In last 8 months I personally know 32 people (including me and Wifey) have been to thailand. Of these people 6 were tourists the rest were Thais and or husbands / kids returning to visit families not seen for 2 to 3 years due to covid. So less than 23% genuine tourists . I imagine that this is accross the board - certainly where ferang are concerned. So you can say that maybe 1.2 million are genuine tourists but the rest just families returning - yes they are tourists but not genuine spending tourism tourists.
Personally I think it will be sometime before the geunine spending tourists return in the pre pandemic numbers, even then the numbers were massively Chinese who were not spending as all was pre paid in China. TOT are looking to gain a wealthier tourist but then Thailand legalize canabis- wealthy tourists are not stoners , for me this sends put the wrong message , Backpackers and younger tourists like a "toot" and they are not wealthy, Thailand need to make its mind up who its target audiance is.