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Posts posted by happyaussie

  1. Like all addicts he probably started as a casual user, became addicted and had to sell to maintain his addiction.

    ICE is the most addictive of drugs and from what I understand most comes from Cambodia and Burma.

    I agree, he was stupid to do this and I do not condone drug use. But I also feel sorry for the man who obviously got himself on a treadmill he couldn't get off.

    I also wonder where all this drug use came from. I suspect it began as a supply for visiting tourists, going back to the GI's on leave.

    It's also a fact that the increase in crime in Pattaya has a direct link to drugs, especially to ICE. There's an epedemic which is spreading through the entire community. Scary stuff indead.

  2. There is such a huge disparity between salaries for Thais and Westeners. The only way the average Thai family could visit a tourist attraction is by being charged a "local Thai" rate. Then you've got the run of the mill workers. Many don't even get a salary and others 3000bht per month. Yes, there are the lucky few who do rather well. But the vast majority are scratching a living.

    With this said. I have no problem having a Thai local rate and one for farang.

    We all know London cabbies are the best in the world, and expensive. Try going to Sydney. You'd be very lucky if the driver spoke English and in many cases they've only been in the country for a few months. Therefore they have no idea how to get around. And a 20 minute ride will cost approx $40.

    I'm happy with the Baht bus and their fare structure.

  3. It baffles me how many complaints I see about Baht buses. To me it is the most efficent taxi service on earth. Other than 3rd world countries tell me where else I can get such a cheap/efficent taxi service.

    By reading some of the comments above and in previous postings it's no wonder farangs are held in such contempt.

    How about baht buses are removed. What's the alternative?

    These guys have lives to live and bills to pay.

    So remember you are visitors, pay the 10 baht and be happy.

  4. Having lived in Far North Queensland for several years before relocating to Phuket I am seriosuly concerned about the recently reported problems of Box jellyfish. If they get a hold we could say goodby to a lot of tourist $$.

    Here's why; From November to May between the top of Australia down the East coast past Townsville and beyond you will see 1000's of km's of perfect beaches with not one soul on them. People are not permitted to swim in the ocean during this period due to the jellyfish. Even wading along the shoreline is risky. In populated areas councils build stinger proof enclosures for bathers. But even these are not infalible, because a 5m long tenticle breaking off as it brushes against the net can also kill.

    It's a fact, every year in North Quesnsland people die and 1000's get stung. Even a dead one on the beach can cause serious injuries.

    One of their only natural preditors, the Turtle, was pretty well wiped out last century for buttons and combs. Those Turtles that are left are choking to death on plastic bags. Thinking they are jellyfish.

    A scary situation for Phuket and it's envirous.

  5. Is it illegal to busk/perform in walking street. If not, why have a go at the police and why deny someone the right to make a living? I'm sure the mother of the child selling flowers would prefer not to be doing this. But they have to eat. Or as is becoming too wide spread, get a fix. Which no doubt has been exacerbated by visitng farangs, going back to Vietnam war days.

    I also find it annoying, but's that's the way it is. No need to reminisce over the way things used to be. Everything changes, sometimes for the better sometimes for the worse.

    You are a visitor, if you don't like it don't go there.

  6. I for one am not criticising the establishment. I think it's fantastic that this bar exists and good luck to them.

    As a contributor I am well within my rights to lodge my comments. Whatever they may be.

    In my opinion there is not one bar in Thailand that can sustain their business by selling beer at 40bht and top shelf spirits at 100bht a shot.

    The owner must be a very generous benefactor and good on him.

    I am a businessman in Thailand, but my businesses do not include bars. I'm not that crazy.

    I am definitely going to visit and I look forward to downing a bottle of Grey Goose for 2300bht. Same bottle at wholesale costs 2800bht plus taxes????

  7. All I say is be VERY careful. It sounds like a type of partnership arrangement, and going into partnership here in Thailand with people you don't know is a recipe for disaster. One little glitch and your gone.

    Then there's the point that if things begin to boom and the hard work is done the owner will invarably move the goal posts and want a bigger slice of action or boot the operator out for a cheaper option.

    Before committing I'd suggest sitting down and talking to some of the long time bar owners to find out some of the challenges and how best to proceed.

    Hope it works out.

  8. It sounds amazing and I'll definitely visit. But I still can't understand how they can make money selling beers at 40ht.

    I don't know what the cost of one bottle is, but let's assume it's 25bht. That calculates to 15bht gross per bottle. 100 bottles sold leaves 1500bht gross per day. Then deduct wages, rent, electricity and all other overheads. That leaves pre tax profit for the owner.

    All I can say is that as a consumer, yeh hah. I'm just glad it's not my business. CU soon.

  9. Mate do the sums. What is the landed cost of a bottle of Singha? Even if he bought it by the pallet I'm sure he'd go broke selling it at 40bht.

    Maybe he's buying old expired stock.

    Sitting inside in a marble mauselium at 4pm all for the sake of drinking 40bht beer doesn't sound like fun to me.

    I don't mind paying a fair price, sitting outdoors with good service and a nice atmosphere where I can people watch.

  10. Am I right in saying there are two FM radio stations in Phuket 90.5 & 91.5.

    It is great to have these stations, but why do they continuously repeat the same music. Is it because of royalties and their limited budgets only allow them XZY songs.

    Lately I've noticed 90.5 playing cool blues and jazz in the afternoons, very nice. And the easy going DJ's are good also.

    I hadn't heard Sergio Mendes & Brazil 66 for 25 years. Now I hear them every day. Don't get me wrong, I like their music.

    91.5 I find their music hard to get into. Some of those old classic rock songs should only be resurrected every now and then. The strong English accents on the Dj's is also a little strange( no offence lads). It's purely one persons opinion.

  11. I think Thailand is one country where car horn blowing is well within acceptable levels.

    Volume controlls on bars would be great also a device to avoid repetitive music.

    I see bars sitting empty with blarring music and bored girls. All because the volume is keeping people away. If only they'd realise.

  12. Thanks for the heads up. I'll pass on the info.

    My point is, will the average punter go through these sorts of hassles to come here. Or simply go somewhere else.

    It's a shame this happens when most hotels & resorts have empty rooms and businesses are hurting.

    Thanks again.

  13. Guys I wasn't referring to flying out of Phuket. My comments are flying into Phuket in reference to the topic of this thread.

    Just to clarify my point on pricing.

    If you look on most airline website booking engines you will notice price fluctuations of in excess of 3 times their lowest price, for the same seat.

    There will usually always be seats in the most expensive price, but rarely are they available in the cheaper price. That's so the airline can advertise fares to XYZ country for XYZ price. But when you try and book the XYZ fare there are no seats available. However there are plenty of seats in the higher pricing. In fact it's not the budget carriers who are the culrpits here, it's the big boys.

    Some may call it creative marketing. I call it deception, especially when all they need do is have 2 seats at a low price to advertise that price.

    Anyway I just hope the balance between available seats and available hotel rooms is breached.

  14. Correct, this is low season and most businesses are hurting.

    So can someone answer this please? I have friends who want to visit Phuket from Australia in October, but can't get seats on the planes. And yes, they are flexible with their dates. Still little joy, unless of course they accept the block of seats available at 3 times the usual fare. They have plenty of those.

    I have also heard of numerous friends who can't make connections on long haul flights from Europe due to lack of schedules between Bangkok & Phuket.

    There are plenty of hotel rooms and it seems plenty of demand. So why don't the airlines put on extra flights?

    And I am not interested in the stories about how difficult the airline industry is. They whinge about oil increases, but it's all passed onto the consumer anyway. Has the surcharge decreased since the price of oil dropped, I doubt it.

  15. When will you all get your heads around the fact that 30,000 baht is a huge amount of money for a Thai, even a lowly cop. That amount is insane, and when one of you pays it, everyone pays it because now it's the status quo. However, serves you bloody right for driving pissed out of your heads. Som nom na.

    Oh yeah, now how exactly would someone do that. "Look here you lowly cop. I'm not paying that amount...." Guess what, the balls in the cops court. Yes, if you have a Thai friend or lawyer they maybe able to negotiate but if you don't and don't speak the language I think his options were limited.

    So saying he has begun a status quo is unfair.

    And who said he was pissed out of his head? Another do gooder who knows everything.

  16. Thanks for the feedback everyone. Yes, he was breathalysed and I'm not sure how it was handled etc. Yes, it was a pay and it will go away. The alternative was to be taken to Phuket police station, which apparently is a harder place to negotiate a settlement.

    I come from Australia which has become a Police state. Speed, red light cameras & booze buses EVERYWHERE. And the governments and do gooders say it's for the safety of the people, that's BS. It's purely revenue raising.

    I'd hate to see Thailand go in that direction. Phukets a tough place to drive but I'm pretty sure most accidents and deaths are not caused for farangs enjoying a few beers. Suppose there's no money in cracking down on poor driving and unlicensed drivers.

  17. Had a farang mate caught drink driving at the Kamala police check.

    Out of curiosity, what is the standard practice re payment? It cost him 30,000bht. Which to me sounded a lot. Is it automatic deportation if convicted through the courts?

    And yes, he knows he shouldn't have been drinking and driving, and yes, he should have caught a taxi or paid a driver. So please spare me the goodie two shoes replies. What's done is done.

  18. Pizza originated in Naples Italy and it was the italian immigrants who introduced it into the USA.

    Pizza Hut pizzas are no more pizzas than McDonalds are hamburgers. Both are absolute crap. By mentioning Pizza Hut in my opinion you have lost your credibility as a pizza critic.

    There is nothing better than a good italian style pizza and good pizzas don't necessarily have to have multiple toppings. Pepperoni is just one example.

    I'll also add that contributors should be careful when slagging someone elses business. You are playing with peoples livelihoods.

    You were drunk and didn't like the pizza. Okay, so you prefer Pizza Hut. That's your choice. I've had slices a few times and think they are fine. Not the best I've ever had, but head and shoulders above Pizza Hut.

  19. I notice the beautiful nature of Thai people becoming tainted.

    That's a fair-sized generalisation. What do you mean?

    Aplogies Alan it was simply part of an overall assessment on Thailand as a destination. My generalisation was referring to the ever increasing decline in smiling friendly Thai faces, and wais.

    Patong is Phukets number one tourist destination and you won't see many waiters and store keepers happy, smiling and waiing their customers.

    The wonderful values of Thailand are being poluted by the money hungry, dog eat dog values of the west.

    I also don't think the rise in drug taking is helping things.

    Please keep in mind, this is only a generalisation and certainly does not apply to all. In my opinion Thailand is still the most wonderful place on the world and most people are wonderful.

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