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About mikey88

  • Birthday 01/01/1954

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    Chiang mai

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  1. Hello… Anyone done a drive to the airport lately. Someone told me that….coming from the moat….you could take THIPANET Road and turn right at Mahidol to get to the airport. Thereby avoiding the jam underneath the flyover turn. I didn’t think you could do a right turn there…? Does anyone know the facts… Appreciate the help as always….
  2. That’s very useful information….another poster said they use Doxizosin as well….. 130 baht for a box of 30.. Compared with the generic Tamsuloscin (UROFLOW)……which cost me about 700 baht … Thanks for the help.
  3. Thanks you for your help… Did she mention costs…
  4. That’s great …I appreciate it… Any idea of general price…?
  5. Hello. The Australian prescription is Duodart (tamsuloscin and ductasteride) ……but I am told that’s not available here. So I’m looking at getting the Dutasteride and the Tamsulosin separately…. Can you tell me what price I should pay..? And where to get it… I have the Tamsuloscin….but not the other…. Thanks and all the best …
  6. Anyone have any tips of where that place might be. Doesn’t matter where. Severe asthma is the reason for the possible relocation. The AQI map for all Thailand this morning was not promising. Most everywhere looked not that good….even the south. Any tips most welcome. Thanks in advance.
  7. That’s all been a great help…..thank you all very much. Great stuff.
  8. Thanks…yes 300 baht now or so…. But I can’t make out the actual length of the roll by looking at the Lazada ad…. onr time they sent me just 4 individual precut squares instead of a roll…..cheating….
  9. Hi…wonder if I could get some help. Do you think the Hi Care filter paper rolls are as good and effective as the 3M ones. And what about value for money. I can’t really work out the length of the rolls on the ads. Are they 250 cms long….? And is the 3M product the same length… What’s your experience? Thanks in advance…
  10. Thanks very much for all the helpful replies. Appreciate it greatly….
  11. Hi…just planning ahead to help an elderly friend. They live alone. If there’s a serious problem….can he call an ambulance and reasonably expect it to turn up. ..? And how to do this….? And if there’s a charge that’s no problem…. He is in Mae Rim…. Thanks for the help…
  12. Any thoughts…. every AQI site I look at gives me a different reading for Ching Mai….sometimes greatly different.
  13. Thanks for all that information. It’s been an eye opener. So I am paying income tax already …..in reality…? I had no idea. I never really looked closely at the Book Bank until the other day. I might just leave sleeping dogs lie. what do you think.
  14. Twice a year I have a deduction labelled as ‘Tax’ from my account. What is this….do you know..?
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