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  1. The claims of a Thai woman to have fallen victim to an organ harvesting in Cambodia is indeed a lie as what Khmer Times had already pointed out when the story first broke. A Khmer Times investigation had revealed that there were many holes in her story and that further investigations would unravel the truth. In this case, the truth was nothing but mischievous attempt to get fame, and sympathy and at the same time, try to avoid punishment for having crossed the border illegally. The hole got bigger when she claimed to have passed a written note to Thai woman at the Cambodian Vietnam border who then alerted the police who rescued her. “Thus, when and where did she escape from? Her alleged chartered taxi trip to Phnom Penh and spent a night in the capital before proceeding to Poipet was another lie. How did the taxi driver know where she had escaped from that her took her, in an unconscious state, back to her starting point? read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044492/organ-and-blood-harvesting-fake-claims-by-thai-and-chinese-nationals-damage-cambodias-reputation/
  2. A foreign man smashed up a Sihanoukville massage shop after being told he could not purchase sex services there. The Incident happened at 11.30 pm on March 18, 2020 at a massage shop, located along the Independence Road, District 2, Sihanouk Ville, Sihanouk Province. Police sources say that the man – understood to be a Chinese national – entered the massage shop and demanded sexual services. Upon being informed that the massage shop did not provide such services, the man flew into a rage and destroyed parts of the shop and a glass door with a stick. He then exited the premises, but returned with bricks to continue his orgy of violence, inflicting further dame on the business. The man then fled into the Casino Pao Tou hotel, chased by shop staff who then reported him to police. The special intervention forces of Preah Sihanouk province thyen arrived at the Casino Pao Tou hotel, where the victim went to hide Police asked hotel staff to get the man to come down and deal with the owner of the massage shop at the Tep Chun Provincial Police Headquarters read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044579/foreign-national-attacks-massage-shop-after-being-denied-sex-services/
  3. Cambodia has vaccinated 46.37 percent of the estimated 610,730 children in the three to four year age group with the COVID-19 vaccine as of March 20, since the campaign started on February 23 this year. Thus far, an estimated 283,222 have received their first dose and are now awaiting sufficient time to lapse before going for their second dose, which is four weeks from the first dose. Secretary of State for the Ministry of Health, Dr Or Vandine told the media on March 14 that the gap between the first and second doses for children from 3 to 4 years old is four weeks after the first dose. “I have already explained and it has been published. Therefore, I would like to reiterate that the interval [for children below from 3 to 4 years old] from the first dose to the second dose should be at least 28 days or 4 weeks,” the Secretary of State said. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044801/142297-children-aged-3-and-four-in-cambodia-get-first-dose-of-covid-19-vaccine-representing-46-37-percent-of-target/
  4. The 10th annual World Happiness Report has found that Cambodia is only the 114th happiest nation out of 146 countries surveyed. Cambodia not only ranked low in the global index but was also 2nd lowest out of the 8 South East Asian nations polled. Singapore ranked top in the region in 27th position, with Phillipines (#60), Thailand (#61), Malaysia (#70), Vietnam (#77), Indonesia (#87) Laos (#95) all ranking above the Kingdom. Only Myanmar (#126) ranked lower than Cambodia in SE Asia. Worldwide, Scandinavian countries emerged as the happiest nations with Finland (#1), Demark (#2) and Iceland #3) in the top 3. Afghanistan ranked as the least happy country, followed by the Lebanon The report conducts a measurement of subjective well-being based on three main well-being indicators: life evaluations, positive emotions, and negative emotions (described in the report as positive and negative affect). read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044665/cambodia-ranked-114th-in-world-happiness-report-2022/
  5. The National Bank of Cambodia has started implementing various policy measures to promote the use of riel in the economy based on market mechanisms. The use of riel has been facilitated through the development of electronic payment systems and other policies. For instance, ‘Fast Payment’, ‘Retail Pay’, ‘Bakong’ and other electronic payment systems have made the riel payments more convenient and with lower costs. Khmer Times caught up with NBC Governor Chea Chanto on the 42nd Anniversary of the Reintroduction of the Riel to know the measures that are put in place to enhance the popularity of national currency National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), payment wallets and digitalisation of banking services and opposition to cryptocurrency Cryptocurrencies are forbidden in several countries because they are not issued and regulated by any government or public authority. In Cambodia, the NBC also does not recognise cryptocurrencies as forms of digital payment since they present as trading instruments with values which are fluctuating unexpectedly and unverifiable transactions. Therefore, we believe that cryptocurrency is exposed to numerous risks. Given the uncertainties and unforeseen risks, in 2017, NBC alerted and forbade banks and financial institutions from trading cryptocurrency activities. In addition, in 2018, NBC in cooperation with relevant authorities released a joint statement aimed at warning the public and forbidding financial institutions (FIs) to deal with any crypto activities. In order to gradually shift from a cash-based economy to electronic payment, NBC has developed and modernised electronic payment system. The Bakong, a blockchain-based payment system, was introduced in 2020 to promote financial inclusion, address the issue of interconnectivity and interoperability across platforms of payment operators and support the ease of payments in local currency. NBC has also encouraged FIs to reap the benefits of technological advancement by introducing various digital financial services which are convenient, secure, and cost-effective for clients. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044986/electronic-payment-systems-to-enhance-economic-efficiency-financial-inclusion-and-use-of-riel/
  6. A Thai woman who claimed 10 days ago that her blood was harvested at a Sihanoukville scam operation said Friday she had fabricated her account in order to get a swift rescue. The 25-year-old spoke at a press conference in Bangkok held by Thai and Cambodian authorities, where Thai police officers said the story, which had made national headlines, was fake. Police said the woman has been charged with intentionally reporting false crime, and they would also be pursuing charges of working abroad illegally against her as well. “Everything that [I said] happened was not true at all. I was not abducted. I made up the whole thing to get help,” she said. “I’ve heard from other people that there had been incidents like this, so I had an idea of using it to request help from authorities.” According to an official statement from Thai police, the woman worked at a scam operation in Banteay Meanchey’s Poipet city since the beginning of 2021 and had never left the city. Police did not disclose whether she was trafficked or voluntarily worked as a scammer. read more https://vodenglish.news/alleged-thai-blood-slave-retracts-account/
  7. Members of an upstart opposition party have been intimidated, harassed, even arrested. Cambodia’s Ministry of Interior Friday accepted a small opposition party’s request to try to prevent political intimidation ahead of June’s local elections, the party said in a statement. The Candlelight Party, formerly known as the Sam Rainsy Party and the Khmer Nation party, was founded in 1995, and merged with other opposition forces to form the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) in 2012. But in November 2017, Cambodia’s Supreme Court dissolved the CNRP in a move that allowed Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) to win all 125 seats in Parliament in a July 2018 election. The Candlelight Party has been growing quickly over the past year and some believe may present a challenge to the CPP. During Friday’s meeting between Candlelight Party Vice President Thach Setha and Ministry of Interior Secretary of State Sak Setha, the ministry accepted the party’s request to take effective measures to prevent intimidation of its members to preserve the integrity of upcoming elections, the party statement said. The ministry will also look into the recent arrests of two party activists. The party also requested the creation of a joint committee — to be made up of the parties registered to participate in elections, the National Election Commission (NEC), and representatives of the government — to resolve election-related disputes. The ministry refused but said it would ask the NEC to work on election issues more effectively. “As a result of this meeting, I can see we have similar intentions to prevent intimidation before the election,” Thach Setha told RFA’s Khmer Service. “I wanted to have direct talks to resolve this issue to prevent it from getting worse.” The Committee for Free and Fair Elections in Cambodia (Comfrel) welcomed Friday’s meeting. Kang Savang, a Comfrel monitor, told RFA that local authorities have failed to perform their duties with neutrality. “Some local authorities abuse their power and are not neutral so there must be measures against them,” he said. At least three Candlelight Party activists have been arrested, and many more have been prevented from registering to compete as candidates in the upcoming election. To date, the party has registered 1,652 candidates across the country for the June election but has not decided on whether it will participate in the election. RFA was unable to reach Ministry of Interior spokesman Khieu Sopheak for comment. But he told the local newspaper the Khmer Times that the ministry is gathering evidence connecting the Candlelight Party with exiled CNRP leader Sam Rainsy. Sam Rainsy, 72, has lived in France since 2015 and was sentenced in absentia last year to 25 years for what supporters say was a politically motivated charge of attempting to overthrow the government. The ministry spokesman said political party laws prevent convicted criminals from establishing or being involved with parties. “You can do whatever you want, but don’t break the law. Be careful the party might be dissolved,” he said. In a Feb. 23 interview with RFA, Sam Rainsy said it was unnecessary for him to call for people to support Candlelight. “We don’t want them to find any excuse to cause us trouble. We don’t need to talk lot about it,” he said. Candlelight’s Vice President Thach Setha has also denied that Sam Rainsy is behind the party. He said that its members are competent enough to run the party without him. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Eugene Whong. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/candlelight-03182022175253.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  8. Cambodia’s Angkor Wat temple has been ranked as the top place in the world to watch sunrise and sunsets in the world by a British website. According to a new study by the popular British website mornings.co.uk, ‘Angkor Wat leads spiritual list of Must-See Sunrises’ The site continues in its praise of the Cambodian icon, saying “The walk through the trees to the east gate, and on to the main complex, is magical – often no one around at an early hour, with the birds singing as it grows light,” writes one reviewer of Angkor Wat. The Cambodian temple complex has two and a half times more mentions for its sunrise than any other attraction in the world.’ There is expected to be an influx of tourists on the 21st of March to witness the bi-yearly solar equinox – where the sun perfectly aligns with Angkor Wat. The full list of top sunrise and sunsets was as following: 1st place went to Angkor Wat of Cambodia, 2nd place went to Haleakala Crater of USA, 3rd place went to Taj Mahal of India, 4th place went to Borobudur Temple of Indonesia, 5th place went to Australia’s Uluru, 6th place’s Nepal’s Saragng Kot read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044360/angkor-wat-ranked-no-1-as-the-best-place-in-the-world-to-watch-sunrise-and-sunset/
  9. A homeless German citizen in Cambodia has received help via PM Hun Sen after he criticised the German Embassy for failing to help him. Martin Albert Schomacher, who has a physical illness and was sleeping on the streets, had earlier criticized his embassy in Cambodia for not taking care of him and for not helping him to go be repatriated to Germany Mr Schomacher living on the streets (l) and after receiving medical care at Calmette Hospital (r) The 55-year-old German was discovered after being posted on Facebook and received the attention of Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of Cambodia. He was taken by Cambodian officials to Calmette Hospital for treatment for physical illness and foot ulcers. According to information from the Calmette Hospital, so far (the morning of March 19, 2022) Mr Schomacher has not been visited by any German Embassy officials. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044263/pm-lends-a-hand-after-homeless-and-ill-german-citizen-criticises-german-embassy-for-failing-to-help-him/
  10. Kong Vibol, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister and Director General of the General Department of Taxation, has issued an invitation to Oknha Koy Sovann, Director of Bestcom Co.,Ltd, to pay the tax debt owed by him to the state. In the politely worded letter entitled On inviting companies to pay tax debts, the minister informs the businessman that ‘it is the duty of every taxpayer to contribute to the national budget. Previously, the General Department of Taxation invited the director to resolve the company’s tax debt through an invitation letter to the company address registered with the tax administration, but the director did not come by invitation and did not pay the tax debt’ read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501043946/tycoon-invited-to-pay-tax-owed-to-cambodia/
  11. In order to implement the legal principles in the conservation and sustainable development of Angkor, the Apsara Authority has called for an immediate end to the declaration of the sale of land in the Angkor area which is a World Heritage Site. The Apsara Authority said today that the land in the area of Angkor World Heritage Site is an important archeological sites that need the highest level of protection and the land need to be protected from being misused and improperly developed. It also said that the sale and purchase of land in these areas is contrary to the law stated in Royal Decree 001 dated 28 May 1994 on the determination and management of Siem Reap Angkor on setting land use standards in Zone I and Zone II. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501043939/apsara-authority-calls-for-immediate-end-to-sale-of-land-in-angkor-area/
  12. Global fashion retailer H&M opened yesterday- and Phnom Penh fashionistas grabbed the chance to shop at one of the world’s most popular clothing stores. Queues formed outside the new store – located at AEON Mall1 in Phnom Penh – before the 9.00am opening on Friday. Celebrities – including Chea Sreyna, Hong Srey Pich, Dara Moniroth, Pen Chamrong, Van Mao Zolinda, VDnet, Kim Myseang, Teng Hot Narong, In Seng Hour and Yim Nara were all on hand to celebrate the opening of the store. Philippe Lassaux, CEO & CEO of H&M Cambodia and Thailand, said: “It is a great pleasure to see so many people waiting for the opening. H&M’s first store in Phnom Penh. We strive to bring fashion and quality at the best prices in a sustainable way to a new city. We really appreciate the great hospitality we have in Phnom Penh. We look forward to offering our H&M fashion collection and excited our customers to create their own style and look. ” read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501044217/cambodias-first-hm-store-wows-the-crowds-on-opening-day/
  13. Koh Kong Provincial Administration has informed people involved in the ‘land occupation’ on Koh Toteung, Koh Sdach Village, Koh Sdach Commune, Kirisakor District, to dismantle their buildings and leave the site as soon as possible and stop encroaching on state land otherwise they will face legal action. The island is currently home to the renowned Nomads Land eco resort, which was established in 2009. It is not known if the ruling, issued on the 17th of March, refers to Nomads Land, or to another, unrelated development in another part of the island. The provincial administration said that according to the actual inspection, some people now occupy the land and live on Koh Toteung, a place where the Royal Government allows companies to invest. Huts at Nomads Land Approval has been granted by the Royal Government to the Den Nokor Company to invest in the development of a world-class eco-tourism resort. The provincial administration would like to confirm that any encroachment on state land or sale of state land will face legal action. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501043179/land-occupiers-of-koh-toteung-ordered-to-leave-as-soon-as-possible-to-make-way-for-world-class-eco-tourism-resort/
  14. Raffles Le Royal has been voted the ‘Best Hotel in Cambodia’ by the readers of the DestinAsian magazine. “Originally opened in 1929, Phnom Penh’s Grande Dame is more inviting than ever thanks to a recent restoration project,” said the editorial. “Parisian-style all-day brasserie Le Phnom 1929 is a new addition to the culinary lineup, while the legendary Elephant Bar remains a popular haunt for afternoon tea and happy-hour cocktails.” “We are delighted and honoured to receive this vote of confidence after such a challenging period with the pandemic lockdown and a major renovation on our hands,” said Dennis de Groot, the hotel’s general manager. The hotel said in a statement that each of its 175 rooms and suites underwent a full refurbishment as part of a one-year restoration project in 2019. Guests will notice lighter and brighter interiors, accentuated by spotlights. Segafredo coffee machines, USB charging stations, and Simmons pillow-top mattresses are among the new features that add modern appeal, it said. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501043321/destinasian-selects-raffles-le-royal-as-best-hotel-in-cambodia/
  15. Cambodia would take on refugees from the war in Ukraine if they fled to Cambodia, Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Thursday. “In the case of Ukrainians fleeing to Cambodia, we have to allow them to stay,” he said during a speech in Prey Veng province. However, he added that he would not allow Cambodians to go volunteer to fight in Ukraine, saying it would be like pouring gasoline on a fire. He urged negotiations between Ukraine and Russia to end the fighting, echoing his recent statements that he believes ending conflict should be the first priority in various geopolitical situations. Earlier this year, he made a controversial visit to war-hit Myanmar to meet coup leader Min Aung Hlaing, insisting on engagement to end fighting despite criticism that he was legitimizing the coup. The war in Ukraine has now continued into its fourth week, with as many as 10,000 total soldiers killed so far, according to U.S. estimates. During the speech, Hun Sen also called on embassies to repatriate foreign nationals struggling in Cambodia, singling out the German Embassy for not responding to his officials about issuing a passport for a homeless German man in Phnom Penh. read more https://vodenglish.news/cambodia-open-to-taking-ukrainian-refugees-hun-sen/
  16. Rights groups blasted the verdict as a show trial designed to quash criticism of Hun Sen’s ruling party. A Phnom Penh court on Thursday convicted 20 members of the banned-opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) of incitement and conspiracy after a mass trial that rights organizations said was politically motivated. The defendants, seven of whom are living in exile, received sentences between five and 10 years in prison. Cambodia’s Supreme Court banned the party in November 2017 for its supposed role in an alleged plot to overthrow the government, controlled by Prime Minister Hun Sen and his ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP). The move to dissolve the CNRP marked the beginning of a wider crackdown by Hun Sen on the political opposition, NGOs and independent media outlets that paved the way for the CPP to win all 125 seats in the country’s July 2018 general election. Since then, the government has brutally cracked down on former CNRP members, causing many to flee the country. Cambodia canceled many of their passports and barred them from returning. Prosecutors argued during the trial that the defendants were part of a “secret network” that wanted to seize control of the government, citing as evidence an alleged CNRP plot for its exiled leaders to return to the country. Additionally, government prosecutors blamed the opposition for the European Union’s 2020 to revoke an exemption from certain tariffs and restrictions for exports to EU-member countries. In truth, the EU Commission made that decision because of the Cambodian government’s poor civil and political rights record. Among the seven exiles convicted Thursday were the party’s co-founder and interim leader Sam Rainsy and deputy presidents Eng Chhai Eang and Mu Sochua. The verdict was politically motivated, Eng Chhai Eang told RFA’s Khmer Service. “I am not interested and did not pay attention … to the verdict,” he said. “This verdict was not meant to serve the people with justice.” Both Eng Chhai Eang and Mu Sochua have said they wanted to return to Cambodia to appear in court. “Please revalidate our passports so we can go to Cambodia and serve our prison terms,” Mu Sochua, who lives in California, told RFA. “I want to end this case. I will stay in prison to end the case.” The defense lawyer in the case, Sam Sokong, told RFA he would appeal the convictions. “I think my clients expressed their opinions … and the right is protected by the constitution,” he said. “Constructive criticism is protected by law.” Outside the court, four people were injured during clashes between CNRP supporters and authorities. RFA attempted to contact the court spokesperson Y Rin, but he could not be reached for comment. Rights groups condemned the verdict, saying that it was unfair to convict the accused without their participation in the trial. “There were so many loopholes, including that the defendants were stopped from participating,” Ny Sokha, director of the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association, told RFA. “It is not a surprise. This is a politically motivated case since the beginning.” Cambodian American rights advocate Theary Seng was outside the court Thursday with the wives of the CNRP members on trial as the verdict was read. She told RFA that the cries and suffering of their families was “heartbreaking.” “We are living under a dictatorship who sees the people as the enemy and thus uses violence to suppress them,” she said, adding that the verdict drew similarities to the Khmer Rouge era, referring to the brutal 1975-1979 reign of Pol Pot. “Since Cambodia has a system of democracy, we should never see such mass trials like this. Justice requires court to try [each defendant] individually so that an accused person can have an opportunity to explain and testify for himself and herself to the court,” she said. Charles Santiago, the chair of the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights, a group of former lawmakers that promotes democracy in Southeast Asian countries, called the verdict baseless in a statement. The trial was “the latest example of the complete erosion of democracy and pluralism in Cambodia under the iron fist of Prime Minister Hun Sen, and further evidence that he will do whatever is in his power to remove all forms of opposition to his rule," Santiago said. "Hun Sen and his political party, which currently holds all 125 National Assembly seats, have used Cambodia's courts to pursue their agenda of maintaining complete control of a country where no dissenting voices are allowed,” he said. Santiago said that the silence of members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which is chaired by Hun Sen, weakened the credibility of the regional bloc. New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) said the trial was part of a witch hunt that discredited Cambodia and its courts. “Foreign governments, the United Nations, and donors should call out this attack on the political opposition and Cambodia’s remaining vestiges of democracy,” Phil Robertson, HRW’s deputy Asia director said in a statement. “Cambodia’s politicized courts have facilitated Prime Minister Hun Sen’s effort to destroy the last remnants of democratic freedoms and civil and political rights in the country. … Concerned governments should do all they can to reverse this assault on the Cambodian people.” Translated by Samean Yun and Sum Sokry. Written in English by Eugene Whong. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/cnrp-03172022161249.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  17. One worker says officers assaulted strikers and took their cell phones as the months-long standoff continues. Cambodian police on Wednesday arrested around 200 workers striking outside the NagaWorld casino in Phnom Penh, crowding them into buses for transport to a COVID-19 quarantine center outside the city, Cambodian sources said. Hundreds of officers both in uniform and plain clothes used force against the workers, who were still being held at the center as of 9 p.m. local time on Wednesday, sources said. “The strikers were physically abused by the authorities, who also took our cell phones,” one worker named Chantha told RFA, saying city authorities are siding with the NagaWorld company to prevent striking workers from entering casino buildings. NagaWorld workers will continue their protests until their union is recognized and solutions are found to the now months-long labor dispute, she said. Wednesday’s arrests follow the release on bail on Monday of eight union leaders and members, with three others still held in detention and workers vowing to continue an online campaign demanding that charges against all 11 be dropped, sources said. Thousands of NagaWorld workers walked off their jobs in mid-December demanding higher wages and the reinstatement of 365 workers they say were unjustly fired from the casino and hotel, which is owned by a Hong Kong-based company believed to have connections to family members of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen. Chhim Sithar, leader of the Labor Rights Supported Union of Khmer Employees of NagaWorld, and seven colleagues were later arrested and charged with inciting social unrest, with Cambodian authorities calling the strike illegal and part of a plot promoted by foreign donors to topple the government. Speaking to RFA in an interview on Wednesday, Chhim Sithar said that she and the others released on Monday have called for striking workers to be allowed to return to work and are urging those laid off to remain at home until a legal settlement of their status is in place. These statements show a softening of the union’s stance, she said. “We have made a lot of concessions, especially by asking the workers to return to work. There should be some benefit on all sides.” Asked why the striking workers had continued their protest on Wednesday in spite of the union’s call for them to return, Chhim Sithar said the NagaWorld workers were free to make their own decisions without union interference. Chhim Sithar denounced as “fake” another labor union recently established by NagaWorld, saying casino owners have consistently opposed the independent representation of workers’ rights. Cambodia’s Ministry of Labor meanwhile said on Wednesday that a previously missed meeting with workers’ representatives to help resolve the labor dispute would now be held on Thursday. Also speaking to RFA, Am Sam Ath — deputy director of the Phnom Penh-based Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights — said that the striking NagaWorld workers have continued their protest because they feel their dispute with the casino can never be resolved while three of their union representatives are still detained. “The court should drop all charges against the workers’ representatives so they are able to represent the workers during talks,” he said. Reported by RFA’s Khmer Service. Translated by Samean Yun. Written in English by Richard Finney. https://www.rfa.org/english/news/cambodia/arrest-03162022155143.html Copyright © 1998-2020, RFA. Used with the permission of Radio Free Asia, 2025 M St. NW, Suite 300, Washington DC 20036.
  18. Cambodia has abolished the need for a PCR negative test obtained 72 hours before arrival in Cambodia. However, travellers who approach a Cambodian embassy abroad to get a visa are required to produce the insurance policy and the policy is also a mandatory requirement at check in counters. The Ministry of Health, acting on the instruction of the Prime Minister released a statement last night highlighting the abolishment of these two requirements. In addition, the Ministry also announced that Visa on Arrival for all travellers to Cambodia is also being reinstated and this is applicable for all travellers, by air, land and sea. Travellers who are not fully vaccinated or not vaccinated at all, are still required to under go mandatory 14 days quarantine at a location to be designated by the Ministry. Despite the abolishment of the requirements, the Ministry of Health continued to encourage travellers and others to carry out self tests to ensure they are free of COVID-19. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501042844/cambodia-abolishes-need-for-pcr-tests-obtained-72-hours-prior-to-arrival-and-rapid-tests-on-arrival/
  19. The phenomenon of the sun rising exactly over the peak of Angkor Wat Temple – which only happens twice a year – is expected to draw crowds when it occurs on March 21st. Mr. Im Sokrithy, Archaeologist and Director of the Department of Preservation of Temples in Angkor Park and Preventive Archeology of the APSARA Authority, said that for 2022, the sunrise at the top of Angkor Wat will be on the 21st of March at about 6:30 a.m. and is a very special event. The archaeologist also confirmed that the special event of the sunrise at the top of Angkor Wat for 2022 occurs twice a year, once on March 21 and on September 22. He explained that the architects of the ancient Angkorian civilisation designed the position of the temple so that it would line up with with the sun to create this unique phenomenon – using skills of architecture, mathematical calculations and astronomy. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501042456/angkor-wat-equinox-expected-to-draw-crowds/
  20. The Ministry of Information on Tuesday revoked business licenses for three digital media outlets, alleging the publications violated journalistic professional ethics and contracts. The Information Ministry released a letter dated March 15 stating its legislative committee had decided the three outlets disseminated information that violated journalistic ethics and the outlets’ contracts with the ministry. The media outlets are Bayong Times, KCTV and Cambodia Today. As part of its decision, the ministry ordered directors of the 25 capital and provincial information departments not to renew the licenses of the three media outlets. Information Ministry information and broadcasting director Phos Sovann declined to comment. Touch Yuthea, editor-in-chief of Cambodia Today, said the Information Ministry canceled his outlet’s license because he had published an article in early February about civil servants requesting the prime minister and the head of the Anti-Corruption Unit investigate procurement fraud at the Labor Ministry. read more https://vodenglish.news/information-ministry-revokes-licenses-for-three-digital-publications/
  21. The ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) has claimed that the legitimacy of the election is in the hands of Cambodians and does not rely on recognition from the western countries amid the Kingdom preparing to hold sub-national elections in June and National Election next year. CPP spokesman Sok Eysan said his party is confident that the June 5 Commune Election will be held in a free and fair manner with 17 political parties including the main opposition Candlelight Party (CP) having registered with the National Election Committee to contest for a total of 11,622 commune council seats. He said even if there is no support from any western countries, both elections will remain as scheduled. “No democratic countries recognised the results of the 2018 General Election but they still have ambassadors here and continue diplomatic relations with the newly elected government,” he added. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/1042180/cpp-claims-poll-legitimacy-not-up-to-wests-approval/
  22. The Thai cabinet on Tuesday has approved the extension of the work permits of migrants from Cambodia and two other for two years. Government spokesman Thanakorn Wangboonkongchana said the extension was for Cambodian, Lao, and Myanmar migrant workers who had entered the country under the memorandums of understanding on labour and whose four-year employment contracts were set to expire this year. Their work permits and visas would be extended for up to two years so that they would not have to leave the country while the Covid-19 situation was making travel difficult. The extension would also meet the needs of employers, Mr Thanakorn said. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501042186/26840-cambodian-workers-in-thailand-have-their-work-permit-extended-by-another-two-years/
  23. The Vicar Apostolic of Phnom Penh, Bishop Olivier Michel Marie Schmitthaeusler (MEP) has been recognized by the Cambodian Government as representative of the Catholic Church for his contribution to society. The prelate received the “Grand Order of National Merit” from Environment Minister Sam Al Say at an event at the Saint Paul Institute in Takeo Province in southern Cambodia, on the border with Vietnam, as part of a graduation ceremony for 114 students. The government wanted to reward the Church’s special commitment to development in many areas of Takeo Province, particularly its work in the fields of education, art and culture, social work and health care at the service of the community. read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/1042123/cambodia-rewards-church-for-its-contribution-to-society/
  24. The General Department of Taxation collected KHR 2,074.66 billion (around $512 million) in taxes for the first two months of 2022, increasing 22.69 percent compared to the same period in the previous year. In February 2022, revenue from five main types of taxes continued to increase significantly compared to February 2021. The income tax registered an increase of 14.18 percent, or KHR 23.61 billion, to KHR 190.15 billion in two months. The value-added tax rose to KHR 252.78 billion (an increase of KHR 13.23 billion riels or 5.52 percent), special tax up at KHR 105.67 billion (an increase of KHR 15.50 billion or 17.19 percent), payroll tax was at KHR 98.42 billion (an increase of KHR 18.51 billion or 23.17 percent), and duty on real estate transfer at 63.23 billion riels (an increase of KHR 9.18 billion or 16.98 percent). Kong Vibol, Director General of the General Department of Taxation, reminded the companies about tax compliance. He said, “A small number of enterprises did not register properly under the Tax Evasion Scheme. Fraudulent contracts and bills aimed at reducing taxes may be the target of criminal investigations and in some cases, money laundering.” read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501042010/tax-collection-rises-22-to-512-million-in-two-months/
  25. In Kampong Speu, a forest-dwelling monk hoots to mimic animals’ cries and talks of living in harmony with nature. But the community forest where he lives has been handed to the military, and nearby residents are camping among the trees to protect the land. From his simple pagoda in the forest just outside Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary, the Venerable Prom Thomacheat doesn’t see much worth leaving for in the outside world. Thomacheat, a Buddhist monk, lives in the woods just outside the rural Po Meas village in Oral district of Kampong Speu. His sparsely arranged pagoda is an open-air shelter made up of a large concrete slab covered by a blue metal roof. Years before, he had been an official co-founder of the banished environmental activist group Mother Nature. Today, his activism is limited to defending the forest he calls home from an officially sanctioned transfer to military families, a giveaway that has sparked a bitter conflict in a commune where locals say major agribusiness groups have already carved up the landscape. “There is no point in living since [authorities and the government] continue their harassment with all kinds of means,” Thomacheat lamented to reporters on a night in early February. The surrounding woods were alive with the sound of insects and other animals as the monk spoke. “Everything we do to protect [the forest] is illegal but when they come to clear — it is not illegal.” read more https://vodenglish.news/in-tranquil-forest-nature-loving-monk-faces-a-military-threat/
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