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Posts posted by ozsamurai

  1. I spent alot of time on this forum before moving here, listening to all you talk about how much was needed for a 'resonable lifestyle'. Its all subjective, I have found that 30,000 is ample for me and my other half. I live in Khlong Toey, very central, studio apartment, including cable TV, air con, gym and internet. Close to MRT and BTS, minutes walk from Tops, Foodland,Tesco and Carrefour. We go out for a slap up meal every week usually, choosing to stay away from 'farang slanted' prices. The rest of the time, we cook simple stuff or buy off the street. Petrol for the bike is no more than 300baht. I get a thai massage every week without fail, 200 an hour. I study Thai, learn guitar, and all the normal things that I would do in the West. I am lucky if I go through the 30,000 a month, in fact more times than not I have 10,000 left over! I can't understand why this is unusual, its a sad thing that we in the West always tend to want to live beyond our means, and then complain about the debt and cost of it......

  2. My g/f and I have a 5 day break at the end of this month, and are looking to have a domestic holiday. We're just stuck for ideas!! North would be good we feel, but what to do, where to stay?? We are on a budget of under 1000BHT a day for accomodation, so I thought I'd throw it to the forum, to see if anyone can tell me where to go!!

    Things we are not into, temples, beaches or Disneyland!!

    Would love to hear what is out there for us to check out

  3. OK, lets see if any MYTHBUSTERS are reading here. A few months back I was having a beer in a pub in Manila, I got chatting to the guy on the next table. The conversation turned to foreigner land ownership in the Philippines, which is similar to that in LOS, wifes name etc.... Anyway, he says he found a work around, being that he secured a mortage loan for his land from the Royal Bank of Scotland, who also trade in the Philippines. They of course for their fee, secure the title for the land in the purchasers (farang) name as any bank would, and hold the title in escrow until the loan is payed off which it never is. His story goes, he subsequently paid of all but 1 peso of his loan, deposited that peso in the RBS in the Isle of Mann, under his name of course. In the event of his death, the loan gets paid out, the will kicks in and off we go. If all goes haywire, he sells, money comes back to him not potentially goldigging wife. So now, could this fly in LOS? A foreign bank trading here etc.... any Mythbusters here??? We hadn't had that many beers and he actually had done this in the Phils......hmmmm food for thought.

  4. Being from Melbourne, and having enjoyed some of the best pizza there is to have in this world has left me spoit I'm sure. But recently I got a craving for pizza, dug up an old thread here, determined through all opinon that Bangkok Pizza was the way to go. Jumped a cab in the pouring rain to Soi 24/1, getting some definative directions from some motorcycle taxi guys.......its GONE!!!??? website dead, phone not in use??? Did it move?

    So I am begging the forum, as one pizza lover to others, where can I get a decent pizza?? Please, no American Pizza Company, Pizza Hut, mass produced pancakes.....thin crust, mountains of cheese, mushrooms and ham, enough salami that you don't have to count the slices.... You Aussies know what I mean..... c'mon guys I'm dying here... :o

  5. Post Office Experience.

    Having now had 2 items sent EMS 1 from Australia and 1 from the US, I can say that posting items of value to Thailand is a no no.

    Item 1 USPS, dissappeared without a trace, until insistant mails to USPS finally gave me a telephone number to contact in LOS, a page full of 'its not our problem' phone numbers later, and a threatening wife, we found it in he backblocks of the parcel room, gathering dust.

    Item 2 EMS, A box of personal effects, which included our wedding rings. They made me go down, open the thing up in front of them, then they determine (with the same fair and just system the men in brown use) what your things are worth, then slug you with MAJOR import tax. I could have bought our rings again for the amount they took from me in 'tax'

    Oh and I forgot this one

    My HDD broke, Western Digital, Made in Thailand. For repair/replacement it had to be sent to Singapore!! When it was returned, you guessed it 'VAT tax' had to be paid or they would not deliver it. So I payed double VAT on the drive as well as the postage costs... nice service WD. duh! FedEx.....

    Everyone is so busy dipping their hands in your pockets nothing gets done in an efficient manner.... gotta love it!!

    Wait until you come here, send money, but dont trust posting stuff, FedEx, UPS, EMS all the same!!

  6. An old one

    God Bless Australia

    In Vietnam things not OK

    Think to self must get away

    So jump on boat and come to Aussie

    "Ah so" I say "what a lovely possie"

    Go quick smart to welfare fella

    he hand me money - I give bank tella

    Welfare say "come here no more"

    "We send you cheque right to your door"

    Six months on dole no longer poor

    Drive around in Commodore

    Write to friends in Vietnam

    Tell em "Come here quick as can"

    Still on welfare (but work on job)

    So get loan from finance mob

    Get pretty smart - know what is good

    Buy big house in Collingwood

    Friends write and tell me 'on their way'

    Can I find them place to stay

    When they arrive with beds I fix

    In just four rooms I get 26!!

    Soon I am banking plenty rent

    Five in backyard live in tent

    All are drawing social money

    Must think Hawke a 'Bloody Bunny'

    With all my friends now living there

    Next door neighbours start to swear

    Tell me he must move away

    I buy his house, with cash I pay

    Now everything is going good

    Soon I own whole neighbourhood

    Open fish shop next to Coles

    make big profit from spring rolls

    get real fat from eating nice

    Sure as hel_l beats bloody rice

    Still on welfare - still gets rents

    Think I buy Mercedes Benz

    Very Happy - real good life

    Bring out girl to make her wife

    Take up hobby call it breeding

    Baby bonus pay for feeding

    Kids need dentist, wife need pills

    we get for free, we pay no bills

    White man good, he pay all year

    To keeping welfare running here

    We thank Australia, dam_n good place

    Too dam_n good for Aussie race

    So if you don't like yellow man

    Plenty room in Vietnam

  7. I would like to find a reputable secondhand car dealer in the Khlong Toey area, if one of these exists in the world?! Or similarly if there is a site anyone can direct me to, along a similar vein to eBay Auctions etc in Thailand. Any help please?


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