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Posts posted by amexpat

  1. ^ "Use a visa service or move; those are the only real options."

    A third option is to get the paperwork in order, make an appointment, and spend well under two hours there - as I have done for my retirement extension since the appointment system has been in effect.

    How about someone providing an intermediate service where you pay, say 500-1000, to just make the appointment for you? That's really almost all the value offered by agents and what many people seem to have trouble with.

  2. Japanese food is not spicy at all yet the average life span is longest in the world at 84 years.

    Check out the statistics on breast cancer in Japanese women. Before WWII. it was almost unknown with the traditional low-fat diet. After WWII. it has skyrocketed as more Japanese women started eating McDonald's etc.

    They met Little Boy and Fat Man well before McDonald came around. Nothing good about any of it.

  3. I hope and pray that this continues, and China collapses, leading to 44 THB to the USD and NO Chinese tourists, like the good old days 12 year ago!

    Not even the ones with looong legs and micro shorts? 44THB would be nice though.

  4. I, too, really like their breakfasts but I have quit going there because I want coffee with breakfast.

    The coffee may just be very weak, or maybe it's the beans, but it actually tastes to me like they dumped a few tea bags in with the coffee. So I ordered tea last time but a bag of Lipton wasn't an improvement.

    Maybe some regular and valued customer could enlighten them - or me - about this blight on that fine diner.

    edit: format

  5. Would you be OK with paying say, 6,000 per month for garbage pickup service since it would be such a pain If you had to haul it away yourself?

    Not per month, but I'd certainly be glad to pay 6,000 per YEAR to avoid hauling it away myself. Hell, I'd pay 6,000 a year to not have to step outside my door and walk the four steps to the garbage chute in my condo. At my age, what the hell do I need to save a few pennies a day for? My old age? I'm there already. My family isn't going to suffer if I spend 200 bucks a year over the next, say, 10-15 years I've got left.

    If I can't get a slot on the schedule board, you can be sure I'll spend the money with 'Assist Thai Visa,' if for no other reason than not to stand in line at 5am or wait around for four hours.

    Not per year, but per decade - hell, make it a century. You funny guy.

    Later. I must now call my personal shopper to buy me some new flip flops and a tee shirt.

    The cooler weather is nice, indeed.

  6. ^^ "Get back to us after you have had to sit in line starting at 6:00 in the morning. Remember there are only ten appointments a day and they are seeing up to 50 a day. Until then you have nothing to say."

    Northernjohn, look at it this way. Would you be OK with paying say, 6,000 per month for garbage pickup service since it would be such a pain If you had to haul it away yourself?

    Up to you of course, but I must agree with worgeordie. The fee is high for the amount of service.

  7. So, what do you think about the word kɛ̀ɛk. Same-same, but different? I've heard that used in a way that is definitely derogatory.

    I'm not a conservative so I don't have strong opinions on things I know virtually nothing about.

  8. feel so sorry for you guys advocating change of every day life in los you just don't relies how brain washed and programed you are to events on the other side of the world that have no meaning here.

    You mean like obeying the law of the land? Progress?

    I guess I am one of those you pity. Heck, I even advocate slowing down enough to use capitalization, punctuation, complete sentences and spell checking.

    Pray for me.

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