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Posts posted by not5150

  1. not5150, did they have an Audi MTM setup there? I haven't been able to get over to the show myself but I'm glad it's over at Impact instead of Bitec... Speaking of Audi, EvilDrSomkid are you in town with the S6? PM me if you wanna go up to the show - though my schedule is bombed this week I'll try to make some time if I can - otherwise not5150's videos will have to do :(

    Honestly, I don't know if an Audi MTM was there .... I did see several Audis in the area, but was only really paying attention to the girls. Speaking of which, here are two more clips.

  2. I find it fascinating that people are harping on the journalists breaking the law. Fact of the matter is that you cannot cover Burma by entering the country legally. If you are embedded with the Karen rebels, then you must cross into Burma through the jungle and come back through the jungle.

    I worked with John during the Red Shirt protests As others have said, he's a courageous and talented videographer.

  3. Hanger talk is awesome ... go to an air field and there's bound to be people working on their planes or milling about. Military folks are a hoot because they'll give you all these stories about flying into flak and seeing SAM missiles flying by the windshield.

    A previous poster talked about visibility and he has a valid point. It pretty much sucks in Thailand with all the moisture in the skies, you also have high chances of storms in the area (especially monsoon season). I guess I'm spoiled flying in Southern California because we often have unlimited visibility with crystal blue skies.

    I really want to take up gliding... sounds like a lot of fun.

  4. I'm certified FAA instructor and pilot here in the United States. I've also taken some lessons at the flying club near Pattaya.

    If you are interested in learning how to fly as a hobby, then Thailand would be an OK place to learn. However, the license won't automatically transfer to your home country and you've got to be extremely careful about your instructors' credentials and the airworthiness of any planes.

    If you are interested in learning to fly professionally, then the United States is probably the best and cheapest place to learn. People from all over the world come here to learn how to fly. hel_l, I've had Japanese and European students come over on summer vacation and get their private and commercial licenses in an all-out 2 month flying binge.

    Commercial pilot instruction - don't do it in Thailand... just don't. Go to the US.

    All of that aside, just learning how to fly is a big commitment. I estimate less than half the people who start end up completing the private pilot cert. Expect to pay $10K+ for private pilot instruction in the USA. Probably $15K+ in Thailand, but there's probably other people on this board who can give more accurate numbers on Thailand costs.

    If you decide to go through with it ... let us know when you first solo the plane :o Nothing and I mean nothing beats that first landing without an instructor.

    Almost all flight schools offer a 'demo ride' - something that some people call 'the crack pipe ride'. It's usually an hour - hour and a half ride with an instructor to familiarize yourself with the school. Might be worth checking out if you're close to an airport with a flight school.

  5. This might be the same guy I wrote about back on April 14th. Text pasted from the Secrets Pattaya forums


    I was walking back to the Secrets Hotel after taking all those Songkran pics and this Middle-Eastern looking guy asks me if I know of a good sushi restaurant in town. I tell him no, but that he could try the Royal Garden mall for passable sushi.

    Him – “I’m trying to find the best sushi in town. The best I’ve had was in Singapore.”

    Me – “Don’t know sorry.. probably can’t find good sushi here.”

    Him – “I’m from Dubai, where are you from?”

    Me – “America”

    Him – “What’s the exchange rate for dollars now?”

    Me – “About 31 to 1”

    He takes out his wallet… opens it up and it’s stuffed – three-quarters of an inch thick - with dollars and other currency.. but all small bills. One of the bills is a 100 baht note.

    Him – “What is the highest bill in Thailand?”

    Me – “I think it’s a 1000 baht… but I’m not sure”

    Him – “What color is it? Is it like this one?” – points to the 100 baht note

    Me – “Well the 500 is almost the same color as that one.”

    Him – “Can you show me a 500 so I can compare?”

    That’s when I told him no thanks and I walked away. My spider-senses were tingling the whole time… it just didn’t feel right, but maybe I’m being too paranoid. Maybe he truly didn’t have a clue … but I was thinking that someone was going to pickpocket me right there while I was focused on the wallet.

    Anyone else ran into the guy? This happened at the corner of 2nd and South Pattaya Road.


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