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Posts posted by Gabor

  1. To all the people on here making negative comments to those who are now facing some major difficulties. I want to see your face when your condo price drops in half and your investment condos sit empty..... Maybe too those owning a house through a company gets it taken away as it is not legal to own... Your time is coming !

    I am fine with my visa but feel a little sad for some people. This country provided a loophole and people took advantage ( doing nothing wrong) and after investing money and time here are now left outside the system. It was not really their fault. I think Thailand is doing a very bad service to many people.... Karma will take its revenge on Thailand....

    You're wishing revenge on Thailand for simply enforcing its own immigration laws? Perhaps karma will get back at you for your insidious attitude.

    No any law changed, no any law more enforced.... only the rules changed. You know, just like in the underlaw world.

  2. I was planning to buy a condo and stay for 3-6 months using

    Visa runs so this will affect me.

    How long can I stay under the new visa rules?

    all explained here... The law did not change, it is just applied now... means...

    1. NO VISA RUNS - get a tourist visa in your country which allows you to stay 60 days and which you can extend for another 30 days at immigration in Thailand (means, max 90 days). Be able to show a return ticket when you come, make things smoother

    2. if you want to immediately add another 60/90 days immediately after the first 90 days then you are at risk of being refused if immigration senses you might be a "visa runner". You must be prepared to make clear that you are NOT a visa runner (have return ticket, have funds, have a job/family outside Thailand, whatever makes your case). If you only stay 3 months in a row, then back home for the next three months and come here again after a "decent gap" since your last 60/90 days (in particular if you show again a return ticket) that should keep you safe.

    All NO problem for what you describe as long as you avoid being seen as a "visa runner" or being seen as staying in Thailand long term (> 6 months in a year) under a "tourist banner". 1 and 2 above will avoid making that impression and should keep you safe and well here.

    The law not changed, it would be still legal.... but the visa lottery deny it. No any written law deny the triple entry tourist visa runs.

  3. A lot of people are going to lose a lot. Including Thais. This is baby with bath water on steroids. Too inflexible and done too fast. It would be OK if there were now easier "real" visas, work permits, including legalization of online freelancing, etc. But there is not. On the condo market, no kidding, this is really bad for places like Pattaya. Cause and effect clearly not well considered on this one.

    having lived in pattaya for over 20 years i dont know any condo owner that is a visa runner.

    False.... under 50 year old age ( I don't worked, I dont leartn thai, I had no thai wife... I was just a long term tourist: Only relax and spending my money ) no any other options to stay in the country for longer time, than the 3 entry tourist visa ( visa runs ) Now it seems illegal, despite the law says it is still legal.... BTW I own 3 condo and planned to buy a 4th... Under the new " visa lottery " I changed my mind...

  4. How many tourist-visa runners own property? Zero.

    False.... under 50 year old age ( I don't worked, I dont leartn thai, I had no thai wife... I was just a long term tourist: Only relax and spending my money ) no any other options to stay in the country for longer time, than the 3 entry tourist visa ( visa runs ) Now it seems illegal, despite the law says it is still legal.... BTW I own 3 condo and planned to buy a 4th... Under the new " visa lottery " I changed my mind...

  5. I want to buy a high floor, Jomtien side studio in the Viewtalay 2, building A. ( or maybe a corner unit ) At the real estate homepages crazy prices and thin selection. Anyone a good idea?? Urgent, as the hungarian forint at this moment verrry strong.

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