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  1. Let's see. Speeding. Check. Failure to slow down at the intersection. Check . Reckless driving. Check. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Check. Immature/ narcissistic twenty something youth. Check. Did I miss anything???
  2. Where? This comment could only have come from an old dodger of 75 plus who doesn't get out much ... 555. I'm glad someone asked the question because although there is only one female in the photo, I too asked the same question "Where?".
  3. U-Tapao airport , Pattaya and Jomtien have been suggested as an ideal candidates to host Formula 1 racing. Costs of constructing the racetracks should be considerably cheaper than places like South Korea. There is also chaeap accomodation for the Formula 1 enthusiasts.
  4. "Poole's attempt to discreetly ship the luggage to Bangkok was intercepted by Thai police at Racha Pier, unveiling 165 kilograms of dried cannabis" Only 165 kilograms ... obviously this is for medical purposes. So Mr. Poole may have over reacted to the rumors of cannabis shortges, we all make mistakes. Give Mr. Poole the benefit of the doubt.
  5. The last time I was on a train in Thailand I was stuck in 3rd class because of my lack of planning. If memory serves me right, it was overcrowded and uncomfortable. Can't imaginne how worse it would have been if stuck in a cramped train full of out-of-control narcissistic, self-centered drunks.
  6. Thanks for the link. So according to the artilce he had developed cancer and a heart condition, and by all accounts was looking for medical treatment. Sorry to burst your bubble inspector Eleanor Atkinson, but he won. While he will be waiting for trial he will be treated to 5 star medical treatment at the expense of the UK tax payers.
  7. This individual has to be deported and banned for life regadless of him settling down in Korat with a Thai wife. The blame lies solely with his home country who gave him a passport and allowed him to travel. Exporting your mental misfits is unacceptable. This is German problem not a Thai problem!
  8. "The tourist requested that the ladyboy vacate the vehicle, prompting a fierce response: "Get your own motorcycle," he reportedly suggested." That's not a request ... That's a smart ass insult. Could have smiled and said "excuse me I need to leave". Considering the time of day, the place and the fact that there were a group of lady boys ... not one of the most "street smart" tourists.
  9. "The post detailed how the foreigners got aggressive and brandished a knife before fleeing the scene. Authorities urge the public to stay vigilant, hoping for leads from local residents as they intensify their search for the suspects, reported Thai Newsroom." Talk about sensational article writing. All I saw in the video was a lot of mouth yapping and chest beating. I'm glad I'm not living in Phuket, I don't know how I would get any sleep knowing that these hardened foreign criminals are on the loose ...555.
  10. "Uncooperative from the start, the men attempted to flee into a nearby forest but were unsuccessful. When brought in for questioning, they resisted communication, opting to sing rather than speak English or comply with drug testing. The incident highlights ongoing concerns about traffic safety and foreign compliance with local laws in tourist areas like Phuket" Fine, jail and deport lifetime. These individuals are certified losers and untrainable. A couple of self-centered, arrogrant drug addicts. This is not an issue of tightening regulations regarding traffic safety and foreign compliance with local laws. This is an issue of getting these individuals off the street and out of the country, these individuals do not represent the average law-abiding foreign tourist.
  11. "The incident occurred near Koh Poda Nok, off the Krabi coast, as the vessel was battered by powerful waves, resulting in a significant leak." What powerful waves ??? Looking at the photo of the rescue mission, courtesy of MGR online, I could barely see the waves. Maybe, just maybe, the leakage could be due to poor maintenance. Just saying.
  12. "Steffen admitted to managing two dark web sites with over 5,000 child pornography videos, attracting over 10,000 subscribers and generating illegal earnings estimated at 3.5 million baht. He confessed to beginning this illegal activity after retiring and moving to Thailand." 3.5 million baht for 10,000 subscribers seems to be on the low side. That works out to 350 baht per subscriber. Condisering the content I think 35 million baht, at mimum, would be a more realistic amount. Maybe hiding the money for his retirment from prison. Yes a deviant cnut, but unfortunately a smart one. The worst kind and a danger to society! It takes brains to set up an operation like this.
  13. A 58 year-old professional criminal living illegally in Thailand and commiting crimes. This individual needs to be jailed for a long time and, after his term, deported as a decrepit old man and banned from Thailand for the remaining years of his life. Just deporting him will only result in him coming back and commiting furhter crimes.
  14. Fine, jail, deport. Being an <deleted> is not a medical condition. Send him back to Italy and let him try that stunt in his home country. Thinks he is smarter than everyone. Takes no responsibility for his actions . Looks down at the Thai authorities. Shows no respect to anyone. I don't wnat to see this cr*&p on the beach.
  15. "As the Israeli tourists attempted to intervene, they became embroiled in the dispute." Why? Why? Why? Why are people unable to control their urges to intervene in other people's business. Of all things to get involved in, an all Thai squable about client-stealing. In the video, the Israel tourist looked like an idiot running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. The Israeli emabassy urges their citizens to use caution. How about asking their citizens to use some common sense? I guess that's a big ask, common sense is not that common.
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