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Posts posted by colinneil

  1. 15 minutes ago, pacovl46 said:

    Well, the good news is he still can feel being touched and with the right rehabilitation he might be able to get back to normal. The bad news is I don’t think that type of rehabilitation is available to him in Thailand. 

    Friends of mine built a house in Thailand and one of the main builders befriended them. Once the house was finished he moved to another construction site on which some scaffolding collapsed under which he was standing and he got hit in the back by a plank which also knocked him out. So they put him in a taxi to get him to a hospital which took 1.5 hours because of traffic and because of the way he was either laying or sitting in the taxi the injury to his back got worse and he was paraplegic after that. After a while he could move his arms and legs slightly, but he never got any type of rehabilitation and he died a few years later of a stroke. To this day I’m convinced his condition could have improved considerably if he had gotten proper rehab. 

    Either way, I hope this guy makes a full recovery! 

    Very confusing post, you claim your friend was made paraplegic, then could move his arms and legs slightly.

    First paraplegia does not affect the arms, secondly, no way was he paraplegic if he could move his legs, go on now tell me i am wrong.

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