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Posts posted by scrabbleking

  1. If your partner didn't like where you were standing he should have asked politely for you to move to an acceptable spot. Which you should have graciously done. Reguardless of how good your friend plays, sounds like they could still learn a few things. Treat people with respect even if you get away without being respectful. "You" hit "your" shots don't blame others for bad results. If you want to play better try www.doughoodgolfschool.com

  2. Can anyone inform me about golf courses in the Krabi area, traveling time, cost, condition, value for money etc.

    I played there about 4 years ago. Maybe 30 minutes south of Krabi Town, rough around the edges 9 hole course but budget priced. Watch for the road sign the reads "Krabi Cuntry Club". Yes, I spelled it just as the sign reads! North of town maybe 10-15 minutes is a nice driving range with nice views of limestone cliffs.

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