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Posts posted by jackyseymour

  1. How much work did they expect.. If its a once a month whip round, grass cut, thats not really that odd IMO.. I have a guy on the estate who does a day garden work for 500 and once a month would be ample for the smaller place I now have.

    My last villa had large full on landscaped grounds.. Twice a month a full team would turn up.. 8 to 10 of them.. Trucks, tools, etc etc etc.. 2k baht per month.

    The pool however I would leave to a specialist.

    It was probably just insensitive to offer market rates to a neighbour tho.. But I dont see those rates as being unusual.

    The payment idea was just daft tho..

    They expected the numerous plants/palms in their garden to still be alive when they returned to Thailand. So once a month wouldn't do would it? They also expected him to clean their pool, (I have a pool and am fully aware it requires cleaning at least once a week) and if it had been raining, just so they'd get their money's worth, they expected him to clean down their sandwash.

    Now. You tell me. As a White Man. Would you do all of this for a derisory two quid a week? Would you, as a White Man not be offended by this er, 'offer'? Request to pay per month by Paypal (My god ...) notwithstanding.

    By the by, I have recently discovered that the going rate for pool cleaning alone is 3k per month. A friend also has to shell out 800 baht for one day's grasscutting.

    So next time anyone here needs to go back to wherever they came from to earn some more money, do think twice about asking your put upon neighbours to take care of your house/garden/pool for peanuts/free whilst you are away. :o

    No once a week visits is way to much.. I imagined a once month grass trim and throwing 500g of salts / chlor in the pool and fishing out any leaves... For that couple of hours work monthly the number is about right and about what I would pay my handyman guy.

    3k a month in my last house had pool cleaner come every other day (it was totally excessive, but done by the past landlord) thats hardly the same as an unused pool that just needs 5 mins to rechem it.

    But the comparison to what I (the assumed white man) would work for is just ludicrous.. When the local handyman can make 500k USD per annum tell me, then we can discuss the alternatives they have open to them. The work that I can do and the work he can do dont really come into the equation do they.

    And as to asking neighbors how much I would charge I would think thats very un neighborly.. How Thai to imagine what you can immediately earn from your neighbor.. Personally I would collect a neighbors mail, and give them a hand simply as they are my neighbor's.. If they bring me a bottle of wine or something then fine, but the idea of asking for money from them, seems as low as offering 500 baht to me. Course that wouldnt extend to doing the garden, I dont even do my own, but I would gladly keep an eye on a workforce and check up on the property for them, no payment required, I would hope that they can do the same when I take my vacations.

    I find your comment 'how Thai' to be rascist in the extreme. If you read the post carefully, you will see that these particular neighbours, asked us to take care of their property for the EIGHT MONTHS they would be back in the UK. Of course it did strike me that, bearing in mind, we were very new acquaintances, and that they had at least two long-standing friends living closer to their house, who are living here all year, that we were indeed being taken advantage of. Mmmm. Eight months bit long for a vacation don'tyathink? :D

  2. How much work did they expect.. If its a once a month whip round, grass cut, thats not really that odd IMO.. I have a guy on the estate who does a day garden work for 500 and once a month would be ample for the smaller place I now have.

    My last villa had large full on landscaped grounds.. Twice a month a full team would turn up.. 8 to 10 of them.. Trucks, tools, etc etc etc.. 2k baht per month.

    The pool however I would leave to a specialist.

    It was probably just insensitive to offer market rates to a neighbour tho.. But I dont see those rates as being unusual.

    The payment idea was just daft tho..

    They expected the numerous plants/palms in their garden to still be alive when they returned to Thailand. So once a month wouldn't do would it? They also expected him to clean their pool, (I have a pool and am fully aware it requires cleaning at least once a week) and if it had been raining, just so they'd get their money's worth, they expected him to clean down their sandwash.

    Now. You tell me. As a White Man. Would you do all of this for a derisory two quid a week? Would you, as a White Man not be offended by this er, 'offer'? Request to pay per month by Paypal (My god ...) notwithstanding.

    By the by, I have recently discovered that the going rate for pool cleaning alone is 3k per month. A friend also has to shell out 800 baht for one day's grasscutting.

    So next time anyone here needs to go back to wherever they came from to earn some more money, do think twice about asking your put upon neighbours to take care of your house/garden/pool for peanuts/free whilst you are away. :o

  3. Let me put it another way. The price the gardening companies charge is outrageous, mainly because the company takes the lion's share of the money. If I hire an individual, not only is it a lot cheaper for me, but, the gardener gets the whole lot, which is a lot more than the poor gardener that works for the company.

    that is correct. our land is smaller and our single story house has a big footprint. initially i planned to hire a company, got several quotes each 4,000 Baht/month for 3 times 4 hours a week. hired a fulltime (6 days a week) gardener for 7,000 Baht who did a good job and most of the time i sent him home after lunch. unfortunately i had to fire him months later as he requested several times "a couple of free days" to go to his village which always turned out to be "couple of weeks". then a year ago our live-in maid suggested to hire her newly wed husband as a gardener and we are quite happy with his service. no such thing like specific working hours or specified lunch break. all we want is that the garden looks neat, and it does.

    Some neighbours returned to the uk for eight months and offered my Thai husband 500 baht per month to take care of their garden and clean their pool. They even asked if I had a Paypal account so that they could transfer the 500 baht monthly. Nice couple.

  4. Hi I get really irritated by my Thai partner's sucking and eating noises when we have dinner... and the smell of some of the food is so bad that I can't kiss him for hours afterwards. I love him in every other way but this is really becoming an issue and I don't know how to say it without hurting him or even making him angry. When we eat with other Westerners in a restaurant he doesn't make so much noise :D

    Any ideas girls?

    Yeah, he's a freaking peasant and the fact that he curtails his obnoxious eating habits only when he's with you, alone, is because he knows he must show some facsimile of a civilized human being in front of other farang. See? He's aware it's downright rude and offensive to you. Never mind 'hurting him', he's offending you. Why? Doesn't he lub you too? :o But he can be trained out of it, just point out it makes you feel totally sick every time he does it. It'll stop. Had the same problem with a guy in the UK.

  5. i disagree, i think they are scum.
    In 2003 Thailand's then prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra—a former mid-ranking policeman and businessman—told police to wage "war on drugs", resulting in at least 1,300 extra-judicial killings.

    why does the number always change every time i read it? last i heard it was 3000 deaths

    What personal experiences have you had if the Thai Police that leads you to think they are scum?

    During the last 'War On Drugs' the newly appointed builder of my house arranged to have a squad of some seven police raid my house in search of drugs (they were most surprised to find out I was a farang) as the <deleted> builder thought that if they were to plant/find something, said builder would be able to keep the advance I had stupidly paid upfront for the construction.

    This is all on record at the local cop shop, the sargeant on duty at the time of my report, on advice from my solicitor, being filed, I have to say, looked sincerely taken aback and apologetic.

    It later transpired that the builder was of course, a relative of another 'high' ranking police officer still working there. SCUM. :o

    Well you are clearly not in jaol currently thus I suspect the truth was made to surface somehow and it sounds like the police may have played some role in that? I presume the case went to court and this is how all the facts of the case surfaced or is there something else that we don't see here?

    What planet are you on? Or more to the point, which country do you think you are living in? When I related this story to a friend who'd lived here for over twenty years, he was not in the least surprised. 'I presume the case went to court' You idiot! Read my post again. If you need help with your sight I SUBMITTED A REPORT TO THE POLICE STATION ON THE ADVICE OF MY SOLICITOR, merely as a record of the police behaviour in the event they might try it again, but this time leave 'some evidence'. But am assuming you need help with your intelligence quotient/understanding, with which you're on your own. You fool.

  6. i disagree, i think they are scum.
    In 2003 Thailand's then prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra—a former mid-ranking policeman and businessman—told police to wage "war on drugs", resulting in at least 1,300 extra-judicial killings.

    why does the number always change every time i read it? last i heard it was 3000 deaths

    What personal experiences have you had if the Thai Police that leads you to think they are scum?

    During the last 'War On Drugs' the newly appointed builder of my house arranged to have a squad of some seven police raid my house in search of drugs (they were most surprised to find out I was a farang) as the <deleted> builder thought that if they were to plant/find something, said builder would be able to keep the advance I had stupidly paid upfront for the construction.

    This is all on record at the local cop shop, the sargeant on duty at the time of my report, on advice from my solicitor, being filed, I have to say, looked sincerely taken aback and apologetic.

    It later transpired that the builder was of course, a relative of another 'high' ranking police officer still working there. SCUM. :o

  7. Your IP address is associated with an ISP. Any physical address given is associated with the ISP, and the records they keep/provide. There is no association, although there could be down to a region, with your physical location. If authorities need to find you they can as they can ask the ISP for your details because the ISP has a record of the IP addresses handed out to you over some time period.

    What is your concern or dilemma?

    No concerns or dilemmas - merely an interest sprung from a post on another forum about where an email originated. I have recently changed internet providers, in that I had a battery dial up, to a DSL, does that make a difference? I suppose so. I visited another site which provides software for a trial period (only three measly days) which had thrown up another isp address for me, but which I could not locate on an isp tracer site.

    Is it that there are only certain full and correct addresses/addressees given in say, urban areas? something like Google Earth? I would simply prefer my web surfing/email correspondence to be private. I feel that we are all intruded upon too much on the internet, cookies and all, in the guise of 'marketing'. When I run Spybot, all manner of sites I wouldn't have visited, casinos and the like, are thrown up in the bar running down and along the moniter bar. I find it all too much of an intrusion.

  8. This word 'farang' (fulung), it's such an ugly sounding word. When I was first here in Thailand, I didn't mind so much, it all depended upon the tone in which it was said. But the longer I've been here, the more I've grown to actively dislike it. A lot of the time, it's spoken by Thais who have known me being about the parish, so to speak, market stallholders and the like mostly, and so, I respond, in Thai, by saying, 'Look, I don't call you 'gook' do I?' Then I ask that they call me pee, as do the local people I know. And, after looking a tad nonplussed, do you know, they get it and call me by Pee. Which is much more respectful.

    Unfortunately, to speak the word 'farang', it's still so much ingrained in Thai culture amongst the uneducated. I hear little kids saying the word 'farang' something sometimes. But I just smile and politely tell them that in my country they would be called 'gooks' or sometimes, especially while referring to the 'bought/brought over brides, 'pets', by the ignorant and it is very disrespectful, and to ask someone in their family what those words mean and how they would feel if they had been referred to it thus in a western country. Education is the key, but I feel it will be an uphill battle. By the way, for the originaly poster, if I was referred to as 'fulung' whilst in the presence of someone so intimately engaged as cutting my hair, after the first time, I would never go back.

  9. I've just been on a couple of sites dealing with ip addresses, both of which give an identical ip but place me in either Bangkok or Chiang Mai. I'm in neither. The Bangkok one gives a very detailed addess, with a Thai name, number of soi, telephone etc. What's going on? :o

  10. I also always refuse the unnecessary plastic for pre wrapped items at these stores, but I believe the root of the problem here is not so much the convenience stores/supermarkets, but that people are given plastic bags for everything at the local talad sot/nat - fresh markets (where the majority of the rural population shop daily), not to mention takeaway food carts/fruit/drinks etc. What are they going to put the non prepacked fish/meat/veg from the markets in? I wish someone would come up with something biodegradable but of course, it would have to be cheap also. Not easy. Washing the previous plastic bags? Not very hygenic.

  11. I have had a reply from CyberTech Computer Support who tell me that a keylogger is indeed a programme which can either be sent by an in infected email, or physically downloaded to another person's computer without their knowing. There is also a little gadget called Sniperspy up for sale on ebay. Both of these programmes can access your computer remotely.

  12. You may have a very secure password but if the browser automatically remembers the password that you have typed in, all the security goes out the window. Some users unintentionally forget to uncheck the box that says "Automatically log me in in this computer" or the "Keep me logged in for two weeks" in Yahoo! Mail and when the user finishes using the computer, some forgets to log out...

    Most of the time, the user is the weakest link.

    I only ever access my email accounts on my personal computer, in my own home, and no one else ever has access to it. Next?

    Next? Well, you didn't say that in your original post. Did you?

    I am just trying to help here If you will provide incomplete information about your problem, don't expect anyone to provide an accurate answer.

    Keylogger... Spyware...

    That could be your problem :o .

    Try running Cure It from Dr. Web

    It will dig out those stubborn infections in a jiffy and give you the peace of mind that you need.

    There was no need to make mention of these very obvious facts in my original post. Please do excuse me. I constantly forget that of the legion of dimwits on Thaivisa, I always expect the 'computer' forum to be above par on the IQ scale. I did not give 'incomplete information'. I gave salient information. I would commend you to consider the fact that not all postees on Thaivisa are idiots, although I do have to agree that regretfully, an awful lot are.

    Now. Next time you feel the urge to respond, albeit in an inconsidered way, to a post on this particular forum, and, given the fact that the poster seems erudite take a deep breath ....

  13. keylogger is a type of spyware that can be installed on your computer. It keeps track of all the keystrokes you make, so it can capture your password. It would probably be installed the same way that a virus is, from in infected file downloaded or received in an email that you ran. Or maybe some software that was less than legal. Try using something like spybot or adaware to check your system.

    I don't know your computer savvy level, that is why I asked about the email message. Some people fall for it. Had my mother asking me about them at one point.

    Hmmmm, keylogger. Sneaky. Will run Spybot. Thanks a lot :o

  14. You may have a very secure password but if the browser automatically remembers the password that you have typed in, all the security goes out the window. Some users unintentionally forget to uncheck the box that says "Automatically log me in in this computer" or the "Keep me logged in for two weeks" in Yahoo! Mail and when the user finishes using the computer, some forgets to log out...

    Most of the time, the user is the weakest link.

    I only ever access my email accounts on my personal computer, in my own home, and no one else ever has access to it. Next?

  15. Maybe there is a keylogger installed on your system?

    I'm aware that easy-to-remember personal information has been said to be easy to access, although I think that most would-be spys, without the benefit of some kind of software, would still have to be pretty persistent/patient to take the time to run through all the personal information of a potential spyee. My password is not my dog's, mother's, budgie's name either, or anything like it.

    Password verification is when attempting to log-in, has been for years. Sometimes Yahoo or Hotmail will ask you to log-in again, for verification, on the actual log in page. Of course I wouldn't give that kind of information over an email received in my inbox! I don't ever reply to Nigerians either.

    As to the 'how do you know someone's accessing your email'? I know.

    Now, what is a keylogger please?

  16. I have a very strong suspicion my hotmail's being accessed by a third party. Just how much of a techie do you have to be to be able to do this? I'm thinking it's someone I know who doesn't have access to my computer, but I took the precaution of changing my password anyway. Still think it's being accessed.

    As I'm asked to verify password by hotmail on a regular basis, same Yahoo, just how easy is it to hack into by the ordinary man on the street, albeit a bit computer savvy?

  17. I've been here for 10 months and have seen nothing bad happen at the beach. Until yesterday. First up, I hear a bang and screams and see a jetski nose-up in the water, with 2 passengers scattered, apparently drowning. The visible nose looked like the fin from jaws, with the rest completely submerged. No one could refloat it, and it took at least a dozen attempts from the beach boys to tow it back to dock - they needed the speedboat in the end. Next up was the parasailing boys: I'm not sure if it's the wind direction, or them not knowing their <deleted> from their elbows, but one poor sod ended up being dragged head first along the beach and into the water before they abandoned their attempt at getting him airbourne. They tried again a while later with the same results. Looked quite painful. Finally, an old fella stepped on a sea urchin (?) - looked mighty painful, as he had large purple spines sticking out of his foot. The beach boys looked on with great interest, regaling tales of amputation, before calmly rubbing lime into the wound and banging the unremovable spines into the heel with a mallet. They then went snorkelling for a bit and came back with a wheeliebin literally full of them. I had no idea they were there, or how painful they could be. I will tread more carefully in future.

    No drama for 10 months, and 3 incidents within an hour. TiT.

    :o:D:D Oh Jeez, thanks for those mental pictures - next time take your video camera with you :D Now if we could just get hold of the guy who told us about the parasailing woman banging all along the seafront sunbeds and splice the two together, think how many hits on Youtube we'd get!

  18. If you have a one year extension based on marriage then yes, you do need to do your 90 day reporting and yes, you do need a re-entry permit to leave the country. Unless of course,you want to apply for a new visa all over again. Same as the guys :D

    Sod it. I'm relocating to 'Nam where a friend of mine has just received a six month visa, no reporting, no waste of time border runs, and no bloody coups. Bloody ridiculous waste of time. And how men who have Thai families here put up with over the bloody border every three months just to stay here beggars belief. For what? Am winging whinging letter off telling my country they should make Thais leave MY country every bloody three months/report to Immigration. Oh, and sequestrate their land. :o

  19. Thanks for the replies. Still not up to fagging up to Bangers to change my name. Think if you're intending having children would save a lot of confusion. But, I'm guessing it will count for nowt with the police and the 'crats, and they can see you have a visa based on marriage to a Thai National in your passport anyway.

    Just one more thing (okay, two). Do you have to schlepp up to Immigration every 90 days the same as retirees? Or is it simply the once yearly application for extension blah blah?

    Also, do women married to Thais have to ask (and pay) Immigration for a re-entry stamp every time said Wife of Thai needs/wants to leave Thailand? Again. Thanks. :o

  20. Just came across a thread on another forum re UK state pensions, when it occurred to me that English women might have parity with English men, in their being able to claim a UK State Pension for their spouse when they reach retirement age.

    I know it's looking a bit far into the future, but anyone know about this? :o

  21. Well, went to the Amphur and got married, and was asked if I wanted to change my surname. I asked if the clerk could do it there and then, as I wasn't fussed, and husband bit ticked off I really didn't care one way or the other. Not bothered about any name, a rose by any other and all that. Clerk told me she couldn't do it and I would have to go back to my embassy in Bangkok. So told clerk, never mind I won't be schlepping back up the Bangers any time soon to bung more money at the embassy. Hmm, one trip and bung for the Affirmation and then again for a needless(?) name change.

    BUT. The main reason for marriage was that everything would be took tong and riep roy in case I came a cropper and erstwhile partner, now husband would automatically inherit my property. I have a blue book tabien baan, but of course, being a farang, it shows the address of the property only. Husband's name on family's tabien baan in another province and he doesn't want to go to all the hassle of transferring his name anyway. Would be a bit odd it being my property but only his name on it don't you think? :o

    All a bit complicated I know, but supposing I were to cease to exist, die, expire, is a photocopy of the marriage cert enough to prove his being next of kin? And what about hospitals etc - if I were incapacitated, would he be able to claim my being Thai 'family'. Will it, in the absence of changing my name in my passport, entail having to carry around a copy of the Certificate to prove kinship, so to speak? How does this work?

    Please enlighten me. Thanks :D

  22. I have been exporting silk for the last year. Only small scale though. Before i started exporting i know nothing about silk and have no knowledge of textile design. All i need to know is the right people to approach and then i can sell. I guess i make about 6000 baht per month on average. It's not much but it's really more of a past time than a business, (for now!).

    With your knowledge you should be able to do a much better job than me.

    Good luck to both of you.

    Did you source your customers in your home country? Can it be done over the internet?

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