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Posts posted by jfchandler

  1. I too noticed the new trains on the new rail line out near the airport passing by the other day. They do have a different design and paint scheme because, they are for the different line, the future Suvarnabhumi to Phayathai airport line.

    Entirely separate operation from the future Thonburi expansion of the Silom Skytrain line, which is run by BTS.

    I have a friend who works as station staff for BTS, and she hasn't been told anything about the timeline of the expansion opening... But I'll see her later today, and ask again about that... But I too would be surprised if they make it on the news reported schedule.

    BTS (Skytrain) and MRT (subway) also have been talking/promising for a long time to adopt some kind of shared/joint pass/ticketing system, so riders don't have to continually purchase different tickets and passes for the two systems. But not much has come of those promises as yet either.

  2. There is another iteration beyond those 3, but I'm not sure how common it is either in BKK or outside. On a recent trip upcountry, I encountered for the first time a Thai place called a karaoke cafe.

    In this version, the customers are not singing at all. But it's like a regular night club with food and drink service, although the entertainment is Thai lady cafe staff members in evening gowns or mini skirts, etc. singing karaoke from the stage. Then, if a patron (man or woman) likes the lady or the singing, the patron can buy a wreath of flowers from the cafe staff and then walk up and place those over the neck of the singer while she is on stage.

    Because the singers also only sing one song before being succeeded by the next staff lady singing (and there was probably a rotation of a dozen ladies singing that night), the staff ladies also were available to go and sit and have drinks with the patrons. Though the place I was in, they certainly weren't pushing that. And most were sitting by themselves or back in a side room between their singing duties.

    But unlike some of the service lady karaoke places where you're paying by the hour or whatever for the lady's time/companionship, in the case of the karaoke cafe I had visited, they had no such kind of arrangement, as best as I could tell. And the singing ladies needed to stay in the cafe and finish their singing rotations until the 2 am closing time, meaning they weren't going out with anyone at least prior to closing time.

    That experience was in a hotel in Korat... But I'm not sure whether that kind of setting is much to be found in BKK or elsewhere...

  3. Game... I'd say that's right... about much of the unattached female clientele in the Absolute 7 pub...

    But if you're going there for the band, the music, decent drinks at a fair price, dancing and a pleasant, somewhat intimate setting (not a huge hall or barn), then does it really matter???

    We (me and two definitely non-hooker ladies who like dancing) were there for about 5 hours one night last week. Surrounded on all sides by unattached ladies and ladies there with guys. Not one lady bothered me all night long or did anything untoward to disrupt our evening. But quite a few sought out dancing with one of the ladies I was with (friend of my GF). All in all, a good time was had by all.

    Yes, I was being diplomatic in my language, after all, this IS ThaiVisa... But seems like you (and I presume others) got the message. :o

  4. Alex, Olden and others.... Can we bit a bit more specific in terms of talking about different karaoke places here, in terms of their basic style.

    As in, there's one variety of what I'd call open karaoke, where you're in a bar or restaurant or whatever, and anyone and everyone can just get up and sing in front of the entire audience in the establishment. I know my karaoke singing skills definitely are not up for that level yet, mainly due to lack of karaoke practice and the Thai language singing impediment.

    And then there are the karaoke boxes or rooms for rent, where you and your companions (few or many) have a private karaoke machine and set-up, often including the ability to order food, drinks and sometimes companionship -- if one finds ones self in need of such. I'm definitely up for that kind of setting, for joining in with others for Thai songs and doing solos on English language ones. After all, there's always "Hotel California" and others by the Eagles if all else fails. :o

    You both talked about some different places, but it was a bit hard to tell whether those individual places are private or all-comers. Thanks, John.

    PS - Let myself get talked into a visit to a Thai-Korean karaoke rooms joint on the fourth floor of the Korean plaza near Sukhumvit Soi 12 the other night, because it was late and one of my two Thai female companions had visited there before and knew it to be open late. Had fun with my companions, but the experience at the place was pretty lousy.

    Despite promises of English language songs available, they were few and far between, and mostly filled with Filipino-English songs. The entire TV and sound system set-up was all in Korean language characters. The large room for some weird reason had four smallish TVs en banc encased in the wall all showing the same image, instead of one large and easy to read monitor. And, for all this luxury, the place wanted 500 baht per hour, which strikes me as a major ripoff for any local resident. So I gently chewed out my companion who had suggested the place, and she agreed, not likely to go back there again.

    But at 11 pm on a weeknight, and on a spur of the moment notion to go for late-night karaoke, I couldn't offer any good suggestions for regular karaoke rooms around lower Sukhumvit, since making an amusing fool of myself singing is a fairly recently acquired habit in Thailand. :D

  5. ThiThi, I think your judgment of Secret Recipe may be a bit narrow. I'm not a big fan of traditional flour-based cakes in general. But during a visit or two to Secret Recipe lately, I tasted a couple of their flour cakes that a companion ordered, I think a German chocolate and one other, and wasn't much impressed.

    HOWEVER, I've also sampled their cheesecakes and other non-flour cakes a couple of different times, and found them to be very good in general, and especially for Bangkok. Rich, creamy texture, good flavors, very nicely done. So, if you haven't already, you might consider giving some of their non-flour menu items a try...

  6. And there it was, Eye Candy Paradise for guy's. Very pretty and sexy girls most wearing (thigh) high boots and skimpy outfits singing their songs and being invited to join a table with some older Thai bizz guy.

    Uhhh.... I think you are referring to someone of this persuasion... No boots on this night, but everything else pretty much in synch. :o


  7. I'm not personally such a big-time karaoke singer. But, when two very nice Thai lady friends invite me to join them for an afternoon singing after lunch, who am I to refuse. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

    So yesterday afternoon, we hopped over to Major Cineplex at Future Park Rangsit and went into their Major Karaoke section. Major's have the same kind of set-ups all over BKK, but it was the first time I had frequented their karaoke, as opposed to local, small time places.

    What was interesting was, to my surprise, the Major Karaoke at Rangsit had a pretty complicated and sophisticated computer controlled song selection system that included an entire section of English language karaoke videos, including the Beatles, Eagles, one Creedence Song, and many many others too numerous to mention.

    You could look thru the list of artists in alphabetical order, jump around, scroll down the list of artists, select one and then scroll thru whatever songs they had available from that person/group. And then, of course, select the sound system to either include the vocals track (rarely by the original artist) or mute it. The video elements, of course, were pretty silly and unrelated to the songs, unlike Thai karaoke music videos. And most of them seemed to have originated in Australia..for some reason.

    The tab on a Saturday afternoon at 250 baht per hour for as many or few songs as you wanted to play. A pretty good sized room with an L-shaped leather like sofa, big screen TV, deafening sound system, and food and drink menu available (though we'd just eaten at MK so we weren't looking for more to eat).

    The ladies didn't sing English songs, and I can only sing a few Thai ones, but that worked out OK. They sang along to Tai Oratai's video, and while they were doing that, I was scrolling thru the list of English language songs to pick the next one I'd sing. Then we'd reverse the process, and they'd be perusing Thai songs while I was singing an English one.

    It was a fun afternoon, and it didn't really matter whether anyone was singing really well. As someone mentioned above, that's not really the point.

    Then of course, there are the Thai karaoke shops around town with the scantilly clad ladies sitting on stools outside. That, of course, is an entirely different experience.

  8. I think you mean SECRET RECIPE... and yes...they are pretty good...

    The Silom Road restaurant is just downstairs from the Saladaeng BTS station. Likewise they have a smaller branch at the Emporium. And other places around town.

    Seem to have one of the better selections of real cheesecakes available around town. For those, including myself, who like them...

    On a similar note, though, any nomitations for who does the best TIRAMISU around BKK??? Not just places that have that on the menu... But ones that prepare a really good, authentic version???

  9. On-on... thanks for the detailed and interesting review on GARC... It'll be my roadmap for future visits there in terms of things to order and try....

    I never would have considered to try beef ribs there, TBT, this being Thailand. But on your word, I'll give them a try...

    BTW, when I've tried their potato salad before, I thought it was pretty good and authentic in terms of its makeup. It's always the first sidedish there I look to finish. The BBQ beans, as you mentioned, are OK, not great not bad, but they suffice.

    PS - Mark at BBQ Sandwich King likewise makes a very good quesadilla with chicken and cheese, though it's only marginally "BBQ".

  10. Hey... it's all a matter of taste...and tastes differ.

    I already explained above... what I like about Absolute 7...

    Instead of just saying it's "the worst", how about some explanation of WHY you think that????

    And if you think it's the worst...then.. what place(s) do you like instead??? Maybe I'd give them a try!!!

  11. Any updates on the club scene from you folks???

    Last night, had a kick-ass time at Absolute 7 pub in Sukhumvit Soi 7... It's been one of my favorite places in the past, and often had late hours... But then last times I went before Christmas, they were closing at midnight or 1 am... and it put me off... But last night...to my surprise...they stayed open until 4 am... until we could dance no more!!!!

    Nice place.... good and friendly crowd... reasonable drink prices... live bands playing very danceable music...and no attitude and no cover.... Last night, they had one band from 10 pm to 1 am...and then switched to another from 1 to 4 am... I was there with two dates, but many unattached women to be found, many more than the guys...

    If I was going for that, I'd say it would be in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere..not hard sell. But we all had fun together... us folks...together with the "working" folks... It's definitely a place for those who like dancing... or at least... watching Thai ladies (patrons, not pros) dancing.... :o

    Separately, a week ago, made a late night visit to the new version of Boss (Bossy?) near Pratunam... I liked the old place for its crowds, dancing on tables, and general energetic vibe... But on a weeknight last week, the new place was nearly empty and dead even past midnight, no energy... and a totally different atmosphere from before... I'd be interested in other opinions on that...

    Gazebo is in my backyard, but haven't tried it for late nights yet... It's on my list... Seems to get good reviews...but sounds more pricey that some others... And, a place for dancing...or just laying back and chilling???

  12. I've eaten at the Roadhouse a couple times.... never steak there... but an OK hamburger...and some very good all-meat chili... And some very bad fish and chips...prepared in what tasted like week-old stale frying oil...

    I've seen Roadhouse's BBQ meat dishes...and the prices on their menu for them... And honestly, in a direct comparison, I'd still say Great American Rib provides just as good or better BBQ and at better prices/value.

    That, and...every time I've been to the Roadhouse, they have an acoustic music duo that puts me to sleep... very quickly.... I like the ambiance of GARC on Soi 36 better.... Just one man's opinion....

  13. Hmm... ordering steak in Thailand can always be a dicey proposition...

    Likewise, I've had some awful, sinewy steaks in BKK and elsewhere... usually, I'll confess, at cheap places like the Santa Fe shops and such... But then, to some extent, you do get what you pay for..

    From what I saw the other night, the dining room at Chok Chai on Soi 23 looked great, modern, comfortable, everything nice I would expect... But that doesn't tell you anything about their steaks.

    In particular, from past posts here, I remember some folks raving about their sliced beef steak salad....

    In your instance, I'm wondering what grade/price of their steak produced that kind of result???

  14. Polecat...I've yet to try Chok Chai Steak House.... The night I tried to go...we arrived 9:45 pm, and they had already closed the kitchen...even though their hours officially are open until 10 pm.

    However, over time, I believe, I've read generally good comments from others here on Thai Visa about Chok Chai.... If you have a different story to tell, please tell it... I always try to spend my dining out dollars on decent, enjoyable places with good food...

  15. Thanks Sorensen, for the reminder about Tony Roma's.... I tend not to think about them as a dining destination so much, because back in the U.S., they're pretty commonplace.... almost like a BBQ Dennys... :o But here in BKK, given that they provide a fare not easily had here, they deserve better recognition.

    For others interested, here are images of the Roma's two locations in BKK...and a pdf file of their full BKK menu including prices... Looking at the menu, with many individual rib dishes priced in the 400 to 700 baht range per single dish, it reminds me what a great value I think the "feasts" are at GARC.... ie. half feast for 2 priced at 625 baht...

    I don't see Roma's mentioning the lunch special you mentioned on their official menu....If you know, what exactly are they offering for the price you mentioned...what hours...what days???



  16. I'll agree largely with Groongthep's comments. The walk to GARC from Sukhumvit Road is longish, and the path is not pleasant, especially at night... I found myself nearly stumbling any times of times while heading down the sometimes dark soi. On foot, it would be much easier coming from Rama IV. We did the walk that night fine, but next time, I might take a taxi or tuk tuk instead, though I tend to value the opportunity for exercise.

    Likewise, on my night there, there were more Thai couples/tables than farang, which was nice to see. If I can eat Thai food daily, there's no reason why Thai folks can't try American BBQ from time to time.... :o

    I've never tried the steaks at GARC, so I can't speak to those. Though if I was looking for steak, I might be inclined to first head toward the Chok Chai Steakhouse branch nearby on Suk Soi 23 (near Soi Cowboy).

  17. Bringing the thread back to its topic a bit, stopped by the Landmark Hotel's terrace last week for a try at their breakfast, including some specials they're currently advertising, and came away with a very mixed experience. For the price and the location, they really ought to be doing a better job.

    First the good... they're currently offering a very nice American breakfast special for 299++, which is priced on their regular menu at 415 baht... It includes bacon, choice of eggs, baked tomato, toast or pastries, a small plate of fresh fruit, your choice of fruit juice, and hot coffee or tea.

    My lady had that item that morning, and everything arrived as promised, well prepared and tasty. See the photo below. No complaints, a little bit pricey...but considering all the things that are included, such as juice and hot beverage, it's not too bad....


    Now for the bad: In browsing their breakfast menu, I spotted French Toast stuffed with bananas for 145 baht. Now, finding any French Toast around BKK isn't such an easy thing. But finding French Toast stuffed with bananas (which I love) is a really special thing. So I ordered that straight away, looking forward with relish...

    Unfortunately, after a long long wait for both of our items, my french toast arrived as two cut slices cut into halves. I cut one bite from the corner, tasted it, and found very nice french toast, but nothing resembling any banana... Then cut into the middle, and still no bananas... And thru the whole dish... no bananas...inside or on the side... GGGRRR!!!!! How can they serve french toast stuffed with bananas and not put even a single banana slice anywhere in the dish.


    So that struck a sour note, as did the french toast arriving with only two small plastic packages of honey, but nothing available or offered in the way of maple syrup.... And when I tried to ask to speak with the manager about the problem with the french toast, the answer from the waiter was, manager not arrive until after noon.... OK...so...nothing's going to happen there.

    But more broadly, what really ticked me off besides the french toast fiasco was the utter lack of attentive service we found that morning, about 10:30 am on a weekday with only a few other tables occupied out on the terrace. On any number of occasions, we looked looked looked to try to find a waiter or waitress to take our order, refill hot water, bring the bill, etc etc... and usually none were to be found, although 2 or 3 staff popped in and out from time to time. And, keeping to that form, every time we managed to catch one of the wait staff, it was a different person.... So the staff who took our order was different from the one who delivered it was different from the one who brought our bill. So forget about any kind of consistent attention or service.

    The specials are nice, and the setting is pleasant and interesting, in that it gives you a nice view of everything passing by on the road. And maybe it was just an off morning in terms of both food provided and service. But there have been a variety of other comments lately about the Landmark's declining food service that makes me think our experience was more characteristic than the exception.





  18. Catching up on a bit of past business.... had the opportunity recently to try the Great American Rib Co. location on Sukhumvit Soi 36, which is near Thong Lor BTS but probably a 10 minute walk down the soi on the right hand side if you're starting from the main Sukhumvit Road (actually it's closer on the soi to Rama IV).

    I'd previously been to the Hua Hin location, which has been the subject of both good and bad reviews in other threads here on TV. My experiences at HH in the past couple years were OK both in terms of food and service, not outstanding, but certainly acceptable.

    But this was the first visit to the BKK location, so I was very curious to see how it compared. Whereas the Hua Hin location is relatively small located on the second floor balcony of a shopping center, the BKK location is big and spread out on ground level, with lots of outdoor big wooden covered tables that make for a very pleasant evening venture on a nice night.

    They have quite a varied menu of BBQ and other items. But invariably, when I go there, I find myself gravitating toward either their Whole Feast or Half Feast BBQ samplers, usually because it's the Thai people I'm with's first try for American BBQ, so we want to cover the field.

    This night, with just two of us, we settled for the Half Feast (recommended for two to three people) priced at 625 baht, which really is more than two regular/hungry people likely can eat. No complaints about the quantity of food provided for the price. Our plate included heaping portions of BBQ pork ribs, BBQ Chicken, thin sliced pulled pork in BBQ sauce, and sliced tenderloin with a wasabi sauce, ears of corn, toast, and cups of potato salad, BBQ beans and cole slaw.

    From my tasting, all were nicely prepared, of good flavor and made for a very satisfying meal...assuming you're in the mood for lots of MEAT!!!! We were there around 9 pm on a weeknight, so the place wasn't busy. But the service was fine and attentive, no complaints. Everything we needed and asked for was brought promptly and with pleasant demeanor. And we washed it all down with a very tasty, well-prepared pitcher of lime margaritas priced at 395 baht.

    They also have ample car parking at the BKK location and an outdoors bar set within the restaurant area. I didn't bring my own camera that night, but below is a menu photo of their Whole Feast platter recommended for 4-5 people, which is about double the Half Feast, as you might expect.



    All in all, IMHO, a nice complement to the other American BBQ options available in BKK, such as the much smaller and more remotely located BBQ King shop, or the large and much more varied night-club-ish Hard Rock Cafe in Siam Square--both of which have very tasty BBQ choices available when ya just gotta eat MEAT!!!.

  19. This pretty much confirms what I feared...that with the exception of pricey hotel-based restaurants, there's not much in the way of Japanese fare along Sukhumvit Road between say Sois 1 and and Asoke.

    That's a shame... There's a market there for almost everything else under the sun... including multiple Mexicans, Koreans, Middle Easterns, multiple multiple multiple Indians, pizza and Italians, burgers, along with all the variations of Thai, and other's I'm probably forgetting... all located within that particular neighborhood.

    So what about basic, everyday Japanese????? It's gotta be a better market in that corridor than being 1 of 25 Indian restaurants all competing against each other.... Fuji, Oishi, Kobune, etc... Are you listening?????

    PS - Thanks to all the comments/suggestions above. Emporium area isn't exactly the lower Sukhumvit I was referring to or within walking distance of Nana. But it's certainly closeby, and I now have a full plate of new places to try when I'm out Emporium way...

    PPS - Someone above mentioned a possible katsu place hidden in Soi 11... If anyone knows more about it, please do tell. I'll be wandering over there shortly to see if I can find such a venue. That would be really nice, if it's still there.

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