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Posts posted by penelope

  1. The application form lists the required documents.Fill in the form, submit it with the required documents. Simple.

    If the Thai person is reasonably satisfactory under the eyes of the NZIS  (job, house, family, money, land, ties to home, education etc...), it should be a no brainer, you may even get a 'wai'  :o

  2. Ask yourself what do I have that the a Thai sofware company needs. What can I offer that they can't hire in Thailand. You'll never be hired over a fresh Thai graduate. Most foreign IT workers in Thailand are highly specialised with many years of experience in diverse environments internationally  and they bring important benefits,experience and 'been there done there' confidence to Thai compnanies. Why do you think there is such a strong ESL market.Teachers bring something that the Thais dont have, native speakers.

    I've worked in IT in Thailand for 10 years, I know what I am talkig about, and have even been involved in hiring/interviewing.

  3. I also think some of these fortunate "educated" thai females in the embassy truly look down upoun the BG s wanting to try and make a better life for themselves.

    Yes there are PROBLEMS with the system.

    Lets be constructive and look at some SOLUTIONS.

    1) change Aussie immigration policy.Unlikely.

    2) change attitude of embassy workers.Unlikely.

    3) change the applicants situation to overcome points 1 and 2.

    I can think of 2 ways to acheive point 3 :

    1) changed situation can be real (ie: get a real uni degree, land, job,own a company, long relationship history etc....), but is likely to take time and money.

    2) changed situation can be a facade.After all Thailand is the land of suface wealth/superficial apperances.A well constructed,convincing facade can work wonders.Create the paper work, create the credibility, train the applicant, engineer the situation,play the game dont let the game play you, etc....

  4. 45% of Asian young ladies who meet and marry Australia men in their later years, will walk out on him within the 1st 12 months and demand the lot

    Thank goodness my wife is 3 years older than me  :o

  5. Hi guys,

    well i just wonder how would the reaction be if starting a nice club as a foreigner? I mean, not a crap place like bubbles (Chiang Mai) or so, but a real nice club with great house music, nice beats and techno music. Make the building in a shape of a piramide and have bodyguards at the entrance, just like in europe or the usa. I wonder what would happen? :o

    What about the starting costs? what about the legal papers and what about the crowd?  ???

    You mean like that arse pit on soi 12 ..... "MOS".

  6. I know quite a few people here in Oz who have been thru the Visa process at various times and I can assure you it has become a lot more difficult over the last 10 years.

    What is the 'background' of these people who have difficulties.

    My wife has an MBA from an Ausie uni,is fluent in English, is financially secure in her own right, owns property in Aussie and LOS,has a good job at a well known mulitnational , had already lived half of her life overseas (at the time residency was granted), is married to an Aussie who has had work permits for the better part of the last 10 years in LOS and works for a different well known multi national.

    My point is, that if you have difficulties it is because your "situation" raises alarm bells.

    Do you think a member of the Sinawatra family would have "difficulties" ? No, probably not.There is a social threshold.Those below it will usually have hassles and indignity thrown at them.Those above it will be treated properly. Sometimes it is unjust,sometimes the system works in Australia's favor.... but that's just the way it is.

  7. I have to disagree.Been there and done that so this is my spiel :

    I met my wife(many years ago) when she was in Aussie on a student visa.Work committments brought us both back to LOS and over the last 10 years we have been to and fro between LOS and Aussie.We have been through the entire visa process(tourist, residency) and now she is an Aussie citizen(for 2 years now). We have both never had any problem with the embassy and I found the whole process rather painless.

    Maybe the 'background' of the applicant has a lot to do with the dissention.

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