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Posts posted by jackyseymour

  1. If you can't go a day (or 2 in the case of Khao Pansah) without drinking in a bar then I have severe worries about you. I guess a few ignorant tourists might not know they are arriving in Thailand on a day when public sale of alcohol will not be allowed but I am sure they will get over it quickly.

    No country should sacrifice it's sense of self and history and respect just to appease a guy that can't go a day without a drink in a bar :o

    Still in recovery then are you? The fact that it's only the outlets, that is to say Central, BigC, Teso Lotus and every 7Eleven unable to sell alcohol, and that every other Thai supermarket, mom and pop shop, noodle restaurant, can, doesn't bother you at all?

    And really, I was unaware this country was muslim. The words 'self' 'righteous' and 'prig' spring to mind.

  2. dreaming?, drunk?, living in a parallel world? where are the proves for the paid ex-military. Where are the guns (don't come with the NBT nonsense). Where are independent media? For the PAID government supporters....search internet, read, you find nice speeches (we pay 10.000 Baht for a dead PAD.....)

    You are neither thinking nor opening your eyes. As I don't think that you are silly I think you have other reasons to post such obvious nonsense.

    Sondhi: the personal security gets paid because they are the ex-policemen and ex-military. They are professionals.

    (source: Asia Times Online)


    And the point of your posting this photo sans 'paid military and police' is ...?

  3. If it has not been proved to PAD supporters on this forum before the PAD are not peaceful in any way. The group is filled with hired ex-military that are paid (proven) and have a stash of weaponary including guns, which has been proved countless times on various independant media. PAD beat a government supporter to death. (Well documented) How quickly all you peace lovers forget that. It was not in defence but in intent to kill if you havnt seen the media of that night just you tube it. Im sure you will agree that it wasnt in self defence. Its all out there if you open your eyes to the reality of your mob. How all you claim it is a peaceful movement amazes me. Open your eyes a little more and maybe some of you can relise a few things about the movement you support.

    Oh well. There we are then. Must be true :o Are you able to enlighten us as to which 'independent media' (note the spelling of the word independent) Fox News? Always fascinates me the way some people think they can get away with spurious claims to 'truth' by citing undisclosed sources/statistics. Well, what are they then?

  4. Isn't it strange how all these PAD sheep support a Charter that was written by a illegal military government and forced on to the people without any debate. Hmmm I guess not. Ops I forgot PAD sheep dont believe in elected governments....

    Is it not possible to debate, without calling other members "PAD sheep", are your arguements really so weak that you can only resort to personal insults ?

    And you forget that the junta-appointed government was indeed legitimised, by the Head-Of-State, much as Thaksin's caretaker-PM role had been, following the annulment of the rigged-election.

    So Yah Sucks Boo etc. ! :o

    Sorry to offend you. But sheep is not a bad word or insult. Sheep follow other sheep and its just the same as the yellow mob. PAD go to one place and follow each other like sheep. Baaa Baaaa. I mean the rest of Thai society even though they dont support the government respect the democratic system and dont become sheep. But a few become sheep either they are grandmas with no work to do or are fanatics brainwashed by nationalistic propaganda. I support elected governments even if I dont agree with everything they do. Thats the difference. Im member of society and respect the rule of law. The question is do you?

    Wow. I had absolutely no idea the PPP were independent thinkers! :D

  5. Am i the only one bothered by the fact that they are 'together' but they sleep in different bedrooms every night?

    looks fishy.. ESPECIALY for thailand


    I agree, looks v odd.

    Is there a source for this story please?

    Why on earth does it 'look very odd'?! Are you attempting to lead us to believe that purely because two people, who may be 'romantically' connected, choose to sleep in separate rooms, for whatever reasons, much like the English Queen and her consort by the way, along with most of the aristocracy, that there must be some sort of conspiracy involving, of course the Thai partner? Do get a grip on a reality outside your bourgoise little experience of life. Truly sad. :o

  6. Several hundred years from now, history will define democracy in the 20th and early 21st century as "tyranny imposed by manipulating poor and uneducated voters."

    What we need is a realistic alternative to democracy. Thailand has an excellent chance hear to be a beacon to the world right now, by abandoning democracy and putting something better in its place. Much like the American revolution 200+ years ago, it is time for another great experiment. The West will suffer this same fate as Thailand eventually as the deindustrial age ensues tracking down the energy depletion curve. As per capita income decreases, there simply is no ability to look beyond immediate survival needs. The human brain's discount function guarantees that all will be abandoned for immediate needs, and the future will be sacraficed in the process. It is at this point when the poor can be manipulated to give their votes to tyrants, as has currently happened in Thailand. If it can happen in Thailand today, it can happen in the West years from now when incomes have collapsed.

    The only thing that saves countries like the US right now from this fate is that poor people don't vote as a rule. As the middle class who is used to voting becomes the poor who vote out of force of habit, you can expect a similar situation to arise.

    I applaud the PAD for recognizing that democracy as it is implemented today is a sham, and we need a replacement system that is workable for the future.

    Comments? (Hoping for a lively discussion..)

    And how will they contact the Angels from Heaven, the Paragons of Virtue, free from vice, who will make up the members of the House of Unelected Masters, whose sincerity for the wellbeing of their underlings, will never have to be doubted? No. Didn't think so.

  7. I have just had two thai people call me to let me know that if i am approached by a Thai not to mentioned that i am from England, but to say that i am from Irland or Holland

    Reason, there is mobs of Thai's going after people from Engalnd as they are unhappy that our goverment is supporting Thaksin

    It is on the Thai news channels now....

    Well. That's got most of the island quaking in their boots then. :o

  8. Rak

    true, true...

    most of the time i don't care about them. i've just never experienced this kind of anti-social socialising before anywhere in the world. i'm also curious to know if anyone else has experienced this.


    good idea. i may finally ask today, though i don't think it will change anything. i've spoken to them all on individual an individual basis, and i know their english skills are very good. i will approach with a smile, of course

    UUmmmm don't worry you are not alone...I know what you felt..I have same experience as you. And what is the most painful part is I am a Thai..but can not speak our language fluently..but i did tried very hard to learn this and speak to my co teachers in a broken Thai grammar.I have same experience during lunch break too...sometimes it seems like I am not around them although we are in same long table. But I do not care I let it be..eat with out a words and stand up if I am done with my lunch...as simple as that...

    Seeeeeee? :o

  9. I really can't believe how blind some people can be!

    At the end of the day, they don't actually like us (in general), get on with it, accept it, and try to change their minds about us individually.

    Let's face it, why should they like us?! Their women flock to any old (falang) man who's going because he's got more money than they can hope to have!

    Christ, the old saying about the yanks of 'overpaid, oversexed and over here' has got nothing on the falangs here!!

    Give it up F1. You're getting to be a broken record. :o

  10. So a new minimart/mini supermarket opens, the parkings easy and it's in a convient location. What do you want to buy that you can't get from a 7 or Familymart?

    Is it fresh bread, proper coffee or english speaking staff....

    A farang owned grocery which understands the need to open on Sundays too. Same as the Thais.

  11. Not surprising at the Samui pier.

    I have NEVER heard ONE good word about Samak from anyone here.

    At best he gets a chuckle from some and a shake of the head.

    An announcement on the PAD stage to consider trying take control of Samui's police station was answered by the Samui PAD

    Rep. who took to the stage to announce it wasn't necessary....

    as the police in Samui already backed PAD.

    Chaiyo! :o

  12. 15,000 THAI unionists told to strike

    The chairwoman of the labour union of Thai Airways International Friday told 15,000 members of the union to strike in retaliation of police's brutality.

    Chaemsri Sukchoterat said 15,000 members of the union would stop working immediately to respond to the police's use of force against peaceful protesters.

    She said if the government did not stop using force against protesters, all 25,000 Thai workers would be told to stop working.

    The Nation

    The only Unions with any strength represent workers for government and former government enterprises. They have huge pension funds that own a large share of companies, land, and etcetera. That's where their power lies and as I said before PAD is against privatization also.

    How ironic that the unions (who are supposed to represent the workers) are supporting the agenda of the elite ruling class. I wonder who controls the unions?

    Some here are so niave they border on the edge of stupidity in some of their thinking and comments. The first rule in causing hardship to a government - whether a union or an interest group is to remove your services, ie, water - power - trains - airlines etc,. This is irrespective of whether you are in agreement or not. This style of persuasion is used world wide and is not just confined to Thailand.

    Only the edge? :o

  13. Here is my song for Samak and his henchmen...not original, but it will have to do


    Power to the People

    No Justice no Peace...Samak out of Thailand please

    Thank you to all my Union Brothers for helping in this struggle against a totally corrupt government

    The only thing worse than PAD is labor unions. :o

    labor unions are worst than anything else.....

    Yes. That's why you get to live here for sod all.

  14. PS, I 've saved the pic and it's file name which you forgot to rename. :o

    The photo was on a blog from BKK. I will try to remember which.

    Why would I rename the photo ?

    I checked the date because I was unsure if the photo was current. The dates suggested it was, but possibly it is not. I was not intending to deceive. It remains an interesting image with its own integrity.

    I am not really taking sides on this issue; mainly view it as a human drama that reveals much about Thailand. I do feel the PAD are beginning to look silly -- what point in taking over the airports and draining police resources ?

    Puts more presure on Samak :D

  15. I'm sure the issues I face are not new and many here would have walked down a similar path.

    I'm keen to pursue a relationship with a girl I love. I'm Australian, she is Thai.

    Everyone knows building a new relationship is difficult as it is without adding the following.

    • Being non professional, my abilty to earn a worthwhile income in Thailand appears to be very limited.
    • I have a few years to go before reaching retirement age, and probably need to continue generating foreign income.
    • Thai Visa restrictions appear to limit my access to three months each year.

    All I want to do is live with my new partner and see where the future takes us.

    I don't think bringing her to my country is the answer.

    Taking her out of her environment and isolating her from her family would probably destroy what we have.

    The Family is her life.

    What should I do?

    Don't want to bring you down or anything BUT. If she's a 'girl' and your an old geezer just a 'few years off retirement', you will have a lot more to contend with than just 'cultural' differences.

  16. Anyone know why sleeping pills are prescription only in Thaialnd? What was the catalyst for that new law? Australia are very restrictive about meds but you can still buy slepping pills over the counter at any local chemist shop.

    You most certainly cannot buy them over the counter in the UK either. It's not only Thailand. Although, there are of course a few pharmacies where they will turn a blind eye for the baht.

  17. Attend a PAD demonstration (I've attended several)

    You don't say. What a hero. Well done.

    Like I said, ill-informed know-it-all tossers. Oh and that would be "heroine". Get your English correct if you must give another smart alec, sarcastic response.

    I feel for you. I've tried to access the BKK Post's forum - but it's been disabled. So we are stuck with as you rightly point out, these tossers. Wonder why they don't consider the thaivisa forum a threat? Oh, right, I get it. :o

  18. Use a restore point and go back to where it was working. Try removing them a little at a time and keep restore points so you don't have to back all the way up again.

    First, thanks for taking the trouble to reply :D Could you walk me through it a bit more please? I went into System Restore and the box was checked saying all restoration turned OFF. When I unchecked it, it said I wouldn't be able to track what to restore :o So I go into System Restore, and ... (Will save me another trip to the computer shop :D ) Thankyou.

  19. Had an error message yesterday saying 'not enough disk space' when I tried to open Photoshop. Okay, I get a bit carried away with downloading free software I think I might find interesting in the future and so went to my control panel to jettison some of it. But must have inadvertently jetissoned more than I thought as today, no sound from anything! What have I gone and done? :D:o

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