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  1. Twenty-five years later, the government has yet to identify any suspects in bombing that killed 16. Candlelight Party members commemorate the 25th anniversary of a deadly grenade attack in front of a stupa for the victims in Phnom Penh, March 30, 2022. Candlelight Party Members of Cambodia’s Candlelight Party marked the anniversary of a deadly grenade attack on an opposition rally Wednesday with demands for justice in the case that remains unsolved despite a 25-year “investigation” by authorities. Around 200 party officials and family members gathered at a stupa in the capital Phnom Penh where they held a Buddhist ceremony dedicated to the 16 victims of the March 30, 1997, attack on the rally led by Sam Rainsy, the acting president of the dissolved Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) who now lives in exile to avoid what are widely viewed as politically motivated charges and convictions. In an interview with RFA’s Khmer Service, former CNRP Sen. Ly Neary, the 79-year-old mother of one of those who died in the attack, expressed her frustration over the failure of authorities to bring her son’s killers to justice. “It’s been 25 years, and authorities have yet to conclude their investigation,” she said. “I don’t have any hope for a resolution.” Nonetheless, Ly Neary urged the government to keep the case open and hold those responsible to account. She said her son, a doctor, had been proud to take part in the rally at Phnom Penh’s Wat Botum Park, where protesters gathered across from the National Assembly to denounce the judiciary’s corruption and lack of independence. While Sam Rainsy is thought to have been the target of the attack, the assailants missed him, killing his bodyguard, as well as some protesters and bystanders. The blasts blew the limbs off nearby street vendors and left more than 150 people injured. According to eyewitness accounts, the people who threw the grenades ran toward Prime Minister Hun Sen’s riot-gear clad bodyguards, who allowed them to escape. An FBI report declassified in 2009 indicated that Cambodian police possessed prior knowledge of the attack and that there was the possibility that the attackers colluded with Hun Sen’s bodyguard unit. Despite the toll of death and dismemberment, no one has been arrested for the attack, leaving victims and family members still searching for justice. Sam Rainsy is carried away in state of shock after a grenade attack on a group of demonstrators outside the National Assembly building in Phnom Penh, March 30, 1997. Credit: AFP ‘Investigation’ continues Government spokesman Phay Siphan told RFA that the case remains open and urged family members to submit any new evidence they find to authorities for further investigation. He criticized the Candlelight Party for exploiting Wednesday’s ceremony “to draw attention for political benefit.” “The court continues to accept complaints and information from the public and organizations to find those responsible for the grenade attack,” he said. RFA was unable to reach National Police Spokesman Chhay Kim Khoeun for comment on the status of the investigation on Wednesday. Hing Bun Heang, the commander of Hun Sen’s Bodyguard Unit, denied involvement in the grenade attack in an interview with RFA and dared anyone to present evidence to the contrary. “I already clarified this [with the FBI]. I wasn’t involved. I don’t know anything,” he said. “Show me a photo of me throwing the grenade,” he added, threatening to “use a machine gun against anyone who accuses me.” Hing Bun Heang was sanctioned by the U.S. government in June 2018 over his unit’s alleged role in the grenade attack, as well as several other assaults on unarmed Cambodians. Kata Orn, spokesman for the government’s Cambodia Human Rights Committee, told RFA that officials have been working with the FBI to apprehend the suspects in the case. He also dismissed a French judge’s order last month that Hing Bun Heang and another security aide for Hun Sen named Huy Piseth be tried for organizing the attack. “Cambodia has a constitution to protect Cambodians,” he said, adding that the French court would never be able to enforce its verdict against the two generals outside of its jurisdiction. In an interview with RFA last month, Brad Adams, Asia director of New York-based Human Rights Watch, said a conviction in the French court could lead to enhanced sanctions against the two individuals and an Interpol Red Notice, or a so-called European arrest warrant, in their names. Cambodians gather at the site of a grenade attack on a group of demonstrators outside the National Assembly building in Phnom Penh, March 31, 1997. Credit: AFP ‘No light’ of accountability Former Sen. Ly Neary said that while she welcomes the French court order, authorities in Cambodia should be responsible for pursuing the case. She questioned why the onus is on the families of the victims to pursue justice for their loved ones. “I am a regular citizen. How can I ‘find evidence?’ Only the authorities have the legal right to do so — regular citizens can’t do it,” she said. Candlelight Party Vice President Thach Setha called Phay Siphan’s comments “disrespectful” to the victims and their family members. “[The government] can’t find the suspects, so instead they accused us of exploiting the event,” he said. Ny Sokha, president of the Cambodian rights group Adhoc, told RFA that if the government really had any interest in seeking justice for the victims, the French court warrant would be “a good start.” “The government doesn’t have the will to seek justice [for the victim] because it has already been 25 years,” he said. “There is no light [to hold the perpetrators accountable]. This is yet another example of [official] impunity.” Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Joshua Lipes. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/attack-03302022171053.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036
  2. When her long-time abusive husband threw a coconut at her head and began to strangle her on Monday evening, Chea Reth struck back. “The wife took a bamboo stick and attacked him to death,” said commune police chief Tan Sokun on Wednesday. The husband, Chhem Thang You, 41, was drunk and fell as his wife hit him. He died from injuries to the face and jaw. “Anytime he got drunk, he acted like this. He mistreated the wife and caused trouble for his wife, and attacked and beat the wife,” Sokun said. Domestic violence is not unusual in Cambodia: The country’s latest demographic health survey from 2014 says 27 percent of women in their 40s have experienced physical violence. Among all married women in the survey, 56 percent of the violence was perpetrated by their current husbands. But criticism has persisted that authorities prefer to push couples toward reconciliation rather than prosecute abusive husbands. Sokun, the police chief in Banteay Meanchey province’s Chamnoam commune, acknowledged that authorities in Mongkol Borei district had long known about the violence against Reth. read more https://vodenglish.news/wife-faces-up-to-15-years-in-jail-after-killing-abusive-husband/
  3. The statue spans 99m in diameter and sits on a throne that is 6m high. PHNOM PENH – The largest copper statue in Cambodia, weighing 60 tonnes and towering 21m high and depicting Preah Thong and Neang Neak – the legendary co-founders of the Funan Kingdom – are being erected at their namesake roundabout at Prey Nop district’s Ream commune in the coastal province of Preah Sihanouk. Provincial administration spokesman Kheang Phearom said the statue of the symbolic monarchs was designed by Cambodian architects and smelted in China. It arrived in the province on March 26. Of the origins of the statue, which faces the Ream Beach, Phearom said: “The King went to meet his parents at Than Phu Chong Neak, which symbolises the birth of the land, culture, civilisation, traditions and customs of Cambodia.” The statue of the couple is the third in Preah Sihanouk province after that of Preah Uma-Mahesor in Ream commune and the three-faced Siharaj statue in front of Angkor Brewery in Sihanoukville’s commune I. The statue spans 99m in diameter and sits on a throne that is 6m high. read more https://asianews.network/cambodias-largest-copper-statue-erected-in-coastal-preah-sihanouk/
  4. A 56-year-old man was yesterday charged and jailed by Pursat Provincial Court for beating his two-year-old daughter to death while drunk in Kandieng district last week. Pursat Provincial Penal Police deputy chief Lieutenant Colonel Chuon Sokhom yesterday identified him as Mov Tuok, a fisherman living in Kandieng district’s Raingtil commune. Lt Col Sokhom said that the accused was charged with “intentional act of violence with aggravating circumstances (the death of victim)” under Article 224 of the Criminal Code. If convicted, he faces between seven and 15 years in prison. Lt Col Sokhom said Tuok was arrested on Sunday after beating his youngest daughter to death due to drunken state on Friday after becoming angry that his 51-year-old wife was not at home to cook for him. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501049597/father-charged-for-beating-two-year-old-to-death/
  5. A police officer appeared in court in Phnom Penh yesterday after defrauding 28 victims of $300,000 by promising them jobs in the police force 39-year-old Leng Sothy Vun, a police officer living at No. 03, Street 123, Village 1, Sangkat Boeung Trabek, Khan Chamkar Mon was sent to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court on the afternoon of March 29, 2022 He had worked as an officer at the General Department of Logistics and Finance of the Ministry of Interior and was arrested by the Criminal Police Department after his numerous victims complained that they had been defrauded The victims lodged complaints with the Criminal Police Department, alleging that in late 2019, Leng Sothy Vun used his position as a police officer at the General Department of Logistics to defraud them. He promised them jobs in the police force and collected a fee of $18,000 from each victim in return for procuring them a job. When the jobs were not forthcoming, he then refused to return the money to the victims. The victims decided to file a complaint to the suspect to the Criminal Department of the Ministry of Interior to help find justice. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501049410/police-officer-in-court-for-300000-fraud/
  6. Candlelight Party officials say they face harassment from local authorities. Cambodia’s opposition Candlelight Party, whose popularity has been steadily increasing, is threatening to boycott local elections on June 5 if its activists and members continue to be harassed by officials from Prime Minister Hun Sen’s ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). Some political observers believe the Candlelight Party poses the greatest challenge to the CPP in the June commune votes. But Candlelight Vice President Thach Setha said local officials continue to hound candidates from his party without any effort from the Cambodian government to stop the abuse. Thach Setha told RFA on Tuesday that he is considering petitioning the European Union and foreign embassies in Cambodia to intervene to try to stop the government’s intimidation of his party. “If the problem has not been resolved, the party will boycott the election,” he said. The Candlelight Party, formerly known as the Sam Rainsy Party and the Khmer Nation Party, was founded in 1995 and merged with other opposition forces to form the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) in 2012. In November 2017, Cambodia’s Supreme Court dissolved the CNRP in a move that allowed the CPP to win all 125 seats in Parliament in a July 2018 election. Candlelight officials allege they have been falsely accused of using fake names for candidates and putting forward some candidates for election without their permission. At least two Candlelight Party activists have been jailed on allegations of submitting false documents to run in the communal elections. Activists say the harassment often comes at the hand of local police. Candlelight Party activist Sim SoKhoeun told RFA that he was summoned to his local police station in Pursat province on Monday. Once there, police could not produce any complaint against him. “After asking me to wait for an hour, they set me free,” he said, adding that he suspected the move was meant to intimidate him. The Candlelight Party’s boycott threat came as a U.N. human rights official warned that the rights of Cambodians to speak freely and challenge authorities are being eroded by single-party rule. Vitit Muntarbhorn, the U.N. special rapporteur on human rights in Cambodia, called on all CPP officials to respect basic freedoms of expression and assembly. He spoke via video at a meeting of the U.N. Human Rights Council on Tuesday. “Civic and political space in Cambodia have receded and regressed due to what is effectively all-intrusive single-party rule,” he said. The outlook for human rights and democracy in Cambodia is troubling on many fronts as local, commune elections approach in June, Vitit Muntarbhorn said. Although Cambodia has made progress by drafting laws to protect “vulnerable people” and has reduced a backlog of court cases that had kept people in jail before their trial, Vitit Muntarbhorn said that he had immediate concerns about “closing civic and political space; mass trials and imprisonment of political opposition members; and the upcoming elections.” “I call on all authorities in Cambodia to respect fundamental human rights and international human rights laws to which the country is a party, including the basic freedoms of expression and assembly,” he said. Too much impunity Kata Orn, spokesman for the government’s Cambodia Human Rights Committee, said the government does not abuse human rights and that only politicians abuse the law. “The special rapporteur for Cambodia confused the meaning of human rights abuse and abuse of the law,” he said. Seventeen political parties have registered to put forward candidates in the communal elections, he said. Kang Savang, a monitor with the Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (Comfrel), said although local authorities are supposed to remain neutral, some of them, including police officers, have abused their power and threatened the opposition party. He warned that the integrity of the communal elections would be affected without new measures to prevent political threats against Candlelight Party. Kang Savang urged the Ministry of Interior to investigate the conduct of local authorities. “Impunity will allow perpetrators to not be concerned about their conduct,” he said. Sam Kuntheamy, executive director of the Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (NICFEC), said local officials do not have the authority to resolve election-related disputes. Those instead must be handled by Cambodia’s National Election Committee (NEC). “It is the NEC’s job. If there are disputes, they should file a complaint with the NEC,” he said. RFA couldn’t reach Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak for comment on Tuesday, but Interior Minister Sar Kheng said at a meeting a day earlier that the Candlelight Party was using fake candidate names and then names of others without their consent — a punishable crime. He mentioned a few districts where this had occurred. Thach Setha denied the accusation, saying local authorities had not produced any evidence to support their claims. Reported by RFA’s Khmer Service. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Roseanne Gerin. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/election-boycott-threat-03292022175218.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  7. A Cambodian police official on Tuesday said he would potentially welcome — but disclosed little about — Thai authorities’ reported plan to send officers and a navy ship to Cambodia to remove some 3,000 Thai nationals from online scam operations. Thailand’s assistant national police chief Surachate Hakparn said on Sunday that authorities will be traveling to Cambodia on April 2 to release between 2,800 and 3,000 Thai nationals from illegal scam compounds in Cambodia, according to the Bangkok Post. According to the newspaper, Surachate would lead a team of senior police to Phnom Penh and other cities, and the Royal Thai Navy would arrange a ship to bring people back to Thailand. The assistant chief added that Thai nationals would be released from compounds in an operation unfolding over several days, and they would later be screened in Thailand before deciding whether to take any legal action. Cambodian National Police spokesperson Chhay Kim Khoeun told VOD on Tuesday that he had not received any formal letter from Thai counterparts, but Cambodian authorities would work with them if they reached out. read more https://vodenglish.news/3000-thais-to-be-repatriated-from-cambodian-scam-compounds-thai-police/
  8. More than a decade after they were put on halt, international adoptions are in the process of resuming, with adoptions pending to the U.S. and Italy, a Social Affairs Ministry official said on Tuesday. Intercountry adoptions from Cambodia were suspended in 2009 amid reports of fraud and corruption. In some cases, biological parents in Cambodia have spoken of sending children to live at orphanages for better educational opportunities but then losing contact with the children following international adoptions. In a statement issued Tuesday, rights group Licadho said it was “deeply alarmed” that Cambodia was reopening intercountry adoptions due to a history of poor practices. “We fear these decisions will lead to more families being irreparably torn apart by a poorly regulated system that has failed to protect children’s best interests in the past,” Licadho said. Some 3,696 Cambodian children were sent abroad for adoption between 1998 and 2011, it said. read more https://vodenglish.news/child-adoptions-pending-for-two-countries-resuming-after-controversial-past/
  9. Arrest Warrants for Generals in 1997 Attack on Opposition that Killed 16, Injured 150 (Paris) – A French court has issued arrest warrants for two senior Cambodian generals for the grenade attack on an opposition political rally in Phnom Penh on March 30, 1997, that killed 16 people and injured more than 150, Human Rights Watch said today. The court order states that a summons was issued for Prime Minister Hun Sen for his role in the attack, but that the French government blocked its delivery, citing head of state immunity. The order was issued on December 30, 2021, by Judge Sabine Khéris, vice president of investigations of the Tribunal Judiciaire de Paris (Judicial Court of Paris). It stated that arrest warrants had been issued on March 19, 2020, against Gen. Huy Piseth, then-chief of Prime Minister Hun Sen’s bodyguard unit, and Gen. Hing Bun Heang, then-deputy-chief of the unit, for their role in planning and orchestrating the attack. “The Cambodian government has never taken action against those responsible for the 1997 grenade attack on the opposition leader Sam Rainsy and his supporters because there is substantial evidence that Prime Minister Hun Sen and his generals were behind this mass atrocity,” said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. “The French government should request a European Arrest Warrant and an Interpol Red Notice to take Gen. Huy Piseth and Gen. Hing Bun Heang into custody and produce them before the court for trial in Paris.” read more https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/29/cambodia-french-court-indicts-hun-sen-cronies
  10. The application for extension to the validity of Foreigner Work Permit/Employment Card for 2022 has been extended until May 31, 2022 without fines for foreigners who have Foreigner Work Permit/Employment Card for 2021. The notification was announced by the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training on March 28, after noting that a large number of foreigners who have Foreigner Work Permit/Employment Card for 2021 have not applied for extension to their card due to the situation of ongoing spread of COVID-19 in the world in 2022, especially the new Omicron variant. New foreigners who come to work or carry out any occupation in the Kingdom of Cambodia must complete documents duly in accordance with the law, it underlined. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501048926/application-for-extension-to-foreigner-work-permit-cards-validity-extended-to-may-31/
  11. Patrollers in an Oddar Meanchey community forest say they’re witnessing an increased rate of wild cattle and deer deaths in the first months of this year, compared to last year, with one patroller attributing the rise in poaching to out-of-work people and poor law enforcement. Tho Thoross, a monk in charge of the protected area, also known as Sorng Rukhavorn Wildlife Sanctuary, told VOD on Friday that patrollers found three banteng, or Bos javanicus, and one red muntjac — a small deer known for its barking calls — dead in traps of branches and ropes in late March. Patrollers also found one wild boar, or Sus scrofa, and one Cervus unicolor, commonly called sambar deer, alive in separate traps, and turned the rescued animals over to Wildlife Alliance. They are now in Phnom Tamao zoo, he said. Thoross warned there seemed to be an increase in wild animal trap deaths and injuries, saying that patrols found a total nine animals dead for the whole of 2021 — three banteng and six sambar deer — compared to six animals in just three months this year. A rescued sambar deer. (Tho Thoross/Supplied) read more https://vodenglish.news/forest-patrol-monks-warn-of-increased-wildlife-poaching-this-year/
  12. The Irrawaddy dolphin is native to both salt and freshwater habitats from eastern India to Borneo. One after another, dorsal fins crest above the Mekong river waters. Under the piercing noon sun of February, three small boats turn off their motors to bob on the water. Around a half-dozen Cambodian tourists wait quietly aboard each vessel, squinting and pointing where they see a dolphin rise above the reflected sunlight. This 60m-deep stretch of the river in Cambodia’s Kratie province, named after the Kampi rapids just upstream, is one of three deep pools that are home to the Mekong’s last surviving population of Irrawaddy dolphins. Fewer than 90 adults still live in the river, their existence threatened by fishing nets, dams and other human developments. Sor Chamroeun, a river patroller employed by the Cambodian government, recalls that when he was young, dolphins ruled this stretch of the river. “In the 1970s, after the Khmer Rouge, there were thousands of dolphins,” he said. read more https://scroll.in/article/1019832/in-photos-how-cambodia-is-trying-to-protect-the-mekongs-last-dolphins?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=jio
  13. Cambodia’s long-ruling Prime Minister Hun Sen declared Monday that he would not appoint anyone to be a provincial governor who is not knowledgeable in the use of social media and smartphones. Hun Sen, an avid user of Facebook, said at a hospital inauguration in the capital Phnom Penh that officials need to be able to use applications such as WhatsApp, Viber, LINE, Telegram, WeChat and Zoom to effectively do their jobs, such as organizing online meetings. Hun Sen said recently he has set up groups on WhatsApp and Telegram so he can use his phone to coordinate with various government ministries. The 69-year-old Hun Sen has led Cambodia since first becoming prime minister in 1985, when what evolved into the internet was still in its infancy and generally available only to academic institutions. Hun Sen also urged members of his Cabinet, some of whom also entered government service more than three decades ago, to make sure they were adept in the use of smartphones and their apps. read more https://mcdowellnews.com/lifestyles/technology/cambodian-leader-says-officials-must-master-mobile-internet/article_dfa5ef30-a559-594c-b210-635d3c144aef.html
  14. Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on Cambodia’s information ministry to immediately restore the licences it withdrew from three online media outlets for alleged ethical violations after they covered corruption cases. The ministry failed to follow procedure when it revoked the licences and its accusations are spurious, RSF says. With no prior warning and no possibility of appeal, the three news outlets – Bayong Times, Khmer Cover TV (KCTV) and Cambodia Today – learned that their licences had been rescinded in a letter issued by the information ministry on 15 March accusing them of violating journalistic ethics and their contracts with the ministry. By way of ethical violations, what the three news sites have in common is having recently published investigative stories about the rampant corruption within Cambodia’s political and economic elites. Cambodia Today editor Touch Yuthea told RSF he suspected that the withdrawal of his licence was a “personal decision by senior ministry officials in charge of licences” in response to a story about a corrupt contract bidding process at the labour ministry. Brazen intimidation “The decision to revoke the licences of Bayong Times, Cambodia Today and KCTV is a gross violation of the freedom of publication as enshrined in article 41 of Cambodia’s constitution,” said Daniel <deleted>, the head of RSF’s Asia-Pacific desk. “This is brazen intimidation, and we call on the government to immediately restore the publication licences to these three outlets. Press freedom must not be the collateral victim of the actions of a few corrupt officials.” Bayong Times publisher Tel Samuth told RSF: “I think cancelling these media outlets will serve to scare many other outlets into ceasing to report the truth.” He added that the information ministry had also violated standard procedure by failing to issue at least two warnings and enter into negotiations before revoking the licences – the procedure established in article 10 of the press law. When reached by RSF, information minister Khieu Kanharith’s office refused to make any comment. Meanwhile, the ministry has reportedly told the editors of the three publications that they could recover their licences if they “correct” their articles and delete certain content. Last October, RSF accused the defence minister of abusing his authority by ordering officials to “punish” provincial website operator Youn Chhiv for publishing an investigative report about illegal land seizures. He was sentenced to a year in prison just two days after his arrest. Prime Minister Hun Sen’s government embarked on an unrelenting offensive against independent media outlets in 2017 in order to maintain its grip on power, as RSF detailed in a report published in February 2018. Cambodia is ranked 144th out of 180 countries in RSF's 2021 World Press Freedom Index. https://rsf.org/en/news/three-cambodian-news-sites-stripped-their-licence-publish
  15. PHNOM PENH, March 28 (Reuters) - Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine and echoed calls for an immediate ceasefire made by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which Cambodia currently chairs. Russia launched what it calls a "special military operation" in Ukraine just over a month ago, sparking the worst geopolitical and humanitarian crisis in Europe since World War Two. The countries are engaged in peace talks in Turkey. Hun Sen invoked Cambodia's own history of occupation by Vietnam and cast doubt on Russia's ability to capture the Ukrainian capital Kyiv. "I still stand in solidarity with Ukrainian people against the invasion," he said on the sidelines of a hospital inauguration event. In statements issued by Cambodia as chair of ASEAN, the bloc has urged restraint and dialogue, but made no mention of Russia's role in the invasion. Of ASEAN's 10 member countries, only Singapore has announced its own sanctions against Russia, targeting banks and electronics exports - a rare move for the city-state. Others like Indonesia, which holds the G20 presidency this year and has said it will remain neutral, have raised concerns about the invasion but stopped short of condemning it. Vietnam joined 34 other countries in abstaining from a recent vote on a United Nations resolution to denounce Russia.
  16. The Preah Sihanouk provincial court has charged and jailed two Taiwanese masterminds for running a phone scam ring that unlawfully recruited Thai workers in Sihanoukville last week. A sting operation on March 20 was led by Internal Security Department director Lieutenant General Sam Vanvireak and deputy prosecutor Huot Vichet. The two raids in Sihanoukville resulted in the arrest of 31 Thais and now they are in custody at the Interior Mistry’s General Department of Immigration. Preah Sihanouk Provincial Hall spokesman Kheang Phearom said the raids were jointly conducted by provincial immigration police in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior’s internal security department and the Thai police. Provincial police chief Major General Chuon Narin said that two premises raided by police were in Sihanoukville and one of them was in a casino. Vichet said yesterday the two Taiwanese men were charged with human trafficking under the Law on Suppression of Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501048232/two-taiwanese-masterminds-charged-over-phone-scam-ring/
  17. A German citizen, who complained to PM Hun Sen after he claimed he was ignored by the German Embassy and left to live on the streets of Phnom Penh, has been repatriated to Germany after further intervention from the Royal Government of Cambodia. Martin Albert Schomacher aged 55, who has a physical illness and was sleeping on the streets, had earlier criticized his embassy in Cambodia for not taking care of him and for not helping him to go be repatriated to Germany. The 55-year-old German was discovered after being posted on Facebook and received the attention of Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of Cambodia. Mr Schomacher living on the streets (l) and after receiving medical care at Calmette Hospital (r) He was then taken by Cambodian officials to Calmette Hospital for treatment for physical illness and foot ulcers. Mr Schomacher left Cambodia on the night of March 25, 2022 on a repatriation flight back to his homeland. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501048144/foreigner-who-was-neglected-by-his-embassy-leaves-cambodia-thanks-to-royal-government/
  18. Co-chairs of the International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor (ICC-Angkor), France and Japan, have announced to continue supporting the conservation and sustainable development work for another ten years. The announcement of was made in the opening ceremony of the 28th plenary session of the ICC-Angkor presided over by Mrs. Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts and President of APSARA National Authority. The ICC-Angkor was established in Dec. 1993 and will end its third term by the end of 2023, after which it will extend its fourth term until 2033. For the past 30 years, the ICC-Angkor has secured many achievements on the preservation and sustainable development of Cambodian ancient temples. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501048406/japan-and-france-as-co-chairs-of-icc-angkor-to-continue-support-for-another-10-years/
  19. The Ministry of Commerce will register Mondulkiri Wild Honey under the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) in order to provide intellectual property protection for the Mondulkiri Provincial Wild Bee Conservation. PGI is a status awarded by both the European Commission and the UK Government that protects and promotes named regional food products that have a reputation or noted characteristics specific to that area. According to Ministry of Commerce, Minister of Commerce Pan Sorasak will preside over the inauguration of the protected status at a ceremony in Mondulkiri province’s Sen Monorom city tomorrrow. About 300 participants, including government officials and members of the Wild Bee Conservation Association of Mondulkiri will be present. The registration of Mondulkiri Wild Honey is to prevent counterfeiting of the product in the national and international markets, preserve the traditional knowledge, skills and talents of farmers and communities in Mondulkiri province and also to promote the tourism sector and improve the livelihoods of local farmers. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501048058/mondulkiri-wild-honey-to-get-intellectual-property-protection-through-pgi-status/
  20. The government of India signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Sambor Prei Kuk National Authority to provide assistance in the restoration work of the Sambor Prei Kuk Temple. This was confirmed by Phan Nady, Director General of Sambor Prei Kuk National Authority on the afternoon of March 25, after the meeting of the International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of Historic Site of Angkor (ICC-Angkor). The Director General stated that the Sambor Prei Kuk National Authority signed an MoU with Dr Devyani Khobragade, Ambassador of India to Cambodia. The signing of the MoU took place at the 28th Plenary Meeting of the International Committee for the Coordination of Protection, Conservation and Development of Angkor Historical Site (ICC-Angkor) in Siem Reap and was presided over by Phoeurng Sackona, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501047862/mou-signed-with-india-to-restore-sambor-prei-kuk-temple/
  21. There are currently 38,070 inmates in prisons across the Kingdom, 54.44% of whom were convicted of drug offences, as of December 31. This was disclosed in a report from the General Department of Prisons presented at a meeting today to evaluate the work done by the Interior Ministry done last year and the plans for this year. The report said of the total number of prisoners, 2,367 women were convicted for drug offences. It said the total number of prisoners include 1,612 foreign nationals, 1,422 juveniles and 6,955 accused. It said that the number of detainees has increased dramatically since 2017 after the government launched a plan to fight against illegal drugs and tighten law enforcement. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501047739/over-38000-inmates-in-prisons-throughout-the-kingdom/
  22. Prime Minister Hun Sen announced today that he will seek another term and contest in next year’s national elections as the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) candidate. Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of National Road 51 in Kampong Speu province’s Odong district, Mr Hun Sen said: “In 2023, I will continue as the prime ministerial candidate for the next election.” He said he needs to continue his work, especially maintaining peace, and reminded that he had previously announced he would remain as the Prime Minister until he felt ready to retire. During the CPP’s Central Committee meeting on December 24, the ruling party elected Mr Hun Sen as their candidate for Prime Minister for the 2023 National Elections. The meeting also voted for his eldest son Lieutenant General Hun Manet as the future Prime Minister candidate after his father. Mr Hun Sen became Prime Minister in 1985 at the age of 32 after serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation at the age of 27. During his nearly 40 years in power, he has also shown his readiness to have young people taking turns to lead the country. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501047682/hun-sen-to-seek-another-term-as-pm-in-next-years-election/
  23. A commune police chief was arrested last night after he shot one of his two wives to death while drunk in a fit of jealous rage in Preah Veng province’s Sithor Kandal district. The murder took place at about 8:30pm in Sithor Kandal district’s Phnov I commune. District police deputy chief Lieutenant Colonel Lun Samnang identified the suspect as Major Mao Sovannhong, 53, the Phnov I commune police chief and the victim as Sok Muoy, 51, a farmer. Lt Col Samnang said that on the night of murder, Maj Sovannhong and his wife participated in his friend’s daughter’s birthday party in the village. He said that after he became drunk and while returning back home, the suspect got into an argument with the victim and alleged that she had contacted a young man at the party. Lt Col Samnang noted that during the argument, the suspect withdrew a pistol from his waist and fired four shots at her head, causing her to die at the scene. “He was arrested immediately by police at the place,” he said. He said the suspect is accused of “murder” and faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501047652/commune-police-chief-arrested-over-wifes-fatal-shooting/
  24. More than 50 workers were injured when a car collided with the pickup truck they were travelling in and causing it to overturn in Kampong Chhnang province yesterday.The accident happened at 7:20pm at Roliang village, Tbeng Khpors commune in Samaki Meanchey district. Samaki Meanchey district police chief Colonel Seng Chenda said the accident was caused because the driver of the minivan, who was travelling in the opposite direction, is suspected to have been drunk and swerved into the truck. Col Chenda said 57 workers were injured, eight of them seriously. The seriously injured workers were sent to a hospital in Phnom Penh and rest to a hospital in the province’s Kampong Tralach district. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501047645/more-than-57-workers-hurt-in-pickup-truck-and-car-collision/
  25. Authorities responsible for the Tonle Sap lake again held an “emergency meeting” then fanned out across the country’s largest lake after Prime Minister Hun Sen said they had failed to curb illegal fishing. Late last year, Hun Sen also rebuked officials around the Tonle Sap, at that time for failing to protect flooded forests and for even being involved in encroaching on them. This led to an urgent display of action as officials took boats around the lake’s shores to destroy land-marker poles and cottages. This week, Hun Sen turned his attention to illegal fishing on the lake. “Because you do not want to do it — this is the issue,” Hun Sen said at the Agriculture Ministry’s annual meeting on Wednesday. “Our governor said they could not catch them because they are too fast! How fast? If we put all helicopters nearby and fired from above at once, where would they go?” Hun Sen criticized the provincial governors of Kampong Thom, Kampong Chhnang, Pursat, Banteay Meanchey, Siem Reap and Battambang for failing to stop large-scale illegal fishing. They had only arrested small fishermen, not powerful and rich illegal fishermen, Hun Sen said. read more https://vodenglish.news/hun-sen-chastises-tonle-sap-governors-for-failing-to-act/
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