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  1. I have the Accord 2.0l Hybrid and must admit I love it, especially the instant torque and fuel consumption is great. Watched a youtube video on the power train breakdown into components (generator, electric motors etc) and the engineering is incredible. Only thing I miss is normal engine revving and gear changes but with an automatic you don't really get that now anyway.
  2. Agree regarding Dr Somchai at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. Also worth looking at (pardon the pun) Lens replacement surgery as with Lasik you may still need reading glasses later in life whereas Multiocular Lens Replacement is a lifetime fix for both long and short sighted problems and no chance you will ever get cataracts, costs about 220K baht at BPH.
  3. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. Do you know if this link is for tax and NI or only tax related issues ?
  4. Thanks, I have sent them a message, they said up to 10 days for a reply, fingers crossed.
  5. I've been trying for months to get through to HMRC regarding backdating my NI contributions, I keep giving up after about 50 minutes waiting. Maybe claims is a different department ?
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 149 seconds  
  7. I just completed this quiz. My Score 0/100 My Time 58 seconds  
  8. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 103 seconds  
  9. You do keep your money in a normal savings account and the 'credit card' is linked to that account. The only difference between a normal credit card and the card foreigners normally receive here is that you must have the funds in your account to cover the cost of your current monthly bill. Used it extensively when building a house for buying materials etc. With the amount of points I accumulated I can purchase items from the online store or pay for Pizza company deliveries etc 🙂. Only got an Ipad and about 20 pizzas so far but still have heaps of points. For me they are extremely convenient, mines is KBank and no yearly charge.
  10. It is obviously Reefer madness, ban the devil's lettuce immediately, just one look at it can make you addicted for life, and your unborn offspring.
  11. I'm an all day smoker when at home, have been since my 20's, now in my 50's. When i go to work I cannot smoke for the full month, but when get home for a month go back to all day smoking, done this for 30 years. A bonus of this is for the first couple of days home I can get completely baked on a very small amount. I can say for me there is pretty much zero comedown or side effects when stopping that I notice. Had a few periods when i stopped completely for a few months at a time just to prove to myself that i can but I really enjoy it so I start again. Regarding productivity, I find it depends on the strain but a general rule of thumb for me is Sativa during the day which actually sometimes helps me focus and get stuff done, a nice indica to chill at night.
  12. You did ask why not many tourist go.... Pretty much a waste of time going at the moment as you can't really go anywhere and there are curfews in place, but up to you as they say....
  13. 1st Feb 2021 was the military coup, too long to explain so better do some research yourself. It is a truely amazing country but due political situations it has never been developed for mass tourism but numbers were picking up before the coup. Travel outside of Yangon is very restricted at the moment and not safe, civilian population are probably the nicest people I have ever met.
  14. Seriously, just keep changing like for like as previously suggested, maybe try to source higher quality standard microswitches to get longer out it
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