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Posts posted by Barin

  1. A 10 year old boy shot dead today.


    The Thai Armies have Cross too many lines to go back.

    The Thai Government has now become a Rouge Nation.

    The Chinese Government in their worst day never Opened Fire on a Crowd of Protestors.

    Sure they beat people to death with Clubs, but never have they SHOT 10 Year Old Children and Elderly WOmen.

    The Thai Government has become a Rouge Nation.

    The Chinese government never opened fire on a crowd of protesters? Are you insane? Have you not heard of the Tiananmen square massacre? The Xinjiang riots? I could go on but you're either some Chinese revisionist history beliveving nut or completely ignorant. If this situation were happening in China or most any other country the death toll would be a hel_l of a lot higher.

    I do strongly agree with this poster... :)


  2. We are getting a lot of one type of snake in the house. It is about a foot long, slender, pale yellow underneath & bright yellow & black horizontal stripes on top.

    Does anyone know what it is? We have a guide to Thai snakes but it is not listed in it.

    Thanks in advance

    According to this description it looks like a Buff-Striped Keelback (Amphiesma stolata) - one of the most harmless snakes in the world.

    More information is HERE


  3. I subscribed recently to TT&T Maxnet 3BB, 4 Mbps plan in Bangkok.

    The file download speed is excellent, I can download files from America at 400 kilobytes per second or more.

    But I don't do a lot of file downloads anyway.

    What is more important is the web browsing speed.

    And this is where Maxnet is very bad indeed.

    Many web sites in Europe, Asia and America are being opened very slowly.

    For the past 5 days it is even slower than before.

    In the evening time the latency to some overseas hosts is as high as 10 seconds.

    It results in a very long waiting time to open a website, sometimes 30 or 40 seconds or more...

    Unfortunately True Internet is not available in my condo.

  4. Hello there,

    Did anyone notice that the TT&T Maxnet web browsing speed has deteriorated dramatically over the last 5 days?

    On the other hand the file download speed is still good, no problem.

    This problem affects only the web browsing speed, most of the websites in Europe and China are being opend very slowly. The latency with Russian sites is around 10 seconds!

    I am in Bangkok on 3BB Maxnet 4 Mbps.

    The ADSL modem is from Maxnet: Huawei SmartAX MT880 with original firmware as it comes from TT&T (I did not upgrade the firmware).

    And I don't use any torrents, I don't even have any bittorrent software installed.

    The local Speedtest is producing excellent results though:

    Download Speed: 3990 kbps (498.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 506 kbps (63.3 KB/sec transfer rate)

    14 December 2009 09:31:01

    I have done quite a number of Tracroute tests over the past 2 days.

    I noticed a very chaotic routing to nodes in Europe, Asia and America.

    What happens is that one of the Maxnet routers (mx-ll-58.147.0-69.static.tttmaxnet.com [] or mx-ll-58.147.0-73.static.tttmaxnet.com []) which is within 2 or 3 hops from my "default gateway" or even the "default gateway" itself would decide to route the packets directly over the long path to the destination network segment (probably in an attempt to save the cost TT&T may want to use some cheap satellite link for overseas traffic).

    However the remote router overseas for some unknown reason would not direct the packets by the short path to the destination host which is on the same network segment but rather decide to return the packets back to the Maxnet network in Thailand. This results in a very high latency and payload. After that the packets are being directed to their destination over the normal long path.

    I have never seen this kind of routing before. Is it normal?

    Are there any Internet routing gurus here in the Forum? Please advise.

    Below are two recent Tracroute results (one is for a popular host in Moscow, Russia and the other one is for a well-known host in Shenzhen, China).

    tracert -w 20000 mail.zmail.ru

    Tracing route to mail.zmail.ru []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 24 ms 1 ms 1 ms

    2 * 14302 ms 35 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-74.static.tttmaxnet.com []

    3 34 ms 32 ms 32 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-73.static.tttmaxnet.com []

    4 * 8218 ms 56 ms jam-l3sw-2-vlan404.msk.zenon.net []

    5 * * 32 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-69.static.tttmaxnet.com []

    6 * 67 ms 67 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-134.static.tttmaxnet.com []

    7 64 ms 64 ms 64 ms if-0-0-7.core2.S9R-Singapore.as6453.net []

    8 236 ms 236 ms 236 ms if-13-0-0-995.mcore4.PDI-PaloAlto.as6453.net []

    9 237 ms 237 ms 237 ms if-12-0-0-819.core4.SQN-SanJose.as6453.net []

    10 233 ms 233 ms 233 ms Vlan45.icore1.SQN-SanJose.as6453.net []

    11 238 ms 239 ms 238 ms ix-13-31.icore1.SQN-SanJose.as6453.net []

    12 305 ms 305 ms 353 ms nyk-bb2-link.telia.net []

    13 350 ms 350 ms 350 ms kbn-bb2-link.telia.net []

    14 352 ms 352 ms 353 ms s-bb2-link.telia.net []

    15 372 ms 370 ms 371 ms mow-b2-link.telia.net []

    16 369 ms 369 ms 369 ms mow-m9-i2-link.telia.net []

    17 371 ms 370 ms 375 ms zenon-103945-mow-b2.c.telia.net []

    18 389 ms 385 ms 377 ms jam-l3sw-2-vlan404.msk.zenon.net []

    19 375 ms 374 ms 375 ms

    Trace complete.


    tracert -w 20000 www.163.com

    Tracing route to www.cache.gslb.netease.com []

    over a maximum of 30 hops:

    1 49 ms 1 ms 1 ms

    2 42 ms 39 ms 40 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-74.static.tttmaxnet.com []

    3 32 ms 33 ms 32 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-73.static.tttmaxnet.com []

    4 3527 ms 3 ms 374 ms bt-229-010.bta.net.cn []

    5 33 ms 34 ms 32 ms mx-ll-58.147.0-69.static.tttmaxnet.com []

    6 237 ms 236 ms 237 ms

    7 240 ms 239 ms 239 ms

    8 231 ms 234 ms 232 ms

    9 463 ms 463 ms 463 ms

    10 141 ms 141 ms 185 ms

    11 6834 ms 49 ms 58 ms

    12 186 ms 186 ms 186 ms

    13 190 ms 187 ms 187 ms

    14 * * 184 ms

    15 * 1640 ms 48 ms glgate136-p7-3.kornet.net []

    16 188 ms 185 ms 185 ms

    17 188 ms 185 ms 185 ms bt-229-010.bta.net.cn []

    18 187 ms 189 ms 187 ms

    19 187 ms 192 ms 187 ms

    Trace complete.

  5. A foreign businessman from Europe will come to Thailand on this coming Thursday, the 26th of November.

    He asked me to help him find 2 luxury beachfront villas for purchase in Huahin area.

    His budget for each villa is from 17 to 34 Million Thai Baht.

    The total budget is nearly 70 Million Thai Baht.

    Can anyone recommend me a reputable real estate agency in Huahin or Bangkok? The expected comission is from 3% to 5% on the purchase price.

    Any advice will be very much appreciated.

    Please write to email removed per forum rules, please call or PM or call my mobile 086-861-8833.

    Thank you. :)

  6. My CAT CDMA connection may not be that great, but at least it is normally around 200kbs when connected to a UK website and rarely drops below 100.

    Do you mean that the file transfer rate is 200 Kilobytes per second?

    When I was using EV-DO "Revision 0" (maximum download speed 2.4 Mbps) 2 years ago in CAT CDMA network in the North East of Thailand (Udon Thani, Nongkhai) I was able to download files at 215 Kilobytes per second.

    Now CAT CDMA has upgraded its 3G network in Thailand to EV-DO "Revision A" (maximum download speed 3.1 Mbps) and we can download files even faster, at 300 Kilobytes per second...

    When I was using HSDPA connection in Singapore (3G GSM network) the downlink file transfer rate was only 20 to 50 Kilobytes per second.

    It proves that EV-DO is a better technology than HSDPA, and there is in fact a very good 3G network in Thailand in the form of CAT CDMA which was launched 3 years ago.

    In this respect Thailand is far ahead of China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, Pakistan, Bangladesh (the countries where CDMA is popular).

    Actually CAT CDMA was one of the first 3G networks in South East Asia. But very few people know about that.

    So, don't wait for HSDPA (3G GSM network) in Thailand, just go and subscribe to CAT CDMA EV-DO unlimited plan at 790.- Baht per month.

    Waiting for HSDPA (3G GSM network) in Thailand may take 2 or 3 years more...


  7. I believe the Hutch numbers include their voice customers, not sure if they sell EVDO data ?

    Hutch has been selling EV-DO data for 2 years already, but it is available in selected areas of Bangkok and Pattaya. They don't want to advertise this service very much until the whole Hutch service area is covered with EV-DO. The fact is that Hutch CDMA network is very old so they need to replace the transceivers at every base station, not so fast.

  8. I believe the Hutch numbers include their voice customers, not sure if they sell EVDO data ?

    Hutch has been selling EV-DO data for 2 years already, but it is available in selected areas of Bangkok and Pattaya. They don't want to advertise this service very much until the whole Hutch are is covered with EV-DO. The fact is that Hutch CDMA network is very old so they need to replace the transceivers at every base station, not so fast.

  9. Why are we even talking about WiMAX? This is a technology that never flew. The big players Nortel etc have canceled their WiMAX development because it has become clear that implementing a WiMAX infrastructure is technically infeasible. WiMAX mobile and WiMAX fixed lines systems are not even compatible. This WiMAX is like a buzz word that they think will make them look clever and high tech when in fact WiMAX is dated, and effectively obsolete now.

    I don't think that WiMax or anything like that is really necessary as soon as we have CAT CDMA with its EV-DO "Revision A" data service at 3.1 Mbps right now.

    It can be easily upgraded to EV-DO "Revision B" with typical download speed reaching 14.7 Mbps in the future.

    There is a great potential in CAT CDMA network.

    Unfortunately this potential has not been explored to full extent so far due to a poor management of CAT CDMA network...

    3G is already here in Thailand for 3 years, but very few people know about that.

    Forget about HSDPA in Thailand. Even if it is available after 2 or 3 years the cost will be much higher than the similar EV-DO conection from CAT CDMA.

  10. I'm afraid Thailand is not ahead of anyone with it as others have opted to go directly GSM based 3G and gone for so called 3.5G with HSPA

    We can not compare apples and oranges.

    I was actively using HSDPA connection in Singapore.

    The fact is that the actual download speed is much lower than expected, even lower than CAT CDMA.

    Many people have been disappointed with the poor performance of HSDPA.

    Currently CDMA with it's EV-DO data service "revision A" is much superior than the current implementation of HSDPA in any GSM network.

    Take a look at the overwhelming success of CDMA in India and Indonesia!

    CDMA technology can provide lower call rates with better overall performance as compared to GSM.

  11. The NTC has earmarked just 2.3Ghz range to Wimax and people wonder why Thailand will never have a 1st world technology infrastructure!

    The lack of foresight and planning is staggering! No country in the world has given the entire 2.5 AND 2.6Ghz spectrums to a bloody broadcaster! Even Laos has reserved these spectrums hence why there is 3 or 4 WiMax service providers.

    Why say anything about 4G?!? They can't even plan for WiMax (~3.5g) - so just what happens if WiMax becomes the accepted 4G standard?? :)

    I quite agree with you. It's been all talk and no action for years. I wonder how and when there will even be 3G here not to talk of 3.5G or 4G for that matter. I believe it's all part of a game plan to keep people tied to True's and other epileptic super slow speed internet connections.

    In fact 3G has been available in Thailand for 3 years already in the form of CDMA2000 1x EV (CAT CDMA network) but very few pople are aware of this unfortunately due to a very poor marketing strategy of CAT CDMA.

    EVDO is a 3G technology used in CDMA networks. And Thailand is 3 years ahead of China, India, Indonesia. In fact Thailand was one of the first countries in South East Asia to launch EVDO service!

    But very few people know about that...

    Thailand has to learn from India and Indonesia where CDMA is extremely popular due to a clever marketing policy.

    There is a great potential in CAT CDMA network. Now EVDO Revision A is up and running with theoretical download speed of 3.1 Mbps and upload speed of 1.8 Mbps.

    This fully conforms to 3G standard.

    This kind of speed will not be available in any GSM network in Thailand in the next 2 or 3 years...

  12. Its only one way for him: extradition. It will happen sooner or later as US is much stronger on the ground in Thailand than Russia.

    Do you want to say that if "US is much stronger on the ground in Thailand than Russia", it means that CIA and FBI can do whatever they want in Thailand and give orders to Thai government? Thai government has never obeyed orders from the US.

    Thailand government is clever enough to balance between Russia and US.

  13. The CAT CDMA network coverage is very good.

    Are you sure? It seems to me that only about 5% of Thailand is covered according to that link.

    Well, according to the CAT CDMA network coverage map which is a bit hypothetical it looks as if 100% of the whole Thailand is covered, they have roaming with Hutch CDMA network in Bangkok and central Thailand including Pattaya.

    As far as I know CAT CDMA EV-DO 2.4 Mbps data service is working in Samui and Phuket too.

  14. Been in South Africa the past 5 months, soon to return to Samui...

    While here I have been using a 3G HSDPA modem on my laptop. Heaven :o

    What is the status currently in Thailand with this service? Is it available, how good/bad is it. Coverage and providers? Don't really want to go back to ADSL again....

    As far as I know HSDPA data service is not yet available in Thailand so far. Please corect me if I am wrong.

    But anyway 3G is already working in Thailand!

    CAT CDMA is a 3G network. Although it is using the CDMA2000 1x EV-DO technology which is not compatible with GSM.

    The CAT CDMA network coverage is very good.

    I was using an EV-DO modem (Sierra Wireless Aircard) in the CAT CDMA network in Udon Thani and Nongkhai.

    This EV-DO modem can achieve data download speed of 2.4 Mbps.

    Please see the screenshot of the speed test I have done in Udon Thani (North East of Thailand).


  15. CDMA in Thailand is a dead end road today. And the road will soon be completely closed

    It is hard to believe that CDMA network in Thailand may be ever closed down. The CAT CDMA network is already deployed, it is up and running. It is one of the most sophisticated CDMA networks in the world. Millions of dollars are already invested in this project.

    Tuesday, 20 May 2008

    CAT to bolster CDMA network

    CAT Telecom will spend THB800 million (USD25 million) this year to expand the coverage and data transmission capacity of its CDMA2000 1x network in 51 provinces, reports Thai newspaper The Nation. The expansion will focus on northern and rural areas not covered by fixed line broadband services, said board spokesman Pongsapat Pongcharoen, following the board's approval of the investment last Friday. Of the total, THB220 million will be used to triple maximum data transmission speeds to 3Mbps and increase network capacity to serve 500,000 data users. The remainder is earmarked for coverage expansion, said president Phisal Jorphochaudom. The 'CAT CDMA' branded provincial service, which offers 3G 1xEV-DO high speed wireless data coverage in selected areas, currently has just 40,000 voice and data users. State-owned CAT has yet to reach a final agreement with Hutchison Telecom International Ltd (HTIL), its joint venture partner in Hutchison CAT Wireless Multimedia, on a planned nationwide integration of their respective 1x/EV-DO networks.

    The Source

    There is a news that CAT Telecom now wants to sell its CAT CDMA network to Hutch or somebody else.

    Not surprisingly, the Chinese telecom giant ZTE wants to take over the CAT CDMA network with all its assets.

    ZTE โชว์ศักยภาพ CDMACellPhone.gif ที่มา: ผู้จัดการออนไลน์

    เปิดจุดแข็งคอนซอร์เตี้ยมสามารถฯ แซดทีอี อยู่ที่ราคาอุปกรณ์ซีดีเอ็มเอที่ต่ำ จากการผลิตจำนวนมากและมีการใช้งานในหลายประเทศ ร่วมกับประสบการณ์ของสามารถฯด้านการเป็นโอเปเรเตอร์ ตัวแทนขายมือถือ การเป็นคอนเทนต์โพรวายเดอร์รายใหญ่และความชำนาญด้านบริหารโครงการ

    นายกัง หู ประธานบริษัท แซดทีอี (ไทยแลนด์) กล่าวถึงการประมูลโครงการโทรศัพท์มือถือระบบซีดีเอ็มเอในภูมิภาค ของบริษัท กสท โทรคมนาคมว่า แซดทีอีร่วมกับบริษัท สามารถคอร์ปอเรชั่น โดยแซดทีอีจะทำหน้าที่ซัปพลายอุปกรณ์ในระบบ CDMA 2000 1X EV-DO ในขณะที่สามารถฯจะทำหน้าที่ด้านการบริหารโครงการ การติดตั้งสถานีฐานและการจัดการเรื่องระบบสื่อสัญญาณ

    สำหรับจุดแข็งของแซดทีอีในการประกวดราคาครั้งนี้ อยู่ที่อุปกรณ์ที่มีราคาถูกเนื่องมาจากการผลิตจำนวนมาก โดยปัจจุบันแซดทีอี เป็นผู้ติดตั้งอุปกรณ์ในระบบซีดีเอ็มเอมากกว่า 30 ประเทศทั่วโลก กว่า 2.4 หมื่นสถานีฐาน คิดเป็นจำนวนผู้ใช้บริการมากกว่า 18 ล้านราย

    โดยที่ในปี 2004 ที่ผ่านมา แซดทีอี มีรายได้ประมาณ 4.2 พันล้านเหรียญสหรัฐ ส่วนหนึ่งมาจากโครงการติดตั้งระบบซีดีเอ็มเอในต่างประเทศอย่างอินโดนีเซีย อินเดีย เนปาล ปากีสถาน โดยเฉพาะในอินโดนีเซีย แซดทีอี สามารถติดตั้งสถานีฐานจำนวน 300 แห่งเสร็จภายในเวลา 3 เดือน นอกจากนี้ยังอยู่ระหว่างการประมูลในหลายประเทศอย่างเวียดนามและในประเทศไทย

    "ตามทีโออาร์ของกสทที่ต้องติดตั้ง 800 สถานีฐานในปีแรก เราคิดว่าไม่ใช่ปัญหาของเรา แซดทีอีสามารถทำได้แน่นอน เพราะเรามีกำลังการผลิตสถานีฐานมากกว่าเดือนละ 1 พันเครื่อง"

    อ่านต่อ คลิกที่นี ครับ

    The Source

  16. According to some sources the requirements for Non-Immigrant Retirement Visa "O-A" have been relaxed now.

    • You can enter Thailand on any type of visa including the tourist one.
    • While in Thailand you can apply for Non-Immigrant Retirement Visa "O-A" on the spot.
    • You need to be over 50 years old.
    • No medical certificate, no any proof of funds, no police clearance.

    Can someone throw more light on this? Is this really working?

    Source: http://www.samuiforsale.com/visa-b4.htm

  17. I'm just going to be watching this thread....however, I do know that Hutch/CAT use the 2000 band, rather than the 2100 that's common in the rest of the world (or is it vice versa?).

    As far as I know both Hutch and CAT CDMA networks are operating in the 800 MHz band. Someone told me that there is also another CDMA network in Thailand which is operating on 450 MHz.

    Laos is using only CDMA 450 MHz.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Thank you.

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