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Posts posted by Ned

  1. All I can say is that you guys are either loaded or broke.......and perhaps super generous... 'What's mine is yours and what's yours in mine".......Indeed.

    Don't tell you haven't got a secret bank account somewhere....'cause I'm pretty sure your partner has. Sorry fellas but TIT.

  2. When my good woman finds anything in the local press involving farangs she always fills me in on the story. I would guess that even in the Thai press most stories involving farang would go unreported but even then it's very obvious that the English language press nowadays seems to completely stay away from nasty things that happen to foreigners here. Must be a govt directive wouldn't you say?

  3. I live in a village in Chiang Mai, a province so far spared a red zoning for bird flu and the place is crawling with chickens. So far I haven't heard of any dying of the flu but then again if any did I'm sure the locals wouldn't tell anyone anyway, much less move to cull any survivors. The villagers also raise hundreds and hundreds of pigs right next to their houses and these filthy creatures are tied up in small pens and lie around in puddles of shit and urine. Chickens spend a fair bit of their time mingling with the pigs, jumping up on their backs and pecking around in the pig pens looking for scraps. The stench of pig shit is a constant annoyance to those people not raising pigs themselves (a small minority) but as the headman has pigs there is nothing these people can do. In addition more and more pigs are being raised as the profits from village whisky production is dropping dramatically since the imposition of a taxing regime.

    The point of all this is a fear I have in the wake of the discovery of the bird virus in cats that the virus will make the easier genetic jump to the pigs. THese are expensive animals and all attempts will be made by the villagers to cover it up leading to a potentially very dangerous health situation indeed. Do you agree?

  4. As usual the same old confusion with things official!

    Djinn reckons an International License is needed to avoid any written tests....a national license (in my case from Australia) is not enough and I'll have to spend hours there being told in Thai how to drive safely and then have to do a written test.

    Maejo Man reckons that a license from" a recognised country, not Botswana" plus the colour test and other documents, is all you need to get a license on the spot....ie no lecture and tests.

    Sounds like which registry you apply in is the important factor here, doesn't it?

    I wonder what the story is up here in Chiang Mai. Looks like I'm going to have to pay the registry here a visit.

  5. To Lovecam, the diabetic: The medical examination consisted only of reading my blood pressure and a doctor listening to my heart.

    To Oldfart: I'm Australian and it was my first Retirement Visa application. All i needed was a letter from the bank and the health certificate. I was asked about my sources of income abroad and also my educational qualifications. No proof of such was asked for. I'm sure that being able to speak Thai and having a uni degree helped my cause as I got the visa sorted out in less than an hour. Now I only have to report back every 90 days to confirm my current address.

  6. Doc, I suppose I was just wondering why all these farang are getting so nervous about changes which have yet to be officially announced. .....unless I've missed something in which case I'd appreciate it if someone could fill me in on what changes are really and truly going to come into force next July. Not rumours of doubled funds required in bank accounts and suchlike but comfirmed changes.

  7. Doc Patpong, The medical certificate was required for a Retirement Visa. I turned up at Immigration in Chiang Mai with one from a doctor at a clinic but was sent away to the nearest hospital to get one from them instead. There they took my blood pressure and a doctor listened to my heart before handing over the certificate.

    I was told that hospital certificates have been required since August.

  8. For what it's worth I suggest not getting all uptight about this topic before the rumoured visa changes of July 2004 are officially outlined. Then if the feared new regulations are such that they threaten your continued residence here, you'll have to work out what best to do under the new rules. I've been here now almost 3 years, not a real long time I know, but at least long enough to have seen other rumoured, draconian "new visa regulations" come and disappear without trace. Why don't we wait and see what the government has in stall for us .......officially....before getting all upset about it and encouraging writers like Khun to have fun stirring people about their coming, feared forced exodus.

  9. I turn 50 in January and plan to get Retirement status here . I have the funds required (800,000 baht) sitting in an Australian bank ready to be transferred to a Thai bank . My question is as follows: When I visit the Thai consul in Perth at the end of this month to get a non imm O, what sort of paperwork will he want to see? ........or will I only need this proof later in Thailand when I change my non imm visa into a Retirement Visa?


  10. Greetings everyone and hopefully you backed the winner of the Melbourne Cup today. Can anyone with experience of the Thai consul in Perth tell me if one day there is long enough to get a non imm visa issued. I know now that the office is open only on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Cheers.

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