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Posts posted by corkman

  1. On 10/20/2019 at 10:36 PM, 55Jay said:

    Abstaining wasn't my goal, maybe not yours either.  I just needed to get a grip, throttle back



    It is quite possible you are my clone! 555. You have hit the proverbial nail on the head. Don't do the home drinking thing either.


    Similarly, I've tried the exercise thing. That's great for a while, but then I start to lose touch with friends. It's good and well folks saying "find new interests, make new friends" but I like the friends I have, and they are both mindful and supportive in my efforts to "get a grip" and "throttle back". But I can't expect them to change their lives to suit me - they are "normal", I am not. They drink and socialise normally, I do not. I am not going to abandon the people that have supported me through harder times.


    Anyway, thanks for your response. It strikes a chord with me, and helps to know I am not "alone" or "unique". I'll soldier, and try to get a grip. Even if I cut down from weekly sessions to bi-weekly, reduce to monthly, and take it from there.... and any improvement is an improvement, right?


    To all the other folks that replied - thanks, for your replies. I've been looking into signing up for a part time masters degree progra, I guess that should keep me occupied and out of the bars ????

  2. 1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

    I dont 'distract ' myself at weekends.  Weekends for me are just the days I restrict my driving, due to the more than normal number of idiots on the roads  and avoid crowds in the shops, apart from that, they are much like every other day. I stopped drinking alcohol a while back, so that isn't an influence on me.  For me a day is usually gym, meet friends for coffee, golf sometimes, deep sea fishing some weeks, diving, an occasional meal out. My days are full so the temptation to drink, (not that I have it) would be minimal.  

    Thanks for the reply.


    "gym, meet friends for coffee, golf sometimes, deep sea fishing some weeks, diving, an occasional meal out." 


    Sounds like a "list" that aligns well with my interests.


    Golf is something I've thought about taking up, but I am afraid it will just lead to another excuse to drink at the 19th hole..... any golfing stories I hear usually involves drinking stories too!


    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, RichardColeman said:

    Without knowing your financial restraints it's hard to comment. If you have a daily allowance of 500 baht it's a bit different to 5,000 baht. Personally my week days are mostly the same as the weekends - watch tv series, play with daughter, watch NCAA football and go out on the pink Big C pushbike with the family on the back. 

    Hi Richard.


    I have a good salary. On a night out, I typically run up a bill in the region of 15,000 - 20,000 (for two people). Obviously, that's a ridiculous amount to spend. Too much in fact. It compromises my spending in other areas. 


    I would like to spend in the region of 20k a month in entertainment, rather than 20k a week.



    • Haha 1
  4. Hi All,


    I am a functional alcoholic. It's not hard for me to "not start" drinking, but once I start then one is too many and 1000 are not enough.


    My biggest challenge is that I get bored at the weekend, and miss social interaction. So I end up drinking with friends and every session turns into an all night bender through to the following morning.


    What so you do at the weekend to distract yourself?


    I'm not into sports, so joining a football team isn't going to cut it (and would probably just lead to beers after the game, haha).


    I live in the Bangkok.


    I don't own a car, but can easily hire one.





  5. Hi All,


    Does anyone have a link, or recent experience with the process for permanent residency and/or any tips or do's and don't's?


    I've been here 10 yrs, working for the same company on the visa and work permit etc. so no worries about the prerequisites. 


    Once I have submitted the application:

    • Is there an interview? My Thai is passable, but not great.
    • Will they visit me and my home or work?
    • I am separated from my Thai wife, and she now lives abroad with our daughter. Anything to worry about there? I was going to present myself as "living alone". Which is what I am (notwithstanding GF of 1.5 years).


    I don't actively support any charities etc. but I am a hard working expat, with a clean record, healthy finances, and consistently pay my taxes etc.


    Any pointers would be much appreciated. 


    Thanks in advance.

  6. 1 hour ago, petedk said:

    The only pattern I can see is that they have the promotion around payday. I think it is to attract customers away from Lotus (but they also have promotions).
    It's nice money to save, but you must use the coupon within 2 days.

    Sent from my SM-C710F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    Thanks Petedk,


    That makes sense. I was there on Saturday, which followed the last Friday of the month (pay day for many). 

  7. Thanks so much for all your replies. 


    A bit of confirmation bias perhaps, but good nonetheless to get some confirmation of what I was thinking. Bangkok University has international programs, and being a bit more expensive will attract students from families with higher expectations and thus lead to a better network of future contacts. 


    With little else to differentiate, I think Bangkok University is the one to go for. I don;t mind paying a little bit more. Honestly, the cost difference per year is about the same as I would spend on a night out ????


    Thanks again.



    • Like 1
  8. Thanks Malt25,


    Sadly, "go to the counter and ask" the answer will be "no hab" - or - "farang cannot" - or - something that basically means "I don't speak much English and can;t be bothered finding out for you". Case in point, last Saturday I "split the cart" because the offer was on - the girl was unwilling to play ball, so I said "no ploplem, just pay 900 baht and I not want any more"..... and suddenly, when faced with the difficulty of returning the 2 dozen items left on the conveyor belt, she was cooperative. Terribly frustrating. But to be fair, the cashiers are usually very helpful ????

  9. Thanks Fetchsmile,


    I already pay in 500k into the company provident fund, so RMF is out. 


    I read about "SEF" which is apparently a replacement for LTF, but you can only pay in 250k per year. But not sure if it gives full tax back at the rate you paid i.e. there was mention earlier in the rear that the "new LTF" would have a cap both on the amount paid in and the tax rate you could claim back - I think it was 20%.... which made it pretty pointless really.


    • Like 1
  10. Hi All,


    Sometimes when I go to Big C, they give 100 baht or 150 baht back for each 1000 baht spent, or something like. So I split the cart, and use the coupon from the first half of the cart to get cash back on the second part, and so on.


    Question is - how do I know what day to go? I find it difficult to navigate the Big C website. So is there a particular day or pattern to which days they give this special offer? 


    If spending 4000-5000 baht, the discounts easily cover the taxi and a swensens ice cream ????



    • Like 1
  11. Hi Everyone,


    My (Thai) girlfriend wants to study "something about English". She is looking at B.A. Enlglish / B.A. Business English / B.A. Communications Strategy..... basically anything with a heavy English Language content. Of course, she has no idea what field of work she wants to go into. So my advice to her to go to a good university, where she is likely to make good contacts, and finally when she applies for jobs the reputation of the university is probably as important as the title of the Degree.


    With this in mind, which university is considered to be "better" or held in higher esteem? 


    Any other helpful suggestions would be greatly received.


    One last thing - somewhere with reasonable connectivity to lower Sukhumvit is preferred.


    Many thanks in advance!

  12. 58 minutes ago, khunPer said:

    A good, if not excellent, weather forecast site is this one...




    –and for actual update of eventually rainy clouds you can use the Surat Thani weather radar (time shown is GMT, so image is today 20:45, i.e. 13 minutes ago).




    Today shower in the morning, and until noon..????

    Thanks a lot KhunPer, that's great ????

    I'll keep a close eye on it tomorrow and Thuraday morning, then make a decision.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Hi Everyone,


    Looking for recommendations for international MBA programs in Bangkok (conducted entirely in English language). I work full time, so evenings / weekends is a must; and it should be accredited / recognized internationally.


    If you had a rough idea on cost, that would be great - but any starting point would be great.


    I tried google.... of course every school claims to be the best. Hence why I am asking here for advice on the good and bad ones.


    Thanks in advance.

  14. Hi All,


    I am looking for a high quality English school for the Thai GF, in the Sukhumvit area. Any suggestions please?


    She's learning English at university, but struggling. She wants to learn grammar etc. - not just "useful phrases".


    Looked at Wall Street but it is very expensive. Was looking for something around 30-40k, with small classes (6-8 people sort of thing). A well established / well known school please. Not interested in one-to-one private lessons etc.


    Thanks in advance. 



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