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Posts posted by KhunDave

  1. Start -> Programs ->Microsoft office 2003 ->Microsoft Office Tools -> Microsoft Office Language Settings


    Sorted! Thanks to all who helped. I used the route suggested by A Traveller, but the final step of the five was in Thai script, so I needed a bit of domestic help with that one!

  2. I think it is a Thai version. That being the case, is it possible to change the language in some way - I note that there is also a Microsoft Office XP English User Interface program installed - or would you recommend removing the lot and re-installing an English version of Office?

  3. Samurais.....well it was the first I'd heard of them outside of Japanese folklore, but, true story: the 18 year old son of my Mair Baan was returning from a party in Samoeng early on Sunday morning. Around 10km before the Mae Rim road he was forced to stop his motorcycle by a gang of - you guessed it - Samurais.

    They slashed him to pieces with their machetes and he's now in ICU and quite likely to lose his left arm. Bit of a shock you could say, I always thought the Samoeng loop was so beautiful and peaceful, but then I guess I don't ride around it on a motorcycle at 3am....

  4. Having had personal experience of the patronising, supercilious attitude of the Grace people, I can't avoid a little schadenfruede on reading this thread.

    IMO the whole set up at that place is wholly offensive. The have established a religio-fascistic operation in the midst of another culture, which back home in the Land Of The Free would most likely be illegal and un-consitutional. They deserve everything that seems to be coming to them.

    Rant over.

  5. i wouldnt say so but there again im not a knowlegeable soul on this matter, but i would say that the only thing they are interested in is dolla and to make sure that they are going to come back..

    One question for you, how come your kids havent got UK citizen, did you not wnt to or just havent got round to it yet?

    As they were both born before the law change (2006 I think) which allowed fathers to pass on nationality, and as we are not married, it is FAR from straightforward.

    We did try to do it at the local Consulate here, but ran into problems with my not being able to prove domicile in the UK. I am told that it is theoretically possible, and we will most likely try again at some point, but as we have no wish to settle in the UK - not bloody likely! - it's not a current priority.

  6. My Partner and I have been together for around ten years, two kids (8 and 6) Thai nationality only, and have lived in Thailand for all of that time. We have never married and neither of us have felt any particular need to do so. Now, as the kids are getting older we have decided that in the next year or two we would like to take them an a holiday to show them where I came from (UK).

    My question for the knowlegeable souls inhabiting this forum is: would getting married here in Thailand some time in the next year or two make any appreciable difference in terms of the likelihood of eventual visa applications for Partner and kids succeeding at the British Embassy?

    Thanks for any advice.

  7. One thing to factor into your thinking:

    I use KL fairly regularly for trips to the UK. The OLCI facility can be a bit unpredictable, particularly the 30 hour before flight opening point. This could compromise your ability to have your KL boarding pass with you on arrival at Changi. If you are a Flying Blue member, I have called the FB helpline several times when OLCI doesn't open on time - they can connect you with someone at Schipol who can manually open it for you.

  8. Had an interesting experience at Doi Inthanon recently (ok not Isaan, but on-topic) when my kids - mixed race - were asked to demonstrate that they could speak Thai fluently. As they could, they got the Thai child price, had they not been able to it would have been falang child rate.

  9. Any TV members know of a good hotel in Laem - Mae Phim, next place down from Ban Phe (Koh Samet ferry town), before I go on big search on the web.

    Went there in April this year and may go for new year, nice beach, good cheap sea food, mainly for Thai's, quiet & not much night life which suits me & wife just fine.

    The Novotel about 10km west of Mae Phim is very nice - stayed there last month 3000bt per night including good breakfast.

  10. Might not be a factor if you like to break your journey in the Middle East, but I always go for a direct, night-time flight. I find that a nice dinner, then six or seven hours sleep, then breakfast has the journey over before you have time to get bored. Hence with your choice of three I would go for Thai, as you have the option of night flights both ways, unlike Eva which is daytime on the BKK-LHR leg.

  11. Thanks for the links, but I've already exhausted all online options as far as I can see; the only accomodation I have found is in/around Nan itself. What I am hoping is that forum members may have found some places way up north near the Laos border that are not yet mentioned on the net.

  12. Apologies if this post is in the wrong place - I was unsure whether to post in Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai - mods please move if necessary.

    Planning a little road trip to Nan shortly. Staying in Nan itself first and then going north from there. I have been unable to find anything online, but can anyone recommend accomodation in the northern part of the Nan valley? Say Chiang Klang or Song Khwae?

    Thank for any help.

  13. Even up here in the Frozen North.... in the rural suburbs of Chiang Mai we get a few during the rainy season. They are starting to fade away now though as the colder nights are coming on.

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