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Posts posted by LucyLui

  1. Well I went along yesterday and had an excellent day. I even had a game for a Phuket team who had a few players 'missing in action' in Pattaya on Saturday night! I ended up playing with a guy who used to play with my brother back in the UK - small world.

    What was noticeable was whilst their were hundreds of people there, there were very few spectators who weren't afiliated to one of the teams in some way. If anybody from the organising body is reading this you could really do with a bit of publicity prior to the event. I spoke to over a dozen friends who didn't know it was on, one who lives less than a kilometre from Horseshoe Point.

    There are alot of rugby fans in and around Pattaya, and with a bit of publicity and marketing this could be a really big event.

    This was a comment made by many people. The message has been passed on. Thanks Sweet Chariot

  2. For good Thai food try Baan Suan. Head toward Siam CC from Suk, turn left after the driving range at the cross road and its 1km on your right. Big, open air place. They do home delivery as well.

  3. I've always had a decent cup full from the age of 13 and loved them. They are still going strong and myself & finance are happy with their progress!

    Living in Thailand with big breasts is not easy. I love the clothes in the fashion shops but trying to fasten buttons is not a happy shopping experience. The same with bras, they measure me up but they still don't fit right. I do a big shop when I'm back in the UK. And again with shoes, I'm a UK 7 and stuggle to find nice shoes.

    But I would not change my boobs with plastic surgery even if they eventually reached my belly button. :o

  4. I've read the book and it is very entertaining and I do know this book was written based on a true story. I know of guys, mainly 'long-term' tourists who have had similar experiences and have lost or as you say given away alot of money.

    I have been in go-go bars but I wouldn't go again, I get bored! I have been to the boys go-go shows aswell and they get boring after a while aswell.

  5. We are on a small estate in east pattaya, roughly the same distance from the sukhumvit as the butterfly bar. we are trying to get phone lines installed but to no avail.

    I have a plug in mobile phone conection which is OK but very slow. My friend had a satalite system and was paying 1500 baht per month and he always had problems.

    Can anyone reccomend what they consider to be the best system now available to get the fastest internet. I have been told there are no wireless connections nearby but I may be wrong.

    Someone mentioned having a big super duper satallite dish and having our own wireless connection from that. We would share the costs between the six houses on the estate and the estate is 100m long so therefore 50m from where any device would be placed.

    I am no computer expert but any advice would be welcome.

    Cost is not really an issue, within reason

    We are a similar distance from sukhumvit but nearer the croc farm. We had TOT install a phone line about 10 months ago. Cost around 7,000 for them to do it and 1,000 a month for the internet at 1mb. Download speed is about 660kbps, upload 350kbps. Have a few problems with connection but nothing too fustrating.

  6. I hope somebody can help me with this. I have lived here for 3 years with the correct visa but my sister is coming over in December from UK and travelling on to Singapore in January. The problem she has is she arrives in Thailand on 3rd December and has a flight ticket out of Singapore on 15th January. While she is here in Thailand she wants to go to Cambodia but I am worried she will get either not be allowed into Thailand or get stuck in Cambodia as she doesn't have travel docs leaving Thailand. As she is a travelling student she wants to be legal but the cheapest way possible.

    Thanks for your time.

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