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Posts posted by colinneil

  1. 17 minutes ago, Iron Tongue said:

    Gate closed, winch not working... OK, we know you can't get out, but what about the wife?  You aren't having her climb the wall, are you?  

    Living with me must drive her up the wall sometimes, here pass me this/ that, oh can you do this for me i cannot reach, that must drive her up the wall.????????????

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, elgenon said:

    Maybe her and a couple mia nois?

    Yes mate i wish, but as i have no feeling in my body below my chest bit pointless.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

    Here is an example, preparing dinner yesterday, i peeled an onion, moved over to the fridge to get more veg out, got back to the table, could not find the onion anywhere, so got another 1.

    Wife winching me onto my bed, the onion fell on the floor, it had got down beside me, no feeling so i didnt know it was there.

    So just think about me having a mia noi, waste of time.

  3. Just now, scubascuba3 said:

    how about the 2nd ATM slip? presumably you can check using the bank app anyway

    Behave yourself, 2nd slip why?

    If my wife was dishonest, she would have taken money long before now, never taken 1 baht from me.

    Never asked me for money in 10 years, 7 years ago while in hospital, unknown to me my card had expired in january, i only found out at the end of april, when i got home from hospital.

    How have you been paying the bills, i asked, i used my money she said.

  4. Just now, hellohello123 said:


    - anywhere near a Thai girl is dangerous


    Might as well burn it

    What a ridiculous comment, many thousands of Thai girls are 100% honest, i am married to 1 like that.

    I got a new card on the 12th of december last year, ( well my wife got it for me)

    My wife has had the card since, yesterday she gave me the A.T.M. slip showing me what she had drawn out, exact to the baht what i told her to draw out.


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