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Posts posted by lilBob

  1. I'll be staying at the Shagwell Mansion starting Jun 7. Does anyone know if Pattaya does a Full Moon Party, and if so where is it located and how far from Shagwell Mansion is it. Thanks

    About a year ago they were advertising Full Moon partiy I think to be held out on one of the islands,it was to be patronized by various bars, I didn't go so can't tell you anymore it may have died out due to lack of customers, If it's anything like the Full Moon parties on Koh Phan Gan (spelling) it would involve very loud Techno Music which I don't like. :o

    lilBob :D

  2. Hello,

    The Pattaya Mail obviously claimed that the SongKran Festival had an 8% increase in tourism this year over the previous year.

    An Expat who's been living in Pattaya for 30 years said the following


    " Have the prophets of doom finally been vindicated? Are we ready to believe that the last Songkran holiday had an 8% increase in tourist numbers over the previous year? It's a little like believing that there will not be a water shortage.

    In 30 years of visiting Pattaya I have never seen it so empty and yes, the crime rate is rising, the local economy is plummeting and the expats are leaving. Thank God, I never bought either a house or a business here! And no one can say they were not given due warning".

    I am curious as to what others think about this.

    Thanks guys


    A number of my expat friends actually time any trips they have to make o/seas and some actually invent reasons to go at the time of Songkran in order to avoid it as it wears a bit thin after the first few times,tourists new to LOS find it fun but many do not.

    I travel to Pattaya twice sometimes 3 times a year and try to avoid Songkran at least when I can work schedules permitting, this year I left the day before Songkran commenced.

    Of my expat friends I haven't heard of one leaving or planning to leave permanently.

    I can't comment on tourist numbers as I have very little info to contribute except one bar owner commented to me last year that if he hadn't been in Pattaya 16 years he would be worried about what appeared to be an extended low season and he was seeing less new faces than before but still gets his regular visitors like me :D .

    As for crime I've seen very little and experienced none accept having my pocket picked 2 years ago and I've seen no violence ever. However I think some vigilance is necessary(ie I left a bar before the fight started)

    I will continue to holiday in Pattaya and intend to retire there next year, I like the cheapness of everything. although prices are rising but they are rising thoughout the world :o . I also like the availability of medical treatment as I am not getting any younger and may require it in the future.

    It will be Pattaya for me in the forseeable future until another Nirvana (my opinion) comes along.

    Pattaya like all places is evolving wether for good or bad remains to be seen.

    I have been visiting Pattaya for the last 29 years and have been there over 30 times and I am increasing the frequency of my trips in recent years.

    lilBob :D

  3. Yes, those bars have all gone! Joy's has moved across to Drinking Street, beside Easyriders. Looks like a new condo is on the way up.

    I don't know the location of "drinking street" or understand the terminology (i thought they were all drinking streets) Can anyone explain please

    lilBob :o

  4. No one posted what time, so I guess we missed it tonight.


    I'll be arriving in Pattaya late on the 6th June so will miss that night but will keep login on to find the time and location for the 13th and hope to meet you all then.

    regards to all lilBob :o

  5. i think the philippines might be comparable to thailand, there have been some threads on this, do a search

    I recently had a conversation with a guy who moved from the PI to thailand cos Thailand has better medical facilities. I think that this should be a consideration for those of us who are getting older or those of us who ride motor bikes :D

    lilBob :o

  6. inflation is hitting thailand.most things are increasing in cost.even my healthcare from aa has gone up from 11,700 baht to over 16,000 baht.i am looking around.

    Pardon my ignorance but is that per month or year


  7. I concur with others. There was a relaxing vibe and it seemed like a good place to meet friends but they were a little short on ladies, however that probably varies widely throughout the day.

    Thanks to everyone for the replies/info I'll be in Patts from the 6th of june for a month and will write an update when I return to OZ

    I do like the idea and concept of it though and hope it goes well I'm sure some of the hiccups will be addressed

    Regards to all lilBob

  8. mmmm......you're clearing land - thats why you are seeing so many of them. They are otherwise shy creatures and will push off as soon as their habitat is turned upside down, but it's not unusual to find them in rooves and under floors. Take it out or leave it along - it presents no threat left alone.

    Sad that the Thai's tend to kill them.

    Do not get bitten by a King Cobra - I was bitten (in Thailand) about 11 years ago - and will live for the rest of my life with the damage to my leg (my own stupid fault to be honest).


    Actually I would recommend not getting bitten by any snake, I had a similar experience 13 years ago in India.

    In Goa I was returning to my guest house at 10.30 at night it was the beginning of the wet season and had been raining all day and was still raining and I crossed paths with a snake I think it must have been flooded out of it's hole. well it just clipped me and I didn;t feel the bite (this was later described to me as a F-ck off bite cos snakes can't talk and it told me the only way it could).The next day my foot was swollen so I went to the pharmacy for some anti inflammitories it took me 4 days to seek a doctor as my foot was turning black. :D

    I was emergency evacuated out to New Dehli and spent 6 weeks in hospital the first 2 weeks they were talking of amputation as it was too late for anti venom they just kept pumping anti biotics into me. The damage it caused was referred to as necrosis similar to a white tail spider bite(Aussies will know about them). So I had a skin graft which covers the top of my left foot. :D

    I couldn't work for a futher 5 months as I couldn't wear my safety boots.

    The type of snake is still unknown.

    Travel insurance paid for it all. I strongly recommend Travel Insurance to all Travellers. :D:o

    Yes I was Sh-tting myself especially about the prospect of amputation. :DB)

    I hate snakes well maybe if barbecued they would be OK :D

    Everythings ok now except I can't move my little toe. I also use it as a excuse to avoid having to dance :D:D

    In closing I again recommend Travel Insurance you may not get snake bit but I've seen many people injiurd on motor bikes.


  9. Always wonder myself - unfortunately no one wants to be a test subject. :o

    Only hearsay but I have heard a guy jokingly tazored his mate induced a heart attack which killed him.

    best be careful

  10. Continuing on with some more comparisons:

    Restaurants continued: I had a pork burrito supreme at my fav local shop today. This is their "top of the line" and largest model. It cost $ 6.00 (B 192). I have heard good things about the burritos at Sunrise Tacos in Bangkok but have not been yet and don't know how they would compare in size, taste, and quality to the one I had. Maybe someone can provide at least the pricing information for a comparison. Walking past a Japanese restaurant, I noted the price of a fried pork cutlet lunch set (tonkatsu) was $ 6.00. It looked comparable to the same set at Fuji, which is B 110 ($ 3.43). As anyone who lives in LOS knows, Fuji's food is very good value for the price and it shows here again, with the price about half the cost of the Stateside set. (Thought those Fuji cutlets keep getting smaller and smaller. :D )

    I am a big fan of bagels and we are spoiled for choice on this score in the Bay Area. We've got Noah's, Posh, Boogie Woogie, and more. Nothing better than a toasted poppy seed bagel with garlic/herb spread to get the day started in my book. In Thailand, the only bagel I have found that is remotely comparable are the ones at Au Bon Pain. They are nothing to shout about but in LOS, they're about the best you're gonna get. The Bay Area bagels cost $ 1.00 ea. At ABP Pattaya, they are B 50 or B 55 ($ 1.56-$ 1.72). I have no explanation why the Thai ABP ones are so expensive compared to the bigger one's here; is the cost of wheat floor so much more expensive in LOS that USA? What about the cost of water or salt...maybe they are 50-75% more expensive...it certainly isn't the wage costs of the Thai baker or shop clerk...that I do know!

    A Trip to the Grocery Store: We all gotta eat no matter where we choose to call home and that means trips to the local grocery store. In either country, we can see the benefits of Globalization, with the plethora of goods (both local and from around the world) on offer. I poked my head in a couple stores today to do a little price snooping.

    A staple of the Thai diet...those Japanese boil and eat ramen noodle packs (the ones you boil for a few minutes - not the instant ones) cost $ .39 ea. at Walgreen Drug Store. At Foodland in Pattaya, they cost B 26 ea ($ .81). I am talking about the Nissan brand and not the cheapo Maggi brand. This is really an eye-opener - that this simple food staple that I am almost positive is LOCALLY produced cost TWICE the USA price. So the average Thai, who makes maybe 1/8th the salary of an American gets to pay 2x the price if he buys this product! I never buy the Maggi brand...maybe someone can supply a price point for them...they may be about the equilivent cost of the Nissan brand in USA (but are a smaller package and of lesser quality). Bag of Starbucks pre-ground coffee 12 oz is $ 11.00 ( B 352). Anyone buy coffee at a Thai Starbucks recently and know the cost?

    I bought a bottle of Walgreen store brand daily multi-vitamin/mineral supplements to keep my aging body going a little longer. Cost for 220 pill bottle $ 13.00 [.06 per pill] (B 416). I don't recall specifically, but the last time I priced a similar 100 pill bottle of multi-vitamins at Boots or Watsons, it was something like B 600-B 800 [ .22 per pill using the mid-prie of B 700]. So again, a Thai or foreign expat who wants to stay healthy by taking a vitamin supplement gets to pay 4x the price. [Caveat: Due to their outrageous price in Thailand, I have never bought vitamins in LOS, and don't even bother to price them anymore. If anyone has recent pricing info that contradicts mine, please correct my post.]

    Continuing down the grocery aisle, we come to some Pringles potato chips. The standard size canister is $ 1.29 or 3 for $ 3.00 (B 41 a can or B 32 ea for 3). Don't know what these cost in LOS but do know they sell them - again, can anyone supply the price for comparison? Price for a small bottle of drinking water is $ .60 or $ 1.00 for 2 ( B 19)l. Here LOS pricing is much cheaper at B 9-B 10 or half the cost. Great because with the hot Thai weather, we must all drink lots of water. Lets continue onto the fruits, where we can get some easy comps for coconuts, mangoes, and pineapples. (I think the store clerks must have thought I was some sort of government inspector checking their product quality or the accuracy of the scales the way I went about picking up pieces or fruit, weighing them, jotting down notes, then putting them back on display :D ) Here is what I found: Rather sickly looking medium sized (3/4 lb) "organic" mangoes cost $ 1.19 ea. ( B 38). In LOS, a bigger (if maybe not "organic") mango would cost B 20 ea. or about half the cost. Small coconuts (for drinking) cost $ 1.80 ea. (B 58). The last time I bought a coconut at the beach in Pattaya it cost B 20 or about 1/3 the Stateside cost. Hawaiian pineapples were $ .99 per lb so a typical 3-1/2 lb one would cost $ 3.50 (B 112). So as expected, tropical fruits are much cheaper in LOS than in the States. Of course, the price of peaches, pears, cherries, and other temperate fruits would even the scales on this score.

    Smokes: Marlboro Reds cost $ 4.00-$5.00 per pack ( B 128-B 160) and $ 42.00 for a carton. The price of Marlboros in LOS are B 55 a pack or 1/3 the price. My friends who smoke claim the tobacco in the Thai Marlboros is not of the same quality and taste of those sold in Western markets so the comparison may not be completely apples to apples but close enough for our purposes.

    Condoms Finally, and maybe most important - at least in my hometown of Pattaya, we come to the price of condoms! A 3-pack of Durex condoms cost $ 6.00 ( B 192). In Thailand, they cost B 45-B 55...or almost 1/4 the price. So we can all continue to engage in maximum sanook activities as the cost of our condoms is a great value compared to what one would pay for them in America. But come to think of it, some of us may not have much use for condoms in America so their high prices would not crimp our budget much and we could spend those savings on expensive smokes instead :D

    I can't explain the difference in prices accept to say it's what the market will pay, mostly it seems in tourist areas. I live in OZ and visit LOS twice a year for a month each time. So just a few observations.

    Laptops are cheaper and you get more for your buck in LOS ie dual core

    None thai type fruits are expensive ie grapes all berries

    Condoms :D I buy mine by the dozen and that works out similar to the Thai prices for three ie 20 bht each :o

    Still think LOS is a bargain and intend to reside/retire there next year. Meantime I just booked my flight for the 6/6. :D


    I forgot to include a Thai girlfriend of mine (ex) told me of some fish she had purchased from a supermarket in OZ. "It was very nice but very expensive"(salmon :D )

  11. Continuing on with some more comparisons:

    Restaurants continued: I had a pork burrito supreme at my fav local shop today. This is their "top of the line" and largest model. It cost $ 6.00 (B 192). I have heard good things about the burritos at Sunrise Tacos in Bangkok but have not been yet and don't know how they would compare in size, taste, and quality to the one I had. Maybe someone can provide at least the pricing information for a comparison. Walking past a Japanese restaurant, I noted the price of a fried pork cutlet lunch set (tonkatsu) was $ 6.00. It looked comparable to the same set at Fuji, which is B 110 ($ 3.43). As anyone who lives in LOS knows, Fuji's food is very good value for the price and it shows here again, with the price about half the cost of the Stateside set. (Thought those Fuji cutlets keep getting smaller and smaller. :D )

    I am a big fan of bagels and we are spoiled for choice on this score in the Bay Area. We've got Noah's, Posh, Boogie Woogie, and more. Nothing better than a toasted poppy seed bagel with garlic/herb spread to get the day started in my book. In Thailand, the only bagel I have found that is remotely comparable are the ones at Au Bon Pain. They are nothing to shout about but in LOS, they're about the best you're gonna get. The Bay Area bagels cost $ 1.00 ea. At ABP Pattaya, they are B 50 or B 55 ($ 1.56-$ 1.72). I have no explanation why the Thai ABP ones are so expensive compared to the bigger one's here; is the cost of wheat floor so much more expensive in LOS that USA? What about the cost of water or salt...maybe they are 50-75% more expensive...it certainly isn't the wage costs of the Thai baker or shop clerk...that I do know!

    A Trip to the Grocery Store: We all gotta eat no matter where we choose to call home and that means trips to the local grocery store. In either country, we can see the benefits of Globalization, with the plethora of goods (both local and from around the world) on offer. I poked my head in a couple stores today to do a little price snooping.

    A staple of the Thai diet...those Japanese boil and eat ramen noodle packs (the ones you boil for a few minutes - not the instant ones) cost $ .39 ea. at Walgreen Drug Store. At Foodland in Pattaya, they cost B 26 ea ($ .81). I am talking about the Nissan brand and not the cheapo Maggi brand. This is really an eye-opener - that this simple food staple that I am almost positive is LOCALLY produced cost TWICE the USA price. So the average Thai, who makes maybe 1/8th the salary of an American gets to pay 2x the price if he buys this product! I never buy the Maggi brand...maybe someone can supply a price point for them...they may be about the equilivent cost of the Nissan brand in USA (but are a smaller package and of lesser quality). Bag of Starbucks pre-ground coffee 12 oz is $ 11.00 ( B 352). Anyone buy coffee at a Thai Starbucks recently and know the cost?

    I bought a bottle of Walgreen store brand daily multi-vitamin/mineral supplements to keep my aging body going a little longer. Cost for 220 pill bottle $ 13.00 [.06 per pill] (B 416). I don't recall specifically, but the last time I priced a similar 100 pill bottle of multi-vitamins at Boots or Watsons, it was something like B 600-B 800 [ .22 per pill using the mid-prie of B 700]. So again, a Thai or foreign expat who wants to stay healthy by taking a vitamin supplement gets to pay 4x the price. [Caveat: Due to their outrageous price in Thailand, I have never bought vitamins in LOS, and don't even bother to price them anymore. If anyone has recent pricing info that contradicts mine, please correct my post.]

    Continuing down the grocery aisle, we come to some Pringles potato chips. The standard size canister is $ 1.29 or 3 for $ 3.00 (B 41 a can or B 32 ea for 3). Don't know what these cost in LOS but do know they sell them - again, can anyone supply the price for comparison? Price for a small bottle of drinking water is $ .60 or $ 1.00 for 2 ( B 19)l. Here LOS pricing is much cheaper at B 9-B 10 or half the cost. Great because with the hot Thai weather, we must all drink lots of water. Lets continue onto the fruits, where we can get some easy comps for coconuts, mangoes, and pineapples. (I think the store clerks must have thought I was some sort of government inspector checking their product quality or the accuracy of the scales the way I went about picking up pieces or fruit, weighing them, jotting down notes, then putting them back on display :D ) Here is what I found: Rather sickly looking medium sized (3/4 lb) "organic" mangoes cost $ 1.19 ea. ( B 38). In LOS, a bigger (if maybe not "organic") mango would cost B 20 ea. or about half the cost. Small coconuts (for drinking) cost $ 1.80 ea. (B 58). The last time I bought a coconut at the beach in Pattaya it cost B 20 or about 1/3 the Stateside cost. Hawaiian pineapples were $ .99 per lb so a typical 3-1/2 lb one would cost $ 3.50 (B 112). So as expected, tropical fruits are much cheaper in LOS than in the States. Of course, the price of peaches, pears, cherries, and other temperate fruits would even the scales on this score.

    Smokes: Marlboro Reds cost $ 4.00-$5.00 per pack ( B 128-B 160) and $ 42.00 for a carton. The price of Marlboros in LOS are B 55 a pack or 1/3 the price. My friends who smoke claim the tobacco in the Thai Marlboros is not of the same quality and taste of those sold in Western markets so the comparison may not be completely apples to apples but close enough for our purposes.

    Condoms Finally, and maybe most important - at least in my hometown of Pattaya, we come to the price of condoms! A 3-pack of Durex condoms cost $ 6.00 ( B 192). In Thailand, they cost B 45-B 55...or almost 1/4 the price. So we can all continue to engage in maximum sanook activities as the cost of our condoms is a great value compared to what one would pay for them in America. But come to think of it, some of us may not have much use for condoms in America so their high prices would not crimp our budget much and we could spend those savings on expensive smokes instead :D

    I can't explain the difference in prices accept to say it's what the market will pay, mostly it seems in tourist areas. I live in OZ and visit LOS twice a year for a month each time. So just a few observations.

    Laptops are cheaper and you get more for your buck in LOS ie dual core

    None thai type fruits are expensive ie grapes all berries

    Condoms :D I buy mine by the dozen and that works out similar to the Thai prices for three ie 20 bht each :o

    Still think LOS is a bargain and intend to reside/retire there next year. Meantime I just booked my flight for the 6/6. :D


  12. give us a rundown of the costs of fun in both places. this is where it isnt even funny to compare!

    I drink Jack Daniels for fun at half the price I'd pay in OZ :D Oh you mean that kind of fun :o No Comment

  13. Your a very lucky man. Like I posted, not all girls are the same (happens all over the world). Trust, respect and love is required in a relationship. But, it takes two for it to happen. My mistake I guess is, I trusted my girl too much. She trusted me. But, she had no respect for me after the house was built and then there is no love.

    Time to move on. Just right now I won't ever build another house here in LOS.

    It is not unusual to feel a bit off-balance when a trusted partner pulls the rug out from under you. I have had it happen both in relationships and in a partnership with an old and trusted friend. And without a contract of some sort, there is little you can do but walk away only to trust again.

    During many years of divorce court mediation, I found it extremely unusual for only one partner to be responsible for causing a relationship to turn sour and that is almost all cases, each easily blamed the other.

    It sounds like you had a good run for seven years and suffered negligble losses. Everything is a trade-off and I don't see that you came out a loser other than whatever emotional damage you may suffer. And that is not about trust; it is about the failure of your own expectations.

    I have been in my current relationship with a Thai lady for seven years and trust her to be her own individual person.

    We married in the States, have joint bank accounts there and here and she has her own cards for full access, I put everything we purchase (house, land, car, motorbikes, chopper) in her name and own absolutely nothing myself but my own clothing.

    She is the finest person I have ever known and whatever I have spent is meaningless compared to the love and pleasures and learning she has brought to my life so I stand to lose nothing whatsoever. If I "lost" her, through accident or design, I would be devastated for a while but would wish her all the best and move on, happy for the experience.

    Happy trails..

    Dustoff you are a lucky man and I am absolutely green with envy.

    However to get back to the thread I would like to pass on a conversation I had with a chap who seemed to cover all bases.

    1. In order to get a DNA check for their child he explained to his wife that it would make getting the child an english passport a lot easier.

    2.He has bought land and is building a house all in her name


    but explained to her giving an example of a farang thai marriage (a love match) where upon the death of the thai wife )car Accident) her family took over and he lost the business and house.

    So my friend has a 30year plus 30 year lease on the property with an agreement of occupantcy, and as he explained to his wife he trusted some of her family but not all of them.

    Maybe that's the way to go Although I must admit after seven years I would have fallen for it too.

    A suggestion perhaps after the divorce is well and truly settled you have pictures taken with othar girls and send them to your ex also find a girl and have a photo taken in front of a really flash house and tell your ex and her mother this is the house you have bought for your new wife :o

    My own personal view is that if it flys fcuks or floats rent it.

    Regards to all


  14. Absolutely NO.

    Have you ever heard of the saying Bro's before Hoe's.

    When its all over the girl is gone & so is your Maybe lifelong friend.

    Money comes & goes- but tell me what a good friend is worth?

    Even in high school & college it is something or some lines are better not crossed. Only a Hoser would shaft a friend!

    Chances are you are being used to destroy your friend to make him jealous.

    I would rather shoot my foot than destroy a good friendship, as we all know one can usually count your great true friends on one hand-Not counting acquaintances & in between.

    Some times in life the big head has to preside over the little head.

    No offense to you as I do not think you were in that boat & even if you are food for thought.

    Edit: besides you all ready know the nightmares he or she( depending on the situation) has in their personal persona. What makes you think the girl wouldn't do the Teabury shuffle on you as well. If she would do it to him-or her you can bet your ass

    your the next one to be on the emotional slaughter line & you still lost your friend & if your friend has any brains that would be the end of it. A friendship is built on mutual trust & that bond has been broken forever.

    Even as Peaceblondie put it I personally would not touch the temptation even if it is a cheating & accepted in the relationship.

    The other question is why? With all the women in the sea, why not go for a new conquest instead of one you know all the info about. Half (or more) the fun & excitement is in discovery of the person you are pursuing................unless it is a short time your after!

    Well I'm a maybe

    The question was would you sleep with a friends lover/wife, not form a lasting relationship with them. Also i have trouble with the term friend or the definition of it.

    Would I bonk a girlfriend of an acquaintance (ie I've met him a few times and he is now overseas working,)

    Yes I think I would.(hey it's not my fault I'm just a lesbian trapped in a mans body :o ).

    Would I treat the lover/wife of my best and truest friends the same way NO NO NO.

    Yeah I know about double standards but I'm also a slut

    lilBob :D

  15. If you had a direct flight to melb. it would be ok but as you change in sing . the carrying liquids rules cut in.As you didn't buy in secure duty free in sing. you cannot board the plane with stuff from a previous destination.

    Actually the Thai Airlines flight was direct Bangkok Melbourne but still not good enough. I thought that a direct flight and buying airside at the airport would be OK but apparently not

  16. This year I've departed Suvarnabhumi twice once on Singapore Airlines To Oz via Singapore, the other time was Thai Airlines direct both times to Melbourne.

    Both times I could not buy duty free Booze both times I was airside, in Singers I could buy and was actually told by thai staff I could Buy in Melbourne. Duty Free is cheaper in Thailand.

    Can anyone explain this please.

    PS I've read 3 pages of the forum maybe this is something new.

    lilBob :o

  17. WOW!! Sound likes the Subway shop from hel_l. Lucky you. If I were you I would that place a wide wide Berth for a long while. :D:o:D

    I gave up on this thread about pg 4 but did respond a couple of time (3 I think ).

    so May I dare to suggest the follows which will maybe satisfy everyone.

    "It's hard to enter a battle of wits with someone who is only half prepared" Apply it to whomever you want in your own mind.


  18. Pls don't fire him just yet. I will be in Bangkok this next week and love Subway and would not be angry if I got a free one too. But, I am a big boy and it would take a few of the counter people to put a dent in me. :o

    I Can't believe how much I am amused by this thread Dents don't hurt that much In subway they have knives behind the counter :D

  19. It shows you have ordered what you asked for.

    Saves arguments latter when the incorrect good are handed over

    You just show them the receipt.

    Its not rocket science, you know.

    Okay guy, first, take a deep breath, now, I'm not sure you're going to be able to comprehend this. So read carefully, and try to concentrate. From reading some of your posts, you're thankful for things that are not rocket science or any intellectual challenge for that matter.

    Having bought thousands of fast food meals, and NEVER needing a receipt, I question the necessity of requiring a receipt at a small fast food restaurant. I've had them get the order wrong a couple of times, to be sure, but never an argument. They just got it right the second time.

    Now, I'm gonna slow down because this might be going too fast for you. Please read carefully. Everyone I have ever known has never made use of a receipt at a fast food restaurant.

    I hope you appreciate that I'm trying to make this as easy to understand for you as possible. I understand that you can't comprehend rocket science, as you said. That's okay icecubes. It's okay. Many people don't. Having studied technology (solid state electronics to be specific) in university, I understand that there has to be many poeple like you who just can't comprehend it.

    It's okay. It's okay. You can be hovering around average intelligence and still not comprehend these things. It's okay icecubes. It's okay. :o

    Hey Mr Fingers I recognize the sarcasm Quote" sarcasm is the lowest form of wit" Oscar Wilde a fat Irish Poof whom the marquis of Queensberry accused of being a Sodomite said that. The fat comment may be out of line cos I based it on the actor who played Oscar in the movie (Robert Morley)

  20. First of all, why do you need a receipt for a subway sandwich?

    Secondly, why are you willing to risk your own neck to expose a guy who's ripping off Subway? Let me just make this clear to you. You're not getting ripped off in any way.

    Do you work in an office? Do you rat out a co-worker who takes a pen or stapler home?

    You really don't know what's good for you. You're looking for trouble. And if you keep ratting out poor, crazy Thais for ripping off rich corporations, you will find that trouble sir.

    Gotta add again,

    All subways give receipt with the change, and the sign said any mistakes free sub, also how many Farangs have been the victim of assault by thais with no opportunity of squareing up :o also it's not really the big corp being hurt here but the franchisee. As for the supposedly ratting out Athief is a Thief Is a thief

    There was an article in one of the local rags about a year ago on the franchisee on how he built up his business why would anyone like after hard work and substancial investment want to get ripped off or his business damaged by bad employees

    dam_n i'm on my soap box again sorry( maybe I'm on the soap box cos I'm short hence my name LilBob :D )

  21. Uh well did you talk with the owner? Apart from that I see no good coming from this thread, especially since Subway is a sponsor.

    On a side note - how was the sub? :D

    I don't think the OP had a chance to talk to the owner as he was trying to avoid an assault. Here in Oz I quite often eat Subs and find them the same price here which I think is a bit rude. :D Lil Bob

    Ps why would this thread be no good for the sponsor it has been suggested that someone is dippng in when the shouldn't and react violently when challenged. I am not a businessman but I think I would like to know about it so as to increase my management :o

  22. so it's Noi's bar tonight!

    See you all there at 7-ish!

    The Management :D

    Pity it's not next week cos Noi's bar is the only bar on the darkside I know and have been in. I'm arriving in Patts late on the 12/13th so looking for location for the 14th. Somewhere that a moto taxi can find easily.

    Anywhere will be OK for me just as long as I can find it.

    By the way what happens is there as sign saying Thai Visa people sit here or wear name tags etc ( yes I know Stupid question but i haven't been to a TV night before). I'll keep checking for a location and any further info and am looking forward to meeting you all or as many as turn up.

    I will be easily recognized cos I am a chick magnet all the girls tell me I am the most hansum man they have seen :o

    see ya soon Lilbob

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