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Posts posted by SurferBob

  1. Starting soon in Phuket will be a new support group, WA.

    What WA stands for is wanke_r's Anonymous and it is for all of the expats here on the island with LT disease. That is an affliction from being here "longterm".

    The wanking afflictions that will be discussed;

    Bothering all of those around with constant complaining about day to day living in Thailand such as:

    -Being overcharged because you are a foreigner

    (sub-topic:bargirls overcharging because now you are old and smelly)

    -too much ponchuluk in your food

    -driving in Phuket

    (sub-topic:our love for tuk-tuk drivers)

    -all other foreigners around you being "complete idiots"

    (sub-topic:psychological affliction of being the smartest person on the planet)

    -Thais who are stupid

    -Thais that don't understand what you are saying

    -Thai women that are only after your money

    -The Thai government

    If you would like to attend, please dial 076-285-WANK, the first meeting will be held at The Beaver Bar (nobody can complain about that).

    I will not attend as I do not suffer from LT disease and I keep my wanking to a minimum as I enjoy it here :o

    Haha.. wicked post.. made me laugh out loud! I've been coming to Thailand a few years now and spent last year in Phuket. From my experiences there are a whole lot of people that should join your support group!

    Well Well Well .....

    But you have to admit that the CO has a good point.

    I have always tried to look at things on the brighter side. Only been living in Thailand for a few years now and have learned a lot about the local expats habits. You would think that meeting someone from your own country you would have a lot in common regarding something to talk about without being misunderstood every sentence. Infarct most of the expats on this island despise other expats and striking up a friendship with one is very uncommon . Maybe I am wrong in some cases but on the whole it is a fact. I have been coming to Thailand for the last 15 years and know what I am talking about .

    Most "not all" expats moan about everything and compare a lot of thing to there own country only when they don't like it, and never praise the things they like.Thailand is a beautiful country with some of the best people in the world, you already now this right, as you would not live here. But it seems to me that this forum is a sort of a fighting ground for expats to have ago at each other. Someone posts a light hearted thread to give readers bit of a laugh and gets slaged off for it. Simple message to the people doing the slagging to the CO' is meet face to face and then say what you think about there thread. No I do not think so. Same old story, if you have nothing nice to say keep your mouth shut. If you want to say bad things to people don't hide behind a computer to say it.

    This message is not aimed at anyone in particular. And I what I write in this forum I would tell it to you face.

    Nice Post HuggyBear its time for people to "WAKE UP"

    This also is very true (in my opinion) - I arrived in Phuket last year in positive spirits, looking to make some new friends on the island. After getting ripped and pissed off by people from my own bloody country and others in the EU, I learn't the hard way that a lot of the ex pats living in Phuket are not particularly decent people. Of course there are decent friends to be made, it's just a little tricky meeting them it seems. I'm returning to Phuket at the end of January for another year, as gripes aside I think it's still a great place to be. This year I'll be pursuing other interests including business, so hopefully I'll meet some more good people along the way.

    Take it easy all, try chilling out and liking people.. look for the good.



  2. Hi all,

    I'm currently researching the viability of starting up an office/registering a Thai company to resource project tasks sent over from our established IT company in the UK. Initially would be looking to employ 2-3 persons with myself heading up and running the office in Thailand. I would like to do this in Phuket as I like to surf in my spare time and would like to stay close by the beach! I've got 3-4 years experience of living in Thailand and understand a bit about the culture and language.

    So far I've got all the figures and general information for the set-up and paper running costs of the business, from Sunbelt.

    I would welcome any information from people who have experience of setting up a similar business scenario, as outlined above... or just general business information and links that people think may be useful.

    The biggest question really is... 'Is it viable?' .. so far from what research I've done I would say the answer is yes.

    Thanks & Regards,


  3. Thanks for the replies all... and the info, LivinLOS & vanalli, it's appreciated!

    Good news that the dance music scene is starting to pick up here.. I'll definately check out Club Lime on my return, it's sounds pretty decent. I've been DJíng for quite a while now (on and off) - started in Hard House & Techno back in the 90's .. moved through to purer Techno & Trance sounds... stayed there for a few years and then started getting into Drum & Bass and Breaks from around 2001. I'm now buying mostly Breaks and some Drum & Bass on occasion. I'll basically listen to anything I think is good regardless of genre.

    I'll check it all out in January when I return. Will hopefully meet up with you down at Club Lime sometime!

    Have a good New Year, cheers!


  4. Hi all,

    I've been in Phuket 9 months now and it's been a real ride so far - lots of ups and a few downs. Happily I can say it's all good right now, but I'd sure like to make a few more decent friends on the island.

    I like to surf (when it's not flat!), am a DJ & dabbler in dance music production and love to drink beer on occasion!! :D

    Will be going back to the UK for the New Year and return to Phuket end of January for another year or more.. anyone who would like to meet a fellow surfer, music lover or beer drinker give me a shout.

    Have fun... and be safe! :o



  5. By way of wrap up on this subject, I've now been for physio to both Bangkok Phuket hospital and the International hospital, the treatment being required for "frozen shoulder". Whilst I wasn't confident that the physio at BP was appropriate I was absolutely certain is was inappropriate at the International Hospital - I can't recall ever in my life having to go through so much pain. I finally found a Chiropractor in Phuket Town who was trained in the US and speaks perfect English - one of his areas of specialty is Bursitis, Tendonitis and Capsulitis, all contributors or direct causes of frozen shoulder. When I recounted the events of therapy at the two hospitals he simply shook his head in dismay and reminded me of some very basic facts about human anatomy. 1) the spine need to be in alignment, if it is not it will effect parts of your body. 2) when you stretch muscles and tendons during physio you also stretch nerves because they run through the muscle tissue. 3) pain is the body's way of telling you to stop whatever is causing the pain.

    I am pleased to report that the Chiropractor is successfully tackling the problem by realigning my top most vertabre which seems to have decided to wander off at a near twenty degree angle to the horizontal and that in itself has provided me with substantial benefits. If anyone needs a really good Chiro and/or is considering physio at either of the two hospitals, please feel free to PM me for details of an excellent alternative.

    Great info in this thread so thanks all. I'm currently suffering with a back problem and just stumbled accross this thread whilst search for a Chiropractor in Phuket. I've sent you a PM 'chiang mai'.



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