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Posts posted by braverrouge

  1. If this is Pattaya, then I would love to join for some lessons.

    I need to brush up on my aincient taekwondo skills (and to loose some KG in a way more fun than a gym)

    Ever heard about Jean Pierre ???

    If I'm not wrong he's 5th or 6th dan in Taekwondo.

    He has opened 1 gym opposite the police station in naklue (Sukumvit road) and another gym behind Big C south Pattaya.

    I'm still in negotiation to join him and teach Aikido there.

  2. The Renbukan dojo in Sukhumvit Road is alive and kicking! Contact details here: http://www.thaiaikikai.com/eng/location_rbk.html

    Hi Raro... thanks! I guess the server was down or something. Will sign up at the Dance Centre when I move back and really looking forward to it!

    Do you practice as well?

    mrducky ... Out of experience, I strongly recommend to sign up with rembukan dojo rather than Dance Studio.

    The reason for this is that Fukakusa Shihan is teaching there regulary.

    If I'm not wrong he's visiting Dance studio every now and then only ... Have fun training Aikido and if you happen to come to Pattaya then just visit us for some training at Mike shopping mall.

    We are a very small group but training regulary ...

    PS.: Raro, hope ur back is getting better and that u can continue ur training very soon. I will ensure to pull out some usefull and fun techniques on your next class :o ... I know that you love the fun part :D

  3. Have just put a down payment on a Civic Navi. Asked these questions of the sales staff, but of course the answer was less than convincing :o

    Can anyone who owns one of these cars with the Navi option answer the following?

    Does the GPS only have Thailand maps?

    What about Malaysia/Singapore maps?

    If there are only Thailand maps, can you download/purchase other countries?

    Is the GPS Garmin based?

    Is there any yearly fee to pay for maps/license?

    Are there any other issues with this Navi option?

    Would you buy it again?


    I happen to drive the CIVIC Navi and here are some answers to your question;

    Does the GPS only have Thailand maps? - Yes

    What about Malaysia/Singapore maps? - No and I don't think you really want to drive all the way to Malay or Sing, It's a long trip :D

    If there are only Thailand maps, can you download/purchase other countries? - I'm not very sure about this part. I'd checked the users manual and was checking the "device", where possible, and couldn't find anything how/where to upload a new map :D

    Is the GPS Garmin based? - Yes

    Is there any yearly fee to pay for maps/license? - No, it's free :wai:

    Are there any other issues with this Navi option? - As a "Farang" the Navi is useless for you, unless you can write Thai. The pre-installed software allouds you to key in names, locations etc. in English but the map itself is supporting Thai only :D .

    I've getting around this problem b'coz I do write some Thai and in very worse case I still have my wife and my daughter who's doing that part for me :D


  4. By the way, Honda Japan just showed their new Accord.

    I believe tha it will take another 1 - 2 years until it reachs Thailand.

    This model for Japanese and European market and will never reach Thailand.

    The combi may not come, but the sedan could come.

    Like the Civic 2008/2009, they are the same as the Japanes model

    The only Civic you can't see an Thailand (yet) is the R type.

  5. All "New" Honda car owners ...

    I believe that this post will release all the pressure you had in your chest after this forum was posted first time ...

    The romours about the price cut down is a total fake ....

    The letter with the price cut down was sent sometimes in early 2007 and had been edited again in 2008.

    Honda Thailand did realized that the "scam" letter had seriouse effect on their sales and came out with a letter on December 2008.

    The letter was posted in all thai news papers, not sure whether it was posted in any English language news paper.

    I've attached a photo of that letter (I's in Thai only).

    You may ask your wife, girlfriend or whoever to translate it for you.

    However, the main content of that letter is that onda Thailand confirms that they don't have any intention to reduce their retail prices in Thailand.

    By the way, Honda Japan just showed their new Accord.

    I believe tha it will take another 1 - 2 years until it reachs Thailand.

    Here are some pics for you guys.





  6. I'm looking to buy a new accord and I heard from a friend, that her friend ended up buying in BKK and not Phuket and saved 50K baht. I'll believe it when I try the same thing, but I'm sure BKK has more flexibilityand motivation than the one pony show in Phuket.

    Here's a link to Honda Thailand web site. http://www.honda.co.th/en/index.html

    You can check their standard rates from there.

    Good Luck

  7. I assume that this post comes a bit late.

    However, I've experienced a similar case with Honda Pattaya while checking up the new Civic last week and decided to go to Honda Chonburi.

    The sales girl was very friendly and gave me all those stuff I intended to buy for free (worth 40K) but I had to add in another 3,000 on top of my insurance.

    What the heck I saved over all 37K, so I went for the Civic there.

    In addition she managed to cash out my old Cefiro, year 2000, for 250K while other dealers were offering only 230K max.

  8. No girlie-punches now. :o

    No more, I guess.

    The last guy I'd punched during a sparring excercise stepped back 3 steps and waved his hand to signal for "enought" :D

    It wasn't a hard punch but timing and vital point happen to be just perfect.

    I still fell sorry for him

  9. good idea on the shipping but i am more worried about confiscation rather than fees. that link is expensive and the chukkas are too thin, but the cord is short which is rare and good. i have a better site i will post when i find it and they do 1" diameter at the top and 1.25" at the bottom and in any wood you want. good product if it winds up at my door

    I dont see any pricing on the swords. do they have any on the net. i emailed them but would like to see some online pricing. do they have a store here or just a factory, shows 3 outlets but none in thailand

    It seems that you know your stuff when it comes to nunchucks.

    What kind of martial art are you practicing ?

    That's correct, they didn't put on prices because of their other stores overseas.

    The local prices in Thailand are much cheaper than those in overseas.

    I first thought it was that "Thai Style" selling to Farang, with surcharge, but have been advised that they have shipping costs and import duties overseas which have be included into their prices.

    If buying in Thailand you wont have those cost and you can hold the Katanas first before deciding to buy them :o at a much cheaper rate.

    Their factory and store are at the same place.

    I understand they they haven't opened any other brnaches in Thailand yet.

    Therefore, I f you like to give them a visit, which they would apprechiate, you need to drive to Samutsakorn.

    It's quite close to BKK and should take longer than an hour.

    Here are the retail prices they give me a while ago:


    ktn3= THB 17500

    ktn4= THB 18700

    ktn5= THB 22500

    wk01= THB 15000

    wk02= THB 16000

    iaito1= THB 8,500

    Sanmais01= THB 38,500s02= THB 36,500s03= THB 42,500


    bk01= THB 14000

    bk02= THB 15000

    bk03= THB 16000

    bk04= THB 17000

    Who ever doesn't have the knowledge about Katanas would say that these are rip off prices but as I said, these Katanas aren't soveniers, they are lifeblades and much cheaper than buying from Japan directly.

  10. desertrat,

    Looking at all the replies, I would say that regardless of any mastial art, selfdefense style, what works best and so on, you should more focus on mutivating your grandson rather than telling him that Taekwondo is useless as a selfdefense.

    Having your grandson practicing any kind of martial art and/or sports is still better than having him sitting infront of the television, playing PS2 games all day.

    I still remember my young years, my parents happen to come to a soccer match where I was playing with my team mates and the only thing they were able to say was that I run like a girl ...

    I was very disapointed and frustated on their comments ... So what ?!? I might was running like a girl but I won plenty gold medals with my running and I was playing soccer at the 2nd league. Most important is that we won the champion ship that season.

    Very similar comments I had on my martial art training ... These days I'm an instructor !

    Bless you all :o

  11. wow, thanks.... i left my real samurai sword in america at least now i can replace it with a good copy

    now if i could just replace my good nunchuks here. the one i have here is garbage. got my good ones in the phillipines in '68 but lost them on my trip here. heavy wood, thicker, very short string. looked everywhere but cant find a good replacement. i found a company on the net that will make custom ones but I am not so sure they will make it to me through the mail

    Glad that this post was helpful.

    As for the nunchucks, I've no idea where to get propper ones.

    The only nunchucks I'd seen in Thailand are those rubbish ones at the sideroads and some selfmade.

    I'm not an expert in nunchucks but have been told that Lee Barden is an expert using and making nunchucks.

    His vids. on youtube are quite impressive but as I said I'm not an expert in nunchucks.

    Here's a link to his online store www.precisionstrikes.bravehost.com/

    A little advice when you have someone mail nunchucks to you:

    - Ensure that they are sent by courier service (DHL, UPS etc.), pretty save and traceable

    - Have an invoice sent with the package and ask the shop to state "Non Value" and/or US$ 01.00 in the invoice.

    - And very important request the shop to stamp the word SAMPLE on the invoice, so you can get around the import duties (if any).

    - The original invoice needs to be sent to you seperately, otherwise they customs will find out that you are trying to avoid import duties.

  12. Who ever is looking for quality Katanas (Japanese Swords) for martial art excercise purpose can buy them in Thailand from a local factory in Samutsakorn www.thaitsukisword.com/home

    Note that most of their products are lifeblades (very sharp) and nothing to compare what you can get at the beach road in Pattaya or other tourist towns for THb 1,000 or THB 2,000

    Their price range starts at around THB 8,000 up to THB 50,000 each.

    Quality wise the Katanas produced by Thaitsuki Swords are as good as originals from Japan.

    Besides of the quality of the Katanas, produced by Thautsuki Swords, they are also a very nice display pieces.

    Just have it far away from children hands.


    I don't benefit anything from this add. I was looking around to buy Katanas online for training purpose but wasn't very confident to buy them without holding them in my hand first.

    With Thaitsuki, I at least, have the option to hold the Katana before deciding to buy it without travelling all the way to Japan. :o

  13. Ammonia solution in a spray bottle is the only thing I have found to get rid of unwanted dogs. Other methods sometimes work but fall down if the dog is determined, or rabid.

    Ammonia is also the only sure-fire method to break up dog fights every time.

    Ammonia is excellent.

    I'd problems with dogs pissing against the tyres for a while until a friend told me to put some ammonia on it.

    My dogs hate it and haven't been pissing against the tyres since that.

    In your case I would suggest just open up the ammonia bottle and splash it into the dogs direction or better onto its face.

    I'm pretty sure that the dogs will remember that and wont bother you again.

    Good luck with your soi dog battle ... :o

  14. I've been practicing/studying various Japanese martial art styles for the past few years and I don't consider myself as an expert but more rather than a very willing student.

    During the years, besides of physical and mental training, I also learned a bit about philosophy in martial arts.

    “If you think that martial art means to have opponents and enemies and to be strong and defeat them, you are mistaken.

    The true spirit of martial arts is to be one with the universe and have no enemies. The essence of the martial art is the spirit of loving protection of all beings in the universe.”

    Morihei Ueshiba (Founder of Aikido)

    Some may not agree with M. Ueshiba's teachings but still, all of the martial art styles (I'm familar with) were invented to maintain peace and harmonie in the society.

    After WWII and many Bad Hollywood movies, many martial art diciplines have become more or less competative sports.

    Coming back to self defence and street fighting.

    As mentioned on other replies, there are no rules on the streets !!!

    I'm very sure that I would use Mike Tyson's biting technique if I ever get in a situation where a fight can not be avoided.

    And yes, I would pull on the hair like the girls were doing in school ...

    My personal philosophy on self defence and street fighting is:

    "It's not a matter of winning a loosing a fight, it's a matter of surviving" and most important "Do not get into a provoked fight"

  15. Hi there,

    I have been looking for a good place to get trained at either Taekwondo / BJJ or AIkido (even muya thai). Since i am busy with my job, I would need to find something in my area around pantip /central world / siamsquare.

    Do you know any good address?

    I already know a few like BKKfightclub or EMAC but it is not close enough, I believe someting must exist in my area!

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Here are some Aikido Dojos you may check up

    Rembukan Dojo

    Instructor: Fukukusa Shihan (7th Dan)

    Location: Thaisin Square (between Sukumvit 67 & 69)

    Classes: Mon. - Sat. (17:00 - 21:00)

    Contact: 02-714 0828

    Dance Studio

    Instructor: Fukukusa Shihan (7th Dan)

    Location: Sukumvit 33

    Classes: Wed. 19:30 - 21:00, Sat. 15:00 - 17:00

    Contact: 02 259 8861

    Somboon Home

    Instructor: Somboon Sensei (5th Dan)

    Location: Rama 3 road, Soi 6

    Classes: Mon. - Fri. (19:30 - 21:00), Sat. - Sun. (10:30 -12:30, 14:00 - 16:00, 19:30 - 21:00)

    Contact: 02-292 0463

    Thai-Japan Youth Center

    Instructor: Don't know

    Location: Soi Maidree, Din Daeng (Near Mochit Bus Terminal)

    Classes: Tue.18:30 - 20:30 , Wed. 18:30 - 20:30 , Fri. 18:30 - 20:30, Sat. 12:00 - 14:00, Sun. 13:00 - 15:00

  16. There's an Aikido dojo on Sukhumvit more or less opposite where Rama 4 meets Sukhumvit. Between Soi 67 and 69 to be more precise...

    Here are few Aikido dojos in BKK

    I'm not sure how familar you are within BKK.

    Here are the Dojo's in BKK where I'd trained few times:

    Rembukan Dojo

    Instructor: Fukukusa Shihan (7th Dan)

    Location: Thaisin Square (between Sukumvit 67 & 69)

    Classes: Mon. - Sat. (17:00 - 21:00)

    Contact: 02-714 0828

    Dance Studio

    Instructor: Fukukusa Shihan (7th Dan)

    Location: Sukumvit 33

    Classes: Wed. 19:30 - 21:00, Sat. 15:00 - 17:00

    Contact: 02-259 8861

    Somboon Home

    Instructor: Somboon Sensei (5th Dan)

    Location: Rama 3 road, Soi 6

    Classes: Mon. - Fri. (19:30 - 21:00), Sat. - Sun. (10:30 -12:30, 14:00 - 16:00, 19:30 - 21:00)

    Contact: 02-292 0463

    Thai-Japan Youth Center

    Instructor: Don't know

    Location: Soi Maidree, Din Daeng (Near Mochit Bus Terminal)

    Classes: Tue.18:30 - 20:30 , Wed. 18:30 - 20:30 , Fri. 18:30 - 20:30, Sat. 12:00 - 14:00, Sun. 13:00 - 15:00

  17. Does anyone know of a good martial arts school in the Rangsit area? (besides the Muay Thai Institute)

    I prefer Aikido or an art similar to that!

    Would even go for a mixed martial arts club if they had one.

    Thanks in advance guys!!

    I'm not sure how familar you are within BKK.

    Here are the Dojo's in BKK where I'd trained few times:

    Rembukan Dojo

    Instructor: Fukukusa Shihan (7th Dan)

    Location: Thaisin Square (between Sukumvit 67 & 69)

    Classes: Mon. - Sat. (17:00 - 21:00)

    Contact: 02-714 0828

    Dance Studio

    Instructor: Fukukusa Shihan (7th Dan)

    Location: Sukumvit 33

    Classes: Wed. 19:30 - 21:00, Sat. 15:00 - 17:00

    Contact: 02-259 8861

    Somboon Home

    Instructor: Somboon Sensei (5th Dan)

    Location: Rama 3 road, Soi 6

    Classes: Mon. - Fri. (19:30 - 21:00), Sat. - Sun. (10:30 -12:30, 14:00 - 16:00, 19:30 - 21:00)

    Contact: 02 - 292 0463

    Thai-Japan Youth Center

    Instructor: Don't know

    Location: Soi Maidree, Din Daeng (Near Mochit Bus Terminal)

    Classes: Tue.18:30 - 20:30 , Wed. 18:30 - 20:30 , Fri. 18:30 - 20:30, Sat. 12:00 - 14:00, Sun. 13:00 - 15:00

  18. Looking for a supplier of Martial Arts gear, not Muay Thai. Anyone know of a good place??

    Thanks in advance

    Try FBT, 7th Floor.

    FBT is a local sports equipment manufacturer who also have their own store near the Ramkampaeng University.

    I usually buy the dogis for our Aikido students their.

  19. First question is: What does your grandson want?

    and what do you want for him?

    He wants to compete?

    Fitness? Fun? Selfdefence? becoming a brutal streetfighter?

    A fighting athlete?

    Or just dancing and showing off?

    How is his temper?

    Is he a bully?

    An attentionseeker?


    First, teach him to be a humble and good person.

    Disrespecting old people is not a good sign.

    A skilled immature teenage fighter, is a loose cannon

    begging to get into trouble.

    I totally agree with your comments.

    I've a daughter of my own who had been practicing Taekwondo since she was 6 yrs old (She's 13 now).

    She started Aikido a few years ago and stoped Taekwondo.

    However, during her few years in martial arts I was witnessing kids at different ages who thought that they could become unbeatable after taking a few Taekwondo classes.

    With the right instructor, an open mind and respect to others the kids can devolop into a great martial artis.

    The other way around, with the wrong instructor, a selfish mind and disrespct to others the kid wont become more than a "skilled immature teenage fighter".

    I don't say that taekwondo is bad.

    Taekwondo is actually pretty as a first step into martial arts.

    All the body combination, flexibility etc. the kids are adopting during their training will become an advantage when they decide to try another martial art.

  20. Also, in Pattaya is Pierre Berrie 5th degree Black Belt in Taekwondo and former member of the French Olympic Taekwondo Team. A very nice man. He is married to a Thai lady and has a son. I believe that his studio is on the street behind Big C the one across from Sabai De Water Sports (grin). The sign is next to Big C. You have to look carefully to see the sign. His training fees are also very inexpensive.

    Jean Pierre went back to France a few month ago and is training/coaching the Taekwondo National team there.

    The last time I spoke to him, he told me that his plans are to come back to Thailand ever 2 or 3 months to look after his students.

    His Studio has also moved to the new Badminton court at soi Chaiyapruek.

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