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Posts posted by bentrein

  1. Maximum speed is 30 kmh and max load is 120 kg. It can travels up to 35 km at one go. I was told by the shop owner no registration and no need for helmet.

    Thanks, but that would be an uninteresting one for me. I can do 30km/h on a normal bicycle for an hour - also on Thai roads. I need something sturdier than that.

    I will ask the guy selling them, and - if the response is unsattisfactory - I'll see about a chance to go to the land transport department. Need to get a 'motorcy'cle drivers' license anyway...

    Will get back to you guys.

    Edit: @Cluezo: I'll try to get a pick online soon.

  2. but carrying 12 children, a goat, 2 gas cans while smoking is still legally acceptable on you electric scooter :D


    @Pushit: And if it looks like a scooter? I've seen several in my development, but none of them have a number plate. Upon asking, no one has tried to get a number plate; all owners use it as a gadget. Anyone know how and if I can get a plate on an electric scooter? Once I got that, I can take my 3 sheep and 9 chickens to the market... :D

  3. I've always loved Opera, especially for its being an email and browser in one. All the others have (afik) 2 separate programmes...

    What I haven't found yet in Opera 9.5 is the shortcut to hide opera in the Windoze system tray. CTRL+H doesn't do the trick any longer!

    Oh, and as I type this, the Opera forum solves my quest: SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+H - long sequence... :o

  4. Perhaps some of you have tried before, what I'm planning to try...

    Across from where I live there's an 'electric scooter wholesaler' who, because of proximity of my living quarters, would sell me one. As i live fairly close to work, this is a very reasonable option. A (Thai) friend of mine claims that it's impossible to register these things with the authorities, making them illegal on Thai public roads...

    Is my Thai friend right or wrong? What are - if any - the options of getting an electric scooter onto Thai roads?

    On my way to work I have to pass one junction that is permanently occupied by police, so I won't risk it - it's cheaper to take a taxi, if you get my drift.

  5. Sorry, I'm not able to answer your question, but...

    That still leaves us with the general legalities of a tribunal set up by a junta that came to power through clearly illegal means.

    Not being a great fan (euphemism) of the current junta , nor liking the previous junta - er, Thugsin & Co. - I can't see the problem with the tribunal. And well because the following: Yes, it was set up by an illegal junta, but the members are the top judges in the country, and they were told to check if the old laws (the constitutional - the one that was hailed as the most democratic constitution Thailand has ever had - and the electoral) were broken. They applied those laws to both parties and found that one hadn't broken the law, and the other had.

    It remains debatable if the verdict was handed down, though I dare say I highly doubt it. I've heard it, and it's been said here many times before; the verdict was very thorough - and elaborate.

    So this is to others as well who say that TRT was disbanded based on a different law (supposedly one they weren't bound by at the time of wrongdoing), than the Democrats... This is not true.

    On a seperate note, anyone reading and thinking about the news before hand, could feel the verdict coming. TRT was calling on the tribunal to take into consideration national unity (or something like it) and asking for mercy, while the Democrats asked the tribunal to stick to the facts. Now who, I ask you, sounds like a guilty party?

  6. Thanks for all the great news clippings. I'm trying to make up my mind on the new constitution though - the proposals that are lying around and such. Is there anywhere on the net anything official (a government site or such) that has the draft as is - or at lease a summary of the draft? I try to keep up by reading the news papers, but I'm sure it's not all there's to it...

    Edit: I found it myself... :o For anyone else interested: cda.parliament.go.th/ - as expected, a lot of text! :D

  7. Having read all, I think most has been said that needs saying - for now. Only one thing I remember reading - but I can't find where, so no direct quote - that wasn't picked up on. Somewhere someone said that we should watch for a junta backed campaign for people to vote 'No' to the new constitution. I can see where this is coming from, but I think the military is only trying to get a Yes vote for the current draft. This is, because the current draft does NOT seperate the three different powers that are so important for a good functioning constitution. If all vote yes - just because we need to get back to democracy soon - we are voting for a constitution that gives the military a say in the law making process - among other things. The current draft seems to be trying to involve all three powers in all three processes (law making, executing and checking/controlling). This is an intolerable situation.

    The constitution as is should be sent back to the drafting table. The junta will - if you ask me - be only served if Thailand votes yes!

    Edit: And @ chanchao; you've made your position on TRT and Your Glorious Leader Thugsin clear over and over. You stated somewhere that you or your family will never again vote Democrats. I don't think you (or they) ever have. Your reasoning for this seems a bit strange though... You accuse the Democrats of being undemocratic as they boycotted an election that was illegal in the first place. How can that be?

  8. It's unacceptable, here or anywhere.

    Thanks for your lengthy reply. The last time I went to the cinema (this Friday) I asked the management - again - to call their provider and tell them that the customers are complaining. They wouldn't promise me that, nor would they give me the phone number of their provider, so I could go and complain myself. Not that I really expected them to give me that...

    The management also said that this happens everywhere in Thailand, so all the major cinema chains must have the trouble... I know it's a long way around for me, but could you ask around among your post production house friends who is the most usual provider for the major (hint hint) cinema chains in Thailand? And - if not get back to me with it - drop them a line saying that it's not good what they're doing?

    And then a note on the 'anti-piracy' comment. As TIT, I believe you, but it can not be effective, as all movies are available pirated before they come out in the cinemas here. The pirated copies guaranteed come from somewhere else than being recorded in Thai cinemas. I have had the odd drunken night where I saw pirated movies, and they don't have the scribling on the screen!

  9. To Chownah:

    Pretty good indeed. I'm not entirely sure how the projections are done here in Thailand. I know in the cinema I frequented in Holland, it was with one projector, two reels and the second reel started running at a certain strip/indicator of the first reel. Usually this reel change is notable by a little Arial font text starting with (usually) OV-andthenacodeforthemovie in the top right corner of the screen. This happens with normal movies in the beginning, and once MAXIMUM twice during the movie. But it's rather unintrusive, as it's only in the corner.

    The case here is not projectionist; it's firtly full automatic these days - probably even the rewinding, and rerunning. The management obviously was aware (when I spoke with them) that somebody has written with pen/pencil on the reel and didn't wipe it off; and probably the film was copied with that text on it, so the cinema can't wipe it off.

    To emperor_tud - and anyone who notices it: Please complain about it, and/or ask for a refund...

  10. With the experiences below, I'm not (necessarily) calling for a discussion, but I want to know if people are as annoyed as I am by the current changes in the cinema. For you who haven't noticed anything, let me elaborate.

    When I came here first in 2002, the cinemas (including the one I now frequent in Central BangNa) were surely rivalling the quality of the cinemas back home - Holland is where I'm from. However a few months ago something annoying started happening: between 4 to 10 times every movie, a huge handwritten code appeared through the picture on the screen.

    I'm a movie lover, to the point where I lose myself in the story; almost forget where I am. I go to the cinema, because the experience of the movie is so much better than at home - only with loads of money and a big house can the quality of a cinema be reproduced at home, and I'm not filthy rich. An interruption like I mentioned above throws me out of the story, and annoys me terribly.

    I went to the management, to complain, and they told me that this writing is done by the company who provides the movie - some people I've talked with suspect its done by the translators, but I can't be sure about that. The management - naturally - wouldn't give me the name of the company, nor could they promise that it wouldn't happen again.

    It did happen again. And this time I got upset, and asked for my money back. TIT - this is Thailand - I didn't, but the manager did grant me a free ticket for another show.

    If you think I'm a whiner, please answer only once. Everyone who is also annoyed by the interruptions, complain, and ask your money back (though don't expect to get it)! Only this way we can force the cinemas to force their suppliers not to write on the reel!

  11. In my case, how can I be working when my wife does not pay me salary?

    Forgive me for commenting on something all the way back from the top, and forgive me if it's been said already, but I couldn't find it. In Thailand, working without a salary is still considered working!

    Just after the tsunami hit, the Thai government threatened volunteers helping out there with deportation for not having a work permit! "Only people registered with recognised aide services will be given a work permit, if they apply. All others will be arrested." This is what the former government stated. Need I say more?

  12. A question that - God forbid - will not be an issue for me for a long time, but this is Bangkok after all.

    The situation is such: I am (Dutch and) happily married to a Thai woman, and we bought a house. In her name, as of course, and I don't have a 30+30 year lease. Please leave the stupidity of this decision out of the following discussion. All I say is that I know, and am prepared to take the risk.

    My question is in a slightly different direction: What happens if we are one of the happy exceptions that actually live together 'till death do us part'? If she's the first one to go - given the current life expectancy, I believe that's in something like 45 years, and laws may change but if they don't, then - who does the house then belong (go) to? Asume we have no children - or at least none with Thai nationality (I've been told by the Dutch embassy that a child over 18 has to choose nationality, and won't be allowed dual nationality!).

    In short: If my Thai wife passes away, leaving behind a house and a piece of land in her name, who does the deed go to?

  13. Do you have a phone number of them? The Thai consulate refuses to answer the phone - also on work days. Have been trying all week!

    Edit: Don't worry about the number; googled it, found it! Thanks. For other interested: +60 4-2616113 - and they say the consulate is indeed open on May 2nd.

  14. Penang is popular for tourist visas, if you use an agent a 3 entry should be available. No info on tourist visas in KL.

    Is Penang only popular for tourist visas? Provided I have the right paperwork (which I do) is Penang recommended to go for a Non Imm-b (3 months will do, my work permit will be done by then)? Or is another embassy/consulate easier?

  15. I'm halfway through changing jobs and am getting nervous. My old employer cancelled my work permit (of course), and after that I was entitled to a 15(+6) days extension on my Non-Imm-O visa. I don't have enough savings in the bank now to get a year extension simply on the fact that I'm married in Thailand, so it really has to come from the fact that my next employer has his (er, her) paperwork ready before this 21 days extension runs out. It does on May first.

    She says that although most schools are closed, the immigration is probably open on May first. Can anyone verify this, because I sincerely doubt it...

    And what about the Thai embassy in Penang/KL/Singapore? Will they be open on May first?

    Hoping for a positive answer; if I have to go, I'm trying to plan the trip as efficient as possible, as I'm financially unable to stay elsewhere than home for a long time...

    Thanks a lot!

  16. To Lasse920: The Thai government keeps saying that they've got everything under control, and that no help is necessary... How much of that is true remains to be seen. If you want to help, don't send money directly here, but send it through a renown organisation which you trust will actually use your money to help, and not pay the people who have plenty already - which is very common all throughout Asia.

    To all interested in my project: We've indeed settled on helping out in BanNam Khem, but adoption is not going to happen. As the government's mills turn slowly, it isn't exactly clear yet what's going to happen. But most likely we're going to (try to) set up a non profit fishing co-op through which the local fishermen can get a fair(er) price for their fish.

    For those of you who read Dutch, there's a website of the private help programme our county is planning to join.

  17. Thanks for those comments; and as requested I'll keep you posted. If time permits, I may even create a website covering news about it, but that's not going to be any time soon.

    As we ran out of people to call, my wife went down south to select a place. We have 'chosen' the village of Ban Nam Khem, not far to the north of Khao Lak. This because it was the first place my wife found that was indeed completely wiped out. 2400 people out of 4000 either dead or missing... However, no one was still in the village when my wife arrived, so communication still has to start...

  18. I am a Dutch national, living in Thailand (Paknam, just south of Bangkok). My father is vice-mayor in a small county in Holland. He has contacted me with the folloing request:

    The county wishes, in the aftermath of the Tsunami, to adopt a Thai village or Ampoer (how do you transliterate this: อำเภอ?), and help rebuilding it. This help is not aimed at immediate relief (something that is urgent, but offered already). This is an offer for long term help, and the aide will start coming to Thailand not earlier than the end of January. In other words, it will not be to clear the first rubble, but to rebuild what was destroyed, and possibly in the future continue cooperation to develop the place further.

    I am at a loss, which village (which Ampoer) to choose for adoption, and how to find poeple to be entrusted with the communication.

    I have (very Thai) four days off around the new years, and I'm considering simply going to the area (first aiming at Khao Lak) and see for myself. However, will the Ampoer be opened over the new years? I guess so...

    Anyone with suggestions, can contact me; it will be greatly appreciated. Especially welcome will be advice about the following:

    1) Which Ampoer to choose?

    2) How to find reliable contacts there; do you have any contacts within the area you are suggesting?

    Thanks for the help!

    I can be contacted through email - [email protected] - though I'm not 100% sure I will be online the coming days... More direct will be my Thai mobile at 09 1108638. I can speak Thai reasonably well, but I can't read it. Please mail in English!

    Ben Trein

  19. I am thinking of getting the ###### of out Dodge to avoid the yearly drenching.

    Matter of taste, I don't blame you. But I was planning to leave Thailand on April 10th for Holland for a month. When I heard the dates of Songkhran I managed to rebook my ticket to the fifteenth...

    I've been soaked almost every year since I came first to Thailand (3 out of 5) and I'm still planning to stay!

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