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Posts posted by consumerismsux

  1. I'm not 100% sure about the present situation with the Military Junta in power, but the actual Thai Criminal Code states that consensual sexual relations are illegal with any person under 15 years of age; moreover, when money or any other payment is envolved, it is not considered consensual for any person under 18 years of age.

    You have highlighted one of the reasons why I am confused. I'm still confused so what are the current answers? Anybody got a web page link to reality?

  2. What a wonderful & revealing bunch of posters we have here. I now know who are the people overflowing with guilt & fear as well as being rather short on love.

    For a long time now, many of us has blindly followed the rules that were laid down in stone by people who simply figured out a way to avoid changing. You know, it's difficult when the people around you are spontaneous random because you think that they are not reliable, dependable or responsible. If everybody did what they wanted to do, what would the world be like? If all the rules were taken away, what would happen? Some of you seem to think that we are like caged animals and if the cage was opened, the rules gone, we would all become some kind of hellraising beast! I don't believe in any of this. Instead, I think that if all the outer rules were dropped, our inner rules would be far more humane, spontaneous, loving & kind.

    A long time ago, a bunch of humans got together & decided that spontaneous living was ok but not very predictable & so they thought there should be more predictability - so they made some rules. Then they would know how things would be in the future and they could feel safe.They liked predictability because with it, people didn't give them much trouble. Unpredictable people are a pain because they keep changing & can't be relied upon. They are inconvenient. If they change, then the rule makers would have to change, which would be undesirable.

    So, the rule makers resisted all change & called on those great cosmic laws they created, to keep people in line.You have to be responsible, reliable, loving & so on down the list.

    Look at us now! Do we realise how regimented our lives are? We have to decide what to eat & what not to eat, when to breath & how to breath, what to think & what not to think. And how are we going to think what to think & what not to think? This is one hel_l of a rod we have made for our backs & it's crap.

    All of these rules we have made for ourselves are in fact, our present 'hel_l'. Have any of the rules worked? No! If they had worked as they were supposed to, the world would be perfect.

    Some of you are a sad indictment upon humanity if all you can do is shout for the blood of a person you don't even know.

    No prisons, no death penalty. Try a little compassion instead.

  3. Well, it's about time I peeked out from behind my rather large & robust closet door.

    Been living here now for about 2 years...1st year in Bangkok & the last year near Pattaya. I was born & bred in a small country town in Australia (or Amstralia/Ausmerica as I like to call it) about 46 years ago. At 16, my old man (dad) forced me to join the R.A.A.F. as a radio technician apprentice. I hacked it for 2 years but I wasn't ready for it and so, to my old boys' immense dissapointment, I came home. From this point, I eventually moved into engineering. I also spent 3 years in the R.A.N. just to make sure I really didn't like the military.

    I've never been married but almost was at the ripe old age of 21...broke it off just in the nick of time & then fell into a 'no mans land' for about 11 years. That was the worst but most enlightening part of my life. After living with serious depression for most of the 11 years, I finally had a cryptic yet revealing dream, which snapped me out of my stupor in an instant.

    I've only ever had 2 boyfriends in my whole life...1st one for 2 years in Australia & the 2nd one in South America for 4 years. Haven't met any likely Thai candidates yet & I don't really like the bar seen here.

    As far as religion is concerned, I do not subscribe to any although I seem to have my own unique belief system.

    Change, challenge, opinions, honour & 'the self' appeal to me greatly.

    Where am I now? Still trying to let go of that last little bit of self homophobia, which is the reason for me being a little secretive. Just writing this intro is having a cathartic effect upon me.

    Oh yes, I'm a teacher here but would dearly love to get back into engineering.

    Phew!! That feels a bit better.

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