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Posts posted by Haydn

  1. Why is anyone surprised?-- In February 1942 I stood to attention in the school playground to hear the list of those expupils from the school who had been killed or wounded fighting against the Germans and the Japanese -- at the end the headmaster announced that Siam had declared war on the side of the Japanese against Great Britain but that we would be victorious

  2. Last year the British Hooligans were urinating in the water bins before filling their large high powered illegal pump gins and holding a competition with a neighboring bar in Second Road Pattaya to see how many people they could knock of motorbikes -- this was not on an official Song Kran day --- Made me very ashamed of being of being British and when I spoke to one I was told to F O-- This year I have a tiny camera and I am going to film them and send prints to the department of Works and Pensions as many have admitted to me on other occasions that they are on the dole

  3. Thank you Lite Beer but unfortunately I could not find the information I need on the reference you gave and I cannot use a telephone. I need to know what days they are going to be open over the Christmas and New year period as I have been informed that they will not be open arround the 27th December.

  4. At 7AM yesterday morning I tried to take my early morning walk along Beach road and was nearly hit by a piece of piping for a stall being swung round by a Thai youth . When I spoke to him he was most abusive. further on there were a group trying to get Indian tourists to buy shorts -- one pair split as the Thia sales person held it up against a rather large Indian trying to show him it would fit. The tide was low and people were having to wade out to the boats so a good opportunity for selling but what rubbish the sales people were pestering them with.Last evening I could not walk down Beach road. except on the road itself. The Indian tailors on the one side competing with stalls selling porno video's near Pattaland and stalls selling rubbish on the other. By the way what regulations regarding food safety and hygiene apply to the food sellers there and are they enforced????

  5. Dude 007

    If me putting what I did on this site helps one child I will be happy. It was not easy for me to "come out of the closet" but the responses on this forum have been worth it. Yes I am an old man and I have made my own life despite what happened but I will never forget. I have been told by someone who knows my identity that I use on this site that I am sticking my neck out and am risking being "Bumped Off" by appealing to TV readers to help those being abused as there is big money in it and some falanges are involved. I am very willing to take my chances.

  6. As Someone who was repeatedly sexually abused as a child may I say that it does not matter what people do to help the victims they will be like me having flashbacks and bitter memories all their lives. To me I feel even today that it would have been kinder if they had killed me rather than me suffer the daily reminders especially one like this story brings. - Yes in later life I had counselling and I also trained to help fellow survivors of child hood sexual abuse but those five years as a child when I cried out for help an no one would listen will be with me till I die -- If I said what I feel about those people who have been caught and the "customers" I would be perminantly banned from Thai Visa but I appeal to all the readers that if you know anyone who is abusing children do something about it .

  7. "I guess everyone should get taught by priests, nuns and monks.."

    There was some statistics that suggested one third of the priests in Wales were homosexuals and one third alcholics

    Lets wait to see what transpires but I do think myself that it is a little unusual for a male teacher to be teaching an infants class

  8. Last night I met a finnish Guy -Tattoos- with jacket displaying logo of a MC club and riding a very large black bike -- He admitted he had never ridden a bike before coming to Pattaya on holiday and had great fun racing down a road terrorising the pedestrians.

    A] he is giving the MC clubs a bad name and some do good work for charity

    b] isn't it time that the police insisted that those renting bikes out photocopied the person's driving licence and maybe sent copies to the traffic police with the bike registration number and copy of passport T

    Then if any one reported him for driving offences it would be easier to catch him

    Incidently he had not been asked to show a driving licence when he hired the bike nor had a friend who hired a big bike when the only licence he had was a learner bike licence from UK

  9. Personally I hope that new immigration Police Commander gets round to arresting all these fraudsters living in Pattaya -- The three associated with Gary B are not the only ones -- The South Wales news reported a while ago a Taff called Rees who was sending goods to his cousin -- The cousin was had for handling counterfeit goods and mony laundering. I personally will tip them off about any I find. They are a disgrace to Britain

  10. I have been told that If I return to UK because I am sick with eart and lung problems my wife would nort be able to go with me. That is the British Goivernment for you caring for OAP who served their country and paid contributions for fifty years. May God curse them

  11. To George and all the moderators, and all the posters and readers of Thai Visa -- May I wish you a very happy Christmas and every blessing for you and those you love for the New Year

    Thank you all for the comments and work that we have shared on Thai Visa and may we share more in the New Year

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