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Posts posted by neverdie

  1. 15 hours ago, kannot said:

    your  showing just "odd" views , the overall picture of the UK is better than Thailand by a long stretch = your view of Thailand is the sad one, first obvious point is a military Junta  in control, how sad can you get?

    Judgements handed down by the sharia  informal courts have no legal basis


    At keast Thailand has someone in control.....just look at wot David Cameron did.....uncontrollable at best.


    the west blows, just face it

  2. 18 minutes ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    Speaking of showers do any of you boys know what a gloryhole is?


    I was approached to attend some party called a gloryhole party and I have no idea. Is it a drink?


    Dont look it up, I just did, it's disgusting.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    Speaking of showers do any of you boys know what a gloryhole is?


    I was approached to attend some party called a gloryhole party and I have no idea. Is it a drink?


    No idea, try google.


    sounds like a place important folk gather. Perfect for u minnieMinnie

  4. 7 minutes ago, DipStick said:

    Dear oh dear, the OP asked a genuine question and was replied to by 85% garbage, and all this garbage came from posters who have amassed large number of postings. If you can't answer a serious question then fxxxxk keep of the keyboard. To the OP, I am sorry I cannot help you , as I like you am not an expert in such things. There really are a large number of imbeciles out there . 


    Stop being a dipstick, dipstick.


    i post on the iPad (naked)

  5. 30 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

    I don't understand why people feel the need to wear different clothes and shoes here. It's not that hot, especially when you've been here a while and acclimatised. I just wear converse most of the time, same as I do back home. 


    Also, I value my toes too much to walk around on Bangkok pavements all day in sandals. 



    If you you thinknthailand is warm, try oztralia 

  6. 2 hours ago, Rob8891 said:

    Oh dear Lord. I take an afternoon out and it's like Woodstock in here, a regular love-fest. Neverdie, Sipi, Minnie....cold showers, the lot of you. SEPARATE cold showers. 


    Well they don't make single shower stalls big enough.....:cheesy:

  7. 2 hours ago, Minnie the Minx said:


    He's banned from this thread under subsection #2.1 rule which clearly states the rule in #7. 


    See I read all the rules here. 


    This girl will not break any of them.



    Hey hun, but you did already, remember sentrix, remember her account was banned cough cough well just by fronting up you're in default apparently.


    anyhoooo :whistling:


    im just glad you came back to mama :giggle:

  8. 4 minutes ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    Ha lol, really helicopters are cool, no idea though not a pilot. Who was that Aussie idiot that got his arm chopped off by a cessna years ago? 


    He was some celebrity too. Drunk at the time and didn't duck. Took out his eye from memory as well.


    Jack Newton.


    arm and an eye, from memory.  A nsw boy, not too far from your old stomping ground

  9. 8 minutes ago, sipi said:

    NeverDie has developed the new environmentally friendly Cessna. It is made from folded paper and has a rubber band and paddlepop stick for an engine.



    I was at a meeting the other day, sitting around with other airline owners, some of the big players were there, emirates, Singapore, Qantas, Somchai Air and a few others and they were all trying to get to the bottom of Neverdie airways secrets and I never faultered and you go and give away our one of our best keep secrets right here on the forum.



  10. 2 minutes ago, Minnie the Minx said:


    Wow really? I know nothing about planes btw. My mum's friend has a property in Queensland, huge place you may know it. They have a helicopter. Have fun in HK.


    Helicopters are dangerous things minie........when the rotar stops spinning round and around, they drop like a brick.  


    At least in a Cessna, you can glide around for a little while and panic.

  11. Just now, Minnie the Minx said:

    How do I pm here since this upgrade.


    Neverdie you scoundrel you'd better take me out in your cessna when I'm in Oz around Christmas.


    I would love to Hun, we just took delivery of 2 more Cessna A380's (special performance model), they have 6 engines on each wing.


    but unfortunately I will be in Hong Kong this Christmas.  Talk about bad timing, I was hoping to catch up with you in Hong Kong.  

  12. 2 minutes ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    What's POTY? Sounds weird, no thanks. 


    I forget what it stands for, but it was hotly contested last year and the year before.


    Might have been "Pleb of the year" award?


    Cant remember but it must have been important because JT was strutting around for 12 months with this big chest plate and nowhere to pin it.



  13. 10 minutes ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    Nice tune Trans, thanks. Pax old boy, neverdie too. Let us all be friends. We have such memories between us we share there is no need for nasty stuff guys.


    Here's another Trans.





    Being close to you has always brought the best out in me and right now I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy.


    who would of thought something as simple as rabbit hunting could of brought us all back together?



  14. 13 minutes ago, Minnie the Minx said:

    Explain yourself.


    Keep in mind please:


    7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.



    You'd make a great moderator, have you thought about applying?


    You get all sorts of buttons to play with.  I know you like buttons. RAOFLAO 

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