It’s a mystery. But what has happened to me is that my 5 year Thai licence has expired for over one year…..that seems to be a pivotal point…..
Then I had to log in and do an online video and answers questions ……and from that you get a code.
Then you get a medical certificate (joke) plus a Residents Certificate……
Then you take that to Transport.
Then they give you papers.
Then you go to a room for the written test.
Then they fingerprint ID you. (Yesj
Then you log in with your fingerprint plus your code from the online video……(usually your passport number).
Then you answer 50 questions….
You get more than 5 wrong… Fail.
Some questions are reasonable……others are non sense word Salad…..the translation seems to have been auto generated…..
Some don’t pertain to driving at all…..They are about vehicle maintenance…..and are foolish and confusing……..”if problem with fan belt check with hand or with finger…….? “
(Answer for some reason is finger…)