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Posts posted by shrekroma

  1. The army went generally went in with riot shields and batons, backed up by water cannons and rubber bullets and live ammunition as a last resort for self defense.

    You indeed need to watch Red Channel and see what was really going on.

    Tank, machine gun, rifle, sniper, heavy armed troops etc.

    So many Reds were going to die unless those Ronin striked back. Lucky for them.

    Gov troops didn't withdraw because Reds died. But their commanders were bombed so badly.

  2. But in the end the redshirt movement only stands for what their leaders stand for. The redshirt leaders are there at the behest of Thaksin.

    Thaksin is the greatest weapon against the aristrocracy.

    Reds are happy if he is safe. Living exile doesnt seem selfish but strategic location seen by Reds.

    Even better if he's getting $$$ back. So he can beef up his power.

    Thaksin benefits lie with democracy world. More or less. The elites are not, sorry.

    Reds dont see Thakin as a threat as much they see the old traditional privy members who appear to be able to control court, military etc.

    Reds began from Thaksin, true. But Thaksin $$$ is no longer the main issue those Reds are fighting.

    And if anyone trying to bring down the democracy just to destroy Thaksin, it'll backfire - much like this gov is suffering now.

  3. Sae Daeng is a very dangerous and violent man. To minimize his possible contribution to the events on Saturday is foolish.

    So what ?? What's your point. Are you saying arrest Sae-dang and the violence will be over !?

    Sae-dang is just 'one of Red militia'.

    He alone isn't capable managing all this.

    You must be ultra silly to think Sae-dang is the head of Red militia.

    FYI, sae-dang has warrant(s) hang over his head. Nobody try to arrest him. why ?

    Because the gov & army know the person(s) behind him are indeed the one who sparked violence.

    Even the Reds dont see how sae-dang can help them.

    He's one of NATO clan - no action talk only !!!

  4. Red- allied Militia are not. Who are they ? Pretty much every group that doesn't get along with current gov.

    Thai army today is deeply divided. No surprise if some join Reds. They will not disclose themself though.

    I don't believe you about the army. The militia is under control of Sah Daeng (who has been very vocal about his opposition). How big it is remains to be seen, but I highly doubt he won any more friends during the weekend.

    If you watch only 3,5,7,9,11, you'll only see private got hurt.

    If you listen to Reds, gets some fact such as picture, clip etc. You'll see Red militia is teaming up quite well.

    Havn't you ever wondered why M79 was going everywhere across the city and Gov can do nothing ?

    Why Reds seized Thaicom station so easily ? Why Reds took over weapons from soldiers easily ?

    500 M16, 100 C4, 20 machine guns. Reds show on their stage. If you take a look at them. You'l see this is not only about democracy shit.

    There is sth going on under the army.

    Apr 10, 4PM. A group of soldiers running 2 cars, packed with bunch of weapons, drove to Rama IV bridge and just let Reds surrounded and surrendered intentionly few min later.

    This news was reported clearly via PTV. All reds saw it. They knew they were not alone in this battle.

    This is why Reds will fight til death.

    Sae-dang is more of a Red militia spokeman. He is no harm. The persons behind him instead, carrying unknown weapon.

  5. Let's chill a little bit. Get some facts then this discussion can move on.

    Reds are innocent. This group are purely citizens.

    Red- allied Militia are not. Who are they ? Pretty much every group that doesn't get along with current gov.

    Thai army today is deeply divided. No surprise if some join Reds. They will not disclose themself though.

    Left-wing Reds sent signal so strong that they will not back off easily.

    M79 ( bomb ) did drop straight to generals, high rank officers. They were severely injured. Most of them leaded operation crushing Reds last Apr.

    This is the main reason why abhisit-elite army retreated.

    What you see if just the beginning of war.

    There is so much at stake to win or lose.

    Expect more bombs.


  6. While Abhisit is undeniably the Thai master of spin

    Save the campaign diss for election time. Election time isn't now. Right now, Abhisit is UNDENIABLY the legally elected Prime Minister of Thailand. If the election was so contested, why weren't these red riots right after the election? In any case, just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home. You've damaged Thailand enough for awhile.

    well, erm, Abhisit is undeniably the prime minister which was put into office after an election where many of the PAD's opponents were banned form running and after weeks of shady and cheesy maneuvers to form a coalition, which probably involved bribing red MPs to join the democrat's coalition ranks.

    I don't know if bribing MPs to change allegiances is a crime in Thailand, and maybe it doesn't make Abhisit's nomination illegal, so he may well be legitimate but at least his representativity is debatable..

    If your logic does apply,

    then Thaksin, Samak and Somchai are equaly guilty of the same crime.

    Buying the allegiances of small parties is S.O.P. in Thai politics.

    These same parties and same party power brokers changes allegiances, for the SAME reasons,

    to join Thaksin's TRT.. when they change BACK then there is a hypocritical howl for their heads.

    Whining about that from the losing side is typical, but no less hypocritical.

    When Thaksin did, Abhisit accused him of vote manipulation.

    Later he found the better way. Getting military to back him up.

    Abhisit is no longer a good politicant. He only thinks about himself just like other corrupted dictator.

    Screw Reds. I'll stay in office as long as I want to.

    Because the law says I can do. Then I'll do it. Get the point ?!

    Dont mess with me or else I'll use M16 1!!!!!!1

  7. Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

    Absolutely agree. So many people warned him pull back troops in the evening and start again morning day after.

    He didnt. .. Not because he wanted to enforce the law.

    He was just 'try' to show a bold move to publicity after being so humiliated again & again by the Reds.

    His decision was not based on morality. It was THE biggest mistake for him to care his own image more than civilians' life !!!!!

    Abhisit must stand trail for this incident.

    Lots of Thais, especially Reds (50% of country - no bias ), will never forgive him.

  8. The red's campaign costs at least 4 or 5 million USD a day.

    I can imagine Thaksin in Dubai, speaking to rich & fervent islamists:

    "give me money to foment a revolution in Thailand, and I will see that your brothers in the southern provinces will get what they want - help your fellow muslim brothers!"

    hmm... a guy named Osama used the same tactics for Afghanistan.

    I'm sorry. But this is the stupidiest comment I ever read.

  9. Solve the Thaksin problem first through negotiations. Then hold elections. If the Thaksin problem can not be solved, that means alot more dead.

    Oh. Wow. You are way too obsessed with Thaksin.

    Abhisit insists again & again that he will NOT talk about anything relating to Thaksin.

    Take that as a fact !!

    Now what ?

    The problem came long time ago when the elites used wrong method to remove him.

    That coup sparked bombs one after one.

    Because EVERYONE trying so hard to press the Reds not to do even tiny little thing which give Thaksin favor.

    Reds then have to seek other 'gimmick' to support their rally, 'class war' for example.

    This will just worsen the situation.

    To lots of Thais, we all agree that at this point: There's a whole lots of thing behind the curtain.

    You cannot scrap all the problems to Thaksin. It's so much more than that now.

    Everyone one once believe Reds are here for money. Now you know.

    Everyone one assume after Thaksin's $$ gone, all will stop. No it didn't happen.

    Abhisit himself is now a clear symbol of the elite. He's not in position to start garthing people to the table.

    He must resign immediately. Hold new election.

    And if you are so worry about the yellow, slap your face with your own word - especially those who vote to crack down the Reds !!!!

    rule of law ? sound like a good drama ? anyone ?

  10. Why so many people are so afraid of the Reds breaking the law ??

    Hundreds of thousand of people have expressed their request peacefully.

    Now, if the gov were not selfish, they would have dissolved already.

    Return the power to people's hand. Let Thais decide. Let people speak.

    From the people, by the people, for the people.

    This is how democracy works.

    Now if the current gov is so scumbag that they ordered soldiers to shoot Reds just to clear the street.

    This is not how any gov enforcing the law.

    This sounds more of a dictator, Myanma ie.

    If I had ever encountered soldiers using live ammu, I would used any weapons ( if I can find one ) too.

    I wont be standstill just be shot in the head !!!

    That's simple fact.

    Breaking the law, you should be jailed.

    Fighting dictator, you are hero.

    Get that straight !!!!

  11. Thais must learn to obey the law.

    What kind of law are you talking about ?

    The law that privy member can invaded and occupied national preserved land ?

    The law that is enforced multiple standards to each group of people.

    The law that was written during curfew imposing across the country.

    That was written by a group of 'appointed' elite after the coup.

    This is not law.

    This is a criminal law. And is totally unacceptable.

    Arpisit himself has been questioned about his legitimacy to lead the country as PM.

    He constantly denied.

    And look at all this mess -under his administratives, many people dies. Think about it. If it was your country, what would your PM do ?

    Needless to say who started. The Red leaders must obey the law, true.

    PM, however, must show a sign of responsibility.

    He will surely reject to stepdown, no doubt.

    Because he has never stayed in democratic way since the very beginning.

    And because of this. Thailand will never reconcile as long as he's in office.

    This is the fundamental fact that so many people desparately try not to talk about.

    Get over Thaksin.

  12. Most of the farangs just dont know what the hel_l is going on in Thailand.

    Reds neither deny aristrocracy nor asking for absolute democracy.

    Aristrocracy has been backing Thailand for more than a century.

    Creating an exceptional unique culture and you already know.

    Thais never feel living underpressure despite poor living conditions.

    They feel it was just 'ok' 'mai pen rai' actually.

    And this kind of thinking, this way of life, yield a result as we see today - expats' heaven.

    Booming tourist industry, spreading the bold status of world-longest monachy.

    All seems to get along. Thailand was in a good shape, ahead of other country in the region.

    The problem came when those elite saw Thaksin as a threat.

    Thaksin has so many weak points, more than enough to be kicked out.

    This is why Thais didn't refuse 19Sep coup.

    Thais still 'feel' they need to use 'hammer hand' to crack him down.

    Of course, this method is no way near democracy.

    The privy, elite, yellow should have stopped at this point.

    But they didn't.

    Instead, they contantly harassing soooo many time.

    Banning PM for a cooking show. Dissolving party by using fraud evidence.

    One terrorist even made his way to head of the ministry.

    Main stream media keep non-stop bombarding Thasin.

    Reds, North, Esan, poor are seen as alien, poor, low educate, silly, foolish.

    Anyone who stand to confront this propaganda is called traitor, hired by Thasin.

    And this is it.

    This is why there are so many Reds today.

    If those elite doesnt back off intime, Reds will have no choive but going full swing to a super pro-democracy.

    They'll talk back. They'll not bend over, crawling on the ground begging for gov money again.

    More and more Reds realize how the civilization has been. They tasted it.

    And they wont let the elites keep only for themself such like it has been.

    It is true that Bankokians pay 70% income Tax of the whole country.

    But they never spill out they at the same time keep 80% wealth/prosperousity of the whole nation.

    Elites dont pay tax for the good of the country,

    They pay to maintain aristrocracy so that they can continue to stay in higher position.

    Reds will no longer accept this behavior.


    I like farangs and I'm a elite bangkokian.

    The current system is just not fair and doesn't work.

    I disagree to those greedy bastards make a fortune by picking off the poor.

    Bashing them to live in poverty forever.

    No way. I'll go against it.

    I'll defy it.

    This is the core of the person who are deeply Red.


  13. FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

    You already have it plenty in your own country.

    But you chose to be here.

    Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

    Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

    The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

    Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

    Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

    Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

    Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

    If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.

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