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Rolling Stone

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Posts posted by Rolling Stone

  1. Tell the father-in-law to sod off.

    Tell the wife ot get over it or you can find a new wife.

    Sounds to me she cares more for herself and her family than for you.

    I am not one of the believers in the wife has X responsabilities to the family, especially when dad seems to have a bit of jingle himself.

    She has a new family now and that should be number 1 in her life now, if its not she has the wrong priorities, IMHO.

    I wouldn't even buy the land for your wife to keep it in the family.

    Put your foot down and be a man.

    Keep it real!

  2. Understood Sing on all counts especially where the heart is involved. I do not blame anyone choosing to live here for reasons of love or other reasons to each his own and we all can put up with different things in life. And lord knows we all make decisions with our heart and not our head at times, but sometimes that can be a costly choice indeed.

    I read in another thread a couple posters say they were to entrenched to make a move and I feel many if willing to admit it would say the same thing. Living outside ones own country takes guts and the ability to adapt and in all the years and all the countries I have lived in I have never lived in one with the nonsense this one has.

    I understand about the cost of living but thats anywhere, when I lived in London (1995-97) I had to fork out $2700 US a month for a decent home in a decent area and everything was expensive compared to what I was used to. But I found life there brilliant and the people just as nice as here in comparative terms. Everyone in Thailand is not a sweetheart and this is no more the LOS than most any other country in SE Asia.

    You said in a roundabout way that you would be taking a step down careerwise. I hope you aren't even thinking about working for a company here? Heaven forbid.

    I am in SE Asia for the next 2-3 years but everyday that passes I realise that Thailand cannot and will not be where I hang my hat for those 2 years.

    Keep it real!

  3. Going to spend the entire day with my girlfriend as I promised no pc, cell phone off, apartment phone blocked, no business she wants my time that day spent on nothing but her. For dinner I am planning on hitting one of the hotels for a nice Xmas meal. Haven't looked into that part yet but imagine Marriott or somewhere is putting on a spread........I hope.

    Keep it real!

  4. Sing IMHO stay in Singapore as living in Thailand is trying to say the least. The country is beautiful, the people are generally some of the nicest you will meet but quality of life is worthless and most would admit it except they overlook the negatives and focus on the positive for their own reasons the most for love. On the surface its nice here but after you are here for a while you will learn that unless you are half-broke the charm goes right out the window.

    After judging from the online poll they took here about how much money each spend to live here etc IMHO I feel the majority are here to be with women they could never get at home and the ability to live a lazy life on next to nothing. Singapore on the other hand has a different outlook on expats as the expats are different in more ways than one. My lease is up in July I am gone and will be glad of it, wonderful place is Thailand with so many positives but the negatives out weigh the positives for all except the desperate IMHO.

    Keep it real!

  5. Can check the suppliers of vegetables for you this evening taxexile am headed out shopping. The organic meats is a bust but you can get imported meat and fish its more expensive but well worth the price down the road IMHO. At the end of the day its not much more when you think of it as so little meat actually goes into Thai dishes. I still find myself spending far less for groceries than I do in the west.

    Keep it real!

  6. Would not touch anything from a Thai market. I buy everything from the grocery at Chit Lom where you can by pesticide free vegetables imported fruits and meats. Sure the price is a little higher but thats a small price to pay for my longterm health. I don't even drink bottled soda, beer etc from Thailand nor would I use ice anywhere. Its Evian, Perrier because I know its bottled outside of Thailand and things I bring in from farangland or its nothing. I see people drinking Thai bottled water, beer soda etc and just cannot believe the risk people are willing to take. Where do you think the water used to make Coke, beer etc from? The thing that really blows my mind is watching people in restaurants say they want bottled water then pour it in a glass of ice????? Where in the world you think they get the water to make the ice? But thats just me, to each his own.

    Keep it real!

  7. At the end of the day IMHO I would just say goodbye to the land of smiles for 10 years. I think I understand what you mean about the passion for living here but then again maybe I don't. I chose Thailand as a base for living while doing business in SE Asia because of so many different reasons but one was not that it held some special feelings or lifestyle that I felt I could not find elsewhere in SE Asia. I needed to buy in 6 different countries in the Area and Thailand offered the most advanced country for the best price.

    Don't get me wrong the people are great the climate and the environment are great as well but that can be found in so many places in SE Asia. Thats why I may be missing something when you talk about the passion for living in the LOS that I also see so many others speak of here.

    Why risk one day in Thai jail is my question? Just don't come back and have the wife sort out her passport so she can go to you where ever it is you decide to reside in SE Asia if thats the lifestyle you wish to continue leading.

    The life here is ok but not worth risking jail time in a Thailand cell for over something so minor. To many other places in SE Asia with people just as friendly, environment just as lovely and a lifestyle just as relaxing. Spend the cash you would spend on a lawyer etc to sort out life somewhere else and to sort out your "wife's" passport so she can join you.

    Keep it real!

  8. Kathe, to post back to home country or Thailand? I would think you are ok with used clothing etc coming into most countries even Thailand. But one thing I think you should check is the "freight" cost to have it go by plane rather than post especially if you don't mind bringing it with you.

    Although the extra baggage $$$ does seem to go up every year its still cheape than posting it. You can usually have 30-35 kilos per piece on most long haul flights for $100-120 each over the 2 piece limit, and it can be packed inside a box that is quite a good size. Posting it would be much more I would think.

    But then again you may be thinking of shipment by sea or it is meant to come after you do and therefore my post would not be much help. If I misunderstood sorry :o

    Keep it real!

  9. In this joke the "th" at the end of the words is the guys lisp. Never written the joke always just told it, bear with me.

    Two friends are on their way to a card game and are to bring snacks and decide to stop at a nut shop. The driver tells his friend to go get some nuts for the game and he will wait in the car.

    The guy enters the shop and asks the owner "Hey mither, how much is you peanuths?"

    The owner says "$3.49 a pound"

    The guys says "Oh my, how muth you cathews?"

    The owner says "Cashews are $6.79 a pound"

    The guy says "Thix theventy nine a poundth, jeethuth crithe. How muth you pitathioths?"

    The owner says "Those are $8.99 a pound"

    The guy loses his cool and screams at the guy "Are you out of you tham mind mither? You crathy ath shit I never coming back here again"

    He turns and on his way out he tells all the customers in the store to leave that the guy was crazy and his nuts were overpriced.

    He goes back out to the car empty handed and his friend says "Where are the nuts?"

    He says "Oh the guyth prithes wathe thoo high I toll him off"

    His friend says "Why did you do that? The guy has a living to make maybe his rent is high in this area or something. That guy could have made you look like a fool in there and really hurt your feelings by making fun of your lisp and all"

    The guy thinks about it and says "Yeah I gueth you wight, I thould go in and apolothithe to the guy"

    He goes back in and says to the owner "Hey mither I weally thorry I threamed ath you before abouth the prithe you nuths, wath wrong and I am very thorry. You wath nithe abouth it and all and could have made fun of my lispth and everithing but you didn't"

    The owner says "Ah, forget about it, I would never make fun of you anyway, everybody has something wrong with them. Look at me I have a big nose"

    The guy scratches his head looks at the guy and says "Oh thath you nothe, I thought thath wath you kock cuth you nuths wath tho high"

    Keep it real!

  10. I doubt they will ever come up with a way that will make it cheaper. More efficient maybe but government never seems to be able to lower the price with increased productivity and efficiency. They usually just find something else to put the savings to :o

    I agree dr PP, one thing how will they deal with the visa issue if its on a plastic card? Kinda hard to put the stickers all over the thing and still use it eh?

    I remember that movie Axel freaky huh? :D

    Keep it real!

  11. membrane just let it go man, the guy is not worth the effort, cowards never are. Just ignore the hateful nonsense posts from the 10 or so anti-Americans here and let them be fools amongst themselves. Don't give them the satisfaction of winding you up.

    They cannot even admit their obvious true feelings with their "I am not anti-American people just anti-American govt"

    Heres just one post from earlier "We've had enough of your violence,your macho,your coca cola,your stinking hamburgers,your empty smiles,your oversized teeth,your swaggering,your subsidised farmers and rice exports,your stupid films,your dumbass tv,your always trying to appeal to to the lowest common denominator cos its easy money,enough is enough.we dont need it or want it."

    After this the poster made another post saying his post was anti US policy not anti American???????

    I have lived all over Europe and the same nasty comments can be said about their countries and cultures and subsidies and tv that this poster said here about ours. But why stoop to their level? Its just not worth your time man just skip over the posts chuckle at their ignorance and move on.

    Keep it real!

  12. monitorlizard, yeah that half quote I cut from the article did kind of turn the story around from father to son didn't it? Also in the last 2 days of re-cooping from my flight from the west (keep crazy hours first few days) spent a lot of time reading up on the web about the prisons in the LOS and foreigners in them. More than a few guys said the rape thing does happen especially to weak farangs. They pretty much said you have to be able to fight or be able to pay someone to protect you or you were in dire straights after lights out. Gotta remember Bang is where the worst of the worst go and rape is definitely not out of order for them. This kid does not look like he could fight his way out of a wet paper bag so me thinks he has problems.

    sbk, did not mean to sound like I was feeling the kid should not get punished or that he was not aware of what he was doing with using the word "kid". Kinda just a term I use for guys his age as I unfortunately get a bit older myself :o

    anorth uk, I too think the kid deserves exactly what is coming to him in terms of time, just a shame to see any life wasted thats all. I actually think the $$ he got from dad was for new clothes and articles he would need for the trip and the $$ for the trip came from whoever supplied him with the drugs.

    Even though I have been a lowdown pot smoker my whole life I have never taken any chemicals (coke, heroin, pills etc) I don't even take aspirin which the mrs thinks is absolutely strange. My thing has always been "god made pot man made alcohol and every other drug, who you gonna trust?" I figure if I can do without in E Asia everyone else should be able to as well and anyone busted for drugs in SE Asia deserves what they get.

    monitorlizard I am not sure about E, I know it keeps you awake and grinding your teeth but other than that I haven't a clue. Yaba from what I understand is similar to methamphetamines but has some psychedelic properties as well. But other than that I am clueless.

    Keep it real!

  13. Thanks for the jury pool info sbk, I will have to check that out in the new state my mother lives in. Her last state you were on the jury pool only if you were a registered voter. I would be livid if I could not have DL in the states. I paid $60K to the feds and $23K to the state last year and the least I think I deserve is a DL.

    Keep it real!

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