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Posts posted by 1stbase

  1. I agree on banning tipping. If servers want to get paid more than the owners should just raise the prices of the food accordingly. Tipping has so many issues involved and should be reflected in the price of the food rather than the decision of the customer. I don't think this would have an effect on good service. So far from my experience here, the restaurants that add 10% to your bill seem to have A LOT better service than the ones hoping for a tip. How ironic. Pay the employees more, raise the prices of the food, and if the employees want to keep their well paid job then they will serve you just as good if not better. I could never work for tips, it is a gamble with every new customer, whether they are a good tipper or not and whether to invest giving them good service if they look like the type that won't tip, etc. etc.

  2. I am not an angry guy, haven't came close to fighting since grade 8. I guess I just got to get more used to the way things go here but I definitely did the right thing by not even starting a verbal confrontation and I am proud of myself :o

  3. my game is pretty decent. Looking for a challenge.

    I am 23 years old, fit

    Mainly looking for someone to get a bit competitive with though.

    Think you lost 99.9% of this forum on the above comments, haha

    I am not close to a pro, I guess I just am looking for someone who has played before :o

  4. Okay so before coming here I read by a couple sources that tipping in thailand is not really required as in if you don't tip it's no big deal. However, after being here 3 weeks now, many restaurants frown upon not tipping and some even ask for a tip. The way I see things now is that you should tip at western style restaurants and not thai style restaurants.... Should the tip always be about 10%? Trying to get this straight.

  5. I think the OP raises a general question. If a business is able to offer Sushi at 300 baht in Toronto, why can't they do that cheaper in Pattaya with much lower overhead costs.

    Maybe it's because we're closer to Japan, and those Tokyo prices; than we are to Canada, and those Toronto prices! :o

    And the sushi in Toronto is amazing. http://ajisai.ca/menu_bayview_lunch.htm You can have anything on the menu and the cook/prepare and serve it to you. I think the best sushi I had so far though was at a place near los angeles.

    Maybe I will try out Montien, I'll google check the location.

  6. As luumak said, it's not just spilled milk, at least not in a 1st world country. It may seem like that after living here for a while but I am still new and am used to the western ways where hitting a pedestrian is a big deal. I know 100% it was intentional, he used his vehicle to send me a message. I guess thats how they do it down here. I thought i was used to this place but I guess I have a bit more to learn / experience. Oh well, I think I played the situation cool. Life goes on.

  7. So a baht bus is trying to merge into Pattaya Beach Road during a traffic jam and is not going anywhere. There is a meter gap between him and the vehicle infront of him who is making the merge. I decide to walk infront of the baht bus to cross the street and right at the end of passing him the driver "intentionally" nabs me with the front of the bus, not enough to cause any pain but I have never been hit by a moving vehicle before so it's a big deal of a small deal. Now if this happened in Toronto I would throw my fist through the drivers windshield, pick up a broken piece of glass, and stab the driver in the eye all in self defence, and still get half a million from the taxi's insurance company. However, I looked through the bus's passenger window which was closed and tinted and was about to say something or knock but I remembered reading some of the threads here about the thais and thailand in general and decided to remain cool and walk away. I think I even made a mistake by even showing my anger, I should have just walked away like nothing happened.

    The bus driver nabbed by knee, and stopped, done in spite because i was walking infront of him but he had no where to go anyways. What can I do in this situation? What would you have done?

  8. Where exactly is Fuji Chain in the Big C? Map / street wise? The chef not wearing gloves is not a concern for me really, this is Thailand.

    Zen is where I was the other day, thankfully mcdonalds was just two floors down. I eat a lot. I put red lobster out of business during shrimp fest. 290 shrimp! :o

    So buffet would be preferred but I can also settle for a sushi meal for under $15 that will make my stomach bloated.

    What are the prices at the Royal Cliff and Montien hotels?

  9. I have yet to find a nice cheap sushi place here in pattaya, preferably a buffet. Back in Toronto you could find a sushi buffet for $8.99 at lunch (300 baht). Today's sushi lunch cost me just as much plus another hundred baht for mcdonalds right after since it didn't fill me up at all. Any recommendations?

  10. Thanks for the advise.

    I am used to driving without traffic rules back in Toronto, so this would be merely switching over to a bike.

    I have no problems riding my bicycle in crowded traffic and cutting off cars.

    I want to rent a bike just to learn, not to drive around city streets. I will probably just find a vacant rode to practise shifting etc and thats that.

    My buddies bike is worth about 10k so he won't let me touch it without knowing how to use it. Thats mainly why I want to learn here cheap on a cheap bike.

    Another thing, how does civil law work here? I read the jet ski thread and am concerned. If I crash the bike or jet ski or something for that matter, do I risk going to jail if I cannot come up with the cash for repairs or is there a civil system here that protects me? :o

  11. I never rode a motorcycle before but want to learn how to ride them here so I can go back home and ride one of my friends nice ones without worrying about damaging the clutch etc. Do I need a motorbike license to ride here or just a normal drivers lic? Any scams I should watch for? How much should I be paying for a day? Will they teach me how to ride? Any recommendations? I am at pattaya beach and soi 13.

  12. Sorry if my spelin is rong buddy maybe not as educatade as your highness. I have put the threds on this site to warm people of the hazards and hastles they may come across, nothing against free trade but hate to see people on holiday with maybe a tight budget getting ripped off, sorry if you find this offensive just my observations. If you want to get technical about my stay I came to live here May 2005, so up yours buddy.

    I rented a jetski yesterday from a young thai lad around pattaya beach and soi 13. No forms, checked for damages very briefly (there were 2 existing crash marks), got instructions, and off I went. If they only told me not to jump waves, my backs still in big pain but other than that, it was a good experience and they tell you to stay away from the swimming areas so theres no danger involved. I guess I could have got lucky. Maybe it's cause I paid the last 700 baht that was in my pocket and didn't show that I had wads of cash. I guess jetskiing is like poker, don't show weekness.

    Anyone else throw off there back from jetskiing? How long did it take to heal?

  13. Pay no attention to TheMook - he's just jealous that he isn't 23 and good looking.

    There's a tennis club that uses the courts at Jomthien Condotel. I should think you will be able to find out more if you go along reception at Jomthien Condotel.

    Have a nice time here in Pattaya.

    Lol don't worry, this isn't the 1st forum I joined, I know the drill :o

    I am staying at Pattaya Beach road and Soi 13. How are the courts at Bayview Siam and does anyone know the cost or if they provide lessons?

    Mainly looking for someone to get a bit competitive with though. I had no problem with Tony's other than it being a third the price of western clubs which is a bit high in Thailand and it only having one court but I see it as great place.

  14. Visiting probably until the end of the month and am looking for a tennis partner. Found a great court at Tony's Tennis and Fitness Club located at Pattaya Road 3 and South Pattaya Road. I have never played professionally but my game is pretty decent. Looking for a challenge. We can try a game out and providing the game doesn't end in a 6-0 score we should play again :o

    I am 23 years old, fit, and from Toronto.

    I'll try to check here for replies The price of the court for an hour is about $7-10 USD but you can stay at the fitness center all day after that and swim / work out. I just got back from there and am beat :D

    email address removed as per forum rules..Pattaya_Fox

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