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Posts posted by barky

  1. Sorry kiddo, I've got some bad news for you. You've got no chance...period.

    Your ex, like most Thai boys are mummys boys, still being breast fed. He will never go against his mothers wishes. NEVER!. Also, unluckily for you she deemed you are not rich enough. Money rules most of these people's lives.

    Lastly, lord forbid you are not Chinese (by far the most coveted race in Thailand).

    She measured you up and you were found sadly lacking in all the important departments. Sorry, you have no future with this boy.

  2. In what continues to be a frequent occurence, yet another foreigner appears

    to have gotten into trouble with the locals and ends up at the hospital unconcious.

    It's getting hard to explain all of these away as bad behavior under drink. The

    medical bills alone for all this specialist care must be absolutely horrific.

    Source: pattayacitynews


    Foreigner beaten unconscious in Soi Beokeow.

    In the early hours of Wednesday Morning, Police Captain Witayaya from

    Pattaya Police Station made his way to the Pattaya Memorial Hospital to

    investigate the aftermath of an assault on a foreigner which took place in

    Soi Beokeow. The foreign man, who was carrying no forms of identification

    was picked-up by Sawang Boriboon Rescue Workers and was in an unconscious

    state. He had sustained a head injury and cuts to his mouth, consistent with an

    assault. Two Thai men were known to have assaulted the unknown foreigner,

    however further details regarding the attack were not forthcoming. He was later

    transferred to Chonburi Hospital for more specialist care.


    Related photos on foreigner in hospital on this link below but the

    title has been mislabeled as a different motorbike accident story.


    These two would have celebrated with the cops down at the local bar and provided lots of amusement for the locals. This is getting out of hand . How can we stop this type of thing happening so frequently? Do we need to set up vigilanty groups (bassball bats and full mask helmets etc.)?

  3. I found a post on google about an American fella from Buriram, I think it is disgusting what he has written about Esarn Ladies, i think this guy has insulted most of us guys who have esarn girlfreinds, wives, you can not tar every esarn girl with the same brush, i know there are some bad ones out there but also some very good ones that look after there ferrang husbands and we do the same, it is the same the world over good and bad, this guy is saying 99.999 % of issarn girls are liers, cheats etc, this is so sad this guy thinks this.

    I know he got ripped off, you read his post and you will know why says it all.

    what are your views on this guys, as he has upset myself, i have a brilliant wife and love her to bits.

    here is the link


    Take no notice of one guy - its not worth letting it get to you.

    You can see the same sentiments in many places - Stickmans Readers Submissions spring to mind if I can remember.

    I disagree totally. Guys should take very careful notice. By telling people to take no notice and not heed the warnings is irresponsible.

    However, I do agree it is not worth letting it get to you.

    Western men should be extremely careful. Extremely careful here in Thailand.

    Yes youré right there lots of examples about this topic in many places. Where there is smoke, there is fire. The bottom line... there are many good, honest Thai women out there, BUT for goodness sake be very careful. When you come to Thailand, and I know this is a big ask, but try to think with your head first before your dick.

  4. This is so going to turn into a everything I hate about Thailand thread. "Halloor" is obviously taken from the English language as a short form for answering the phone. Every Thai says it, it's not just them doing it to p off the stupid farang on the other end. Perhaps they can't hear you? Perhaps they can't understand your poor Thai accent? Just some suggestions.

    You are right of course, a very insightful, balanced and considered reply. I saw it too, there was a wave of anti-halooor building up here that needed to be hit on the head. :o I say if they don't like haloor then go home!

    No don't go home. Hang up! Just don't bother. Don't put yourself through the hassle. Unless your actually expecting a call from a Thai for some particular reason its pretty well safe to assume your time is just going to be wasted.

  5. There are quarter of a million Police officers in Thailand, one of the biggest Police forces in the World per capita and they are asking for assistance from the public to do their job properly?

    Shows how inept and impotent they really are I suppose.

    Couldn't agree more. What an utter joke.

    Not content to be the instigators of almost everything evil in Thailand they now want the citizens to "rat-out" each other. The Romanian and East German police tried this and as history shows the tide will ultimately turn for these low-lifes as well.

    Unfortunately I probably wont see the day when their tyrannical days will come to an end.

  6. I have thought about this for many years and would like to ask you gals out there for your opinion... Do you think that men are almost a different species from women and that they are controlled by their d****

    Thai or Farang, men seem to me to be partly controlled by their d**** and partly by a need to be mothered by women...

    What do you think? :o

    Seonai, Seriously now, you knew the answer to this before you even wrote the post. The answer is generally yes you and everybody knows it, and so what? There's far more to each gender than the other bother to consider. That's the way it has been, is, and will be amen. Don't worry, men have an equal number of stereotypes for women too. What brought this on? Having man troubles are we? Ah men/women can't live with them, can't live without them. Oh this discussion will go on forever ( a couple hundred thousand years so far). I'm bored with it already...again.Vive la differance mon cherie.

  7. I have a foreign currency account at the Bangkok Bank Sukhumvit branch since a little over a year. Everything has been going fine with it, except for last time I tried to withdraw about 30,000 Baht from it and forgot my bank book at home. I thought I would give it a try anyways, but the lady responsible for foreign accounts on the 2nd floor said that without the bank book, she could not give me access to my funds and that I always had to bring the bank book. I was about to leave and return the next day when I asked her the question of what would happen if I lost my bank book and if I could have her make a new one.

    A simple question, I thought. Don't ask me why I asked it, but to my shock, she answered that if I lost the bank book I would lose access to my account and that she could not make a new bank book without me bringing the old one. That stuck like a rock inside my throat, since I have quite a large sum of foreign currency in this bank account.

    I asked her once again and she confirmed that I would not have access to it anymore and that she recommends me, in her own words, not to lose the bank book. That was followed by a smile (which didn't make me feel any better).

    I'm now seriously considering closing this foreign currency account at Bangkok Bank and moving the funds to another bank, perhaps Kasikorn Bank, which I've been very satisfied with. I can't believe that a bank would deny you access to your funds if you lost the bank book, but considering that this came from one of the higher bank employees gets me worried.

    Has anyone experienced something like this? :o

    There has been umpteen threads here in the past about Bangkok Bank and its dis-service.

    I have a number of accounts with a few different banks, but I unfortunately have to have one also with Bangkok because my company uses them. However, I only leave a minimum amount in the account with them because of the poor and shody treatment I have received from them in the past. I would suggest to anyone if they have a choice, don't touch Bangkok bank with a barge pole.

  8. Well, it happened again..........

    I was entering Central and the falang guy entering before me, as the doorman was saluting him, gives the guard a wai. I guess it's better to have polite tourists than the drunken Bangla nightmare tourist but I still wanted to say to the guy "why the wai"?

    So I will open a discussion here on what I do regarding the wai, and you guys can pipe in with, "yeah, you are just as ludicrous as the falang at Central" or, "no I wouldn't do that","this is what I do", etc.

    First, while working: when one of my staff wais me (as I am the boss) I just nod, do not wai back and reply with a sawatdee khrap. When it is all of the staff waiing me or a bunch anyway, I make my wai at about chest level, slight nod and a sawatdee khrap to all.

    My customers:when a Thai and older than I, and a prominant business person, I initiate the wai and it's closer to my nose, my head definitely bowing a little. When the customer is professionally not at my level I do not initiate but definitely return the wai if they initiate.

    Not working: Thai people I know, if they wai, I wai back, for sure. If I happen to meet a girl who I like and she introduces her parents, yes, there I would wai the parents.

    Monks? Do you wai a monk if they are waiing you? I'm not Buddhist although I like a lot of the tenets. Does it matter? Mandatory or reincarnation is out for sure?

    Anyway, I know I could probably use the search mechanism, but after the Ping/ZPete saga I thought I'd throw something out there that might end up being useful to somebody. Maybe the guy who did the wai to the saluting doorman will see it.

    As it's not my culture, I don't feel I have to Wai anyboby. That being said, I always acknowledge anyone who happens to Wai me, usually by simply nodding my head and sometimes adding a sawat di krap. I am not obliged to Wai anyone younger than me, so I don't. I rarely Wai my inlaws, but I always bow my head to them with a sawat di krap out of respect. Under no cicumstance would I Wai anybody with my hands higher than my chin level.

  9. I guess this subject has been raised before - but no harm in bringing it up again. I have seen/witnessed numerous serious accidents and a few fatalitys on 2nd road in Pattaya due to there being no safe place to cross. Considering pattaya survives from tourism why on earth cant the local government sort out some safe crossing areas!

    I'm sorry to put this so bluntly, even cynically, the powers that be know full well there will be lots more tourists to take the place of those squashed on the roads. They just don't care. They may make a show of doing some little thing for the sake of the press if any negative news happens to spill over and potetially slow tourist dollars.

  10. THIS certainly didn't happen to Thaksin's son, Oak...

    in fact, the dean of ramkhamhaeng came out to say then that cheating in exams was quite common and therefore not newsworthy at all! :o

    Shame on the dean. What a great role model? That's right deany, you keep your head in the sand like most of your compatriots. That's a great way to prepare the future resourses of your country for the ever increasing competitive world. This type of inaction/aquiesence will stiffle chances for the young to compete for good jobs on the world market. (Well I guess someone has to wait on the tables of Thai restaurants overseas).

  11. Double pricing is in most cases based on economics, in general, Thai people are less well off then farangs. Therefore they get a discount at many venues in tourist areas, it's not just because they are Thai but that is used as the determining criteria. (a farang with Thai citizen ship would get the same deal, with proof of citizen ship)

    Retirees, school children and others are getting discounts in all western countries at all sorts of venues and services. This is because they are generally seen as being less well of than the general public, by your thinking this would also be discrimination :o

    I'm sorry Mr.ZZZ I beg to differ. My argument is this; There are very many Thai's in Thailand that get paid more than me, so why don't they have to pay more than me?

    A westener with Thai citizen ship, shit , I could count them on one hand.

    Oh, and the retirees and kids you mentioned maybe the fact that the retirees worked, paid taxes, and probably fought for their country at some time in their life might warrant a discount for services rendered. And for the kids, their parents pay taxes for them.

    The fact is that any Thai getting off the plane in say, Sydney, Australia today will pay absolutely no more for any product or service they care to purchase than the people who were born and bred there.

  12. Say you will use the lifetime membership for 5 Years..

    20000Baht/ 5= 4000 Baht a year.

    Payed more then that back in Europe for only 3 months.

    I don't live in Europe. I'm on a Thai salary, pay taxes, spend my money here, bought property, married a Thai etc, etc. If you don't have a nice little earner coming in from Europe your argument is totally irrelevant!

  13. Yes it is discrimination in any language whether you have been here for 5 minutes or 50 years. Yes in some countries outside of Thailand there is some discrimination. Generally, the more backward, uneducated, less westernised a country is, the more discrimination you are likely to find.

    If you were to go to Australia, for example, it is a virtual social taboo these days and has been for some considerable time. However, we are in Thailand, we are aliens, it is a national sport to rip-off westeners. You really only have one weapon......your money! Take your money, and as many friends as you can with you elsewhere. Don't use threats. Don't look back. Just move on immediately. You will feel better for it.

  14. I really wouldn't care what they think. If they took away something expensive and then expect me to pay the full price, I would hold my ground, and teach them a thing or two about what customers expect. I agree, no use in raising your voice or losing your cool. Just don't budge until they agree to do the fair thing. I can see that it would complicate things if you are with a Thai who is embarrassed by this tactic, so granted, you have to weigh each individual situation. Also, if they think the bug is disgusting, it was their bug, the idea of compensation for lost goods still applies. I find asking for the manager is often effective with this kind of conflict (with the exception of course of Simon's Fish and Chips in Jomtien Beach). The best time in this case to do this is right after the crazy waiter took away your glass even though you protested, rather than later.

    Look at the end of the day is lack of/poor management. The training is done on-the-job, so they see the way all the other staff do/don't do thier jobs and simply follow suit. The section supervisors learnt the same way, so you complain to who exactly, a supervisor who also doesen't see the problem. Go to the top. The problem is ALWAYS at the top. Monkey see, monkey do. Oh and before anyone starts, I am not calling Thais monkeys, for the poorly educated, it's an age-old expression.

  15. I would have made a major scene, sorry. I would have demanded a partial refund for the bottle and I wouldn't have taken no for an answer. They want to save face, I would give them some major face with their other customers until they made good on it. They took away what you paid for without your consent. Outrageous. To hel_l with TIT. At those prices, I would have demanded TAT!

    Moving to Thailand does not mean you have to turn into a grade A patsy! Stand up for your consumer rights.

    Generally speaking Thais have no idea about real customer service and they absolutely have no concept of "the customer is always right". Particulally as you are an alien they don't really care what you think. Usually "sorry" is a word that Thais don't use, especially on aliens. Remember you are not a Thai therefore you are not afforded the courtesies a native would get. Yes they could say kor thort and most people would see a genuine apology, but you are very unlikely to get that out of them. If you get angry then they feel no need to say sorry at all. They know there are plenty more where you came from. They believe if you don't like it go somewhere else. Of course there are some exceptions to what I'm saying for example in five star hotels where the staff have been trained by westeners, or other western owned businesses. In these establishments you might get some real customer satisfaction. I could fill this page with examples of the un-caring attitude of Thai staff generally and to westeners particularly. You are not going to ever win these little battles though. They will not change. In the main you have to put up with it and shut up. Sorry.

  16. Which, if true, is probably even more worrying...


    when people sell their votes , either willingly , or due to coercion from local headmen and election agents , then they will get the government that they deserve.

    true democracy can only work with a well educated electorate who vote responsibly in open elections.

    if the voters can be corrupted to vote , then it goes without saying that the leaders will be even more corrupt.

    it is endemic in this country , and everybody who happily pays 100b to the police when they are stopped in a car or without a helmet are just validating the system here. i've done it myself because i was lazy and its easier than going to the station or court.

    endemic corruption has destroyed countries in the past , and it certainly is preventing any real development in this countries political systems , it may yet destroy this country when leaders can make statements like samak , and the only outcry likely to be heard is from foreigners.

    the fact that people here are so accepting of this system and dont organise themselves and rise up against the reviled police and corrupt officials at every level here , shows that they are basically content to live easily under a system that takes all empowerment away from them and gives all that power to those who continually abuse them.

    the corruption is so long standing and endemic here that there probably is no solution to it.

    Yes I do agree. And as stated earlier, this is a beat up by the Thais in power in order to get rid of the competition and anyone else they deam as "ä problem". These summary executions are nothing to do with justice even if you do subscribe to the view that even a dead alleged drug pusher is better than a live one. However, that being said, they just may clean out a few that the world could do without which means some may feel a little safer in their beds at night. There a both pros and cons to this issue, but until Thais stop the use of viloence and murder to resolve individual or state problems, Thailand shall continue to remain on this, and other issues, an uncivilised, child-like, backward society.

    Yes, and I could say, as long as I'm not one of the ones being hunted down like a dog, I am OK Jack.

  17. Now you are accusing the DSI of fitting up the evidence.

    Source for that notion is Carly herself.

    And you're the newbie who has chosen the name of a semi-famous suicidal Qantas pilot as a nick, and have posted only four times, all in this thread. So how do you happen to be an expert on the case?

    Oh really. I thought the source was someone who Carly spoke to in Pai. At least that is your earlier comment.

    I joined up to look at this thread after it was brought up in a bar. I'm a semi expert having read now pages 1 to 75, plus all the stuff on CBC, the Canadian papers and the Nation in Bangkok.

    As you have this info first hand from Carly no doubt you'll be leaping along to the court to testify or is it a case of 'Its more than my jobs worth'.

    Your reference to 'semi-famous suicidal Quantas pilot' is lost on me btw.

    And my last and final point on this thread is this. Two independent witnesses and forensic science have already discredited the police story here. It was clearly made up. It is already established that that Ms C is some sort of 'cookie' I (ie she was figting over a dog) but that is irrelevant to the whole story - that two unarmed innocent people were gunned down by a policeman, who to all intents and purposes was drunk. Sounds like you have some personal issue with this girl.

    Well said, and I agree. What you have said is the bottom line. No matter what these two did or did not do, they did not deserve what they got. Any reasonabe, fair minded, caring and sensible human being would agree with you. But, as I have stated a while ago, we must remember where we are and remember the kinds of beings we are dealing with here. These curs almost always get away with committing the most heinous crimes on there own kind let alone no-count aliens. Just expecting, or asking for justice here will be totally ignored by almost the entire community. The only, repeat, only way to get any semblance of justice and to greatly reduce the continued assaults and murders on western expats and visitors by the cops and some in the general community here is to use retaliatory means. By that I mean western governments have got to stop sitting on their hands and stop thinking they are dealing with reasonable, fair minded, even Christian valued people. They are not. Make the Thai government /economy/police pay the price for murder. They must demand and get their pound of flesh. If western goverments (Canadian in this case) do little or nothing, then you can absolutely expect this sad event to be repeated many, many times over.

  18. It's always controversial to discuss cultural differences, or differences between any groups.

    I've noticed some common self-tardation techniques used to avoid the cognitive dissonance of noticing cultural difference, and to claim that groups are basically the same:

    1) Relax, you think too much.

    2) If it bothers you, go back to where you came from!

    3) Change the subject asap to point to underlying similarities.

    4) Immediately say that there are no groups, there are only individuals.

    5) Reflexively counter with Pavlovian regularity that it's the same in your own culture, or that the differences are a small matter of degree.

    I'm not yet clear on why differences piss people off so much. Are we afraid of insulting another group so badly that we wind up in another ethnic based world war? Or do we feel bad about saying things that might make others feel bad? Or do we dislike our own group being in any way maligned?

    It seems people get extremely squirmy.

    What are your reasons for either liking or disliking talking about cultural differences?

    As much as possible I try to stay clear of these issues because these topics seem to go round in circles with often everyone either intetionally or genuinally misunderstanding each other. The main reason is, if you are talking about Thais in Thailand for example I am beginning to believe that the less educated have no idea about racism or xenophobia but in reality they practice it daily and the better educated are not bothered to know anything about racism or xenophobia and practice it daily. Caucasians are Farang, a word used in every context and thats it. Farang are outsiders, aliens, and don't count. We are in their country at their whim and they will never let you forget it.

    PC Is only useful for Thais when they travel overseas. But, in their homeland you are a worthless Farang and if you go there's plenty more to take your place and they can do what they like to you and you will undoubtedly almost always lose. This observation is based on example upon example over a number of years. I, on the other hand have always been civil and generally respectful to Thais even though for no good reason, on far too many occasions, they have been quite the opposite with me.

  19. Another tragic case of misunderstanding the thai culture. Most short term tourist will only ever see the pleasant thai front (i say front because it is a front). When there is money to be made smiles are abundant and help is at hand.

    I see so many young attractive - and often scantily clad - young ferang tourists wondering around pattaya and often off the beat and track. They obviously feel undualy safe due to being fed the wrong image of thailand - esp pattaya.

    I feel the respective embassys have blood on their hands in these often tragic occurences due to their policy of hiding or downplaying serious crime against foreigners in thailand.

    I hope this girl recovers

    I couldn't agree more. Exactly why is it that western governments and their embassies here through their inaction continue to allow their nationals to get beaten and assulted, mugged, robbed, raped, murdered?

    There must be something in it for them to do nothing about it. Nobody does nothing for nothing.

    What's the pay off? Money? Prostitutes? Drugs? Contracts? Trade? Free holidays

    Whatever it is it must be worth far more than the lives of umpteen Brits, Canadians, Aussies,Yanks.

    If they really wanted to stop it they could. I can think of a dozen effective ways to bring an almost immediate halt to pitiful treatment that far too many people are experiencing. No one deserves to be murdered or raped or otherwise terribly treated, no one!

  20. If the reports so far are correct then it sounds like this guy was the unfortunate victim of a silly mistake.

    Firing guns in public places is far from a "silly mistake". In fact it is a very serious crime in most countries.


    Couldn't agree more. But, please remember where you, sorry, we are. Westeners don't count. Their out-siders, aliens, freaks. Ripping-off, discriminating, abuseing (both racially and physically), blaming, etc., etc, oh yes and killing them are national sports (fostered by the powers that be) that almost the entire nation is in on, in one form or another, at one level or another. If you think I'm a little over the top just review this site and you'll get the picture.

    These killing/murders will only stop when western governments do what any Thai government would do in an instant. Complain bitterly, play the racist card, act the victim well, and above all, retalliate in true tit for tat face saving vengeful fashion through visa/travel restrictions, trade/investment sanctions, etc. Generally make the west pay dearly, very dearly indeed. Until then, expect more of the same.

  21. <br />Condo prices right now are absolutely insane while renting a condo is very cheap. Doesn't look like a good investment to me.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    So if i told you i bought four condos at 1.2 million each and rent all of them out at 14-15000 baht per month and they now DO sell for between 1.6 million and upwards would you be surprised?

    I make that a 12% rate of return and service charge is on top of rental. I have not been empty in the last 20 months on any of them with two let until july 2009. My next vacancy will be April this year and I already have a customer waiting who wants a 2 year contract.

    I'd say you were extremely LUCKY. Where were you when I needed you?

    Seriously, your case is rare in the extreme (lucky you). Generally, my best advice to anyone is to keep your money in your pocket or overseas. The market is saturated now, but the prices are still too high. Renters have a very wide choice. Expat numbers in Thailand are a little down. The quality of buildings is generally poor. If things go wrong your're fuc_ked. You will almost certainly never get back what you paid for it (that's assuming you can find a buyer sometime in the future). Then you will have difficulties getting your money back out of the country. If you get kicked out of the country you're fuc_ked. Almost everything is stacked against you. But, if you have money to burn, go ahead, make some Thais' day.

    Look I could go on and on. Yes you COULD be lucky you MIGHT make a buck, but don't bet on it.

    Please do yourself a favour DON'T.

  22. Hey,

    I've been looking aroudn lower Sukhumvit area for a few weeks now and put my eye on the Trendy project in Soi 13.

    I am considering purchasing a unit there and have a few questions in that regards.

    As I understand (through my own research) this is an old part of The Ambassador Hotel which has been renovated. Now I went there today and the renovations does indeed make the building look close to new. HOwever the Mabassador was built in 1966 which in Thai realestate terms is rather long. In Europe buldings stand for hundreds of years but I doubt that's the case here in Thailand.

    Anyone else purchased at the Trendy and worrying about the state of teh bulding 10 years from now?

    Second, in Europe it's common that a bulding has a public debt and the tenants pay down that debt on a monthly basis. I was not made aware of any such debt when I spoke to their sales representative today. Is it possible that Grand Asset Developments paid this debt when they bought the bulding and after their renovations this debt i cleared in the purchasing price of your unit?

    Third, I do like the location and the 5 mill asking price isn't exorbitant to me. Since I am planning to live there myself for a great number of years I do not think it will be a loosing operation. Noonetheless does anyone else have any thoughts about the future price of such an old building let's say 10 years from now?

    My main worry is that it would be impossible to sell as the bulding would be to old.

    I would very much like to hear people's thoughts on one or more of these questions and maybe here from someone who has allready bought there. Are you happy with your purchase or not? and why?

    Looking forward to hearing your replies :o

    Best regards,


    Honestly the best advice I could ever give you is don't buy property in Thailand under almost any circumstances. Everything is stacked against you in almost every respect. And you will almost certainly lose money. However, if you have money to burn and don't care, then throw your money away. This just the kind of person Thais love. Just remember, once the money has left your pocket your no longer considered. Good luck anyhow.

  23. "Her family has been in there," Matheson told CP in an interview. "I phoned his house and his wife's sister answered. They're looting everything he had. His vehicles are gone. There's some man riding around town on his Harley."

    disgusting and callous behaviour if true , but not surprising behaviour.

    if his vehicles are registered in his name , report them as stolen to the police , and keep reporting these events to the international press. i believe that the more that these events are publicised abroad , the more the thai authorities will do to improve things.

    the press here are not slow to report the wrongdoings of foriegners here , a taste of their own medicine will do no harm.

    the worldwide wave of revulsion that resulted when it was reported that thais had looted the belongings of the dead passengers on the lauda air plane that crashed in kanchanaburi years ago was hard for the thais to take.

    the family that are coming over will need help with translation and protocol when dealing with the authorities here.

    lets hope the canadian embassy will help them with that.


    This has probably been covered previously, but what real assistane is the Canadian embassy providing I wonder. Probably not a lot. I'm sure it's wimped-out not wanting the upset the locals.

    You can guarantee if it were the other way round and this (and others) happened in Canada, Thai officials would be demanding reults with retaliatory threats and public demonstrations and the Thai press would have a field day with this whipping up public sentiment and nationalism. The gates of the Canadian embassy in BKK would be torn down in protest. The Canadian government would be falling all over itself to "fix the problem".

    How many more Canadians need to be slaughtered in Thailand before the Canadian goverment says enough is enough and demands immediate justice for all victims and their families.

    I'm sure they would say "we are doing all we can". That's just a cop out.

    Come on Canadian government have some balls. Provide real, meaningful and tangible help to your citizens. Send a message to the Thai government and it's people that these and any future events will not be tollerated and there will be diplomatic, trade and travel consequences. "Hands off Canadian nationals".

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