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Posts posted by jfchandler

  1. Hyper... I shop regularly at Tesco and/or Carrefour, usually at On Nut... But I've never noticed Hahne oats there....

    Which location are you finding them... and what section of the stores... cereals.... or grains/pasta???

    PS - I got the brand wrong earlier... Villa at Soi 11 and Ploenchit Center are stocking 1 kg bags of Lowan-brand oats for 130 baht. That's what I've been buying. They do, however, stock a variety of other Hahne brand products. Both brands from Australia.

    By the way, something good that Villa also has been stocking lately (for 149 baht per package) is Nairns rough oatmeal oatcakes, which basically are a thin, round-shape oatmeal cracker made with wholegrain oats and no sugar or gluten. Actually very tasty, pleasant and satisfying. They go great with a spread of peanut butter on top, very good for a healthy snack...


  2. To the OP....

    1. The photo reminds me more of the famous Jack Nicholson "I'm a lunatic with a knife" photo....

    2. But please do post here on TV which language school you'll be teaching at, so we can be sure to advise everyone we know NOT to send any kids there.

    3. To post here about your "green" shows the unfathomable depths of your stupidity about Thailand.... Clueless twit....

    4. Feeling REALLY sorry for your future students... Thailand deserves better.

    5. With everything you talk about wanting to do lifestyle-wise, and spending half your monthly income on rent (assuming you do), you won't survive in BKK.

    6. I have absolutely no "hostility" here.... I'm enjoying my life just fine... But that's because I took the time to actually learn what I needed to know...before moving here, something you've obviously chosen to totally disregard.

    Good luck.... Get to work on those lesson plans....

  3. Actually, back in Los Angeles where I worked before, the marketing folks always told me that the single most important part of the paper, at least in the view of readers, was the daily crossword puzzle. Leave that out, or have some problem with it, and the grief would be never-ending.... But I'm sure the sports section was up high on the list also... :o

  4. That's the way it is in the newspaper business economically...

    Even with the increased/increasing subscription or per copy prices, those revenues usually only pay a small part of the operating costs. The far larger portion comes from advertising, whether in-paper or inserts. The latter can be particularly profitable because they stand out (and fall out) from the rest of the paper, making them bound to be noticed. Thus the advertiser pays for the privilege.

  5. Actually, if you do an apples to apples comparison, the inpatient room daily prices are a bit higher at BNH Hospital than they are at Bumrungrad.... I did a rates comparison of a half dozen BKK/farang oriented hospitals a month or two ago that produced that result, and posted the results here on TV... And today, in renewing my health insurance policy for the year, my insurance broker told me the same -- even though she didn't know I'd already looked into that myself.

    Based on experience at both hospitals, as an outpatient only, I'd give BNH higher marks for their actual medical care...but clearly, that can vary widely depending on the individual doctor who's treating you.

    For whatever it's worth, my Thai health insurance broker, who deals with a lot of ex-pats in BKK, said her preference in terms of quality care probably would be Samitivej, which does indeed have a good reputation, though I've never been there myself.

    Since so much of Thai medicine for farangs is focused on specialties ( as opposed to general practitioners), another important consideration would be which hospital has the most developed/most experienced medical staff in the particular specialty that would be spurring your hospital visit.

    I had a sinus problem, and was really underwhelmed by the quality of the medical care I received at Bumrungrad, whereas the doctor I ended up with at BNH turned out to be first-rate, and I have and would recommend him to anyone.

  6. A couple of the posters above seem to be totally clueless of the real world in Thailand...

    Without pointing the finger at individuals, those who said....

    A. "The Thai police don't make a great salary, so how would they have money to lend." You gotta be joking!!!!! Salary has nothing to do with it... it's the OTHER money that counts...

    B. The OP doesn't have to worry because the police, being police, wouldn't do anything bad.... Have you read the newspaper lately...or even at all???? Just a slight peruse and you can find a myriad of articles detailing any range of the most heinous things....

    And to the OP, if my wife guaranteed 200,000 baht without telling me and getting my permission first (unless she was independently wealthy) and (the OP didn't say whether or not he had been consulted about this in advance, though I'd assume not), that would be just about the time she'd be out looking for a new husband.

    Lastly, I should have added, I can honestly profess to know nothing about the paper documentation requirements involved when getting money from local loan sharks. But, the original story/account does sound a bit odd...and this being Thailand, tends to lead one to wonder about any range of scams being perpetrated on the OP by his wife and/or others.

    After all, there are only so many sick or dying buffalos, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, cousins, cars, pickups or motorcycles in Thailand.... somebody has to come up with a better scam story sometime. The old recycled ones are getting a bit tired by now. :o

  7. Yes, it's the main western-style accredited hospital in Thailand and BKK, and probably among the most expensive as a result. They also are pretty good at having doctors and staff who speak English and other languages.

    Generally a good reputation, but can be a bit of a conveyor belt system of medical treatment. There are some who feel some doctors there just run you through, without taking the time to properly assess/diagnose your problem.

    By general account, there are some very good talented doctors there, but also some real misses. The trick is to find one in the specialty you need who is among the good. But just going to Bum by no means guarantees you're going to get a doctor who's first-rate.

    BNH Hospital in Silom is probably as or more expensive in general, and some people feel the doctors there tend to take more time and are more thorough in their diagnoses. Samitijev Sukhumvit also has a good reputation, as does Bangkok General, the latter having a very wide array of speciality centers.

  8. I've worked as a major newspapers editor and reporter for 15+ years in the U.S., and based on that experience, I'd make the following observation.

    Anytime a newspaper makes this kind of announcement and packaging/content change, invariably what they are really doing is making changes to save money and/or reduce staffing needs and/or justify a price increase.

  9. To the OP, sincerely sorry for your domestic misfortune....

    Speaking personally, I certainly like my sports...but...it's a bit hard for me to understand....

    You've just had a major dust-up with your SO and that's led to you being out of your home.... And the thing you're worrying about is where to watch sports on TV????

  10. The comment above is not about the quality or his food or lack thereof...

    It was about an error/discrepancy between the food provided and what was described on the ChefsXP web site... It had nothing to do with whether food survives delivery vs eating in.

    Maybe you should follow your own advice, so you obviously don't know what you are talking about.

  11. Villa Markets in BKK have both bagged legumes and whole grains, though their supply varies by store and what day you go looking. I buy oats and millet there regularly, and see split peas, chick peas and a few others.

    They have Hahne oats from Australia, Arrowhead Mills brand millet, barley and a few others from the U.S., and the various legumes usually in just bulk plastic bags...I presume because the latter get bought/used for local Indian food cooking.

    The prices, however, seem pretty high compared to what I was accustomed to in the U.S.

  12. Gee, I didn't know you could shoot off the top of Campbell's soup cans using 9 mm ammo.... What a novel way to deal with the lack of a can opener.... :o

    Wish we finally did have a nice sized natural disaster here, so I could once and for all justify stockpiling all this drinking water, Campbell's soup, and 9 mm ammo.


  13. I always pay my bills thru online banking. But I don't have them set to pay automatically.

    I get the mailed bills at home, and then simply use online banking to pay them from my bank accounts on the days/time that I decide...

    But then again, I'm rarely gone away from my home for such an extended period as to not know or receive my monthly billing statements from the various providers.

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