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Posts posted by shrekroma

  1. I didn't know that the US was responsible for extraditing Thaksin, why does Thailand need their approval? At least Thailand arrested Viktor.

    Because Thailand is the key strategic partner for US in this region.

    Because US is backing Elites for decades.

    Because US is the super power.

    Because US's benefit rely on Thailand's stability.

    Capturing Thaksin seems to bring Thailand back to US-like track.

    While it's obvious that this current Thai Gov is incapable to escort him back.

    Many seems to believe if the US helps, Thaksin will be finally grounded.

    Thaksin appears to go the other direction( non-US) : Russia, China, MiddleEast, Asian, EU.

    It appears that he successfully turned himself into a some sort of power broker.

    While none of this country show a strong support to Thaksin and red camp (yet)

    EU parliament recently condemned Thai Gov for using brutal force on protester.

    That's an example.

    (May 20 BBC)

    Let's not forget how bad records Thaksin has while he served in office.

    However, in a diplomatic way, allowing him to enter their country is a strong sign.

    Despite his corrupted-politicant image, he is THE most successful PM Thais ever had.

    He's the only PM to serve full term and gain mandate from every election.

    Thaksin is a smart-ass man. He knows how to play.

    He's going to harrass Thai Gov as much as he can til next election,

    which will eventually come.

    Then he'll gain a lot more momentum.

    The elites/yellow PADster on the contrary seem to be losing on every front.

    The only hope they have is the army, using excessive forces, censoring media etc.

    which now results as we see: Poor image in international community.

    If they try to use more questionable jurisdiction - like disbanding Thaksin party, things will get worse.


  2. If Abhisit would just return to his country of birth and stay there

    Who would you have replace him? He is about the best we can hope for.

    This is the result for exploiting/abusing system just to pave a smooth way for one person.

    Now we need to 'expect' who will win first. Then we can decide should we have an election or not.

    Thailand is more closer to military-elite-backed regime.

  3. . The sooner people like Taksin ared done and dusted, Thailand can emerge from its corrupt and developing world status. :)

    This comment is truly idiot.

    Thailand has always been a broken state for a century. Majority of Thais suffer in poor living condition.

    Thaksin's success leading the country result in landslide victory ( twice). His proxies also won, His another prox IS also going to win.

    That must be hard to digest. And the insulting claim such as vote-buying is surely not enough to drag him down.

    Thailand in Thaksin era is substantial better off in many ways comparing to any other Govs in decades.

    Now there are truths and facts behind the cover.

    Thaksin doesnt believe in democracy shit. While he was in office, he severed the eliles well.. very well.

    Even his war on drug ( 2000+ dead @#$ ) got 95%+ approval from every single poll.

    Killings in southern didnt make BKK hate him.

    Why ?

    Because BKK benefits at the time allied with Thaksin.

    The thing is when his share was too big til the elite colony got jealous. And finally teamming up to kick him out.

    The Red and yellow both are turned into some sorts of human tools in this game.

    Now, with stupid terrorist charges, international community will look at Thailand as a kid school where immature kids fighting each other - which no country should pay attention to.



  4. Thailand has come the laughing stock of the western world. Charging him as a terrorist become he made speeches to the Red Shirts against the government is not terrorisms.

    Making speeches is not the reason for charging him, it's the contents of those speeches.

    All he said ( on stage ) was about reconciling, peace, democracy, forgiveness, prosperity etc.

    So far his crime are 2 things: twitter and video call.

    Terrorist charges will do more harm than good to this Gov.

    To Thaksin, this charge will only PR him even more.

    Although he doesnt fly & stay in any country for a long period lof time,

    he surely manages to travel to LOTs of country surrounding Thailand.

    If anyone think he just fly there to make some news, you are totally wrong.

    Every country that he had visited knew he was coming.

    And his visit was a clear message to Thai Gov.

    Next 2 years, if Thaksin happens to survive and his party win a major election.

    well... let's see.

  5. Noting that 45% of those who voted said there was not too much censorship or made no comment, I think it says a lot for the calibre of people represented here.


    Those pals only listen to the Gov media. It makes them feel happy.

    And that's not sth bad. Because this is LOS.

    Tourium is the top priority. Make them feel good at all costs.

  6. The Reds should have grabbed RPG, WMD, or the nuke. Then they can match up the army.

    The greatest weapon Red invented is a big full spicy som-tom in a big mother gigantic plastic bag.

    Comeon people. The Reds got some guns, sling shot, homemade bomb.

    Yeah !@ So what !!???

    Do you think THAT can counter military ???????

    Seeing APC carrier blast into their camp with sniper ob rooftop.

    I wish Reds should have had F22 rapter. So that can be a even fight.

    No somtom allow in cockpit BTW.

    What are "peaceful protestors" trying to do "countering" the military?

    Why did they have ANY weapons, particularly high powered rifles, grenades, and RPGs?

    You see this Gov use sniper to shoot its own citizen. And yet you'r thinking this protest should be peaceful.

    The black militants certainly have sth related to Reds. But that doesnt give Gov a right to shoot people -medic, journalist, media etc.

    How do you decide who are terrorists who are just a 'peace' red ?

    And because this Gov doesn't hold any legitimacy to lots of lots of people.

    Do you expect protesters to get out of the area because the Gov said so ????

    Since this Gov start to think ANY persons involved with Reds or Thaksin ( there he comes again ) are subject to be terminated by any necessary means, it turns into a complete dictatorial military-backup machine.

    The weapon shown on TV, in fact, gives 2 aspects.

    1. Reds or black or hardcore red or whatever are terrorists.

    2 Gov set it up.

    In all, that means nothing except to fuel a pro Gov camp to hate Reds even more.

  7. The Reds should have grabbed RPG, WMD, or the nuke. Then they can match up the army.

    The greatest weapon Red invented is a big full spicy som-tom in a big mother gigantic plastic bag.

    Comeon people. The Reds got some guns, sling shot, homemade bomb.

    Yeah !@ So what !!???

    Do you think THAT can counter military ???????

    Seeing APC carrier blast into their camp with sniper ob rooftop.

    I wish Reds should have had F22 rapter. So that can be a even fight.

    No somtom allow in cockpit BTW.



  8. This thread is so funny.

    For how long have Gov been hunting Thaksin ?

    It appears he can fly almost everywhere.

    On the table every country deny him to make a political move. But beyond the cover, it doesn't seem likely.

    The more this Gov doing things stupid, the more Thaksin will have more space in international community.

    As for a terrorism charges, only low IQ stupids consider it a hope to bring down Thaksin.

    There will be no concrete evidence to point out he managed all the chaos except his phone call.

    His network is just about everywhere. He doesnt need to do any of this himself.

    Do you think Reds entirely depend on him ? Think carefully.

    For the weapon show by the Gov this evening, what a joke. only idiot will believe them.

    IF the Reds has so much weapons like it was show on TV, they would have fired back right then.



    Seige airport - you'r going to be a miniter. Burn down city - you going to take a nice trip at Hua hin beach.

    Thailand is a completely mess. No country should take Thailand seriously.

    Not until it holds enough credibility, legitimacy, human rights and democracy.



  9. foreigners here in Thailand are only here to leech off the elitist system that these people are suffering under.

    Dont you know it's the way to make Thailand as expat heaven.

    Cheap labor, low wage maid, buy-able wife etc.

    These real reasons are covered by nice guy wanna be answering machine -> Thai food/smile/beatiful beach.

    What a joke. They lie to themself.

    Let's see how long they can hide their sneaky tail.

  10. Seh Dang served his country for his entire life.

    He was there at the frontline to protect the country he loves.

    That's fact.

    Right or wrong for taking side with Thaksin is not up to anyone of you here to judge.

    Trying to blame Seh Dang dont make you look smart.

    Especially to this news - a loss of life.

    If you have nothing good to say about him, or hate him so much.

    At this moment. You better speak nothing.

    RIP Sae dang.

  11. kasit himself is a pure joke.

    ministry of thaksin hunting. what a moron.

    His appearance at any international community is a real shame to Thai people.

    The US wont get a hand in Thailand mess. Their benefits obviously lie with the elites as it has been for a century.

    If by miracle the Reds gain some control over the country, they'll still need the US support.

    In term of supriority, the US is far above any political group in Thailand.

    They only talk to the winner.

  12. Trying to come up with lame excuse to blame the protest. Comparing to peaceful mobs in other countries is just stupid.

    Looking back at each of every of your country. What would your leader do when there are sooo many people go against Gov.

    None of your leader will never ever refuse a fair election. Abhisit's Gov lacks of legitimacy is the root problem.

    Using force to suppress Reds violently is apparently what dictators do.

    Lots of farangs here do support this idea not because any democratic shit.

    Because all they want is a peace atmoshere for stock market. .. for their own sake of investment .. not for Thais.

  13. After police dont listen to the Gov.

    The army back off.

    The pink ( yellow inspired ) are too weak.

    Abhisit now turns to his mothership - PAD.

    Does he think civil war will sneaky let him escape bloody hand accuse.. no way.

    This once again proves Abhisit willing to do anything just for himself.

    PAD will be most happy since they get a good chance to clear all pending charges.

    Thailand is sooo messed up.

  14. Start fresh by clearing mobs ? What are you expecting now ? more blood ? Civil war ?

    New election will not solve issue but this has to be done.

    Set to the right course and try to catch along. Look for the compromising way - more or less.

    Using the hardball will only backfire sooner or later. Hear those coup rumour ?

    If it happens, there is high chance things will go out of controll.

    And I believe it will. No one want to see that. North Thailand. South Thailand. IS this really what we want ?

    Comeon. Stop blaming on either side. There is no winner here.

  15. IF the army had opened fire on the crowd, there would be much more than a dozen dead by bullet shots.

    By any situations, Gov have no right to shoot innocent people.

    Now if the Gov claim the Blk ronin did it. Ok, then catch them. Hunt them.

    That is not the reason you can assume the army gets green flag to shoot people.

    And this is why Gov should havn't cleared the protest during the dark. Very stupid Abhisit.

    And by the way, throwing tear gas from helicopter, where baby, kids, women, old people were sitting.

    Feel just like the way you spray the roach until it merely escape.

    Totally unacceptable.

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