drive and whoever can't afford it (not me) will have to take the bus".

    Plus is saying "Why should I have to take the bus. Driving does suck now but its still better than me having to take the bus".

    Honestly, I don't think that their is a basis to say that either is correct. Both are looking out for their own self interest. Maybe Heng can find out how much Plus makes, then they can agree to set the bar right below it.

  6. you always see the middle aged farang leering at these girls on the subway. they dont even try to use the reflection on the mirror or to glance away and disguise it. they just stand there, poorly dressed and drooling.

    So...I guess that means...You've mastered the art of 'reflection in the mirror' viewing!!!! Thanks for suggesting that... :o And...I NEVER leer!!!! And am always nicely dressed!


    great. now teach it to the three "blokes" next to you who keep hitting the poor thai office workers with their elbows everytime they reposition their large frames.

  7. pretty hard to find a thai girl (not mixed/raised in the west) who makes as much as i do. of course i could find one from a rich family, but thats not earned income and its not hers until her parents die. her dad will probably be so mad that some dude with a persumably large male organ is "doing her" that he will give all the loot to her brothers. actually, that is something i have never really understood. when guys with a salary marry these girls from wealthy families, does the girl's family kick in a monthly stipend? most of them end up as house wives anyways - no income.

  8. If someone implies that someone makes less money than they do or that their wife comes from a lower social class than she does, they will quickly correct them.... and they usually do it with a sentence like "not that it matters how much I make, but I make more than that" or "Nothing against english teachers, but I am not an english teacher". But the truth is, if these things didn't matter to you and you honestly believed that it doesn't matter what other people think about you, than you would not feel the need to correct them in the first place. So, it does matter to you. You cannot get mad at someone implying that your wife used to be a prostitute unless you yourself look down on prostitutes. You can't have it both ways.

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